15 research outputs found

    The Zographensis and Marianus Gospels as Liturgical Books. Part 1: The Glagolitic Stage

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    Leszek Józef Moszyński, 1928-2006, Uniwersytet Gdański, PolandIn this Polish article, Moszyński provides statistical data on the comparison of Gospel codices, primarily Zographensis and Marianus, as well as references to Assemanius

    Greco-Slavic Index Verborum of the Cyrillo-Methodian Translation of The Gospels: A Discursive Article

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    Leszek Moszyński is a professor of Slavic Philology at Gdańsk University, Poland.Moszyński describes his work on a complete Greco-Slavic index verborum, including all words and all of their uses both in the Greek original text as well as the Slavic translation, in order to determine the translation techniques of SS. Cyril and Methodius as well as to reconstruct both the Greek variant of the Gospels used and the original version of the Slavic.Moszyński outlines the theoretical principles of his work (59-60), including discussion of specific areas where difficulties arise in the Greek and Slavic language systems: the article (61-62), the noun (62-63), the adjective (63), the verb (63-64). Moszyński gives examples of the dictionary entries for each part of speech (66-67) and then gives the statistical data on the parts of speech in Zographensis (67)

    Doxologia maior (Gloria in excelsis duo) u dvama najstarijim tiskanim misalima hrvatskih glagoljaša (1483. i 1494.) prema ćirilometodskom prijevodu Sinajskoga psaltira, srpskom misalu i odluci Tridentskog sabora (1545-1563)

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    U završnom dijelu tzv. Sinajskoga Psaltira, pronađenom 1975. između završnih svečanih pjesama nalazi se i himan Gloria in excelsis Deo, nazivan još i Doxologia maior, a koju su Ćiril i Metod preveli još u Solunu. To je jedini poznati prijepis toga prijevoda. U kasnijim prijepisima Psaltira toga himna više nema. Pojavljuje se pak u nekoliko stoljeća mlađim misnim tekstovima, podjednako onima srpske redakcije kao i hrvatske. Nakon poredbene analize jezika teksta i prijevoda, autor zaključuje da misni tekstovi nisu kopirali prethodni prijevod nego su svaki put bili prevođeni zajedno s cijelim misalom. Posebnu pozornost autor skreće na to da su u reproduciranom primjerku hrvatskoga misala iz 1494. godine ručno premazani tropi koji su postupno uvedeni u latinsku verziju toga himna, a odlučno iz njega uklonjeni odlukom Tridentskoga sabora (1545-1563). Autor smatra da to svjedoči 1) da su se hrvatski glagoljaši prilagodili odlukama Sabora i 2) da se taj misal (možda samo taj primjerak) koristio još u prvj polovici XVII. stoljeća jer je prvi rimski misal s tridentskim tekstom objavljen tek 1604. godin

    The Importance of the Dialectological Studies by Gregorovic and Małecki for the Determination of the Place of Origin of the Old Church Slavonic Language

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    Since N. S. Trubeckoj's introduction of the notion of the Pre-Church Slavonic Language there have been continuous attempts to isolate and localise аll those elements of the Old Church Slavonic linguistic canon which were incorporated into it as a result of multiple copying by the 11th century writers done in various parts of the Slavonic world. Slavic scholars utilize different research methods which are characterized briefly in the reporting section of the paper. In the main part the author shows of what importance for the determination of Cyril and Methody's mother dialect are the results of the dialectological research obtained by V. Grigorovic in the mid-19th century and by M. Małecki in the period between the World Wars in the area of their home-town Solun (Salonika). This section is followed by a detailed presentation of old nasals, jat', sonants, the palatalization of fricative consonants and c, as well as the behavior of other consonants before front vowels.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Importance des textes slaves antérieurs ŕ Cyrille et ŕ Mčthode pour la formation de la terminologie chrétienne

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    Sur ľexemple des textes paléoslaves ľauteur présente la formation de la terminologie religieuse dont il distingue 3 groupes. Il se concentre surtout sur le lexique lié au sacrement de la confession et il joint la traduction, première dans notre pays, de la confession générale

