398 research outputs found

    Wallace, Driving Force in IU Law School, Retiring

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    Toward the Next Generation: A Comparison of Next generation Library Catalog Implementations

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    Traditional Online Public Access Catalogs (OPACs) are no longer satisfying information seekers who have grown accustomed to features commonly available in Internet search engines. As a result, modern libraries are looking to next generation catalogs to replace or supplement the existing OPAC. This paper will examine common shortcomings of traditional OPACs, explore advantages offered by next generation catalogs, and, through examination of log data furnished by the TRLN, examine two implementations of the next generation catalog software Endeca at two similar research institutions

    Perceptions and experiences of different Long COVID community rehabilitation service models from the perspectives of people living with Long COVID and healthcare professionals

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    Objectives: To explore the perceptions and experiences of barriers and facilitators to accessing Long COVID community rehabilitation.Design: We used a qualitative descriptive design over two rounds of data collection with three participant groups: i) people with experience of rehabilitation for Long COVID (PwLC), ii) NHS staff delivering and/or managing community rehabilitation services (allied health professionals (AHPs)), and iii) NHS staff involved in strategic planning around Long COVID in their health board (Long COVID leads).Setting: Four NHS Scotland territorial health boards. Participants: 51 interviews: eight Long COVID leads (11 interviews), 15 AHPs (25 interviews), and 15 PwLC (15 interviews).Results: Three key themes were identified: i) Accessing care for PwLC, ii) Understanding Long COVID and its management, and iii) Strengths and limitations of existing Long COVID rehabilitation services.Conclusions: Organisational delivery of Long COVID community rehabilitation is complex and presents multiple challenges. In addition, access to Long COVID community rehabilitation can be challenging. When accessed, these services are valued by PwLC but require adequate planning, publicity, and resource. The findings presented here can be used by those developing and delivering services for people with Long COVID

    Complementary role of cardiac CT in the assessment of aortic valve replacement dysfunction

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    Aortic valve replacement is the second most common cardiothoracic procedure in the UK. With an ageing population, there are an increasing number of patients with prosthetic valves that require follow-up. Imaging of prosthetic valves is challenging with conventional echocardiographic techniques making early detection of valve dysfunction or complications difficult. CT has recently emerged as a complementary approach offering excellent spatial resolution and the ability to identify a range of aortic valve replacement complications including structural valve dysfunction, thrombus development, pannus formation and prosthetic valve infective endocarditis. This review discusses each and how CT might be incorporated into a multimodal cardiovascular imaging pathway for the assessment of aortic valve replacements and in guiding clinical management

    Quantum Cosmological Relational Model of Shape and Scale in 1-d

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    Relational particle models are useful toy models for quantum cosmology and the problem of time in quantum general relativity. This paper shows how to extend existing work on concrete examples of relational particle models in 1-d to include a notion of scale. This is useful as regards forming a tight analogy with quantum cosmology and the emergent semiclassical time and hidden time approaches to the problem of time. This paper shows furthermore that the correspondence between relational particle models and classical and quantum cosmology can be strengthened using judicious choices of the mechanical potential. This gives relational particle mechanics models with analogues of spatial curvature, cosmological constant, dust and radiation terms. A number of these models are then tractable at the quantum level. These models can be used to study important issues 1) in canonical quantum gravity: the problem of time, the semiclassical approach to it and timeless approaches to it (such as the naive Schrodinger interpretation and records theory). 2) In quantum cosmology, such as in the investigation of uniform states, robustness, and the qualitative understanding of the origin of structure formation.Comment: References and some more motivation adde

    Approaching the Problem of Time with a Combined Semiclassical-Records-Histories Scheme

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    I approach the Problem of Time and other foundations of Quantum Cosmology using a combined histories, timeless and semiclassical approach. This approach is along the lines pursued by Halliwell. It involves the timeless probabilities for dynamical trajectories entering regions of configuration space, which are computed within the semiclassical regime. Moreover, the objects that Halliwell uses in this approach commute with the Hamiltonian constraint, H. This approach has not hitherto been considered for models that also possess nontrivial linear constraints, Lin. This paper carries this out for some concrete relational particle models (RPM's). If there is also commutation with Lin - the Kuchar observables condition - the constructed objects are Dirac observables. Moreover, this paper shows that the problem of Kuchar observables is explicitly resolved for 1- and 2-d RPM's. Then as a first route to Halliwell's approach for nontrivial linear constraints that is also a construction of Dirac observables, I consider theories for which Kuchar observables are formally known, giving the relational triangle as an example. As a second route, I apply an indirect method that generalizes both group-averaging and Barbour's best matching. For conceptual clarity, my study involves the simpler case of Halliwell 2003 sharp-edged window function. I leave the elsewise-improved softened case of Halliwell 2009 for a subsequent Paper II. Finally, I provide comments on Halliwell's approach and how well it fares as regards the various facets of the Problem of Time and as an implementation of QM propositions.Comment: An improved version of the text, and with various further references. 25 pages, 4 figure