735 research outputs found

    RBF neural net based classifier for the AIRIX accelerator fault diagnosis

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    The AIRIX facility is a high current linear accelerator (2-3.5kA) used for flash-radiography at the CEA of Moronvilliers France. The general background of this study is the diagnosis and the predictive maintenance of AIRIX. We will present a tool for fault diagnosis and monitoring based on pattern recognition using artificial neural network. Parameters extracted from the signals recorded on each shot are used to define a vector to be classified. The principal component analysis permits us to select the most pertinent information and reduce the redundancy. A three layer Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network is used to classify the states of the accelerator. We initialize the network by applying an unsupervised fuzzy technique to the training base. This allows us to determine the number of clusters and real classes, which define the number of cells on the hidden and output layers of the network. The weights between the hidden and the output layers, realising the non-convex union of the clusters, are determined by a least square method. Membership and ambiguity rejection enable the network to learn unknown failures, and to monitor accelerator operations to predict future failures. We will present the first results obtained on the injector.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, LINAC'2000 conferenc

    Simultaneous exoplanet detection and instrument aberration retrieval in multispectral coronagraphic imaging

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    High-contrast imaging for the detection and characterization of exoplanets relies on the instrument's capability to block out the light of the host star. Some current post-processing methods for calibrating out the residual speckles use information redundancy offered by multispectral imaging but do not use any prior information on the origin of these speckles. We investigate whether additional information on the system and image formation process can be used to more finely exploit the multispectral information. We developed an inversion method in a Bayesian framework that is based on an analytical imaging model to estimate both the speckles and the object map. The model links the instrumental aberrations to the speckle pattern in the image focal plane, distinguishing between aberrations upstream and downstream of the coronagraph. We propose and validate several numerical techniques to handle the difficult minimization problems of phase retrieval and achieve a contrast of 10^6 at 0.2 arcsec from simulated images, in the presence of photon noise. This opens up the the possibility of tests on real data where the ultimate performance may override the current techniques if the instrument has good and stable coronagraphic imaging quality. This paves the way for new astrophysical exploitations or even new designs for future instruments

    Search for cool giant exoplanets around young and nearby stars - VLT/NaCo near-infrared phase-coronagraphic and differential imaging

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    [Abridged] Context. Spectral differential imaging (SDI) is part of the observing strategy of current and future high-contrast imaging instruments. It aims to reduce the stellar speckles that prevent the detection of cool planets by using in/out methane-band images. It attenuates the signature of off-axis companions to the star, such as angular differential imaging (ADI). However, this attenuation depends on the spectral properties of the low-mass companions we are searching for. The implications of this particularity on estimating the detection limits have been poorly explored so far. Aims. We perform an imaging survey to search for cool (Teff<1000-1300 K) giant planets at separations as close as 5-10 AU. We also aim to assess the sensitivity limits in SDI data taking the photometric bias into account. This will lead to a better view of the SDI performance. Methods. We observed a selected sample of 16 stars (age < 200 Myr, d < 25 pc) with the phase-mask coronagraph, SDI, and ADI modes of VLT/NaCo. Results. We do not detect any companions. As for the sensitivity limits, we argue that the SDI residual noise cannot be converted into mass limits because it represents a differential flux, unlike the case of single-band images. This results in degeneracies for the mass limits, which may be removed with the use of single-band constraints. We instead employ a method of directly determining the mass limits. The survey is sensitive to cool giant planets beyond 10 AU for 65% and 30 AU for 100% of the sample. Conclusions. For close-in separations, the optimal regime for SDI corresponds to SDI flux ratios >2. According to the BT-Settl model, this translates into Teff<800 K. The methods described here can be applied to the data interpretation of SPHERE. We expect better performance with the dual-band imager IRDIS, thanks to more suitable filter characteristics and better image quality.Comment: 19 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in A&A, version including language editin

    beta Pic b position relative to the Debris Disk

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    Context. We detected in 2009 a giant, close-by planet orbiting {\beta} Pic, a young star surrounded with a disk, extensively studied for more than 20 years. We showed that if located on an inclined orbit, the planet could explain several peculiarities of {\beta} Pictoris system. However, the available data did not permit to measure the inclination of {\beta} Pic b with respect to the disk, and in particular to establish in which component of the disk - the main, extended disk or the inner inclined component/disk-, the planet was located. Comparison between the observed planet position and the disk orientation measured on previous imaging data was not an option because of potential biases in the measurements. Aims. Our aim is to measure precisely the planet location with respect to the dust disk using a single high resolution image, and correcting for systematics or errors that degrades the precision of the disk and planet relative position measurements. Methods. We gathered new NaCo data at Ks band, with a set-up optimized to derive simultaneously the orientation(s) of the disk(s) and that of the planet. Results. We show that the projected position of {\beta} Pic b is above the midplane of the main disk. With the current data and knowledge on the system, this implies that {\beta} Pic b cannot be located in the main disk. The data rather suggest the planet being located in the inclined component.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A giant planet imaged in the disk of the young star Beta Pictoris

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    Here we show that the ~10 Myr Beta Pictoris system hosts a massive giant planet, Beta Pictoris b, located 8 to 15 AU from the star. This result confirms that gas giant planets form rapidly within disks and validates the use of disk structures as fingerprints of embedded planets. Among the few planets already imaged, Beta Pictoris b is the closest to its parent star. Its short period could allow recording the full orbit within 17 years.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Published online 10 June 2010; 10.1126/science.1187187. To appear in Scienc

