10 research outputs found
Exploring Extracellular Vesicles of Probiotic Yeast as Carriers of Biologically Active Molecules Transferred to Human Intestinal Cells
Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are nanoparticles containing various bioactive cargos鈥攅.g., proteins, RNAs, and lipids鈥攖hat are released into the environment by all cell types. They are involved in, amongst other functions, intercellular communication. This article presents studies on EVs produced by the probiotic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii CNCM I-745. The size distribution and concentration of EVs in the liquid culture of yeast were estimated. Moreover, the vesicles of S. boulardii were tested for their cytotoxicity against three model human intestinal cell lines. This study did not show any significant negative effect of yeast EVs on these cells under tested conditions. In addition, EVs of S. boulardii were verified for their ability to internalize in vitro with human cells and transfer their cargo. The yeast vesicles were loaded with doxorubicin, an anticancer agent, and added to the cellular cultures. Subsequently, microscopic observations revealed that these EVs transferred the compound to human intestinal cell lines. A cytotoxicity test confirmed the activity of the transferred doxorubicin. Detailed information about the proteins present in EVs might be important in terms of exploring yeast EVs as carriers of active molecules. Thus, proteomic analysis of the EV content was also conducted within the present study, and it allowed the identification of 541 proteins after matching them to the Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD). Altogether, this study provides strong evidence that the EVs of the probiotic CNCM I-745 strain could be considered a drug delivery system
Cell cycle analysis using time-lapse microscopy
Po艣r贸d wielu r贸偶nych technik mikroskopowych wykorzystywanych do badania proces贸w biologicznych, technika video-mikroskopii (ang. time-laps microscopy) daje unikalne mo偶liwo艣ci prowadzenia obserwacji w czasie na poziomie pojedynczych kom贸rek. Bez w膮tpienia, jednym z proces贸w, budz膮cym od lat szczeg贸lne zainteresowanie badaczy jest podzia艂 kom贸rki. Prawid艂owy rozdzia艂 materia艂u genetycznego, kt贸ry ma miejsce w trakcie mitozy jest jednym z warunk贸w zachowania stabilno艣ci genomu. Z drugiej strony, zaburzenia mitozy mog膮 prowadzi膰 do aneulpoidii i w efekcie transformacji nowotworowej. Zmiany morfologiczne charakterystyczne dla kom贸rki mitotycznej pozwalaj膮 na obserwowanie jej w trakcie podzia艂u, a tak偶e na 艣ledzenie los贸w kom贸rek potomnych. Dodatkowo, wprowadzenie do kom贸rek gen贸w koduj膮cych fluorescencyjnie wyznakowane bia艂ka, kt贸rych ekspresja zmienia si臋 w zale偶no艣ci od fazy cyklu, umo偶liwia stosunkowo precyzyjn膮 obserwacj臋 kom贸rek w poszczeg贸lnych fazach cyklu poprzedzaj膮cych mitoz臋 lub nast臋puj膮cych po niej. Obserwacje 偶ywych kom贸rek i tworzenie film贸w poklatkowych znajduj膮 obecnie du偶e zastosowanie w badaniach prowadzonych na kom贸rkach nowotworowych, maj膮cych na celu ocen臋 skuteczno艣ci dzia艂ania istniej膮cych chemioterapeutyk贸w jak r贸wnie偶 poszukiwaniu nowych zwi膮zk贸w o takich w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach. Mog膮 stanowi膰 r贸wnie偶 wskaz贸wk臋 do tworzenia z艂o偶onych terapii wielolekowych, w trakcie kt贸rych badane zwi膮zki podane w okre艣lonej kolejno艣ci b臋d膮 prowadzi艂y do zatrzymania kom贸rek w takiej fazie cyklu, w kt贸rej s膮 one bardziej wra偶liwe na kolejny zwi膮zek zastosowany w terapii. Mo偶liwo艣ci wykorzystania techniki video-mikroskopii s膮 bardzo du偶e i mog膮 mie膰 niezwykle istotny wp艂yw na rozwi膮zywanie r贸偶norodnych problem贸w biologicznych.Among many different techniques used in microscopy in order to visualize biological processes, time-laps microscopy gives unique opportunity to observe living cells on single cell level in time. One of the important processes that gain special interest is mitosis. Equal and undisturbed distribution of genetic material into two daughter cell that take place during mitosis is prerequisite of genome stability. In contrary, mitosis disturbances give rise to chromosomal instability, aneuploidy and cancer. Morphological changes that characterize mitotic cells enables to monitor cell division as well as tracking the fate of daughter cells. Moreover, transfection of the cells with vectors coding fluorescent proteins which expression changes during cell cycle make possible to follow the cell cycle progression of individual cell. Time-lapse microscopy is used in cancer biology research in order to reveal the influence of chemotherapeutic drugs on the cell cycle of cancer cells. It is also used to find the new compounds or to set new chemotherapeutics drug regimes, that could lead to cell cycle alteration, lethal for the cancer cell. Time-laps microscopy is a very powerful technique that could help to resolve different biological issues
Curcumin induces cell death without oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation in quiescent and proliferating human CD8+ cells
