33 research outputs found

    Impacto de los factores socioeconómicos en las relaciones matrimoniales en el Ecuador

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    El Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos revela que en la última década en el Ecuador el porcentaje de divorcios ha ido aumentando significativamente mientras que el de matrimonios ha ido decayendo, motivo por el cual en la presente disertación se investigará porqué hoy en día es más común este fenómeno. Se aborda a la problemática desde su raíz, el matrimonio, donde se estudia su evolución desde el siglo XVI hasta la actualidad, destacando el papel importante de la mujer y en rol productivo y reproductivo, considerando que este ha cambiado continuamente, logrando hoy en día ser parte importante en los ámbitos sociales, económicos y políticos. También se identifican algunos factores como: edad, nivel de educación, localidad (ámbito rural o urbano), etnia, nivel de ingresos, costo de oportunidad en la forma de distribución del tiempo de cada uno de los cónyuges y como estos factores pueden influir en las relaciones matrimoniales. Por otro lado, también se analiza la visión de la economía clásica, la misma que no tiene en cuenta muchos aspectos del día a día del matrimonio, y se la contrasta con nuevas ramas donde la base del estudio es la familia, el rol que cumple cada miembro del hogar y el hogar en su contexto general, llevando el estudio de la economía hacia otras áreas

    Crescentic Glomerulonephritis in IgA Multiple Myeloma: A Case Report

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    Background: There are few reports of glomerulonephritis (GN) with crescents and a rapidly progressive course that lead to a diagnosis of a previously unsuspected B-cell dyscrasia. Case Presentation: We report a case of rapidly progressive GN: the patient showed no evidence of etiology at the time of biopsy and was diagnosed as IgA multiple myeloma (MM) during investigation based on a renal biopsy. He presented diffuse proliferative and exudative GN and marked plasma cell infiltration of the kidney. Conclusion: The present case raises the possibility that proliferative GN with crescents may be a rare mode of presentation of MM

    Urinary protein/creatinine ratio versus 24-hour proteinuria in the evaluation of lupus nephritis

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    INTRODUCTION: The urinary protein/creatinine ratio has been used instead of 24-hour proteinuria in Nephrology practice for the follow-up of glomerular diseases, considering the advantages of collection and the low cost. However, there are still doubts as to its applicability both for an isolated evaluation and for the follow-up of patients with lupus nephritis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate 24-hour proteinuria determinations and random urine samples, performing urinary creatinine correction and urinary protein/creatinine ratio in subjects with lupus nephritis. METHODS: 24-hour proteinuria and urinary protein/creatinine ratio were determined by conventional methods (automated Pyrogallol for proteinuria and alkaline picrate for creatinine). RESULTS: Seventy-eight urine samples of 41 patients diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus, according to the American Rheumatology Association, with lupus nephritis, were analyzed, and a good correlation between 24-hour proteinuria and urinary protein/creatinine ratio (r = 0.9010 and r² = 0.813) was observed. However, a poor correlation between random proteinuria (without creatinine correction) versus 24-hour proteinuria (r = 0.635 and r² = 0.403) or versus urinary protein/creatinine ratio (r = 0.754 and r² = 0.569) was seen. CONCLUSION: 24-hour proteinuria and urinary protein/creatinine ratio were useful in the follow-up of each case. However, we observed that the absolute values were different, which did not allow the replacement of one for the other during follow-up, especially when this result is used to define the activity of the disease. Based on these results, we suggest a period of intersection from one to the other (two to three determinations by both methods), and the choice of one marker for proteinuria follow-up, if necessary.INTRODUÇÃO: Tem-se defendido a utilização do índice urinário proteína e creatinina em substituição à determinação de proteinúria de 24 horas para acompanhamento de doenças glomerulares, considerando-se as vantagens de maior facilidade na coleta e o menor custo. Entretanto, há dúvidas quanto à pertinência de usar este índice tanto numa avaliação isolada como no seguimento de pacientes com nefrite lúpica. OBJETIVO: Avaliar as determinações de proteinúria de 24 horas e proteinúria em amostra isolada de urina, fazendo a correção pela creatinina urinária, relação proteinúria/creatininúria, em indivíduos com nefrite lúpica. MÉTODOS: Determinações de proteinúria de 24 horas e relação proteinúria/creatininúria por métodos convencionais (Pirogalol automatizado para proteinúria e picrato alcalino para creatinina). RESULTADOS: Foram comparadas 78 amostras de urina de 41 pacientes com diagnóstico de lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, segundo os critérios da Associação Americana de Reumatologia, com nefrite lúpica, constatando-se uma boa correlação entre proteinúria de 24 horas e relação proteinúria/creatininúria (r = 0,9010 e r² = 0,813). Não se observou, entretanto, uma boa correlação entre proteinúria em amostra isolada (sem correção pela creatinina urinária) versus aquela de 24 horas (r = 0,635 e r² = 0,403) ou versus relação proteinúria/creatininúria (r = 0,754 e r² = 0,569). CONCLUSÃO: Os marcadores de proteinúria de 24 horas e relação proteinúria/creatininúria isoladamente mostraram-se úteis no acompanhamento de cada caso. Porém, observou-se que os seus valores absolutos são diferentes, não possibilitando a substituição de um pelo outro ao longo do seguimento, particularmente quando este resultado é usado para definição de atividade da doença. Se necessário, sugere-se um período de intersecção (duas a três determinações pelos dois métodos) para mudança de um para outro e escolha de um único marcador preferencial para seguimento da proteinúria.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Setor de GlomerulopatiasHospital do Rim Laboratório CentralUNIFESP Setor de Glomerulopatias Laboratório de Glomerulopatias e Imunopatologia RenalUNIFESP, Setor de GlomerulopatiasUNIFESP, Setor de Glomerulopatias Laboratório de Glomerulopatias e Imunopatologia RenalSciEL

