7 research outputs found
The Enlighten Campinas Program : the construction of an intersectoral and interinstitutional policy to confront violence as a social problem
A inclusão da temática violência na agenda da promoção da saúde demanda a reorientação nas linhas de cuidado do sistema de serviços e a consolidação de ações voltadas para indivíduos e coletividades, em uma perspectiva de trabalho intersetorial, multidisciplinar, integrado e em redes que contemple a reorganização das práticas para acolher esta questão como um determinante de saúde. O objetivo deste artigo é compartilhar a experiência da implementação do Programa Iluminar Campinas – uma política local de promoção da saúde de um município de grande porte –que articulou o setor saúde em uma ampla rede intersetorial e interinstitucional para ofertar cuidados às pessoas que sofreram violência. As perspectivas teóricas do estudo foram o Construcionismo Social e a Teoria Ator Rede (TAR) e a metodologia envolveu a análise de documentos, entrevistas e observações de eventos do Programa Iluminar.Including the issue of violence in the health promotion agenda requires restructuring health services to incorporate violence into the front lines of care and consolidate individual and collective measures from an intersectoral, multidisciplinary and integrated standpoint, within networks that reorganize practices and embrace this issue as a key determinant of health. The aim of this article is to share the experience of implementing the Enlighten Campinas Program – a local endeavor to promote health in a large city – which amalgamated the health sector into a wide intersectoral and interinstitutional network to provide care to victims of violence. The theoretical approaches used were Social Constructionism and the Actor-Network Theory (ANT) and the methodology involved analyzing documents, a field diary, interviews and observations of Enlighten Program events
Aborto provocado: redução da frequência e gravidade das complicações. Consequência do uso de misoprostol? Artificial abortion: is reduction in the frequency and severity of complications a result of the use of misoprostol?
OBJETIVOS: verificar a frequência e a gravidade das complicações por abortos provocados e suas possíveis associações com o uso de misoprostol. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal. Durante dez meses aplicou-se uma lista de verificação (critérios da World Health Organization) a todas as 543 mulheres internadas por aborto em dois hospitais na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo. Àquelas classificadas como aborto possível, provável ou certamente provocado foi aplicado também um questionário. RESULTADOS: dentre todas as mulheres internadas, 259 (48%) foram classificadas como aborto possível, provável ou certamente induzido e responderam ao questionário; 25 mulheres declararam a indução do aborto e, destas, nove referiram uso de misoprostol. Complicações infecciosas e hemorrágicas ocorreram respectivamente em 10% e 13% das 259 mulheres. As que usaram misoprostol se complicaram menos que as que usaram outros métodos, porém essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa, talvez pela baixa freqüência de complicações. CONCLUSÕES: os dados mostram redução da freqüência e da gravidade das complicações do aborto, mas não permitem avaliar o papel do misoprostol.OBJECTIVES: to ascertain the frequency and severity of complications resulting from artificial abortions and their possible association with the use of misoprostol. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was carried out. For ten months, a checklist (of World Health Organization criteria) was applied to all 543 women admitted to hospital for abortion at two hospitals in the city of Campinas, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Those classified as having a possibly, pro-bably or certainly artificial abortion were asked to fill in the questionnaire. RESULTS: of all the women admitted to hospital, 259 (48%) were classified as possibly, probably or certainly having an induced abortion and these filled in the questionnaire; 25 women stated that they had induced the abortion and, of these, nine mentioned the use of misoprostol. Infections and hemorrhaging were complications in 10% and 13% of the 259 women. Those who used misoprostol had fewer complications than those who used other methods, although this difference was not statistically significant, perhaps for reason of the low frequency for complications. CONCLUSIONS: the data show a reduction in the frequency and severity of complications arising from abortion, although it is not possible to point to the use of misoprosol as being responsible for this
Artificial abortion: is reduction in the frequency and severity of complications a result of the use of misoprostol?
