1,118 research outputs found

    The benchmark aeroelastic models program: Description and highlights of initial results

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    An experimental effort was implemented in aeroelasticity called the Benchmark Models Program. The primary purpose of this program is to provide the necessary data to evaluate computational fluid dynamic codes for aeroelastic analysis. It also focuses on increasing the understanding of the physics of unsteady flows and providing data for empirical design. An overview is given of this program and some results obtained in the initial tests are highlighted. The tests that were completed include measurement of unsteady pressures during flutter of rigid wing with a NACA 0012 airfoil section and dynamic response measurements of a flexible rectangular wing with a thick circular arc airfoil undergoing shock boundary layer oscillations

    Detecting the limits of regulatory element conservation and divergence estimation using pairwise and multiple alignments

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular evolutionary studies of noncoding sequences rely on multiple alignments. Yet how multiple alignment accuracy varies across sequence types, tree topologies, divergences and tools, and further how this variation impacts specific inferences, remains unclear. RESULTS: Here we develop a molecular evolution simulation platform, CisEvolver, with models of background noncoding and transcription factor binding site evolution, and use simulated alignments to systematically examine multiple alignment accuracy and its impact on two key molecular evolutionary inferences: transcription factor binding site conservation and divergence estimation. We find that the accuracy of multiple alignments is determined almost exclusively by the pairwise divergence distance of the two most diverged species and that additional species have a negligible influence on alignment accuracy. Conserved transcription factor binding sites align better than surrounding noncoding DNA yet are often found to be misaligned at relatively short divergence distances, such that studies of binding site gain and loss could easily be confounded by alignment error. Divergence estimates from multiple alignments tend to be overestimated at short divergence distances but reach a tool specific divergence at which they cease to increase, leading to underestimation at long divergences. Our most striking finding was that overall alignment accuracy, binding site alignment accuracy and divergence estimation accuracy vary greatly across branches in a tree and are most accurate for terminal branches connecting sister taxa and least accurate for internal branches connecting sub-alignments. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that variation in alignment accuracy can lead to errors in molecular evolutionary inferences that could be construed as biological variation. These findings have implications for which species to choose for analyses, what kind of errors would be expected for a given set of species and how multiple alignment tools and phylogenetic inference methods might be improved to minimize or control for alignment errors

    Widespread Discordance of Gene Trees with Species Tree in Drosophila: Evidence for Incomplete Lineage Sorting

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    The phylogenetic relationship of the now fully sequenced species Drosophila erecta and D. yakuba with respect to the D. melanogaster species complex has been a subject of controversy. All three possible groupings of the species have been reported in the past, though recent multi-gene studies suggest that D. erecta and D. yakuba are sister species. Using the whole genomes of each of these species as well as the four other fully sequenced species in the subgenus Sophophora, we set out to investigate the placement of D. erecta and D. yakuba in the D. melanogaster species group and to understand the cause of the past incongruence. Though we find that the phylogeny grouping D. erecta and D. yakuba together is the best supported, we also find widespread incongruence in nucleotide and amino acid substitutions, insertions and deletions, and gene trees. The time inferred to span the two key speciation events is short enough that under the coalescent model, the incongruence could be the result of incomplete lineage sorting. Consistent with the lineage-sorting hypothesis, substitutions supporting the same tree were spatially clustered. Support for the different trees was found to be linked to recombination such that adjacent genes support the same tree most often in regions of low recombination and substitutions supporting the same tree are most enriched roughly on the same scale as linkage disequilibrium, also consistent with lineage sorting. The incongruence was found to be statistically significant and robust to model and species choice. No systematic biases were found. We conclude that phylogenetic incongruence in the D. melanogaster species complex is the result, at least in part, of incomplete lineage sorting. Incomplete lineage sorting will likely cause phylogenetic incongruence in many comparative genomics datasets. Methods to infer the correct species tree, the history of every base in the genome, and comparative methods that control for and/or utilize this information will be valuable advancements for the field of comparative genomics

    MONKEY: identifying conserved transcription-factor binding sites in multiple alignments using a binding site-specific evolutionary model

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    We introduce a method (MONKEY) to identify conserved transcription-factor binding sites in multispecies alignments. MONKEY employs probabilistic models of factor specificity and binding-site evolution, on which basis we compute the likelihood that putative sites are conserved and assign statistical significance to each hit. Using genomes from the genus Saccharomyces, we illustrate how the significance of real sites increases with evolutionary distance and explore the relationship between conservation and function

    Identification of a Brainstem Circuit Regulating Visual Cortical State in Parallel with Locomotion

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    SummarySensory processing is dependent upon behavioral state. In mice, locomotion is accompanied by changes in cortical state and enhanced visual responses. Although recent studies have begun to elucidate intrinsic cortical mechanisms underlying this effect, the neural circuits that initially couple locomotion to cortical processing are unknown. The mesencephalic locomotor region (MLR) has been shown to be capable of initiating running and is associated with the ascending reticular activating system. Here, we find that optogenetic stimulation of the MLR in awake, head-fixed mice can induce both locomotion and increases in the gain of cortical responses. MLR stimulation below the threshold for overt movement similarly changed cortical processing, revealing that MLR’s effects on cortex are dissociable from locomotion. Likewise, stimulation of MLR projections to the basal forebrain also enhanced cortical responses, suggesting a pathway linking the MLR to cortex. These studies demonstrate that the MLR regulates cortical state in parallel with locomotion

    Application of a Polymerase Chain Reaction-ELISA to Detect Wuchereria bancrofti in Pools of Wild-Caught Anopheles punctualatus in a Filariasis Control Area in Papua New Guinea

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    Chemotherapy-based eradication programs are aimed at stopping transmission of Wuchereria bancroftiby its obligatory mosquito vector. This study compares one year post-treatment W. bancrofti infection rates of Anopheles punctulatus, the main vector of lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea, using traditional dissection techniques and a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based ELISA of a parasite-specific Ssp I repeat. A total of 633 mosquitoes in 35 batches were dissected. Six batches contained W. bancrofti-infected mosquitoes, giving a minimum infection rate of 0.9%. This value was not different than the actual infection rate, which was 9 (1.4%) of 633 mosquitoes (P� 0.48). The DNA was extracted from 47 pools containing a mean of 13.2 mosquitoes per pool. A total of 621 mosquitoes were processed for the PCR-ELISA, including 486 caught by human bait and 135 by light trap, which included both dead and live mosquitoes. Of 23 pools of alcohol-preserved human-bait mosquitoes, seven were positive by the PCR-ELISA, giving an infection rate identical to that obtained by dissection of individual mosquitoes (1.4%). The minimum infection rates for pools of light-trap mosquitoes found dead and alive were 2.7% (2 of 74) and 4.9% (3 of 61), respectively. These values did not differ from each other (P � 0.84), but the overall infection rate of light- trap mosquitoes was greater than that of mosquitoes captured by human bait (3.7% versus 1.4%; P � 0.09). These data indicate that the PCR-ELISA of a W. bancrofti Ssp I repeat using pools of mosquitoes is comparable to traditional dissection techniques for monitoring transmission intensity following introduction of mass chemotherapy. This approach may also be useful for rapid and cost-effective assessment of transmission in endemic areas where the frequency of overt lymphatic pathology is low