202 research outputs found

    Emil G. Racovitza, científico rumano y explorador antártico

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    Emil G. Racovitza fue el primer explorador rumano en la Antártida y a la vez el fundador de la Bioespeolología en su país. Creó el primer Instituto de Espeolología en el mundo (1920) y fue uno de los más expresivos escritores populares de Rumania. Nació el 15 de noviembre de 1868 en la ciudad de Jassy de la provincia noreste de Rumania, Moldavia. Siguió las escuelas primaria y secundaria en su ciudad natal y entre otros maestros de aquella época, tuvo al paleontólogo Gregorio Cobalcescu3 y al gran escritor de cuentos populares rumanos, Ion Creanga.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Obstipação: caracterização do atendimento prestado por profissionais de farmácia em farmácias comunitárias do distrito de Lisboa

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    A obstipação aguda simples caracteriza-se como sendo uma situação clínica de duração não superior a três a cinco dias, em que o indivíduo apresenta algum desconforto abdominal, mas não manifesta nenhum outro sintoma mais grave. O que requer o atendimento em farmácia comunitária? Fazer um plano do atendimento, avaliação clínica do doente, registar os elementos principais da avaliação clínica, resumir e decidir o tratamento, aconselhamento. Objectivo do estudo: caracterizar o atendimento efectuado por profissionais de farmácia que exercem funções em farmácias comunitárias do distrito de Lisboa, perante uma situação simulada de obstipação aguda simples, com recurso à utilização de uma grelha de observação

    Placement of Deontology, Legal Medicine and Sanitary Legislation Teaching in Biomedical Sciences

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    La docencia en deontología, medicina legal y legislación sanitaria, no puede desarrollarse con unos mínimos de calidad si no está ubicada en los últimos años de grado o licenciatura. Sus especiales connotaciones le hacen precisar de unos conocimientos previos imprescindibles para su correcto entendimiento. A su vez su importancia y repercusión en el código deontológico de cada profesional, sugieren encarecidamente su ubicación en últimos cursos. Se abordan los perjuicios derivados de la ubicación de esta materia en cursos iniciales de ciencias biomédicas, por una interpretación forzada y sesgada del libro blanco de las titulaciones, por encima de criterios de calidad docente.Deontology, legal medicine and sanitary legislation teaching, will not achieve some minimum quality levels unless it is taught within the last courses of a degree. The distinctive features of these subjects make it necessary to have some previous knowledge essential for their correct understanding. Equally, their importance and repercussion in the code of ethics of each professional, strongly suggests its location in last courses. We address the damages derived from the location of these subjects in initial courses in biomedical sciences, caused by a forced and biased interpretation of the white paper of the degrees, above any other teaching quality criteria

    Heavy Metals and Trace Elements in Human Breast Milk from Industrial/Mining and Agricultural Zones of Southeastern Spain

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    © 2021 The authors. This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the published version of a published work that appeared in final form in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.Human breast milk is the most complete foodstuff for infants but can also be a potential source of exposure to toxic chemicals. The aim of this study was to assess the levels of metal pollution in the breast milk of women living in agricultural and industrial/mining areas of the Region of Murcia (Spain) that are well known for their cases of environmental pollution. Human milk samples were collected from 50 mothers and inorganic contaminants were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). The mean or maximum concentrations of the different inorganic elements analyzed in breast milk, with the exception of manganese, exceeded the maximum limits established by the WHO and could constitute a high risk for pregnant mothers and their children. The breast milk of women living in the industrial/mining zone presented the highest levels of aluminum, zinc, arsenic, lead, mercury and nickel. On the contrary, the highest concentrations of manganese, chromium and iron were determined in the milk of women living in the agricultural zone. These results suggested and confirmed different profiles of environmental contamination of these areas

    Uniportal fully robotic-assisted bronchovascular sleeve bilobectomy

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    Mercury Levels in Feathers of Penguins from the Antarctic Peninsula Area: Geographical and Inter-Specific Differences

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    Polar regions, symbols of wilderness, have been identified as potential sinks of mercury coming from natural and anthropogenic sources at lower latitudes. Changes in ice coverage currently occurring in some areas such as the Antarctic Peninsula could enhance these phenomena and their impacts on local biota. As long-lived species at the top of food chains, seabirds are particularly sensitive to this highly toxic metal with the capacity to be biomagnified. Specifically, their feathers can be useful for Hg monitoring since they mainly accumulate its most toxic and persistent form, methyl-Hg. To that end, feathers of gentoo (Pygoscelis papua), chinstrap (P. antarcticus), and Adélie penguins (P. adeliae) (n = 108) were collected by passive sampling in seven different locations throughout the Antarctic Peninsula area and analyzed by ICP-MS after microwave-digestion. More than 93% of the samples showed detectable Hg levels (range: 6.3-12,529.8 ng g-1 dry weight), and the highest ones were found in the feathers of chinstrap penguins from King George Island. Hg bioconcentration and biomagnification seem to be occurring in the Antarctic food web, giving rise to high but non-toxic Hg levels in penguins, similar to those previously found in Arctic seabirds.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation CGL2004-01348, POL2006-05175, and CGL2007-60369.S

    Uniportal robotic-assisted thoracic surgery for mediastinal tumors

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    Distribution of metals and trace elements in adult and juvenile penguins from the Antarctic Peninsula area

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    Fil: Jerez, Silvia. Área de Toxicología. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Murcia. Murcia; EspañaFil: Motas, Miguel. Área de Toxicología. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Murcia. Murcia; EspañaFil: Benzal, Jesús. Departamento de Ecología Funcional y Evolutiva. Estación Experimental de Zonas Árida. CSIC. Almería; EspañaFil: Díaz, Julia Inés. Centro de Estudios en Parasitología y Vectores (CEPAVE). Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Vidal, Virginia. Departamento de Sanidad Animal. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Murcia. Murcia; EspañaFil: D`Amico, Verónica. Centro Nacional Patagónico (CENPAT). Puerto Madryn. Chubut; ArgentinaFil: Barbosa, Andrés. Departamento de Ecología Evolutiva. Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC. Madrid; Españ