205 research outputs found

    Radiomics analysis in ovarian cancer: A narrative review

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is the second most common gynecological malignancy, accounting for about 14,000 deaths in 2020 in the US. The recognition of tools for proper screening, early diagnosis, and prognosis of OC is still lagging. The application of methods such as radiomics to medical images such as ultrasound scan (US), computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or positron emission tomography (PET) in OC may help to realize so-called “precision medicine” by developing new quantification metrics linking qualitative and/or quantitative data imaging to achieve clinical diagnostic endpoints. This narrative review aims to summarize the applications of radiomics as a support in the management of a complex pathology such as ovarian cancer. We give an insight into the current evidence on radiomics applied to different imaging methods

    Pre-surgery supportive and goal-oriented strategies are associated with lower post-surgery perceived distress in women diagnosed with breast cancer

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    Background: Psycho-oncology literature pointed out that individual health outcomes may depend on patients’ propensity to adopt approach or, conversely, avoidant coping strategies. Nevertheless, coping factors associated with postoperative distress remain unclear, unfolding the lack of tailored procedures to help breast cancer patients manage the psychological burden of scheduled surgery. In view of this, the present study aimed at investigating: 1. pre-/post-surgery distress variations occurring among women diagnosed with breast cancer; 2. the predictivity of approach and avoidant coping strategies and factors in affecting post-surgery perceived distress. Methods: N = 150 patients (mean age = 59.37; SD = ± 13.23) scheduled for breast cancer surgery were administered a screening protocol consisting of the Distress Thermometer (DT) and the Brief-COPE. The DT was used to monitor patients’ distress levels before and after surgery (± 7 days), whereas the Brief-COPE was adopted only preoperatively to evaluate patients’ coping responses to the forthcoming surgical intervention. Non-parametric tests allowed for the detection of pre-/post-surgery variations in patients’ perceived distress. Factor analysis involved the extraction and rotation of principal components derived from the Brief-COPE strategies. The predictivity of such coping factors was investigated through multiple regression (Backward Elimination). Results: The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test yielded a significant variation in DT mean scores (TW = -5,68 < -zα/2 = -1,96; p <.001) indicative of lower perceived distress following surgery. The four coping factors extracted and Varimax-rotated were, respectively: 1. cognitive processing (i.e., planning + acceptance + active coping + positive reframing); 2. support provision (i.e., instrumental + emotional support); 3. emotion-oriented detachment (i.e., self-blame + behavioral disengagement + humor + denial); 4. goal-oriented detachment (i.e., self-distraction). Among these factors, support provision (B =.458; ÎČ = −.174; t = − 2.03; p =.045), encompassing two approach coping strategies, and goal-oriented detachment (B =.446; ÎČ = −.176; t = − 2.06; p =.042), consisting of one avoidant strategy, were strongly related to post-surgery distress reduction. Conclusion: The present investigation revealed that the pre-surgery adoption of supportive and goal-oriented strategies led to postoperative distress reduction among breast cancer patients. These findings highlight the importance of timely psychosocial screening and proactive interventions in order to improve patients’ recovery and prognosis

    Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Severe Mitral Regurgitation

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    Mitral valve prolapse (MVP) is the most common cause of severe mitral regurgitation. It has been reported that MVP patients-candidates for mitral valve repair (MVRep)-showed an alteration in the antioxidant defense systems as well as in the L-arginine metabolic pathway. In this study, we investigate if oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction are an MVP consequence or driving factors. Forty-five patients undergoing MVRep were evaluated before and 6 months post surgery and compared to 29 controls. Oxidized (GSSG) and reduced (GSH) forms of glutathione, and L-arginine metabolic pathway were analyzed using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry methods while osteoprotegerin (OPG) through the ELISA kit and circulating endothelial microparticles (EMP) by flow cytometry. Six-month post surgery, in MVP patients, the GSSG/GSH ratio decreased while symmetric and asymmetric dimethylarginines levels remained comparable to the baseline. Conversely, OPG levels significantly increased when compared to their baseline. Finally, pre-MVRep EMP levels were significantly higher in patients than in controls and did not change post surgery. Overall, these results highlight that MVRep completely restores the increased oxidative stress levels, as evidenced in MVP patients. Conversely, no amelioration of endothelial dysfunction was evidenced after surgery. Thus, therapies aimed to restore a proper endothelial function before and after surgical repair could benefit MVP patients

    Radiomic analysis in contrast-enhanced spectral mammography for predicting breast cancer histological outcome

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    Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography (CESM) is a recently introduced mammographic method with characteristics particularly suitable for breast cancer radiomic analysis. This work aims to evaluate radiomic features for predicting histological outcome and two cancer molecular subtypes, namely Human Epidermal growth factor Receptor 2 (HER2)-positive and triple-negative. From 52 patients, 68 lesions were identified and confirmed on histological examination. Radiomic analysis was performed on regions of interest (ROIs) selected from both low-energy (LE) and ReCombined (RC) CESM images. Fourteen statistical features were extracted from each ROI. Expression of estrogen receptor (ER) was significantly correlated with variation coefficient and variation range calculated on both LE and RC images; progesterone receptor (PR) with skewness index calculated on LE images; and Ki67 with variation coefficient, variation range, entropy and relative smoothness indices calculated on RC images. HER2 was significantly associated with relative smoothness calculated on LE images, and grading tumor with variation coefficient, entropy and relative smoothness calculated on RC images. Encouraging results for differentiation between ER+/ER−, PR+/PR−, HER2+/HER2−, Ki67+/Ki67−, High-Grade/Low-Grade and TN/NTN were obtained. Specifically, the highest performances were obtained for discriminating HER2+/HER2− (90.87%), ER+/ER− (83.79%) and Ki67+/Ki67− (84.80%). Our results suggest an interesting role for radiomics in CESM to predict histological outcomes and particular tumors’ molecular subtype

    Chronic complications in patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: prevalence and related metabolic and clinical features: the Verona Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes Study (VNDS) 9

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    INTRODUCTION: We explored the presence of chronic complications in subjects with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes referred to the Verona Diabetes Clinic. Metabolic (insulin secretion and sensitivity) and clinical features associated with complications were also investigated.RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: The comprehensive assessment of microvascular and macrovascular complications included detailed medical history, resting ECG, ultrasonography of carotid and lower limb arteries, quantitative neurological evaluation, cardiovascular autonomic tests, ophthalmoscopy, kidney function tests. Insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function were assessed by state-of-the-art techniques (insulin clamp and mathematical modeling of glucose/C-peptide curves during oral glucose tolerance test).RESULTS: We examined 806 patients (median age years, two-thirds males), of whom prior clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) was revealed in 11.2% and preclinical CVD in 7.7%. Somatic neuropathy was found in 21.2% and cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in 18.6%. Retinopathy was observed in 4.9% (background 4.2%, proliferative 0.7%). Chronic kidney disease (estimated glomerular filtration rate <60mL/min/1.73 m2) was found in 8.8% and excessive albuminuria in 13.2% (microalbuminuria 11.9%, macroalbuminuria 1.3%).Isolated microvascular disease occurred in 30.8%, isolated macrovascular disease in 9.3%, a combination of both in 9.1%, any complication in 49.2% and no complications in 50.8%.Gender, age, body mass index, smoking, hemoglobin A1c and/or hypertension were independently associated with one or more complications. Insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction were associated with macrovascular but not microvascular disease.CONCLUSIONS: Despite a generally earlier diagnosis for an increased awareness of the disease, as many as ~50% of patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes had clinical or preclinical manifestations of microvascular and/or macrovascular disease. Insulin resistance might play an independent role in macrovascular disease.TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01526720