    Staropolski casarz – archaizm czy neologizm

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    Ein Vers aus der altpolnischen Übersetzung des Psalters

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    Der Verfasser analysiert die polnische Übersetzung des Verses 11 vom Psalm 28, der in der zeitgenössischen Übersetzung von Miłosz wie folgt lautet: „Pan da siłę swojemu ludowi, Pan da swojemu ludowi błogosławieństwo pokoju” . Nach der Anführung der jeweiligen hebräischen, griechischen und lateinischen sowie für unser Ziel bedeutenden Version von Kyrill-Method, aber auch der altdeutschen und alttschechischen berüchsichtigt der Verfasser auch die beiden Psalter - Psałterz Floriański und Psałterz Puławski - und darüber hinaus 8 Übersetzungen aus dem XVI. Jh. Alle diese Übersetzungen unterscheiden sich voneinander, genauso wie die 3 zeitgenössischen: die in der neuesten Bibelübersetzung (sog. Biblia Tysiąclecia), die von Miłosz und die von Brandstaetter. Eine detaillierte Analyse dieses unkomplizierten Satzes machte auf die wesentlichsten Probleme der Epoche aufmerksam. Der Verfasser berührte das Problem der Übersetzungstechnik und des Reichtums der Sprache zur Zeit der Renaissance, der humanistischen Wahrnehmung der Schönheit in Psalmen, der fremden Einflüsse im Text und in der Übersetzung, der Etablierung der christlichen Terminologie noch im XVI. Jh., der Entwicklung grammatischer Formen sowie des Vorhandenseins von Nebenformen, die im Individualstil ausgenutzt werden konnten.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Dlaczego naukowe opisy prasłowiańskich wierzeń są tak różnorodneWarum sind die wissenschaftlichen Beschreibungen des urslavischen Glaubens so verschiedenartig

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    The author endeavours to explain why the views of the scholars dealing with the proto-Slavonic beliefs are so diversified. He claims that there are two basic reasons for this: divergent views as to the time and place of the proto-Slavonic habitat (the variation of the views may be directly connected with the discipline, e. g. history, archaeology, ethnology, linguistics, represented by a given scholar) and the relative scarcity and equivocality of the sources on the basis of which the conclusions are reached

    Cerkiewnosłowiańka tzw. Moskiewska Msza Maryjna jako odzwierciedlenie litewsko-białorusko-polskich kontaktów kulturowych w XV wieku

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    This paper discusses the so-called Old Church Slavonic Moscow Missal Marianus regarding its text, language and historical context. This text and its language are considered to be a reflection of the 15th century Lithuanian-Belorussian-Polish cultural relations. Thus, this unique text contains a Catholic Missal, written in Old Church Slavonic using the Cyrillic alphabet. Its language is being described as Old Church Slavonic in its East Slavic (Belorussian) version, presenting at the same time a number of loan-words from Croat and Polish. It is assumed that this literary monument was created in Krakow by transcribing a Croat glagolitic text into the Cyrillic alphabet for princess Zofia Holšańska, the primary Orthodox believer and the fourth wife of Jagielło, the Grand Duke of Lithuania and the King of Poland.Straipsnyje aprašomas taip vadinamojo Maskvos Missal Marianus tekstas, jo kalba ir istorinės atsiradimo sąlygos. Šio rašytinio paminklo tekstas ir kalba atspindi lietuvių-baltarusių­lenkų kultūrinius ryšius 15-ame amžiuje. Šio unikalaus paminklo turinį sudaro katalikiškų mišių tekstas, parašytas bažnytine slavų kalba naudojant kirilicą. Jo kalba yra apibūdinama kaip bažnytinės slavų kalbos rytų slavų variantas, tačiau joje yra nemaža skolinių iš kroatų ir lenkų kalbų. Manoma, kad šis rašytinis paminklas buvo sukurtas Krokuvoje perrašant kroatų glagolica surašytą tekstą kiriliniu raštu ir buvo skirtas buvusiai stačiatikei ir ketvirtai Lietuvos Didžiojo Kunigaikščio ir Lenkijos Karaliaus Jogailos žmonai Alšėnų kunigaikštytei Zofijai