4,060 research outputs found

    Determining the clog state of constructed wetlands using an embeddable Earth's Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance probe

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    The recent rise in interest of green technologies has led to significant adoption of the constructed wetland as a waste water treatment technique. This increased popularity has only been mired by the decline in operational lifetime of wetland units, leading to the need for more regular, time consuming, and expensive rejuvenation techniques to be performed than initially anticipated. To extend operational lifetimes and increase efficiency of wetland units, it is crucial to have an accurate method to determine the internal state of the wetland system. The most important parameter to measure within the reed bed is the clog state of the system, which is representative of the overall system health. In previous work, magnetic resonance (MR) measurements, parameters of T1 and T2eff, have been demonstrated as extremely powerful tools to determine the internal clog state of a wetland [1, 2]. Measurements have been performed in a laboratory setting, using low field permanent magnet arrangements. This work presents an Earth's Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (EFNMR) probe suitable for in situ measurements within constructed wetlands. We show T2eff and T1 measurements using the EFNMR probe. T1 values are shown to be sensitive to the change in the clog state with 1498 ms for the thickly clogged sample and 2728 ms for the thinly clogged sample. T2eff values are shown to be marginally more sensitive to clog state with 630 ms for a thickly clogged sample and 1212 ms for the thinly clogged sample. This gives distinguishable variation within both parameters suggesting that this probe is suitable for embedding into an operational constructed wetland. This work was conducted as part of an EU FP7 project to construct an Automated Reed Bed Installation, "ARBI"

    Investigation of MicroRNA-134 as a Target against Seizures and SUDEP in a Mouse Model of Dravet Syndrome

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    Dravet syndrome (DS) is a catastrophic form of pediatric epilepsy mainly caused by noninherited mutations in the SCN1A gene. DS patients suffer severe and life-threatening focal and generalized seizures which are often refractory to available anti-seizure medication. Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) based approaches may offer treatment opportunities in DS. MicroRNAs are short noncoding RNAs that play a key role in brain structure and function by post-transcriptionally regulating gene expression, including ion channels. Inhibiting miRNA-134 (miR-134) using an antimiR ASO (Ant-134) has been shown to reduce evoked seizures in juvenile and adult mice and reduce epilepsy development in models of focal epilepsy. The present study investigated the levels of miR-134 and whether Ant-134 could protect against hyperthermia-induced seizures, spontaneous seizures and mortality (SUDEP) in F1.Scn1a(1/)tm1kea mice. At P17, animals were intracerebroventricular in-jected with 0.1–1 nmol of Ant-134 and subject to a hyperthermia challenge at postnatal day (P)18. A second cohort of P21 F1.Scn1a(1/)tm1kea mice received Ant-134 and were followed by video and EEG monitoring until P28 to track the incidence of spontaneous seizures and SUDEP. Hippocampal and cortical levels of miR-134 were similar between wild-type (WT) and F1.Scn1a(1/)tm1kea mice. Moreover, Ant-134 had no effect on hyperthermia-induced seizures, spontaneous seizures and SUDEP incidence were unchanged in Ant-134-treated DS mice. These findings suggest that targeting miR-134 does not have therapeutic applications in DS

    Antagomir-mediated suppression of microRNA-134 reduces kainic acid-induced seizures in immature mice

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    MicroRNAs are short non-coding RNAs that negatively regulate protein levels and perform important roles in establishing and maintaining neuronal network function. Previous studies in adult rodents have detected upregulation of microRNA-134 after prolonged seizures (status epilepticus) and demonstrated that silencing microRNA-134 using antisense oligonucleotides, termed antagomirs, has potent and long-lasting seizure-suppressive effects. Here we investigated whether targeting microRNA-134 can reduce or delay acute seizures in the immature brain. Status epilepticus was induced in 21 day-old (P21) male mice by systemic injection of 5 mg/kg kainic acid. This triggered prolonged electrographic seizures and select bilateral neuronal death within the CA3 subfield of the hippocampus. Expression of microRNA-134 and functional loading to Argonaute-2 was not significantly changed in the hippocampus after seizures in the model. Nevertheless, when levels of microRNA-134 were reduced by prior intracerebroventricular injection of an antagomir, kainic acid-induced seizures were delayed and less severe and mice displayed reduced neuronal death in the hippocampus. These studies demonstrate targeting microRNA-134 may have therapeutic applications for the treatment of seizures in children

    Price distortions and public information: theory, experiments and simulations

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    This paper studies the effects on the asset price of the introduction of a public signal in the presence of asymmetric private information in a decentralized market. We introduce an artificial market model populated by boundedly rational agents with heterogeneous levels of reasoning: sophisticated and naive traders. The model captures the main impacts of public information analyzed in the laboratory experiments reported by Ruiz-Buforn et al. (2019). Public information, when correct, coordinates market activity, improving price convergence to the fundamentals. By contrast, unwarranted public information pushes prices away from fundamentals. This strong influence of public information on prices is primarily driven by its common knowledge property

    Spared CA1 pyramidal neuron function and hippocampal performance following antisense knockdown of microRNA-134

