1,375 research outputs found

    Optimal strategies for a game on amenable semigroups

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    The semigroup game is a two-person zero-sum game defined on a semigroup S as follows: Players 1 and 2 choose elements x and y in S, respectively, and player 1 receives a payoff f(xy) defined by a function f from S to [-1,1]. If the semigroup is amenable in the sense of Day and von Neumann, one can extend the set of classical strategies, namely countably additive probability measures on S, to include some finitely additive measures in a natural way. This extended game has a value and the players have optimal strategies. This theorem extends previous results for the multiplication game on a compact group or on the positive integers with a specific payoff. We also prove that the procedure of extending the set of allowed strategies preserves classical solutions: if a semigroup game has a classical solution, this solution solves also the extended game.Comment: 17 pages. To appear in International Journal of Game Theor

    Changes in iron-regulatory gene expression occur in human cell culture models of Parkinson's disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Neuronal iron accumulation is thought to be relevant to the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease (PD), although the mechanism remains elusive. We hypothesized that neuronal iron uptake may be stimulated by functional mitochondrial iron deficiency. OBJECTIVE: To determine firstly whether the mitochondrial toxin, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium iodide (MPP(+)), results in upregulation of iron-import proteins and transporters of iron into the mitochondria, and secondly whether similar changes in expression are induced by toxins with different mechanisms of action. METHODS: We used quantitative PCR and Western blotting to investigate expression of the iron importers, divalent metal transporter, transferrin receptor 1 and 2 (TfR1 and TfR2) and mitoferrin-2 and the iron exporter ferroportin in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells exposed to three different toxins relevant to PD, MPP(+), paraquat (a free radical generator) and lactacystin (an inhibitor of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS)). RESULTS: MPP(+) resulted in increased mRNA and protein levels of genes involved in cellular iron import and transport into the mitochondria. Similar changes occurred following exposure to paraquat, another inducer of oxidative stress. Lactacystin also resulted in increased TfR1 mRNA levels, although the other changes were not found. CONCLUSION: Our results support the hypothesis of a functional mitochondrial iron deficit driving neuronal iron uptake but also suggest that differences exist in neuronal iron handling induced by different toxins

    Protocol for a double-blind randomised placebo-controlled trial of lithium carbonate in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (LiCALS) [Eudract number: 2008-006891-31].

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    BACKGROUND: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterised by loss of motor neurons leading to severe weakness and death from respiratory failure within 3-5 years. Riluzole prolongs survival in ALS. A published report has suggested a dramatic effect of lithium carbonate on survival. 44 patients were studied, with 16 randomly selected to take LiCO3 and riluzole and 28 allocated to take riluzole alone. In the group treated with lithium, no patients had died (i.e., 100% survival) at the end of the study (15 months from entry), compared to 71% surviving in the riluzole-only group. Although the trial can be criticised on several grounds, there is a substantial rationale from other laboratory studies that lithium is worth investigating therapeutically in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. METHODS/DESIGN: LiCALS is a multi-centre double-blind randomised parallel group controlled trial of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of lithium carbonate (LiCO3) at doses to achieve stable 'therapeutic' plasma levels (0.4-0.8 mmol/L), plus standard treatment, versus matched placebo plus standard treatment, in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. The study will be based in the UK, in partnership with the MND Association and DeNDRoN (the Dementias and Neurodegnerative Diseases Clinical Research Network). 220 patients will be recruited. All patients will be on the standard treatment for ALS of riluzole 100 mg daily. The primary outcome measure will be death from any cause at 18 months defined from the date of randomisation. Secondary outcome measures will be changes in three functional rating scales, the ALS Functional Rating Scale-Revised, The EuroQOL (EQ-5D), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale.Eligible patients will have El Escorial Possible, Laboratory-supported Probable, Probable or Definite amyotrophic lateral sclerosis with disease duration between 6 months and 36 months (inclusive), vital capacity ≥ 60% of predicted within 1 month prior to randomisation and age at least18 years. DISCUSSION: Patient recruitment began in June 2009 and the last patient is expected to complete the trial protocol in November 2011. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Current controlled trials ISRCTN83178718

    Improving the teaching skills of residents as tutors/facilitators and addressing the shortage of faculty facilitators for PBL modules

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    BACKGROUND: Residents play an important role in teaching of medical undergraduate students. Despite their importance in teaching undergraduates they are not involved in any formal training in teaching and leadership skills. We aimed to compare the teaching skills of residents with faculty in facilitating small group Problem Based Learning (PBL) sessions. METHODS: This quasi experimental descriptive comparative research involved 5 postgraduate year 4 residents and five senior faculty members. The study was conducted with all phase III (Final year) students rotating in Gastroenterology. The residents and faculty members received brief training of one month in facilitation and core principles of adult education. Different aspects of teaching skills of residents and faculty were evaluated by students on a questionnaire (graded on Likert Scale from 1 to 10) assessing i) Knowledge Base-content Learning (KBL), ii) PBL, iii) Student Centered Learning (SCL) and iv) Group Skills (GS). RESULTS: There were 33 PBL teaching sessions in which 120 evaluation forms were filled; out of these 53% forms were filled for residents and 47% for faculty group. The faculty showed a statistically greater rating in KBL (faculty 8.37 Vs resident 7.94; p-value 0.02), GS (faculty 8.06 vs. residents 7.68; p-value 0.04). Differences in faculty and resident scores in the PBL and SCL were not significant. The overall score of faculty facilitators, however, was statistically significant for resident facilitators. (p = .05). CONCLUSION: 1) Residents are an effective supplement to faculty members for PBL; 2) Additional facilitators for PBL sessions can be identified in an institution by involvement of residents in teacher training workshop

    Younger age of onset in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis is a result of pathogenic gene variants, rather than ascertainment bias.

