195 research outputs found
The role of limestone and dolomite tailings’ particle size in retention of heavy metals from liquid waste
Purpose. The study aims at investigating the role of particle size of mineral tailings derived from limestone, limestone marble, dolomite and dolomitic marble in heavy metal adsorption, in both batch and fixed bed conditions, so as to estimate whether grinding and/or sieving is necessary for their utilization.
Methods. Fractions of different particle size have been studied. Adsorption has been examined in batch conditions from solutions of 5 mg/l Cd, 5 mg/l Pb, 100 mg/l Cu, 100 mg/l Zn, and their mixed solution simulating electroplating wastewater, and also in fixed bed conditions.
Findings. Total Cd and Cu adsorption is achieved on all the mineral fractions, whereas Pb and Zn show a difference up to 20% depending on particle size. Referring to the mixed solution, Cd and Zn adsorption is lower, whereas no significant differences in Cu and Pb adsorption are observed. Adsorption capacity rises up to 0.03 mg/g Cd, 0.60 mg/g Cu, 0.03 mg/g Pb, 0.60 mg/g Zn. In fixed bed conditions, metal adsorption greater than 93% is achieved. Furthermore, leaching not exceeding 4% indicates a good metal retention. Finally, Taguchi method has proven that the particle size effect is not so strong compared to other parameters, including solution concentration and time.
Originality. The particle size of mineral tailings has not yet been investigated as a parameter affecting heavy metal adsorption. Furthermore, heavy metal adsorption has been examined from separate metal solutions and not from a mixed one. The present study aims at contributing to these two research fields.
Practical implications. Τhe differences in adsorption between mineral tailings’ fractions with different particle size are not as high as to make grinding of minerals necessary.Мета. Дослідження впливу розмірів частинок у хвостах збагачення вапняку, вапняного мармуру, доломіту та доломітового мармуру на процес адсорбції важких металів у нерухомому шарі для оцінки доцільності технології подрібнення й/або просіювання в подальшому використанні металів.
Методика. Для виконання досліджень зразки вапняку та доломіту доставлені компанією, що займається виробництвом і продажем готових бетонів, а також кар’єрами у Греції. Хімічний і мінералогічний склад зразків був визначений рентгенівської флуоресценцією (XRF, ARL ADVANT XP), рентгенівської дифракцією (XRD, Siemens D-500) та атомно-абсорбційною спектрометрією (AAS, VARIAN AA240FS). Для дослідження механізму адсорбції були виміряні наступні параметри: рН відповідно до ISO 6588, пористість і питома площа поверхні за допомогою N2-адсорбції (NOVA-2200, версія 6.11) та катіонообмінна ємність (CEC) відповідно до EPA 9081 на основі змішування зразка з надлишком розчину ацетату натрію, в результаті якого потім визначались додані катіони натрію для матричних катіонів. Для сорбційних експериментів були використані окремі розчини, які містять 5 мг/л Cd, 5 мг/л Pb, 100 мг/л Cu, 100 мг/л Zn, отримані з аналітичних стандартних розчинів Fluka. Після сорбційних досліджень зібрані сорбенти були піддані дослідженням вилуговування.
Результати. У процесі досліджень була досягнута повна адсорбція Cd і Cu з усіх мінеральних фракцій, проте до 20% адсорбції Pb і Zn визначалася розмірами частинок. Встановлено, що величина адсорбції Cd і Zn нижче у змішаному розчині, але при цьому даний показник для Cu і Pb залишається без змін. Поглинаюча здатність зростає до 0.03 мг/г Cd, 0.60 мг/г Cu, 0.03 мг/г Pb, 0.60 мг/г Zn. В умовах нерухомого шару досягається до 93% адсорбції металів. Більше того, витік, що не перевищує 4%, свідчить про ефективність вилучення металів. Доведено за методом Тагучі, що вплив розмірів частинок не є настільки значним, щоб не враховувати роль інших параметрів, таких як концентрація розчину і час. Вилуговування іонів металів (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn), що зберігаються на всіх мінералах після адсорбції в періодичних умовах, не перевищує 4% та вказує на те, що вони досить зберігаються на поверхні мінералів. Це є важливим результатом для подальшого використання мінералів у якості субстратів на полігонах.