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    OBJECTIVE: Inhibition of microRNA-134 by an oligonucleotide antagomir (ant-134) has been shown to produce powerful antiseizure effects in multiple models of epilepsy. However, to successfully translate the treatment to the clinic, it is important to assess what potential adverse effects it may have on naive brain tissue. METHODS: To investigate this, adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated with either ant-134 or a scrambled control sequence. Animals were later assessed for spatial navigation, before ex vivo slices were taken to assess the effects of microRNA-134 knockdown on well-defined measures of intrinsic and synaptic properties. RESULTS: Hippocampal field potential recordings determined that silencing of microRNA-134 by ant-134 injection was associated with a reduction in epileptiform activity following application of 9 mmol/L K+ . Nevertheless, rats performed normally in the novel object location test. Action potential waveforms and miniature excitatory synaptic currents recorded in CA1 pyramidal neurons were unaffected by ant-134. SIGNIFICANCE: These results demonstrate that ant-134 confers a seizure-protective effect without obvious interference with hippocampal neuronal properties or network function. These findings support further development of this novel approach to epilepsy treatment

    Fifty years of spellchecking

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    A short history of spellchecking from the late 1950s to the present day, describing its development through dictionary lookup, affix stripping, correction, confusion sets, and edit distance to the use of gigantic databases

    High levels of genetic structure and striking phenotypic variability in a sexually dimorphic suckermouth catfish from the African Highveld

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    © 2015 The Linnean Society of London. Uncovering biological diversity to more accurately understand diversity patterns, and ultimately the processes driving diversification, is important not only from an evolutionary perspective but also a conservation perspective. This is particularly pertinent in Africa's rivers in which overall diversity, as well as how it arose, is poorly understood in comparison with lacustrine environments. Here we investigate population divergence in the sexually dimorphic suckermouth catfish species Chiloglanis anoterus (Crass, 1960) from the African Highveld, in which we observe striking variability in exaggerated male caudal fins across its range. As this trait is likely to be indirect evidence for sexual selection by female choice, a mechanism that has been shown to increase species diversity in different taxa, we used an integrated approach to test if current diversity in this species is underestimated. Results based on phylogenetic inference, population genetics and geometric morphometrics indicate that the recognized species C. anoterus represents five distinct lineages that may be considered confirmed candidate species. We suggest that diversification in these highland catfish has been facilitated through geographical isolation in upper river catchments, and that sexual selection through female choice has probably driven variation in male caudal fin morphology. In contrast to the relatively large range size of the currently recognized species (C. anoterus), our findings highlight highly restricted ranges of the lineages identified here, indicating that these highland habitats may harbour higher levels of endemic diversity than previously thought

    Hydrostatic pressure does not cause detectable changes to survival of human retinal ganglion

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    Purpose: Elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) is a major risk factor for glaucoma. One consequence of raised IOP is that ocular tissues are subjected to increased hydrostatic pressure (HP). The effect of raised HP on stress pathway signaling and retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival in the human retina was investigated. Methods: A chamber was designed to expose cells to increased HP (constant and fluctuating). Accurate pressure control (10-100mmHg) was achieved using mass flow controllers. Human organotypic retinal cultures (HORCs) from donor eyes (<24h post mortem) were cultured in serum-free DMEM/HamF12. Increased HP was compared to simulated ischemia (oxygen glucose deprivation, OGD). Cell death and apoptosis were measured by LDH and TUNEL assays, RGC marker expression by qRT-PCR (THY-1) and RGC number by immunohistochemistry (NeuN). Activated p38 and JNK were detected by Western blot. Results: Exposure of HORCs to constant (60mmHg) or fluctuating (10-100mmHg; 1 cycle/min) pressure for 24 or 48h caused no loss of structural integrity, LDH release, decrease in RGC marker expression (THY-1) or loss of RGCs compared with controls. In addition, there was no increase in TUNEL-positive NeuN-labelled cells at either time-point indicating no increase in apoptosis of RGCs. OGD increased apoptosis, reduced RGC marker expression and RGC number and caused elevated LDH release at 24h. p38 and JNK phosphorylation remained unchanged in HORCs exposed to fluctuating pressure (10-100mmHg; 1 cycle/min) for 15, 30, 60 and 90min durations, whereas OGD (3h) increased activation of p38 and JNK, remaining elevated for 90min post-OGD. Conclusions: Directly applied HP had no detectable impact on RGC survival and stress-signalling in HORCs. Simulated ischemia, however, activated stress pathways and caused RGC death. These results show that direct HP does not cause degeneration of RGCs in the ex vivo human retina

    Cost-effectiveness of nurse-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) compared to supportive listening (SL) for adjustment to multiple sclerosis

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    Background: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) reduces distress in multiple sclerosis, and helps manage adjustment, but cost-effectiveness evidence is lacking. Methods: An economic evaluation was conducted within a multi-centre trial. 94 patients were randomised to either eight sessions of nurse-led CBT or supportive listening (SL). Costs were calculated from the health, social and indirect care perspectives, and combined with additional quality-adjusted life years (QALY) or improvement on the GHQ-12 score, to explore cost-effectiveness at 12 months. Results: CBT had higher mean health costs (£1610, 95% CI, −£187 to 3771) and slightly better QALYs (0.0053, 95% CI, −0.059 to 0.103) compared to SL but these differences were not statistically significant. This yielded £301,509 per QALY improvement, indicating that CBT is not cost-effective according to established UK NHS thresholds. The extra cost per patient improvement on the GHQ-12 scale was £821 from the same perspective. Using a £20,000, threshold, CBT in this format has a 9% probability of being cost effective. Although subgroup analysis of patients with clinical levels of distress at baseline showed an improvement in the position of CBT compared to SL, CBT was still not cost-effective. Conclusion: Nurse delivered CBT is more effective in reducing distress among MS patients compared to SL, but is highly unlikely to be cost-effective using a preference-based measure of health (EQ-5D). Results from a diseasespecif ic measure (GHQ-12) produced comparatively lower Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratios, but there is currently no acceptable willingness-to-pay threshold for this measure to guide decision-making