17 research outputs found

    The effect of bio-electro-magnetic-energyregulation therapy on sleep duration and sleep quality among elite players in Norwegian women’s football

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    The current study investigated if physical loads peak on game days and if Bio- Electro-Magnetic-Energy-Regulation (BEMER) therapy is affecting sleep duration and sleep quality on nights related to game nights among elite players in Norwegian women’s elite football. The sample included 21 female football players from an elite top series club with a mean age of ~24 years (± 2.8). Sleep was measured every day over a period of 273 consecutive days with a Somnofy sleep monitor based on ultra-wideband (IR-UWB) pulse radar and Doppler technology. The current study was conducted as a quasi-experiment, where each player was their own control based on a control period that lasted for 3 months, and an experimental period that lasted for 5 months. Accordantly, the time each player spent with BEMER therapy was used as a control variable. Multivariate analyses of variance using FFMANOVA and univariate ANOVA with False Discovery Rate adjusted p-values show that physical performance (total distance, distance per minute, sprint meters >22.5 kmh, accelerations and decelerations) significantly peak on game day compared with ordinary training days and days related to game days. The results also show that sleep quantity and quality are significantly reduced on game night, which indicate disturbed sleep caused by the peak in physical load. Most sleep variables significantly increased in the experiment period, where BEMER therapy was used, compared to the control period before the introduction of BEMER therapy. Further, the analyses show that players who spent BEMER therapy >440 h had the most positive effects on their sleep, and that these effects were significantly compared to the players who used BEMER therapy <440 h. The findings are discussed based on the function of sleep and the different sleep stages have on recovery

    Cerebrospinal fluid proteome shows disrupted neuronal development in multiple sclerosis

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    Despite intensive research, the aetiology of multiple sclerosis (MS) remains unknown. Cerebrospinal fluid proteomics has the potential to reveal mechanisms of MS pathogenesis, but analyses must account for disease heterogeneity. We previously reported explorative multivariate analysis by hierarchical clustering of proteomics data of MS patients and controls, which resulted in two groups of individuals. Grouping reflected increased levels of intrathecal inflammatory response proteins and decreased levels of proteins involved in neural development in one group relative to the other group. MS patients and controls were present in both groups. Here we reanalysed these data and we also reanalysed data from an independent cohort of patients diagnosed with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), who have symptoms of MS without evidence of dissemination in space and/or time. Some, but not all, CIS patients had intrathecal inflammation. The analyses reported here identified a common protein signature of MS/CIS that was not linked to elevated intrathecal inflammation. The signature included low levels of complement proteins, semaphorin-7A, reelin, neural cell adhesion molecules, inter-alpha-trypsin inhibitor heavy chain H2, transforming growth factor beta 1, follistatin-related protein 1, malate dehydrogenase 1 cytoplasmic, plasma retinol-binding protein, biotinidase, and transferrin, all known to play roles in neural development. Low levels of these proteins suggest that MS/CIS patients suffer from abnormally low oxidative capacity that results in disrupted neural development from an early stage of the disease

    Deficient phosphorylation of stat-1 in leukocytes identifies neutralizing antibodies in multiple sclerosis patients treated with interferon-beta

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    Background: Anti interferon-beta (IFN-β) neutralizing antibodies (NAb) affect efficacy of treatment of multiple sclerosis patients, but exactly when the detrimental effects of NAbs offset therapeutic efficacy is debated. Quantification of intracellular pathway-specific phosphorylation by phospho-specific flow cytometry (phosphoflow) is a promising tool for evaluation of these effects in primary immune cells from treated patients at the single-cell level. Method: Samples for phosphoflow and gene expression changes were collected before administration of IFN-β and at four, six, and eight hours thereafter. Patients were NAb negative (n = 3) or were NAb positive with low/medium (n = 1) or high (n = 2) NAb titers. Levels of phosphorylation of six Stat transcription factors (pStat) in seven cell subtypes and expression levels of 71 pathway-specific genes in whole blood were measured. The data was subjected to principal component analysis (PCA), fifty-fifty MANOVA, ANOVA, and partial least square regression (PLSR). Results: PCA of pStat levels clustered patients according to NAb class independently of time. PCA of gene expression data clustered patients according to NAb class but was affected by time and treatment. In the fifty-fifty MANOVA, NAb class was significant for both pStat levels and gene expression data. The ANOVA identified pStat1 protein in several cell subtypes as significantly affected by NAb class. The best fitting model for NAb prediction based on PLSR included pStat1 in monocytes, T cells, or lymphocytes and pStat3 in monocytes (r = 0.97). Gene expression data were slightly less predictive of NAb titers. Conclusion: Based on this proof of concept study, we hypothesize that NAb effects can be monitored by evaluation of a single biomarker, pStat1, in either monocytes or T cells by phosphoflow directly after IFN-β administration. The method will significantly reduce cost relative to labor intensive in vitro methods and offers a patient-specific approach to NAb evaluation

    Gene Expression Response in Peripheral Blood Cells of Petroleum Workers Exposed to Sub-Ppm Benzene Levels

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    Ce numéro aux diverses tonalités illustre à sa façon, la richesse, les limites et les difficultés des questions éthiques appliquées à l’administration publique. Ainsi que nous le verrons, l’éthique publique ne se limite pas à la lutte contre la fraude et la corruption mais inclut bien d’autres facettes, dont celles relatives aux comportements professionnels des agents et aux tensions entre valeurs personnelles ou professionnelles. Revêtu d’une dimension managériale, l’article de J. Maesschal..