    Glomerular damage as a predictor of renal allograft loss

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    Interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy (IF/TA) are the most common cause of renal graft failure. Chronic transplant glomerulopathy (CTG) is present in approximately 1.5-3.0% of all renal grafts. We retrospectively studied the contribution of CTG and recurrent post-transplant glomerulopathies (RGN) to graft loss. We analyzed 123 patients with chronic renal allograft dysfunction and divided them into three groups: CTG (N = 37), RGN (N = 21), and IF/TA (N = 65). Demographic data were analyzed and the variables related to graft function identified by statistical methods. CTG had a significantly lower allograft survival than IF/TA. In a multivariate analysis, protective factors for allograft outcomes were: use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI; hazard ratio (HR) = 0.12, P = 0.001), mycophenolate mofetil (MMF; HR = 0.17, P = 0.026), hepatitis C virus (HR = 7.29, P = 0.003), delayed graft function (HR = 5.32, P = 0.016), serum creatinine ≥1.5 mg/dL at the 1st year post-transplant (HR = 0.20, P = 0.011), and proteinuria ≥0.5 g/24 h at the 1st year post-transplant (HR = 0.14, P = 0.004). The presence of glomerular damage is a risk factor for allograft loss (HR = 4.55, P = 0.015). The presence of some degree of chronic glomerular damage in addition to the diagnosis of IF/TA was the most important risk factor associated with allograft loss since it could indicate chronic active antibody-mediated rejection. ACEI and MMF were associated with better outcomes, indicating that they might improve graft survival.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina Disciplina de NefrologiaHospital Universitario Central de Asturias Servicio de NefrologíaFundación Renal Iñigo Alvarez de Toledo Y Fundación Carolina-BBVAUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas IV Departamento de ImunologiaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PatologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina Disciplina de NefrologiaUNIFESP, Depto. de PatologiaSciEL

    Are the current chronic allograft nephropathy grading systems sufficient to predict renal allograft survival?

