59 research outputs found

    Projektiranje svepolnih aktivnih RC filtara niske osjetljivosti pomoću optimiranih bikvadratnih sekcija

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    In this paper we present an optimal design procedure for second- and third-order active resistance-capacitance (RC) single-amplifier building blocks that are used to build a high-order tolerance-insensitive allpole filter. The design procedure of low-sensitivity, low-pass second- and third-order active-RC allpole filters, with positive feedback, has already been published. The design was extended to the high-pass and band-pass filters, as well as, to the filters using negative feedback. In this paper we summarize all these previously presented designs in the form of a tabulated step-by-step design framework (cookbook). The low passive sensitivity of the resulting circuits, as well as low active sensitivity features are demonstrated on the high-order Chebyshev filter examples. The resulting low passive sensitivity is investigated using the Schoeffler sensitivity measure, whereas the low active sensitivity is investigated with Matlab using finite and frequency dependent opamp gain.Prikazan je optimalan postupak projektiranja aktivnih RC filtarskih sekcija drugog i trećeg reda bez konačnih nula s jednim pojačalom koje se koriste pri građenju filtara visokog reda s niskom osjetljivošću. Postupak projektiranja nisko osjetljivih, nisko propusnih filtara već je objavljen, a u ovome je radu navedeni postupak proširen na nove sekcije koje realiziraju pojasno propusnu i visoko propusnu frekvencijsku karakteristiku kao i na sekcije koje koriste negativnu povratnu vezu u realizaciji. Svi su postupci optimalnog projektiranja sažeti i raspoloživi u obliku tablica s postupkom projektiranja “korak po korak”. Niska osjetljivost na tolerancije pasivnih komponenata, kao i niska osjetljivost na varijacije aktivnog elementa (pojačala) pokazani su na primjerima projektiranja Chebyshevljevih filtara visokog reda. Pritom ostvarena niska osjetljivost, kako pasivna tako i aktivna, istraživane su pomoću Shefflerove mjere osjetljivosti, odnosno uporabom frekvencijski ovisnog modela operacijskog pojačala u simulaciji pomoću programa Matlab

    Inductorless filters: a survey II. Linear active and digital filters

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    Circuits and systems for wireless communications

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    A tunable, video-frequency, low-power, single-amplifier biquadratic filter

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    In this paper, a tunable single-amplifier biquadratic lowpass filter is presented. It consists of one balanced low-gain current amplifier and a second-order MOSFET-C feedback network. The filter was integrated in a double-poly 0.6 pm CMOS process and operates from a 3.3 V power supply. The pole frequency is tunable from 15.2 to 17.2 MHz, the pole Q is 3, the spurious-free dynamic range is at least 60dB, and the filter consumes only 2.4mW per pole. Furthermore, the active area used per pole is only 0.06 mm’. The filter is well suited for low-power video-frequency applications, and demonstrates that the MOSFET-C filter technique can be applied successfully to filters other than those based on integrator-connected topologies