Наукова новизна. Вперше розміри частинок у хвостах збагачення мінералів розглянуті як параметр, який впливає на процес адсорбції важких металів, при цьому даний процес вивчений також щодо окремих розчинів металів, а не тільки їх суміші.
Практична значимість. Виявленні відмінності у показниках адсорбції для фракцій частинок різного розміру не такі значущі, щоб обумовлювати необхідність їх подрібнення в технологічному процесі.Цель. Исследование влияния размеров частиц в хвостах обогащения известняка, известкового мрамора, доломита и доломитового мрамора на процесс адсорбции тяжелых металлов в неподвижном слое для оценки целесообразности технологии измельчения и/или просеивания в дальнейшем использования металлов.
Методика. Для выполнения исследований образцы известняка и доломита доставлены компанией, занимающейся производством и продажей готовых бетонов, а также карьерами в Греции. Химический и минералогический состав образцов был определен рентгеновской флуоресценцией (XRF, ARL ADVANT XP), рентгеновской дифракцией (XRD, Siemens D-500) и атомно-абсорбционной спектрометрией (AAS, VARIAN AA240FS). Для исследования механизма адсорбции были измерены следующие параметры: рН в соответствии с ISO 6588, пористость и удельная площадь поверхности с помощью N2-адсорбции (NOVA-2200, версия 6.11) и катионообменная емкость (CEC) в соответствии с EPA 9081 на основе смешивания образца с избытком раствора ацетата натрия, в результате которого затем определялись добавленные катионы натрия для матричных катионов. Для сорбционных экспериментов были использованы отдельные растворы, содержащие 5 мг/л Cd, 5 мг/л Pb, 100 мг/л Cu, 100 мг/л Zn, полученные из аналитических стандартных растворов Fluka. После сорбционных исследований собранные сорбенты были подвергнуты исследованиям выщелачивания.
Результаты. В процессе исследований была достигнута полная адсорбция Cd и Cu из всех минеральных фракций, однако до 20% адсорбции Pb и Zn определялась размерами частиц. Установлено, что величина адсорбции Cd и Zn ниже в смешанном растворе, но при этом данный показатель для Cu и Pb остается без изменений. Поглощающая способность возрастает до 0.03 мг/г Cd, 0.60 мг/г Cu, 0.03 мг/г Pb, 0.60 мг/г Zn. В усло-виях неподвижного слоя достигается до 93% адсорбции металлов. Более того, утечка, не превышающая 4%, свидетельствует об эффективности извлечения металлов. Доказано по методу Тагучи, что влияние размеров частиц не является настолько значительным, чтобы не учитывать роль других параметров, таких как концентрация раствора и время. Выщелачивание ионов металлов (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn), сохраняющихся на всех минералах после адсорбции в периодических условиях, не превышает 4% и указывает на то, что они достаточно сохраняются на поверхности минералов. Это является важным результатом для дальнейшего использования минералов в качестве субстратов на полигонах.
Научная новизна. Впервые размеры частиц в хвостах обогащения минералов рассмотрены как параметр, оказывающий влияние на процесс адсорбции тяжелых металлов, при этом данный процесс изучен также в отношении отдельных растворов металлов, а не только их смеси.
