15,643 research outputs found

    The role of coherent structures in the generation of noise for subsonic jets

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    Acoustic measurements were made in the 'near' (r/D 60, x/D 60) field for high Reynolds number (184,000 to 262,000) axisymmetric cold air jets exhausting at atmospheric pressure. These measurements were in conjunction with an investigation which characterized the large scale coherent structure in the flow field of Mach number 0.6 to 0.8 jets. Natural jets as well as artificially excited jets were studied. Directivity plots were made for both natural jets and jets excited at various frequencies. Overall noise radiated by the jets reached a maximum value around 30 deg from the jet axis. However, individual frequencies emitted maximum sound pressure level at different angles from the jet axis. As the angle from the jet axis increased, the spectra of the noise shifted to higher frequencies

    Aquatic Invertebrate Community Structure, Biological Condition, Habitat, and Water Quality at Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri, 2005-2014

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    Ozark National Scenic Riverways (OZAR) was established to protect the corridor of the Current River and its major tributary, the Jacks Fork. The Current River is one of the few remaining free-flowing rivers in the U.S., with much of its base flow coming from several large springs. To assess the biological condition of these rivers, aquatic invertebrate community structure was monitored from 2005 to 2014. Benthic invertebrate samples and associated habitat and water quality data were collected from each of nine sampling sites using a Slack-Surber sampler. The Stream Condition Index (SCI), a multimetric index that incorporates taxa richness, EPT (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, Trichoptera) richness, Shannon’s diversity index, and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index (HBI), was calculated. The benthic invertebrate fauna was diverse with 155 distinct taxa identified from all sites. Mean taxa richness was high, ranging from 22 to 30 among sites. The invertebrate taxa of the Current River and Jacks Fork are largely intolerant across all taxa represented (mean tolerance value= ~4.25). Mean HBI did not exceed 3.9 in the Current River or 4.4 for the Jacks Fork. Mean SCI scores across sampling sites generally were well above 16, indicating they are not impaired. Habitat and water quality data were summarized, but they were poorly correlated with individual invertebrate metrics. Sørenson’s similarity index was used to assess community similarity among sites, and similarity scores were then analyzed using ascendant hierarchical cluster analysis. Similarity among sites was 72% or greater. Cluster analysis showed that Current River and Jacks Fork sites clustered separately and in a downstream progression. The uppermost collection site on the Current River was most unlike the other sites, which probably relates to the distinct physical features of that site compared to the others. Nonmetric Multidimensional Scaling (NMDS) was used to evaluate the relationship of invertebrate metrics to habitat and water quality. The NMDS model was found to be a good fit (stress=0.04) and specific conductance, temperature, discharge, filamentous algae and aquatic vegetation were among the most important habitat variables in defining the relationship among sampling sites. The three lower Current River and Jacks Fork sites each were closely grouped in ordination space, but the three upper Current River sites were farther apart from each other. The influence of several large volume springs near those sites is suspected of producing such disparity through press type disturbances. Although the invertebrate communities and water quality in the Current River and Jacks Fork are largely sound and have high biological condition, ongoing and projected threats to these resources remain, and those threats largely originate outside park jurisdictional boundaries. Inherent variability of invertebrate community diversity across sites and years highlights the importance of using multi-metric assessments and multiyear monitoring to support management decisions

    Summary of the electromagnetic compatibility evaluation of the proposed satellite power system

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    The effects of the proposed solar power satellite (SPS) operations on electronic equipment and systems by fundamental, harmonic, and intermodulation component emissions from the orbital station; and the fundamental, harmonic, and structural intermodulation emissions from the rectenna site were evaluated. The coupling and affects interactions affecting a wide spectrum of electronic equipment are considered. The primary EMC tasking areas are each discussed separately

    Lifting of the Vlasov-Maxwell Bracket by Lie-transform Method

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    The Vlasov-Maxwell equations possess a Hamiltonian structure expressed in terms of a Hamiltonian functional and a functional bracket. In the present paper, the transformation ("lift") of the Vlasov-Maxwell bracket induced by the dynamical reduction of single-particle dynamics is investigated when the reduction is carried out by Lie-transform perturbation methods. The ultimate goal of this work is to derive explicit Hamiltonian formulations for the guiding-center and gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations that have important applications in our understanding of turbulent magnetized plasmas. Here, it is shown that the general form of the reduced Vlasov-Maxwell equations possesses a Hamiltonian structure defined in terms of a reduced Hamiltonian functional and a reduced bracket that automatically satisfies the standard bracket properties.Comment: 39 page

    Principles of Chemotherapy and Their Application to the Management of Lymphosarcoma

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    Most repons of treatment of lymphosarcoma (LSA) in domestic animals have involved canine and feline LSA. The disease in cats differs from that in dogs in that feline LSA is caused by a contagious retrovirus. Controversy has existed as to whether feline leukemia virus (FeLV) positive cats with LSA should be treated because of their danger to other cats, or because of the controversial question of a human health hazard. There has been no proven danger to people, and 30% of cats with LSA are FeLV negative. Some owners elect chemotherapy for their cats regardless of potential risks. As a result of this increasing awareness of pet owners to the potential benefits to be gained by chemotherapy, the practicing veterinarian must be able to skillfully administer chemotherapy to pets who have developed cancer

    CIR Modulation of the X-ray Flux from the O7.5 III(n)((f)) Star xi Persei?

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    We analyze a 162 ks HETG Chandra observation of the O7.5 III(n)((f)) star xi Per, together with contemporaneous H alpha observations. The X-ray spectrum of this star is similar to other single O stars, and not pathological in any way. Its UV wind lines are known to display cyclical time variability, with a period of 2.086 days, which is thought to be associated with co-rotating interaction regions (CIRs). We examine the Chandra and H alpha data for variability on this time scale. We find that the X-rays vary by about 15% over the course of the observations and that this variability is out of phase with variable absorption on the blue wing of the H alpha profiles (assumed to be a surrogate for the UV absorption associated with CIRs). While not conclusive, both sets of data are consistent with models where the CIRs are either a source of X-rays or modulate them.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS. 9 pages, 9 figure

    The Moment of Inertia of the Binary Pulsar J0737-3039A: Constraining the Nuclear Equation of State

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    We construct numerical models of the newly discovered binary pulsar J0737-3039A, both with a fully relativistic, uniformly rotating, equilibrium code that handles arbitrary spins and in the relativistic, slow-rotation approximation. We compare results for a representative sample of viable nuclear equations of state (EOS) that span three, qualitatively different, classes of models for the description of nuclear matter. A future dynamical measurement of the neutron star's moment of inertia from pulsar timing data will impose significant constraints on the nuclear EOS. Even a moderately accurate measurement (<~ 10 %) may be able to rule out some of these competing classes. Using the measured mass, spin and moment of inertia to identify the optimal model computed from different EOSs, one can determine the pulsar's radius.Comment: 4 pages, ApJL in pres
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