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    A major problem in renal transplantation is identifying a grading system that can predict long-term graft survival. The present study determined the extent to which the two existing grading systems (Banff 97 and chronic allograft damage index, CADI) correlate with each other and with graft loss. A total of 161 transplant patient biopsies with chronic allograft nephropathy (CAN) were studied. The samples were coded and evaluated blindly by two pathologists using the two grading systems. Logistic regression analyses were used to evaluate the best predictor index for renal allograft loss. Patients with higher Banff 97 and CADI scores had higher rates of graft loss. Moreover, these measures also correlated with worse renal function and higher proteinuria levels at the time of CAN diagnosis. Logistic regression analyses showed that the use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), hepatitis C virus (HCV), tubular atrophy, and the use of mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) were associated with graft loss in the CADI, while the use of ACEI, HCV, moderate interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy and the use of MMF were associated in the Banff 97 index. Although Banff 97 and CADI analyze different parameters in different renal compartments, only some isolated parameters correlated with graft loss. This suggests that we need to review the CAN grading systems in order to devise a system that includes all parameters able to predict long-term graft survival, including chronic glomerulopathy, glomerular sclerosis, vascular changes, and severity of chronic interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Fundacao Oswaldo RamosFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Disciplina de Nefrologia Laboratório de Imunologia Clínica e ExperimentalHospital Universitário Central de Asturias Servicio de NefrologíaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de PatologiaUniversidade de São Paulo Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas IV Departamento de ImunologiaUNIFESP, Disciplina de Nefrologia Laboratório de Imunologia Clínica e ExperimentalUNIFESP, Depto. de PatologiaCNPq: 300324/2004-9CNPq: 302011/2007-2SciEL

    La marcha del adulto mayor, un factor de alerta ante la fragilidad

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    Introduction: The elderly face a series of physiological and morphological changes that constantly test their ability to adapt, if they do not have healthy tools and habits, deterioration will lead to functional frailty. Gait is an important factor in maintaining functional independence, the detriment of speed is a sign that alerts us to physical decline and more serious complications. Objectives: To establish the influence of walking as a frailty alert factor in the elderly. Material and Methods: Two groups of older adults participated in the research: institutionalized and day care. It was evaluated through a therapeutic file that collected sociodemographic and habit information. Important sociodemographic data, pre-existing habits and health were taken, in addition, (SPPB) Short Physical Performance Battery test and Yesavage scale, these data were synthesized to relate to the frailty factors found. Results: The gait of the elderly can be modified due to gait speed, poor health habits, impaired balance, decreased muscle strength and these factors are an alert to the fragility that may occur. Conclusions: Of the factors that can trigger frailty in the elderly, the most representative is gait speed.Introducción: El adulto mayor se enfrenta a una serie de cambios fisiológicos y morfológicos que ponen a prueba su capacidad de adaptarse constantemente, si no tiene herramientas y hábitos saludables, el deterioro le va a conducir hacia la fragilidad funcional. La marcha es un factor importante para mantener la independencia funcional, el detrimento de la velocidad, es un signo que nos alerta a una decadencia física y complicaciones más graves. Objetivos: Establecer la influencia de la marcha como un factor de alerta de fragilidad en el adulto mayor. Material y Métodos: Dentro de la investigación participaron 2 grupos de adultos mayores: institucionalizado y de atención diurna. Se evalúo mediante una ficha terapéutica que recogió información sociodemográfica y de hábitos. Se tomaron datos importantes sociodemográficos, de hábitos prexistentes y salud, además, (SPPB) Short Physical Performance Battery test y escala de Yesavage, estos datos fueron sintetizados para relacionarnos con los factores de fragilidad encontrados. Resultados: La marcha del adulto mayor puede modificarse debido a la velocidad de la marcha, malos hábitos de salud, deterioro en el equilibrio, disminución de la fuerza muscular y estos factores son una alerta ante la fragilidad que se puede presentar. Conclusiones: De los factores que pueden desencadenar fragilidad en el adulto mayor, el más representativo es la velocidad de la march