    Deep imaging survey of young, nearby austral stars: VLT/NACO near-infrared Lyot-coronographic observations

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    Context. High contrast and high angular resolution imaging is the optimal search technique for substellar companions to nearby stars at physical separations larger than typically 10 AU. Two distinct populations of substellar companions, brown dwarfs and planets, can be probed and characterized. As a result, fossile traces of processes of formation and evolution can be revealed by physical and orbital properties, both for individual systems and as an ensemble. Aims. Since November 2002, we have conducted a large, deep imaging, survey of young, nearby associations of the southern hemisphere. Our goal is detection and characterization of substellar companions with projected separations in the range 10–500 AU. We have observed a sample of 88 stars, primarily G to M dwarfs, younger than 100 Myr, and within 100 pc of Earth. Methods. The VLT/NACO adaptive optics instrument of the ESO Paranal Observatory was used to explore the faint circumstellar environment between typically 0.1 and 10". Diffraction-limited observations in H and K_s-band combined with Lyot-coronagraphy enabled us to reach primary star-companion brightness ratios as small as 10^(-6). The existence of planetary mass companions could therefore be probed. We used a standardized observing sequence to precisely measure the position and flux of all detected sources relative to their visual primary star. Repeated observations at several epochs enabled us to discriminate comoving companions from background objects. Results. We report the discovery of 17 new close (0.1–5.0") multiple systems. HIP 108195 AB and C (F1 III-M6), HIP 84642 AB (a~14 AU, K0-M5) and TWA22 AB (a~1.8 AU; M6-M6) are confirmed comoving systems. TWA22 AB is likely to be a rare astrometric calibrator that can be used to test evolutionary model predictions. Among our complete sample, a total of 65 targets were observed with deep coronagraphic imaging. About 240 faint companion candidates were detected around 36 stars. Follow-up observations with VLT or HST for 83% of these stars enabled us to identify a large fraction of background contaminants. Our latest results that pertain to the substellar companions to GSC 08047-00232, AB Pic and 2M1207 (confirmed during this survey and published earlier), are reviewed. Finally, a statistical analysis of our complete set of coronagraphic detection limits enables us to place constraints on the physical and orbital properties of giant planets between typically 20 and 150 AU

    Dust disks around old Pre Main-Sequence stars: HST/NICMOS2 scattered light images and modeling

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    We present recent near-infrared detections of circumstellar disks around the two old PMS Herbig stars HD 141569 and HD 100546 obtained with the HST/NICMOS2 camera. They reveal extended structures larger than 350-400 AU in radius. While the HD 100546 disk appears as a continuous disk down to 40 AU, the HD 141569 environment seems more complex, splitted at least into two dust populations. As a convincing example, the full modeling of the disk surrounding HR 4796, another old PMS star, is detailed and confronted with more recent observations.Comment: 6 page

    Direct exoplanet detection and characterization using the ANDROMEDA method: Performance on VLT/NaCo data

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    Context. The direct detection of exoplanets with high-contrast imaging requires advanced data processing methods to disentangle potential planetary signals from bright quasi-static speckles. Among them, angular differential imaging (ADI) permits potential planetary signals with a known rotation rate to be separated from instrumental speckles that are either statics or slowly variable. The method presented in this paper, called ANDROMEDA for ANgular Differential OptiMal Exoplanet Detection Algorithm is based on a maximum likelihood approach to ADI and is used to estimate the position and the flux of any point source present in the field of view. Aims. In order to optimize and experimentally validate this previously proposed method, we applied ANDROMEDA to real VLT/NaCo data. In addition to its pure detection capability, we investigated the possibility of defining simple and efficient criteria for automatic point source extraction able to support the processing of large surveys. Methods. To assess the performance of the method, we applied ANDROMEDA on VLT/NaCo data of TYC-8979-1683-1 which is surrounded by numerous bright stars and on which we added synthetic planets of known position and flux in the field. In order to accommodate the real data properties, it was necessary to develop additional pre-processing and post-processing steps to the initially proposed algorithm. We then investigated its skill in the challenging case of a well-known target, β\beta Pictoris, whose companion is close to the detection limit and we compared our results to those obtained by another method based on principal component analysis (PCA). Results. Application on VLT/NaCo data demonstrates the ability of ANDROMEDA to automatically detect and characterize point sources present in the image field. We end up with a robust method bringing consistent results with a sensitivity similar to the recently published algorithms, with only two parameters to be fine tuned. Moreover, the companion flux estimates are not biased by the algorithm parameters and do not require a posteriori corrections. Conclusions. ANDROMEDA is an attractive alternative to current standard image processing methods that can be readily applied to on-sky data

    Dark-speckle coronagraphic detection of binary stars in the near-IR

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    In this paper, we present the first attempt to obtain images of binary stars in the near IR using the dark-speckle method on the 3.6 m telescope at La Silla. Promising results are presented, despite the effect of the detector high read-out noise affecting the efficiency of speckle observations. We give some comparisons with the long exposure method. We derive in these data a reliable limit of detection for binary star companions, around m_K < 4 stars, which is about Δm_K ≈ 6-7 for angular separations ranging from 0.5" to 0.9"