7 research outputs found

    Development of cutter for printed circuit board using hydraulic principle

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    Cutter was known since long times ago as something that was use to cut the thing into smaller piece. Starting from the usual rock at the rock age till the high technology cutter which was make from the precious and valuable material like diamond at this modern age, the cutter was develop to make our daily life more easier and easier. This project is proposed to design and fabricate a cutter as benefit to cut the printed circuit board, the board which contains cuprum as a trace to connect the electricity current to the electronic component like resistors and capacitors. The printed circuit board was widely used in modern electronic and electric component like radio and computer because it can minimize the space and reduce the manufacturing cost by assemble all electronic components together. The usual way to cut the printed circuit board is by using hand because the sensitive of it. By develop the cutter it will make the way to cut the printed circuit board is more efficient without give the damage to the board. In this project, the main purpose of study is to develop the cutter to make sure the cutter can achieve it objective. Developments of cutter are starting by choosing the right cutter's material then design and finally fabricate the cutter


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    Some cosiderations regarding the management and administration of performance withing public entities. Essentially, the management is nothing else but an upgraded practic experience, incarnated into an assembly of theoretical and logical informations continually developed. The lead is an art that not anyone posess. This is why, as a manager, one has to be a native, to develop a passion of leading, to regard duply the facts, to leave some of the chess playere`s qualities, to understand people. On the other side, the managerial activity within the economic branch, envolves assuming some decisions and administrating public founds by respecting the legitimacy. The motto of every economist has to be the maintenance of a balance, which demands the existance of an interdependence between consumption, available financial means and managerial performances


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    Information asymmetry deals with the study of decisions in transactions where one party has more or better information than the other. This creates an imbalance of power in transactions which can sometimes cause the transactions to go awry. Examples of this problem are adverse selection and moral hazard. Most commonly, information asymmetries are studied in the context of principal-agent problems. In 2001, the Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to George Akerlof, Michael Spence, and Joseph E. Stiglitz "for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information.


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    The notion of “scorecard” brings as an innovation besides the quantification of the performances viewed in financial terms, also the evolution of the efforts made by a company in order to obtain future performances by making use of the internal procedures and of the relations established with the clients and the suppliers. The key-element of this method’s philosophy is that the employees of the organization have to focus on those elements that can be quantified because this reveals the affective implication of the employees and not only the result of some financial rewards. The implementation of this system offers to all managers the possibility to quantify the ways through which their business creates benefits for present and future clients. This also shows them how they can crate and obtain an internal infrastructure, investments into people, and also the necessary procedures in order to improve further performance

    Cardiac Changes in Overweight and Obese Patients

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    Background. Obesity and overweight are two pathologies that are more and more frequent in the XXIst century diagnosis and are causing high morbidity and mortality rates in the general population, especially through cardiovascular complications