    Alteraciones sensoriales en el adulto mayor y su relación con la calidad de vida

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    Aging is linked to sensory changes in older adults, which affects their quality of life and can lead to disabilities. Currently, around 50 million people suffer from sensory impairments, a figure that is expected to increase to 82 million by 2030. These impairments include problems in the five senses (vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch), which are essential for perception and interaction with the environment. To improve the quality of life of older adults and their caregivers, it is crucial to implement comprehensive health policies that address these sensory problems. This also involves empowering people to reduce risk factors such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) offers programs to assess and reduce sensory and cognitive impairment in the elderly. Alcohol and tobacco use can aggravate sensory and memory problems, negatively affecting quality of life. Family caregivers play a critical role in the well-being of older adults with sensory impairment. It is vital to understand how these impairments impact their daily lives and to assess their sensory, mental and motor abilities to prevent falls and improve their quality of life. A recent study revealed that sensory impairments, especially in vision and hearing, have a major impact on the quality of life of older adults. Decreased vision can predict cognitive changes, and sensory impairments are associated with an increased risk of dementia. These impairments also affect independence, well-being and social interactions. Dysfunction of the sense of smell is related to cognitive and sensory impairment, affecting memory and verbal fluency, and may be an early indicator of dementia, also influencing nutrition and daily activities. Factors such as low schooling, declining physical performance and lack of social support increase cognitive and sensory vulnerability, making the support of health professionals, family and friends crucial to manage these dysfunctions.El envejecimiento está vinculado a cambios sensoriales en adultos mayores, esto afecta su calidad de vida y puede llevar a discapacidades. Actualmente, alrededor de 50 millones de personas sufren de alteraciones sensoriales una cifra que se prevé aumente a 82 millones para 2030. Estas alteraciones incluyen problemas en los cinco sentidos (visión, audición, gusto, olfato y tacto), que son esenciales para la percepción e interacción con el entorno. Para mejorar la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores y sus cuidadores, es crucial implementar políticas de salud globales que aborden estos problemas sensoriales. Esto también implica capacitar a las personas para reducir factores de riesgo como la diabetes y las enfermedades cardiovasculares. La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) ofrece programas para evaluar y reducir el deterioro sensorial y cognitivo en las personas mayores. El consumo de alcohol y tabaco puede agravar problemas sensoriales y de memoria, afectando negativamente la calidad de vida. Los cuidadores familiares desempeñan un papel fundamental en el bienestar de los adultos mayores con alteraciones sensoriales. Es vital entender cómo estas alteraciones impactan su vida diaria y evaluar sus capacidades sensoriales, mentales y motrices para prevenir caídas y mejorar su calidad de vida. Un estudio reciente reveló que las deficiencias sensoriales, especialmente en visión y audición, tienen un gran impacto en la calidad de vida de los adultos mayores. La disminución de la visión puede predecir cambios cognitivos, y las alteraciones sensoriales están asociadas con un mayor riesgo de demencia. Estas deficiencias también afectan la independencia, el bienestar y las interacciones sociales. La disfunción del sentido del olfato está relacionada con un deterioro cognitivo y sensorial, afectando la memoria y la fluidez verbal, y puede ser un indicador temprano de demencia, influyendo también en la nutrición y las actividades diarias. Factores como la baja escolaridad, el rendimiento físico decreciente y la falta de apoyo social aumentan la vulnerabilidad cognitiva y sensorial, haciendo crucial el apoyo de profesionales de salud, familiares y amigos para manejar estas disfunciones

    Robust estimation of bacterial cell count from optical density

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    Optical density (OD) is widely used to estimate the density of cells in liquid culture, but cannot be compared between instruments without a standardized calibration protocol and is challenging to relate to actual cell count. We address this with an interlaboratory study comparing three simple, low-cost, and highly accessible OD calibration protocols across 244 laboratories, applied to eight strains of constitutive GFP-expressing E. coli. Based on our results, we recommend calibrating OD to estimated cell count using serial dilution of silica microspheres, which produces highly precise calibration (95.5% of residuals <1.2-fold), is easily assessed for quality control, also assesses instrument effective linear range, and can be combined with fluorescence calibration to obtain units of Molecules of Equivalent Fluorescein (MEFL) per cell, allowing direct comparison and data fusion with flow cytometry measurements: in our study, fluorescence per cell measurements showed only a 1.07-fold mean difference between plate reader and flow cytometry data