OBJECTIVES: to ascertain the frequency and severity of complications resulting from artificial abortions and their possible association with the use of misoprostol. METHODS: a cross-sectional study was carried out. For ten months, a checklist (of World Health Organization criteria) was applied to all 543 women admitted to hospital for abortion at two hospitals in the city of Campinas, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Those classified as having a possibly, pro-bably or certainly artificial abortion were asked to fill in the questionnaire. RESULTS: of all the women admitted to hospital, 259 (48%) were classified as possibly, probably or certainly having an induced abortion and these filled in the questionnaire; 25 women stated that they had induced the abortion and, of these, nine mentioned the use of misoprostol. Infections and hemorrhaging were complications in 10% and 13% of the 259 women. Those who used misoprostol had fewer complications than those who used other methods, although this difference was not statistically significant, perhaps for reason of the low frequency for complications. CONCLUSIONS: the data show a reduction in the frequency and severity of complications arising from abortion, although it is not possible to point to the use of misoprosol as being responsible for this.OBJETIVOS: verificar a frequência e a gravidade das complicações por abortos provocados e suas possíveis associações com o uso de misoprostol. MÉTODOS: estudo de corte transversal. Durante dez meses aplicou-se uma lista de verificação (critérios da World Health Organization) a todas as 543 mulheres internadas por aborto em dois hospitais na cidade de Campinas, São Paulo. Àquelas classificadas como aborto possível, provável ou certamente provocado foi aplicado também um questionário. RESULTADOS: dentre todas as mulheres internadas, 259 (48%) foram classificadas como aborto possível, provável ou certamente induzido e responderam ao questionário; 25 mulheres declararam a indução do aborto e, destas, nove referiram uso de misoprostol. Complicações infecciosas e hemorrágicas ocorreram respectivamente em 10% e 13% das 259 mulheres. As que usaram misoprostol se complicaram menos que as que usaram outros métodos, porém essa diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa, talvez pela baixa freqüência de complicações. CONCLUSÕES: os dados mostram redução da freqüência e da gravidade das complicações do aborto, mas não permitem avaliar o papel do misoprostol.441447Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP
NEOTROPICAL ALIEN MAMMALS: a data set of occurrence and abundance of alien mammals in the Neotropics
Biological invasion is one of the main threats to native biodiversity. For a species to become invasive, it must be voluntarily or involuntarily introduced by humans into a nonnative habitat. Mammals were among first taxa to be introduced worldwide for game, meat, and labor, yet the number of species introduced in the Neotropics remains unknown. In this data set, we make available occurrence and abundance data on mammal species that (1) transposed a geographical barrier and (2) were voluntarily or involuntarily introduced by humans into the Neotropics. Our data set is composed of 73,738 historical and current georeferenced records on alien mammal species of which around 96% correspond to occurrence data on 77 species belonging to eight orders and 26 families. Data cover 26 continental countries in the Neotropics, ranging from Mexico and its frontier regions (southern Florida and coastal-central Florida in the southeast United States) to Argentina, Paraguay, Chile, and Uruguay, and the 13 countries of Caribbean islands. Our data set also includes neotropical species (e.g., Callithrix sp., Myocastor coypus, Nasua nasua) considered alien in particular areas of Neotropics. The most numerous species in terms of records are from Bos sp. (n = 37,782), Sus scrofa (n = 6,730), and Canis familiaris (n = 10,084); 17 species were represented by only one record (e.g., Syncerus caffer, Cervus timorensis, Cervus unicolor, Canis latrans). Primates have the highest number of species in the data set (n = 20 species), partly because of uncertainties regarding taxonomic identification of the genera Callithrix, which includes the species Callithrix aurita, Callithrix flaviceps, Callithrix geoffroyi, Callithrix jacchus, Callithrix kuhlii, Callithrix penicillata, and their hybrids. This unique data set will be a valuable source of information on invasion risk assessments, biodiversity redistribution and conservation-related research. There are no copyright restrictions. Please cite this data paper when using the data in publications. We also request that researchers and teachers inform us on how they are using the data