Практическая значимость. Выявленные различия в показателях адсорбции для фракций частиц различного размера не столь значимы, чтобы обусловливать необходимость их измельчения в технологическом процессе.The present study did not originate under any of project and no funding was raised for research. However, we would like to thank especially Professor Angeliki Moutsatsou and the personal of the Laboratory of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the Chemical Engineering School in the National Technical University of Athens for their various support during the experimental work required for the successful realization of the present study
Synergistic Sintering of Lignite Fly Ash and Steelmaking Residues towards Sustainable Compacted Ceramics
The development of value-added ceramic materials deriving only from industrial by-products is particularly interesting from technological, economic, and environmental point of views. In this work, the synergistic sintering of ternary and binary mixtures of fly ash, steelmaking electric arc furnace dust, and ladle furnace slag for the synthesis of compacted ceramics is reported. The sintered specimens’ microstructure and mineralogical composition were characterized by SEM-EDS and XRD, respectively. Moreover, the shrinkage, apparent density, water absorption, and Vickers microhardness (HV) were investigated at different sintering temperatures and raw material compositions. The characterization of the sintered compacts revealed the successful consolidation of the ceramic microstructures. According to the experimental findings, the ceramics obtained from fly ash/steel dust mixtures exhibited enhanced properties compared to the other mixtures tested. Moreover, the processing temperature affected the final properties of the produced ceramics. Specifically, a 407% HV increase for EAFD and a 2221% increase for the FA-EAFD mixture were recorded, by increasing the sintering temperature from 1050 to 1150°C. Likewise, a 972% shrinkage increase for EAFD and a 577% shrinkage increase for the FA-EAFD mixture were recorded, by increasing the sintering temperature from 1050 to 1150°C. The research results aim at shedding more light on the development of sustainable sintered ceramics from secondary industrial resources towards circular economy
Needle to needle robot-assisted manufacture of cell therapy products
Advanced therapeutic medicinal products (ATMPs) have emerged as novel therapies for untreatable diseases, generating the need for large volumes of high-quality, clinically-compliant GMP cells to replace costly, high-risk and limited scale manual expansion processes. We present the design of a fully automated, robot-assisted platform incorporating the use of multiliter stirred tank bioreactors for scalable production of adherent human stem cells. The design addresses a needle-to-needle closed process incorporating automated bone marrow collection, cell isolation, expansion, and collection into cryovials for patient delivery. AUTOSTEM, a modular, adaptable, fully closed system ensures no direct operator interaction with biological material; all commands are performed through a graphic interface. Seeding of source material, process monitoring, feeding, sampling, harvesting and cryopreservation are automated within the closed platform, comprising two clean room levels enabling both open and closed processes. A bioprocess based on human MSCs expanded on microcarriers was used for proof of concept. Utilizing equivalent culture parameters, the AUTOSTEM robot-assisted platform successfully performed cell expansion at the liter scale, generating results comparable to manual production, while maintaining cell quality postprocessing
Experimental study of mercury removal from exhaust gases
An initial study has been made of the use of synthetic zeolites for mercury capture from exhaust gases. Synthetic zeolites (Na-X and Na-P1), and for comparison a natural zeolite (clinoptilolite) and activated carbon with bromine (AC/Br) were tested for mercury uptake from a gaseous stream. The materials were subjected to mercury adsorption tests and their thermal stability was evaluated. The untreated synthetic zeolites had negligible mercury uptake, but after impregnation with silver, the adsorption of mercury was markedly improved. The synthetic zeolite Na-X impregnated with silver adsorbed significantly more mercury before breakthrough than the activated carbon impregnated with bromine, indicating the potential of zeolite derived from coal fly ash as a new sorbent for capture of mercury from flue gases
Preliminary molecular genetic analysis of the Receptor Interacting Protein 140 (RIP140) in women affected by endometriosis
BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is a complex disease affecting 10–15% of women at reproductive age. Very few genes are known to be altered in this pathology. RIP140 protein is an important cofactor of oestrogen receptor and many other nuclear receptors. Targeting disruption experiments of nrip1 gene in mice have demonstrated that nuclear receptor interacting protein 1 gene (nrip1), the gene encoding for rip140 protein, is essential for female fertility. Specifically, mice null for nrip1 gene are viable, but females are infertile because of complete failure of mature follicles to release oocytes at ovulation stage. The ovarian phenotype observed in mice devoid of rip140 closely resembles the luteinized unruptured follicle (LUF) syndrome that is observed in a high proportion of women affected of endometriosis or idiopathic infertility. Here we present a preliminary work that analyses the role of NRIP1 gene in humans. METHODS: We have sequenced the complete coding region of NRIP1 gene in 20 unrelated patients affected by endometriosis. We have performed genetic association studies by using the DNA variants identified during the sequencing process. RESULTS: We identified six DNA variants within the coding sequence of NRIP1 gene, and five of them generated amino acid changes in the protein. We observed that three of twenty sequenced patients have specific combinations of amino-acid variants within the RIP140 protein that are poorly represented in the control population (p = 0.006). Moreover, we found that Arg448Gly, a common polymorphism located within NRIP1 gene, is associated with endometriosis in a case-control study (59 cases and 141 controls, p(allele positivity test )= 0.027). CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that NRIP1 gene variants, separately or in combinations, might act as predisposing factors for human endometriosis