    Taking the pulse of Earth's tropical forests using networks of highly distributed plots

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    Tropical forests are the most diverse and productive ecosystems on Earth. While better understanding of these forests is critical for our collective future, until quite recently efforts to measure and monitor them have been largely disconnected. Networking is essential to discover the answers to questions that transcend borders and the horizons of funding agencies. Here we show how a global community is responding to the challenges of tropical ecosystem research with diverse teams measuring forests tree-by-tree in thousands of long-term plots. We review the major scientific discoveries of this work and show how this process is changing tropical forest science. Our core approach involves linking long-term grassroots initiatives with standardized protocols and data management to generate robust scaled-up results. By connecting tropical researchers and elevating their status, our Social Research Network model recognises the key role of the data originator in scientific discovery. Conceived in 1999 with RAINFOR (South America), our permanent plot networks have been adapted to Africa (AfriTRON) and Southeast Asia (T-FORCES) and widely emulated worldwide. Now these multiple initiatives are integrated via ForestPlots.net cyber-infrastructure, linking colleagues from 54 countries across 24 plot networks. Collectively these are transforming understanding of tropical forests and their biospheric role. Together we have discovered how, where and why forest carbon and biodiversity are responding to climate change, and how they feedback on it. This long-term pan-tropical collaboration has revealed a large long-term carbon sink and its trends, as well as making clear which drivers are most important, which forest processes are affected, where they are changing, what the lags are, and the likely future responses of tropical forests as the climate continues to change. By leveraging a remarkably old technology, plot networks are sparking a very modern revolution in tropical forest science. In the future, humanity can benefit greatly by nurturing the grassroots communities now collectively capable of generating unique, long-term understanding of Earth's most precious forests.Additional co-authors: Susan Laurance, William Laurance, Francoise Yoko Ishida, Andrew Marshall, Catherine Waite, Hannsjoerg Woell, Jean-Francois Bastin, Marijn Bauters, Hans Beeckman, Pfascal Boeckx, Jan Bogaert, Charles De Canniere, Thales de Haulleville, Jean-Louis Doucet, Olivier Hardy, Wannes Hubau, Elizabeth Kearsley, Hans Verbeeck, Jason Vleminckx, Steven W. Brewer, Alfredo Alarcón, Alejandro Araujo-Murakami, Eric Arets, Luzmila Arroyo, Ezequiel Chavez, Todd Fredericksen, René Guillén Villaroel, Gloria Gutierrez Sibauty, Timothy Killeen, Juan Carlos Licona, John Lleigue, Casimiro Mendoza, Samaria Murakami, Alexander Parada Gutierrez, Guido Pardo, Marielos Peña-Claros, Lourens Poorter, Marisol Toledo, Jeanneth