2,152 research outputs found


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    My intention with this article is to draw a general line on the idea of noûs in Aristotle, its adoption and development by Saint Thomas Aquinas, taking the shape which arrived at us, as intellect or intelligence, “way of knowing” that captures the universal. I present firstly the “ways of knowing” thought by Aristotle in his main works, reaching on the idea of noûs, as the proper way of the philosophical knowledge at its search for the being of things. Following that I describe the retaking of this concept by Saint Thomas Aquinas, as intellect, and its development during the controversy against the averroists. My intention is, besides demonstrating the thought of those philosophers on this subject, show it as an extremely relevant subject for the philosophical thought still.Pretendo com este artigo desenhar as linhas gerais da idéia de noûs em Aristóteles, sua adoção e desenvolvimento por Santo Tomás de Aquino, tomando a forma que chegou até nós, como intelecto ou inteligência, “modo de saber” que capta o universal. Apresento primeiramente os “modos de saber” pensados por Aristóteles em suas principais obras, culminando na idéia de noûs como modo próprio do conhecimento filosófico na sua busca pelo ser das coisas. Em seguida passo para a retomada deste conceito em Santo Tomás de Aquino, como intelecto, e o seu desenvolvimento durante a controvérsia contra os averroístas. Minha intenção é, além de demonstrar o pensamento desses filósofos sobre este tema, mostrá-lo como um assunto ainda de extrema relevância para o pensamento filosófico

    Stretching the Limits in Thermoplastic Forming of Bulk Metallic Glasses

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    Metallic glasses (MG) suggest that superb mechanical properties can be paired with plastic-like processing. Their high strength and elasticity are often paired with fracture toughness. Their supercooled liquid region gives rise to plastic-like processing and suggests parts and shapes that can otherwise not be obtained for crystalline metals. However, current processing techniques only allow for limited options in terms of geometry, thicknesses uniformity, and shape complexity. In the first part of my thesis, I introduce the form-giving aspect of metallic glass thermoforming, by introducing stretch blow molding, to expand the geometries that can be fabricated with metallic glasses. For this I developed a model, which allows to quantify stretch blow molding and provides insight into its potential use and limitations. We demonstrate that with stretch blow molding overall strains exceeding 2000% are achievable, significantly higher than the previously reported ~150% of blow molding. In the second part of my thesis, I focused on the effect of the processing on metallic glasses properties. This is motivated by the current understanding that most metallic glasses lack sufficient ductility or toughness when fabricated under conditions resulting in bulk glass formation. To address this shortcoming, I used strain rate to excite the liquid while simultaneously cooling it to freeze the excited liquid into a glass with a higher fictive temperature. Microscopically, straining causes the structure to dilate, hence “pulls” the structure energetically up the potential energy landscape. Upon further cooling, the resulting excited liquid freezes into an excited glass that exhibits enhanced ductility. I used Zr44Ti11Cu10Ni10Be25 as an example to pull metallic glasses through this excited liquid cooling method, which can lead to the tripling of bending ductility

    Controlled Multitype Branching Models: Geometric Growth

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classi cation: 60J80, 60F25.In this work we deal with a multitype branching process that puts together control in the number of reproductive units of each type and population size - dependent reproduction. Moreover, unlike other branching models, it is possible interaction between individuals at reproduction time. We investigate sufficient conditions for such a model to have asymptotically a geometric growth, considering almost sure and Lα, 1 ≤ α ≤ 2, convergences. We pay special attention to L2 convergence, taking advantage of the Hilbertian properties of this space.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia and the FEDER through the Plan Nacional de Investigaci on Cient ca, Desarrollo e Innovaci on Tecnol ogica, grants BFM2003-06074 and MTM2006-08891

    A Note on the Extinction Problem for Controlled Multitype Branching Processes

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    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 60J10.In this paper we consider a discrete time controlled multitype branching process with random control in discrete time. We provide sufficient conditions for the almost sure extinction of the process as well as for its indefinite growth with a positive probability. Moreover an illustrative example is shown and some simulations are given.Research supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologia and the FEDER through the Plan Nacional de Investigaci on Cientifica, Desarrollo e Innovacion Tecnologica, grant BFM2003-06074