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    OBJECTIVE: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease of motor neurons with a median survival of 2 years. Familial ALS has a younger age of onset than apparently sporadic ALS. We sought to determine whether this younger age of onset is a result of ascertainment bias or has a genetic basis. METHODS: Samples from people with ALS were sequenced for 13 ALS genes. To determine the effect of genetic variation, age of onset was compared in people with sporadic ALS carrying a pathogenic gene variant and those who do not; to determine the effect of family history, we compared those with genetic sporadic ALS and familial ALS. RESULTS: There were 941 people with a diagnosis of ALS, 100 with familial ALS. Of 841 with apparently sporadic ALS, 95 carried a pathogenic gene variant. The mean age of onset in familial ALS was 5.3 years younger than for apparently sporadic ALS (p=6.0×10-5, 95% CI 2.8 to 7.8 years). The mean age of onset of genetic sporadic ALS was 2.9 years younger than non-genetic sporadic ALS (p=0.011, 95% CI 0.7 to 5.2 years). There was no difference between the mean age of onset in genetic sporadic ALS and familial ALS (p=0.097). CONCLUSIONS: People with familial ALS have an age of onset about 5 years younger than those with apparently sporadic ALS, and we have shown that this is a result of Mendelian gene variants lowering the age of onset, rather than ascertainment bias

    Theory of biopolymer stretching at high forces

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    We provide a unified theory for the high force elasticity of biopolymers solely in terms of the persistence length, ξp\xi_p, and the monomer spacing, aa. When the force f>\fh \sim k_BT\xi_p/a^2 the biopolymers behave as Freely Jointed Chains (FJCs) while in the range \fl \sim k_BT/\xi_p < f < \fh the Worm-like Chain (WLC) is a better model. We show that ξp\xi_p can be estimated from the force extension curve (FEC) at the extension x1/2x\approx 1/2 (normalized by the contour length of the biopolymer). After validating the theory using simulations, we provide a quantitative analysis of the FECs for a diverse set of biopolymers (dsDNA, ssRNA, ssDNA, polysaccharides, and unstructured PEVK domain of titin) for x1/2x \ge 1/2. The success of a specific polymer model (FJC or WLC) to describe the FEC of a given biopolymer is naturally explained by the theory. Only by probing the response of biopolymers over a wide range of forces can the ff-dependent elasticity be fully described.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Mitochondria and neuroplasticity

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    The production of neurons from neural progenitor cells, the growth of axons and dendrites and the formation and reorganization of synapses are examples of neuroplasticity. These processes are regulated by cell-autonomous and intercellular (paracrine and endocrine) programs that mediate responses of neural cells to environmental input. Mitochondria are highly mobile and move within and between subcellular compartments involved in neuroplasticity (synaptic terminals, dendrites, cell body and the axon). By generating energy (ATP and NAD+), and regulating subcellular Ca2+ and redox homoeostasis, mitochondria may play important roles in controlling fundamental processes in neuroplasticity, including neural differentiation, neurite outgrowth, neurotransmitter release and dendritic remodelling. Particularly intriguing is emerging data suggesting that mitochondria emit molecular signals (e.g. reactive oxygen species, proteins and lipid mediators) that can act locally or travel to distant targets including the nucleus. Disturbances in mitochondrial functions and signalling may play roles in impaired neuroplasticity and neuronal degeneration in Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, psychiatric disorders and stroke

    Spatially resolved transcriptomics reveals genes associated with the vulnerability of middle temporal gyrus in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Human middle temporal gyrus (MTG) is a vulnerable brain region in early Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but little is known about the molecular mechanisms underlying this regional vulnerability. Here we utilize the 10 × Visium platform to define the spatial transcriptomic profile in both AD and control (CT) MTG. We identify unique marker genes for cortical layers and the white matter, and layer-specific differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in human AD compared to CT. Deconvolution of the Visium spots showcases the significant difference in particular cell types among cortical layers and the white matter. Gene co-expression analyses reveal eight gene modules, four of which have significantly altered co-expression patterns in the presence of AD pathology. The co-expression patterns of hub genes and enriched pathways in the presence of AD pathology indicate an important role of cell–cell-communications among microglia, oligodendrocytes, astrocytes, and neurons, which may contribute to the cellular and regional vulnerability in early AD. Using single-molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization, we validated the cell-type-specific expression of three novel DEGs (e.g., KIF5A, PAQR6, and SLC1A3) and eleven previously reported DEGs associated with AD pathology (i.e., amyloid beta plaques and intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles or neuropil threads) at the single cell level. Our results may contribute to the understanding of the complex architecture and neuronal and glial response to AD pathology of this vulnerable brain region