Villalobos Cayo, Laura Jessica Viscarra, Vincent Vos, Jorge Ahumada, Everton Almeida, Jarcilene Almeida, Edmar Almeida de Oliveira, Wesley Alves da Cruz, Atila Alves de Oliveira, Fabrício Alvim Carvalho, Flávio Amorim Obermuller, Ana Andrade, Fernanda Antunes Carvalho, Simone Aparecida Vieira, Ana Carla Aquino, Luiz Aragão, Ana Claudia Araújo, Marco Antonio Assis, Jose Ataliba Mantelli Aboin Gomes, Fabrício Baccaro, Plínio Barbosa de Camargo, Paulo Barni, Jorcely Barroso, Luis Carlos Bernacci, Kauane Bordin, Marcelo Brilhante de Medeiros, Igor Broggio, José Luís Camargo, Domingos Cardoso, Maria Antonia Carniello, Andre Luis Casarin Rochelle, Carolina Castilho, Antonio Alberto Jorge Farias Castro, Wendeson Castro, Sabina Cerruto Ribeiro, Flávia Costa, Rodrigo Costa de Oliveira, Italo Coutinho, John Cunha, Lola da Costa, Lucia da Costa Ferreira, Richarlly da Costa Silva, Marta da Graça Zacarias Simbine, Vitor de Andrade Kamimura, Haroldo Cavalcante de Lima, Lia de Oliveira Melo, Luciano de Queiroz, José Romualdo de Sousa Lima, Mário do Espírito Santo, Tomas Domingues, Nayane Cristina dos Santos Prestes, Steffan Eduardo Silva Carneiro, Fernando Elias, Gabriel Eliseu, Thaise Emilio, Camila Laís Farrapo, Letícia Fernandes, Gustavo Ferreira, Joice Ferreira, Leandro Ferreira, Socorro Ferreira, Marcelo Fragomeni Simon, Maria Aparecida Freitas, Queila S. García, Angelo Gilberto Manzatto, Paulo Graça, Frederico Guilherme, Eduardo Hase, Niro Higuchi, Mariana Iguatemy, Reinaldo Imbrozio Barbosa, Margarita Jaramillo, Carlos Joly, Joice Klipel, Iêda Leão do Amaral, Carolina Levis, Antonio S. Lima, Maurício Lima Dan, Aline Lopes, Herison Madeiros, William E. Magnusson, Rubens Manoel dos Santos, Beatriz Marimon, Ben Hur Marimon Junior, Roberta Marotti Martelletti Grillo, Luiz Martinelli, Simone Matias Reis, Salomão Medeiros, Milton Meira-Junior, Thiago Metzker, Paulo Morandi, Natanael Moreira do Nascimento, Magna Moura, Sandra Cristina Müller, Laszlo Nagy, Henrique Nascimento, Marcelo Nascimento, Adriano Nogueira Lima, Raimunda Oliveira de Araújo, Jhonathan Oliveira Silva, Marcelo Pansonato, Gabriel Pavan Sabino, Karla Maria Pedra de Abreu, Pablo José Francisco Pena Rodrigues, Maria Piedade, Domingos Rodrigues, José Roberto Rodrigues Pinto, Carlos Quesada, Eliana Ramos, Rafael Ramos, Priscyla Rodrigues, Thaiane Rodrigues de Sousa, Rafael Salomão, Flávia Santana, Marcos Scaranello, Rodrigo Scarton Bergamin, Juliana Schietti, Jochen Schöngart, Gustavo Schwartz, Natalino Silva, Marcos Silveira, Cristiana Simão Seixas, Marta Simbine, Ana Claudia Souza, Priscila Souza, Rodolfo Souza, Tereza Sposito, Edson Stefani Junior, Julio Daniel do Vale, Ima Célia Guimarães Vieira, Dora Villela, Marcos Vital, Haron Xaud, Katia Zanini, Charles Eugene Zartman, Nur Khalish Hafizhah Ideris, Faizah binti Hj Metali, Kamariah Abu Salim, Muhd Shahruney Saparudin, Rafizah Mat Serudin, Rahayu Sukmaria Sukri, Serge Begne, George Chuyong, Marie Noel Djuikouo, Christelle Gonmadje, Murielle Simo-Droissart, Bonaventure Sonké, Hermann Taedoumg, Lise