18 research outputs found

    Quantum symmetrization transition in superconducting sulfur hydride from quantum Monte Carlo and path integral molecular dynamics

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    We study the structural phase transition associated with the highest superconducting critical temperature measured in high-pressure sulfur hydride. A quantitative description of its pressure dependence has been elusive for any \emph{ab initio} theory attempted so far, raising questions on the actual mechanism driving the transition. Here, we reproduce the critical pressure of the hydrogen bond symmetrization in the Im3ˉ\bar{3}m structure, in agreement with experimental data, by combining quantum Monte Carlo simulations for electrons with path integral molecular dynamics for quantum nuclei. For comparison, we also apply the self-consistent harmonic approximation, which underestimates the critical pressure by about 40 GPa even when the most accurate potential energy surface is used, pinpointing the importance of an exact treatment of nuclear quantum effects. They indeed play a major role in a significant reduction (≈\approx 100 GPa) of the classical transition pressure and in a large isotope shift (≈\approx 25 GPa) upon hydrogen-to-deuterium substitution

    Atomic forces by quantum Monte Carlo: application to phonon dispersion calculation

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    We report the first successful application of the {\it ab initio} quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) framework to a phonon dispersion calculation. A full phonon dispersion of diamond is successfully calculated at the variational Monte Carlo (VMC) level, based on the frozen-phonon technique. The VMC-phonon dispersion is in good agreement with the experimental results, giving renormalized harmonic optical frequencies very close to the experimental values, by significantly improving upon density functional theory (DFT) in the generalized gradient approximation. Key to success for the QMC approach is the statistical error reduction in atomic force evaluation. We show that this can be achieved by using well conditioned atomic basis sets, by explicitly removing the basis-set redundancy, which reduces the statistical error of forces by up to two orders of magnitude. This leads to affordable and accurate QMC-phonons calculations, up to 10410^{4} times more efficient than previous attempts, and paves the way to new applications, particularly in correlated materials, where phonons have been poorly reproduced so far.Comment: 10 page

    Methodology for clinical research

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    A clinical research requires a systematic approach with diligent planning, execution and sampling in order to obtain reliable and validated results, as well as an understanding of each research methodology is essential for researchers. Indeed, selecting an inappropriate study type, an error that cannot be corrected after the beginning of a study, results in flawed methodology. The results of clinical research studies enhance the repertoire of knowledge regarding a disease pathogenicity, an existing or newly discovered medication, surgical or diagnostic procedure or medical device. Medical research can be divided into primary and secondary research, where primary research involves conducting studies and collecting raw data, which is then analysed and evaluated in secondary research. The successful deployment of clinical research methodology depends upon several factors. These include the type of study, the objectives, the population, study design, methodology/techniques and the sampling and statistical procedures used. Among the different types of clinical studies, we can recognize descriptive or analytical studies, which can be further categorized in observational and experimental. Finally, also pre-clinical studies are of outmost importance, representing the steppingstone of clinical trials. It is therefore important to understand the types of method for clinical research. Thus, this review focused on various aspects of the methodology and describes the crucial steps of the conceptual and executive stages

    Ethical considerations regarding animal experimentation

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    Animal experimentation is widely used around the world for the identification of the root causes of various diseases in humans and animals and for exploring treatment options. Among the several animal species, rats, mice and purpose-bred birds comprise almost 90% of the animals that are used for research purpose. However, growing awareness of the sentience of animals and their experience of pain and suffering has led to strong opposition to animal research among many scientists and the general public. In addition, the usefulness of extrapolating animal data to humans has been questioned. This has led to Ethical Committees’ adoption of the ‘four Rs’ principles (Reduction, Refinement, Replacement and Responsibility) as a guide when making decisions regarding animal experimentation. Some of the essential considerations for humane animal experimentation are presented in this review along with the requirement for investigator training. Due to the ethical issues surrounding the use of animals in experimentation, their use is declining in those research areas where alternative in vitro or in silico methods are available. However, so far it has not been possible to dispense with experimental animals completely and further research is needed to provide a road map to robust alternatives before their use can be fully discontinued

    From atoms to extended structures via ab-initio and multi-scale simulations

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    This thesis deals with the theoretical and computational modelling of materials by using a variety of ab-initio approaches to accurately predict the properties of realistic structures. A number of known and novel carbon-based materials are studied, exploiting the unique versatility of carbon to bind into several bonding configurations, with the aim of tailoring their electronic and mechanical characteristics. In this regard, the methods used to carry out electronic structure simulations depend on the system size: from the Dirac-Hartree-Fock approach to model molecular properties, to Density Functional Theory used for periodic solids, such as diamond and graphene-related materials composed by a few to some hundred of atoms, to Density Functional Tight Binding or plane Tight Binding to study nanowires or Beltrami pseudospheres, which are composed by some hundreds to a few millions atoms. The details of these methods are introduced in the chapters where they are used. The criterion used to present these concepts is to organize the chapters, with the exception of the last one, according to the increasing dimension of the systems. More in details, the first chapter uses the Dirac-Hartree-Fock approach to simulate atoms and molecules, such bromotrifluoromethane; the second chapter deals with periodic systems characterized by unit cells with a relatively small number of atoms, such as diamond and graphite; the third one discusses graphene and graphene-related materials with lower density; the fourth one present a new computational and experimental model of silicon carbide nanowires coated with silicon dioxide shell; the fifth chapter is focused on the study of sp2-hybridized carbon atoms, arranged on a Beltrami surface. The latter topic spans different research fields such as geometrical topology, physics and mechanical engineering. Finally, the last chapter is dedicated to an on going work which deals with the Non-Adiabatic Molecular Dynamics simulation of amorphous silica samples where we couple the nuclear dynamic of the system to the electronic structure

    Hydrogen phase-IV characterization by full account of quantum anharmonicity

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