    Trust and social complexity in Niklas Luhmann

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    The problem of social complexity was considered by Niklas Luhmann as the fundamental problem of sociology. His Theory of Social Systems aims in explaining in what way mankind deals with this problem that grows since the arrival of modernity. In this context, trust shows itself as an important mechanism for the reduction of complexity. In a world where choices multiply, it becomes necessary the use of a mechanism that help us to pre-select those choices and relieves us on the necessary amount of information to act. Trust allows us to act, even when we don’t have enough information about a situation or a person, based on what we already know, our own history, past that already is complexity reduced. This article intends to expose Luhmann’s study on this matter, relating it to Georg Simmel’s pioneer approach and later contributions.O problema da complexidade social era considerado por Niklas Luhmann uma questão fundamental da sociologia. Sua Teoria dos Sistemas Sociais visa, no fundo, explicar de que forma lida a humanidade com esse problema que cresce desde o advento da modernidade. Nesse contexto, a confiança se mostra como um importante mecanismo de redução de complexidade. Em um mundo onde se multiplicam as escolhas, faz-se necessário o uso de um mecanismo que nos ajude a pré-selecionar tais escolhas e alivie-nos da quantidade necessária de informações para que possamos agir. A confiança faz com que, mesmo sem estarmos plenamente informados sobre uma situação ou pessoa, possamos agir baseando-nos no que já conhecemos, em nossa própria história, no passado que já é complexidade reduzida. Este artigo pretende expor e problematizar o estudo de Luhmann sobre esse tema, relacionando-o com o pioneirismo de Georg Simmel e a algumas contribuições posteriores

    Character and Freedom of the Will in Arthur Schopenhauer

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    This article intends to expose the vision of Arthur Schopenhauer’s Philosophy on the possibility of human free will, focusing on the individual character as the ultimate foundation of personal choices. The omnipresence of causality in our represented world prevents us from thinking something without sufficient reason. From were, then, comes our feeling of freedom and, most importantly, of responsibility? We will see what answers Schopenhauer gave to thos and other questions related to the Freedom of the Will


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    British literary critic Ian Watt wrote a seminal work on the origin of the novel, connecting the emergency of this new kind of literature directly to the individualism that was spreading in the England of the 18th century. The author made an extremally rich and innovative analysis for the understanding of the process of how a new notion of individual is produced and diffused in a society and in particular how literature mirrors this novelty, eternizing it as a true snapshot of a social process that is still present in current times. How did the novel served to reveal and spread this idea of an autonomous and socially independent individual? In this work I will discuss the author\u27s treatment on the relation between individualism and the novel, aiming thru this path to understand a bit more the origin and popularization of this new kind of subject, typical of modernity. This relationship, moreover, reflects a close connection between the literature and philosophy of an era; if not a causal relationship, at least as two effects of the diffusion of an idea in the minds of an eraO crítico literário britânico Ian Watt escreveu uma obra seminal sobre a origem do romance, ligando a emergência desse novo tipo de literatura diretamente ao individualismo que se difundia na Inglaterra do século XVIII. O autor fez uma análise extremamente rica e inovadora para a compreensão do processo de como uma nova noção de indivíduo é produzida e disseminada em uma sociedade e, em particular, como a literatura espelha essa novidade, eternizando-se como verdadeiro instantâneo de um processo social que ainda se faz presente nos tempos atuais. Como o romance serviu para revelar e difundir essa ideia de um indivíduo autônomo e independente da sociedade? Neste trabalho, discutirei o tratamento do autor sobre a relação entre o individualismo e o romance, buscando por esse caminho entender um pouco mais a origem e a popularização desse novo tipo de sujeito típico da modernidade. Essa relação, ademais, reflete uma estreita ligação entre a literatura e a filosofia de uma época; se não uma relação causal, ao menos como dois efeitos da difusão de uma ideia nas mentes de uma época.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.29327/2194248.6.2-1