Zemagho, Sean Thomas, Fidèle Baya, Gustavo Saiz, Javier Silva Espejo, Dexiang Chen, Alan Hamilton, Yide Li, Tushou Luo, Shukui Niu, Han Xu, Zhang Zhou, Esteban Álvarez-Dávila, Juan Carlos Andrés Escobar, Henry Arellano-Peña, Jaime Cabezas Duarte, Jhon Calderón, Lina Maria Corrales Bravo, Borish Cuadrado, Hermes Cuadros, Alvaro Duque, Luisa Fernanda Duque, Sandra Milena Espinosa, Rebeca Franke-Ante, Hernando García, Alejandro Gómez, Roy González-M., Álvaro Idárraga-Piedrahíta, Eliana Jimenez, Rubén Jurado, Wilmar López Oviedo, René López-Camacho, Omar Aurelio Melo Cruz, Irina Mendoza Polo, Edwin Paky, Karen Pérez, Angel Pijachi, Camila Pizano, Adriana Prieto, Laura Ramos, Zorayda Restrepo Correa, James Richardson, Elkin Rodríguez, Gina M. Rodriguez M., Agustín Rudas, Pablo Stevenson, Markéta Chudomelová, Martin Dancak, Radim Hédl, Stanislav Lhota, Martin Svatek, Jacques Mukinzi, Corneille Ewango, Terese Hart, Emmanuel Kasongo Yakusu, Janvier Lisingo, Jean-Remy Makana, Faustin Mbayu, Benjamin Toirambe, John Tshibamba Mukendi, Lars Kvist, Gustav Nebel, Selene Báez, Carlos Céron, Daniel M. Griffith, Juan Ernesto Guevara Andino, David Neill, Walter Palacios, Maria Cristina Peñuela-Mora, Gonzalo Rivas-Torres, Gorky Villa, Sheleme Demissie, Tadesse Gole, Techane Gonfa, Kalle Ruokolainen, Michel Baisie, Fabrice Bénédet, Wemo Betian, Vincent Bezard, Damien Bonal, Jerôme Chave, Vincent Droissart, Sylvie Gourlet-Fleury, Annette Hladik, Nicolas Labrière, Pétrus Naisso, Maxime Réjou-Méchain, Plinio Sist, Lilian Blanc, Benoit Burban, Géraldine Derroire, Aurélie Dourdain, Clement Stahl, Natacha Nssi Bengone, Eric Chezeaux, Fidèle Evouna Ondo, Vincent Medjibe, Vianet Mihindou, Lee White, Heike Culmsee, Cristabel Durán Rangel, Viviana Horna, Florian Wittmann, Stephen Adu-Bredu, Kofi Affum-Baffoe, Ernest Foli, Michael Balinga, Anand Roopsind, James Singh, Raquel Thomas, Roderick Zagt, Indu K. Murthy, Kuswata Kartawinata, Edi Mirmanto, Hari Priyadi, Ismayadi Samsoedin, Terry Sunderland, Ishak Yassir, Francesco Rovero, Barbara Vinceti, Bruno Hérault, Shin-Ichiro Aiba, Kanehiro Kitayama, Armandu Daniels, Darlington Tuagben, John T. Woods, Muhammad Fitriadi, Alexander Karolus, Kho Lip Khoon, Noreen Majalap, Colin Maycock, Reuben Nilus, Sylvester Tan, Almeida Sitoe, Indiana Coronado G., Lucas Ojo, Rafael de Assis, Axel Dalberg Poulsen, Douglas Sheil, Karen Arévalo Pezo, Hans Buttgenbach Verde, Victor Chama Moscoso, Jimmy Cesar Cordova Oroche, Fernando Cornejo Valverde, Massiel Corrales Medina, Nallaret Davila Cardozo, Jano de Rutte Corzo, Jhon del Aguila Pasquel, Gerardo Flores Llampazo, Luis Freitas, Darcy Galiano Cabrera, Roosevelt García Villacorta, Karina Garcia Cabrera, Diego García Soria, Leticia Gatica Saboya, Julio Miguel Grandez Rios, Gabriel Hidalgo Pizango, Eurídice Honorio Coronado, Isau Huamantupa-Chuquimaco, Walter Huaraca Huasco, Yuri Tomas Huillca Aedo, Jose Luis Marcelo Peña, Abel Monteagudo Mendoza, Vanesa Moreano Rodriguez, Percy Núñez Vargas, Sonia Cesarina Palacios Ramos, Nadir Pallqui Camacho, Antonio Peña