29 research outputs found

    Analisis Penguasaan Konsep Awal Fisika Padapembelajaran Menggunakan Model Advance Organizer Berbasis Eksperimen Terhadap Hasil Belajar Fisika

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    This study was aimed to determine the differences between: (1) student\u27s study result of using advance organizer Model and direct instruction model and (2) student\u27s study result who at first have low or highcomprehension in physical concept. (3) The relation between advanceorganizer model and direct instruction model to develop student study interestin physics. This is quasi experimental research which students of secondsemester of grade X SMK N 1 Pantai Labu Deli Serdang as a populationchose random sample of each class. The instrument that is used: (1) test forfirst comprehension of concept (2) test for study result which “DynamicPower” as a basic material. The test is used to obtain the data is form of essay.And the data were collected in essay and analyzed according to ANAVA. Itshows that: (1) there are the different between students\u27 study results that useadvance organizer and direct instruction. (2) There are the differencesbetween students\u27 study results that have low or high skill in advanceorganizer or Direct Instruction class. (3) There is no interaction between theusing learning of advance organizer or direct Instruction and the degree ofconcept comprehension to develop students\u27 study result

    The Effects of Inquiry Training Learning Model and Critical Thingking Ability Toward Science Process Skills of SMA

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    The purpose of research are 1). To know are differences in science process skills of students with the applied of inquiry training learning model and direct instruction learning models, 2). To know are differences in science process skills of students who has high critical thinking ability and the critically low ability, 3). To know the interaction inquiry training learning model and critical thinking ability toward students science process skills. The samples in this research conducted by cluster random sampling and as many as two class , the first class (X-I) as experiment applied Inquiry Training learning model and the second class (X-2) as control class applied Direct Intruction learning model. The instrument used in this research is tests science process skills and critical thinking skills in the form of description and observation sheets science process skills. From these results it can be concluded that: 1) there are differences in students science process skills with applied inquiry training model and direct intruction model, 2) science process skills of students with high critical thinking ability is better than the science process skills of students with the ability to think critically low, and 3) the interaction inquiry training learning model and critical thinking ability toward the science process skills

    Effects of Cooperative Learning Model Type Stad Just-in TIME Based on the Results of Learning Teaching Physics Course in Physics School in Physics Program Faculty Unimed

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    Research was aimed to determine: (1) Students' learning outcomes that was taught with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method and STAD cooperative learning method (2) Students' outcomes on Physics subject that had high learning activity compared with low learning activity. The research sample was random by raffling four classes to get two classes. The first class taught with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method, while the second class was taught with STAD cooperative learning method. The instrument used was conceptual understanding that had been validated with 7 essay questions. The average gain values of students learning results with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method 0,47 higher than average gain values of students learning results with STAD cooperative learning method. The high learning activity and low learning activity gave different learning results. In this case the average gain values of students learning results with just in time teaching based STAD cooperative learning method 0,48 higher than average gain values of students learning results with STAD cooperative learning method. There was interaction between learning model and learning activity to the physics learning result test in student

    Effect of Problem Solving Learning Model and Understanding the Concept of Physics Student Learning Outcomes

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    This research aims to analyze the students\u27 problem solving ability in problem solving model and conventional learning, analyze the students\u27 problem solving ability between the students who have understanding the concept above the average and the students who have understanding below the average, and also analyze the interaction between the learning model and the understanding concept on the students\u27 problem solving ability. This research is quasi experiment. Sample selection was done by using random class technique twice, where the first class was taught problem solving model while the second class was taught conventional learning. The instrument which was used consisted of the tests of problem solving ability and test of understanding the concept. The data in this research was analyzed by using two way anova. The result of this research showed that the students\u27 problem solving ability who was taught problem solving model was better than the students\u27 problem solving ability who was taught conventional, the students\u27 problem solving ability with understanding the concept above the average showed a better result than the students with understanding the concept below the average, and there was an interaction between problem solving model and understanding the concept on the students\u27 problem solving abilit

    Efek Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Dengan Strategi Think Talk Write Dan Kreativitas Ilmiah Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Tingkat Tinggi Siswa SMA Pada Pelajaran Fisika

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis: (1) perbedaan hasbelajar kognitif tingkat tinggi fisika siswa dengan model pembelajaraberbasis proyek dengan strategi think talk write dan pembelajarakonvensional; (2) perbedaan hasil belajar kognitif tingkat tinggi fisika siswayang memiliki kreativitas ilmiah di atas rata-rata dan di bawah rata-rata; dan(3) interaksi antara model pembelajaran dengan tingkat kreativitas ilmiahdalam mempengaruhi hasil belajar kognitif tingkat tinggi fisika siswPenelitian ini merupakan penelitian quasi eksperimen. Sampel dalampenelitian ini dipilih dengan cluster random sampling sebanyak dua kelaInstrumen terdiri dari tes hasil belajar kognitif tingkat tinggi berupa teessay dan tes kreativitas ilmiah. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakanANAVA dua jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajakognitif tingkat tinggi fisika menggunakan model pembelajaran berbasproyek dengan strategi think talk write berbeda dan menunjukkan hasil yanlebih baik dibandingkan dengan pembelajaran konvensional, hasil belajarkognitif tingkat tinggi siswa fisika dengan kreativitas ilmiah di atas rata-rataberbeda dan menunjukkan hasil lebih baik dari siswa dengan kreativitasilmiah di bawah rata-rata, serta terdapat interaksi antara model pembelajaranberbasis proyek dengan strategi think talk write dan kreativitas ilmiah dalammempengaruhi hasil belajar kognitif tingkat tinggi fisika siswa

    Effect of Inquiry Learning Model Training and Critical Thinking Skills on Scientific Knowledge Class X

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    The aims of research were to analize: (1) Student's skill proccess science by using inquiry training learning model better than direct intruction learning model; (2) Student's skill process science who had under average better than above average category in scientific knowledge; and (3) the interaction between learning model and the level of scientific knowledge in fluencing student's skill process science. The research was quasi-experimental research. The population of this research is all of thenth grade students of SMAN 3 Gunungsitoli. The sample of this researchconsist of grade with was taken by cluster random sampling were X2 and X3 class.The research instrument consisted of skill process science essay test and criticalthinking skills test data be analysed by using Two–way ANAVA. Result of theresearch showed that kill of the student science process (1) between inquiry training and direct intruction, where inquiry training better than direct intruction, (2) between group of student in the group of the students scientific knowledgeupon and under of mean, where scientific knowledge upon of mean better then scientific knowledge under of mean, (3) no interaction between inquiry training and scientific knowledge increased skill of student science process

    Photoluminescence of GaSb self-assembled quantum dot layers grown by metalorganic chemical vapour deposition

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    We report results of photoluminescence (PL) of GaSb self-assembled quantum dots grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition on GaAs substrates. We examined the emission from dots with average height of (5 +/- 0.3) nm, width of (38 +/- 2) nm, and density of 1.3 x 1010 cm–2. We found the PL emission from quantum dots at 1.08 eV and from the wetting layer at 1.40 eV. The quantum dot peak energy is almost constant in the temperature range of 10–80 K suggesting that the interdot tunneling effects are insignificant. The emission from quantum dots is thermally more stable than the wetting layer emission. The results are in agreement with those commonly reported for molecular beam epitaxy grown samples