Scale-up of an intensified bioprocess for the expansion of bovine adipose-derived stem cells (bASCs) in stirred tank bioreactors
Cultivated meat is an emerging field, aiming to establish the production of animal tissue for human consumption in an in vitro environment, eliminating the need to raise and slaughter animals for their meat. To realise this, the expansion of primary cells in a bioreactor is needed to achieve the high cell numbers required. The aim of this study was to develop a scalable, microcarrier based, intensified bioprocess for the expansion of bovine adipose-derived stem cells as precursors of fat and muscle tissue. The intensified bioprocess development was carried out initially in spinner flasks of different sizes and then translated to fully controlled litre scale benchtop bioreactors. Bioprocess intensification was achieved by utilising the previously demonstrated bead-to-bead transfer phenomenon and through the combined addition of microcarrier and medium to double the existing surface area and working volume in the bioreactor. Choosing the optimal time point for the additions was critical in enhancing the cell expansion. A significant fold increase of 114.19 ± 1.07 was obtained at the litre scale in the intensified bioprocess compared to the baseline (**p < .005). The quality of the cells was evaluated pre- and post-expansion and the cells were found to maintain their phenotype and differentiation capacity
Estrogenic botanical supplements, health-related quality of life, fatigue, and hormone-related symptoms in breast cancer survivors: a HEAL study report
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It remains unclear whether estrogenic botanical supplement (EBS) use influences breast cancer survivors' health-related outcomes.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined the associations of EBS use with health-related quality of life (HRQOL), with fatigue, and with 15 hormone-related symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats among 767 breast cancer survivors participating in the Health, Eating, Activity, and Lifestyle (HEAL) Study. HRQOL was measured by the Medical Outcomes Study short form-36 physical and mental component scale summary score. Fatigue was measured by the Revised-Piper Fatigue Scale score.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Neither overall EBS use nor the number of EBS types used was associated with HRQOL, fatigue, or hormone-related symptoms. However, comparisons of those using each specific type of EBS with non-EBS users revealed the following associations. Soy supplements users were more likely to have a better physical health summary score (odds ratio [OR] = 1.66, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.02-2.70). Flaxseed oil users were more likely to have a better mental health summary score (OR = 1.76, 95% CI = 1.05-2.94). Ginseng users were more likely to report severe fatigue and several hormone-related symptoms (all ORs ≥ 1.7 and all 95% CIs exclude 1). Red clover users were less likely to report weight gain, night sweats, and difficulty concentrating (all OR approximately 0.4 and all 95% CIs exclude 1). Alfalfa users were less likely to experience sleep interruption (OR = 0.28, 95% CI = 0.12-0.68). Dehydroepiandrosterone users were less likely to have hot flashes (OR = 0.33, 95% CI = 0.14-0.82).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our findings indicate that several specific types of EBS might have important influences on a woman's various aspects of quality of life, but further verification is necessary.</p
Scientific, sustainability and regulatory challenges of cultured meat
Producing meat without the drawbacks of conventional animal agriculture would greatly contribute to future food and nutrition security. This Review Article covers biological, technological, regulatory and consumer acceptance challenges in this developing field of biotechnology. Cellular agriculture is an emerging branch of biotechnology that aims to address issues associated with the environmental impact, animal welfare and sustainability challenges of conventional animal farming for meat production. Cultured meat can be produced by applying current cell culture practices and biomanufacturing methods and utilizing mammalian cell lines and cell and gene therapy products to generate tissue or nutritional proteins for human consumption. However, significant improvements and modifications are needed for the process to be cost efficient and robust enough to be brought to production at scale for food supply. Here, we review the scientific and social challenges in transforming cultured meat into a viable commercial option, covering aspects from cell selection and medium optimization to biomaterials, tissue engineering, regulation and consumer acceptance
Stress and breast cancer: from epidemiology to molecular biology
Stress exposure has been proposed to contribute to the etiology of breast cancer. However, the validity of this assertion and the possible mechanisms involved are not well established. Epidemiologic studies differ in their assessment of the relative contribution of stress to breast cancer risk, while physiological studies propose a clear connection but lack the knowledge of intracellular pathways involved. The present review aims to consolidate the findings from different fields of research (including epidemiology, physiology, and molecular biology) in order to present a comprehensive picture of what we know to date about the role of stress in breast cancer development
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