Cruz, Freddy Ramirez Arevalo, José Reyna Huaymacari, Carlos Reynel Rodriguez, Marcos Antonio Ríos Paredes, Lily Rodriguez Bayona, Rocio del Pilar Rojas Gonzales, Maria Elena Rojas Peña, Norma Salinas Revilla, Yahn Carlos Soto Shareva, Raul Tupayachi Trujillo, Luis Valenzuela Gamarra, Rodolfo Vasquez Martinez, Jim Vega Arenas, Christian Amani, Suspense Averti Ifo, Yannick Bocko, Patrick Boundja, Romeo Ekoungoulou, Mireille Hockemba, Donatien Nzala, Alusine Fofanah, David Taylor, Guillermo Bañares-de Dios, Luis Cayuela, Íñigo Granzow-de la Cerda, Manuel Macía, Juliana Stropp, Maureen Playfair, Verginia Wortel, Toby Gardner, Robert Muscarella, Hari Priyadi, Ervan Rutishauser, Kuo-Jung Chao, Pantaleo Munishi, Olaf Bánki, Frans Bongers, Rene Boot, Gabriella Fredriksson, Jan Reitsma, Hans ter Steege, Tinde van Andel, Peter van de Meer, Peter van der Hout, Mark van Nieuwstadt, Bert van Ulft, Elmar Veenendaal, Ronald Vernimmen, Pieter Zuidema, Joeri Zwerts, Perpetra Akite, Robert Bitariho, Colin Chapman, Eilu Gerald, Miguel Leal, Patrick Mucunguzi, Miguel Alexiades, Timothy R. Baker, Karina Banda, Lindsay Banin, Jos Barlow, Amy Bennett, Erika Berenguer, Nicholas Berry, Neil M. Bird, George A. Blackburn, Francis Brearley, Roel Brienen, David Burslem, Lidiany Carvalho, Percival Cho, Fernanda Coelho, Murray Collins, David Coomes, Aida Cuni-Sanchez, Greta Dargie, Kyle Dexter, Mat Disney, Freddie Draper, Muying Duan, Adriane Esquivel-Muelbert, Robert Ewers, Belen Fadrique, Sophie Fauset, Ted R. Feldpausch, Filipe França, David Galbraith, Martin Gilpin, Emanuel Gloor, John Grace, Keith Hamer, David Harris, Tommaso Jucker, Michelle Kalamandeen, Bente Klitgaard, Aurora Levesley, Simon L. Lewis, Jeremy Lindsell, Gabriela Lopez-Gonzalez, Jon Lovett, Yadvinder Malhi, Toby Marthews, Emma McIntosh, Karina Melgaço, William Milliken, Edward Mitchard, Peter Moonlight, Sam Moore, Alexandra Morel, Julie Peacock, Kelvin Peh, Colin Pendry, R. Toby Pennington, Luciana de Oliveira Pereira, Carlos Peres, Oliver L. Phillips, Georgia Pickavance, Thomas Pugh, Lan Qie, Terhi Riutta, Katherine Roucoux, Casey Ryan, Tiina Sarkinen, Camila Silva Valeria, Dominick Spracklen, Suzanne Stas, Martin Sullivan, Michael Swaine, Joey Talbot, James Taplin, Geertje van der Heijden, Laura Vedovato, Simon Willcock, Mathew Williams, Luciana Alves, Patricia Alvarez Loayza, Gabriel Arellano, Cheryl Asa, Peter Ashton, Gregory Asner, Terry Brncic, Foster Brown, Robyn Burnham, Connie Clark, James Comiskey, Gabriel Damasco, Stuart Davies, Tony Di Fiore, Terry Erwin, William Farfan-Rios, Jefferson Hall, David Kenfack, Thomas Lovejoy, Roberta Martin, Olga Martha Montiel, John Pipoly, Nigel Pitman, John Poulsen, Richard Primack, Miles Silman, Marc Steininger, Varun Swamy, John Terborgh, Duncan Thomas, Peter Umunay, Maria Uriarte, Emilio Vilanova Torre, Ophelia Wang, Kenneth Young, Gerardo A. Aymard C., Lionel Hernández, Rafael Herrera Fernández, Hirma Ramírez-Angulo, Pedro Salcedo, Elio Sanoja, Julio Serrano, Armando Torres-Lezama, Tinh Cong Le, Trai Trong Le, Hieu Dang Tra