10 research outputs found

    Nek1 shares structural and functional similarities with NIMA kinase

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    AbstractThe Aspergillus NIMA serine/threonine kinase plays a pivotal role in controlling entrance into mitosis. A major function attributed to NIMA is the induction of chromatin condensation. We show here that the founder murine NIMA-related kinase, Nek1, is larger than previously reported, and that the full-length protein conserves the structural hallmarks of NIMA. Even though Nek1 bears two classical nuclear localization signals (NLS), the endogenous protein localizes to the cytoplasm. Ectopic overexpression of various Nek1 constructs suggests that the C-terminus of Nek1 bears cytoplasmic localization signal(s). Overexpression of nuclear constructs of Nek1 resulted in abnormal chromatin condensation, with the DNA mainly confined to the periphery of the nucleus. Advanced condensation phenotype was associated with nuclear pore complex dispersal. The condensation was not accompanied by up-regulation of mitotic or apoptotic markers. A similar phenotype has been described following NIMA overexpression, strengthening the notion that the mammalian Nek1 kinase has functional similarity to NIMA

    Codanin-1, the protein encoded by the gene mutated in congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I (CDAN1), is cell cycle-regulated

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    Codanin-1 is a ubiquitous protein of unknown function, encoded by the gene mutated in congenital dyseritropoietic anemia type 1. The findings of this paper show that codanin-1 is active in S-phase of the cell cycle. See related perspective article on page 599

    The cell adhesion gene PVRL3 is associated with congenital ocular defects.

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    We describe a male patient (patient DGAP113) with a balanced translocation, 46,XY,t(1;3)(q31.3;q13.13), severe bilateral congenital cataracts, CNS abnormalities and mild developmental delay. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and suppression PCR demonstrated that the chromosome 3 breakpoint lies ~515 kb upstream of the PVRL3 gene, while the chromosome 1 breakpoint lies ~50 kb upstream of the NEK7 gene. Despite the fact that NEK7 is closer to a translocation breakpoint than PVRL3, NEK7 transcript levels are unaltered in patient DGAP113 lymphoblastoid cells and Nek7-deficient mice exhibit no detectable ocular phenotype. In contrast, the expression of PVRL3, which encodes the cell adhesion protein Nectin 3, is significantly reduced in patient DGAP113 lymphoblastoid cells, likely due to a position effect caused by the chromosomal translocation. Nectin 3 is expressed in the mouse embryonic ciliary body and lens. Moreover, Pvrl3 knockout mice as well as a spontaneous mouse mutant ari (anterior retinal inversion), that maps to the Pvrl3 locus, exhibit lens and other ocular defects involving the ciliary body. Collectively, these data identify PVRL3 as a critical gene involved in a Nectin-mediated cell-cell adhesion mechanism in human ocular development