76 research outputs found

    The actual challenges of financial literacy

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    In our always-evolving world, financial literacy and inclusion are crucial in the development of sustainable welfare and a more transparent and fairer society. We cannot forget that the subprime mortgage crisis of 2008 that has continued across the world to this day has financial illiteracy as one of the most aggravating factors. The main challenge for many consumers worldwide is that the requirements of adequate financial literacy skills have been steadily increasing over time. Individuals have to take a wide range of financial decisions and unfortunately, they sometimes overlook or simply do not know the risk attached with the decisions they are making until it is too late. The main challenges for financial literacy at the micro-level, meso-level, and macro-level are over deference to the financial industry, lack of financial knowledge, overconfidence about financial knowledge, lack of government initiatives, frameworks and regulations, lack of life-cycle planning and interesting and fascinating ways to teach financial literacy skills

    The Care of Elderly People in Vietnam

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    The population ageing as an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of the humanity was considered. It is slow, but persistent and, according to the opinion of the experts, it is irreversible, at least for the next hundred years. Population ageing has a profound impact on economic growth, investment and labor market, the welfare of every citizen of any country. Changes in the structure of the population in terms of aging concerns every person, society, country and the international community. The increase in the number of elderly people determines the necessity of working out new strategies for the stable development of each country in the world. Vietnam is no exception in this case. Population ageing is a contemporary challenge for the worldwide society. It requires the development of the effective strategic and tactic decisions and new systems of care for elder people, aimed at transformation of the population ageing challenges into opportunities, which provide people’s welfare. The main aim of the study is to determine the ways of perfection of the care system of the Vietnamese older people. The methods: system analysis of statistic data about the demographic structure of the Vietnamese population and the morbidity structure of the Vietnamese seniors; situation analyses. The results: specific features and conditions of the system of care of elderly people in Vietnam are studied. The analysis of the main factors that affect the system of care of the older people is conducted. The conclusions and proposals to enhance the system of care of the older people are drawn

    Системы подготовки топлива на угольных ТЭС

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    РЕФЕРАТ Выпускная квалификационная работа 65 с., 12 рис., 16 табл., ____20______источников, 2 прил. Ключевые слова:ШБМ, ТОПЛИВО,УГОЛЬ,ПЫЛЕПРИГОТОВЛЕНИЕ . Объектом исследования является (ются): СИСТЕМЫ ПОДГОТОВКИ ТОПЛИВА НА УГОЛЬНЫХ ТЭС Цель работы – исследовать систему топливоприготовления на пылеугольной ТЭЦ В процессе исследования проводились Системный анализ топливного хозяйства и функциональный анализ В результате расчетов пришли к выводу, что топливоприготовление на буром угле значительно больше отбирает собственных нужд чем на каменном Основные конструктивные, технологические и технико-эксплуатационные характеристики: За основу реальные данный Бийской ТЭЦ Степень внедрения: исследование Область применения: Из-за устаревшего оборудования и износа теплосетей, главная задача проекта улуABSTRACT Final qualifying work 65 p., 12 fig., 16 tab., 20 ____ ______ sources, 2 adj. Keywords: SHBM, fuel, coal, coal pulverization. The object of this study is (are): SYSTEM OF PREPARATION OF FUEL IN COAL TPP Purpose - to investigate toplivoprigotovleniya system for pulverized coal thermal power station The study conduct a systematic analysis of the fuel economy and functional analysis The calculations concluded that toplivoprigotovlenie lignite significantly more seeds of their own needs than stone main constructive, technological and technical and operational characteristics: the basis of the actual active Biysk CHP implementation degree: research applications: due to outdated equipment and depreciation of heating systems, the main objective of the project to improve the quality of heat supply and electrification, instead of obsolete equipment Cost-effectiveness / relevance The study of the efficiency of the work planned for the future reconstruction of Biysk TPP is pulverizing syste

    ECMO assistance during mechanical ventilation : effects induced on energetic and haemodynamic variables

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    Background and Objective: Simulation in cardiovascular medicine may help clinicians understand the important events occurring during mechanical ventilation and circulatory support. During the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant number of patients have required hospital admission to tertiary referral centres for concomitant mechanical ventilation and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Nevertheless, the management of ventilated patients on circulatory support can be quite challenging. Therefore, we sought to review the management of these patients based on the analysis of haemodynamic and energetic parameters using numerical simulations generated by a software package named CARDIOSI

    From lungless salamander to extracorporeal life support

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