Cytotoxic CD8+ cells play an important role in determining host response to tumor, thus chemotherapy is potentially dangerous as it may lead to T cells depletion. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the propensity of quiescent and proliferating human CD8+ cells to undergo cell death upon treatment with curcumin, a natural dye in Phase I of clinical trials as a prospective chemopreventive agent. Methods: We treated human quiescent or proliferating CD8+ cells with 50 碌M curcumin or irradiated them with UVC. Cell death symptoms such as decreased cell viability, chromatin condensation, activation of caspase-3 and specific DFF40/CAD endonuclease and oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation were analyzed using MTT test, microscopic observation, Western blotting and flow cytometry. Results: Curcumin decreased cell viability, activated caspase-3 and decreased the level of DFF45/ICAD, the inhibitor of the DFF40/CAD endonuclease. However, this did not lead to oligonucleosomal DNA degradation. In contrast, UVC-irradiated proliferating, but not quiescent CD8+ cells revealed molecular and morphological changes characteristic for apoptosis, including oligonucleosomal DNA fragmentation. Curcumin can induce cell death in normal human lymphocytes both quiescent and proliferating, without oligonucleosomal DNA degradation which is considered as a main hallmark of apoptotic cell death. Taking into account the role of CD8+ cells in tumor response, their depletion during chemotherapy could be particularly undesirable
The Role of Curcumin in the Modulation of Ageing
It is believed that postponing ageing is more effective and less expensive than the treatment of particular age-related diseases. Compounds which could delay symptoms of ageing, especially natural products present in a daily diet, are intensively studied. One of them is curcumin. It causes the elongation of the lifespan of model organisms, alleviates ageing symptoms and postpones the progression of age-related diseases in which cellular senescence is directly involved. It has been demonstrated that the elimination of senescent cells significantly improves the quality of life of mice. There is a continuous search for compounds, named senolytic drugs, that selectively eliminate senescent cells from organisms. In this paper, we endeavor to review the current knowledge about the anti-ageing role of curcumin and discuss its senolytic potential
Chromatin-Directed Proteomics Identifies ZNF84 as a p53-Independent Regulator of p21 in Genotoxic Stress Response
The p21WAF1/Cip1 protein, encoded by CDKN1A, plays a vital role in senescence, and its transcriptional control by the tumour suppressor p53 is well-established. However, p21 can also be regulated in a p53-independent manner, by mechanisms that still remain less understood. We aimed to expand the knowledge about p53-independent senescence by looking for novel players involved in CDKN1A regulation. We used a chromatin-directed proteomic approach and identified ZNF84 as a novel regulator of p21 in various p53-deficient cell lines treated with cytostatic dose of doxorubicin. Knock-down of ZNF84, an as-yet un-characterized protein, inhibited p21 gene and protein expression in response to doxorubicin, it attenuated senescence and was associated with enhanced proliferation, indicating that ZNF84-deficiency can favor senescence bypass. ZNF84 deficiency was also associated with transcriptomic changes in genes governing various cancer-relevant processes e.g., mitosis. In cells with ZNF84 knock-down we discovered significantly lower level of H2AX Ser139 phosphorylation (纬H2AX), which is triggered by DNA double strand breaks. Intriguingly, we observed a reverse correlation between the level of ZNF84 expression and survival rate of colon cancer patients. In conclusion, ZNF84, whose function was previously not recognized, was identified here as a critical p53-independent regulator of senescence, opening possibilities for its targeting in novel therapies of p53-null cancers
Human dihydrofolate reductase and thymidylate synthase form a complex <i>in vitro</i> and co-localize in normal and cancer cells
<p>Enzymes involved in thymidylate biosynthesis, thymidylate synthase (TS), and dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) are well-known targets in cancer chemotherapy. In this study, we demonstrated for the first time, that human TS and DHFR form a strong complex <i>in vitro</i> and co-localize in human normal and colon cancer cell cytoplasm and nucleus. Treatment of cancer cells with methotrexate or 5-fluorouracil did not affect the distribution of either enzyme within the cells. However, 5-FU, but not MTX, lowered the presence of DHFR-TS complex in the nucleus by 2.5-fold. The results may suggest the sequestering of TS by FdUMP in the cytoplasm and thereby affecting the translocation of DHFR-TS complex to the nucleus. Providing a strong likelihood of DHFR-TS complex formation <i>in vivo</i>, the latter complex is a potential new drug target in cancer therapy. In this paper, known 3D structures of human TS and human DHFR, and some protozoan bifunctional DHFR-TS structures as templates, are used to build an <i>in silico</i> model of human DHFR鈥揟S complex structure, consisting of one TS dimer and two DHFR monomers. This complex structure may serve as an initial 3D drug target model for prospective inhibitors targeting interfaces between the DHFR and TS enzymes.</p