5 research outputs found

    An Ultra-Low Resource Ion Mass Spectrometer for CubeSat Platforms

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    The Compact Ion Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) is a highly compact ion mass spectrometer capable of mass resolution for low-energy space plasma. CIMS is capable of measuring flux, energy, and mass of ions providing unique measurements of the ionospheric outflow and cold plasma in the magnetosphere. The CIMS utilizes a laminated collimator to define the field-of-view, a laminated electrostatic analyzer to selectively filter ions based on energy-per- charge, a magnetic sector analyzer to separate ions by mass-per-charge, and a microchannel plate with a position sensitive cross-delay anode assembly to detect the location of the ions on the detector plane. This ion mass spectrometer is a simple, compact, and robust instrument ideal for obtaining low-energy (0.1 eV to 1000 eV) ion composition measurements of ionospheric and cold magnetospheric space plasma. The instrument design has significant mass and volume savings when compared to current state-of-the-art ion mass spectrometers and has the additional advantage of being able to simultaneously measure multiple ion species signals of a given energy at 100% duty cycle, thus providing a true mass spectrum. The extremely low resource requirements of the CIMS instrument in combination with the relaxed fabrication techniques and ease of assembly allows for rapid and low-cost production

    An Ultra-Compact Ion Mass Spectrometer for Observations of Planetary Ionospheres

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    The Compact Ion Mass Spectrometer (CIMS) is an ultra-low resource ion mass spectrometer being designed to make observations of low-energy space plasmas such as that in planetary ionospheres. The CIMS utilizes a laminated collimator to define the field-of-view, a laminated electrostatic analyzer to selectively filter ions based on energy-per-charge (E/qM/q), and a microchannel plate with a position sensitive cross-delay anode assembly (XDL/MCP) to detect the location of the ions on the detector plane. This ion mass spectrometer is a simple, compact, and robust instrument ideal for obtaining low-energy (0.1 eV to 1000 eV) ion composition measurements of terrestrial and planetary ionospheres. The combination of the laminated analyzer design, which creates a ribbon-like signal beam, and large area (XDL/MCP) imaging anode allows for a mass resolution (M/Ī”M) of approximately sixteen, which is comparable to state-of-the-art ion mass spectrometers. The laminated ESA design incorporates a large number of independent analyzer elements in a grid configuration which allows for the geometric factor, i.e. instrument sensitivity, to be scaled as a function of the total number of elements. This scalability provides for custom CIMS instruments each specifically tailored for a space plasma environment. The concept and operation are intrinsically simple and enable ultrafast (~50 kHz) measurement of plasma ion composition to provide an improved understanding of the physical processes that drive complex ion dynamics in planetary ionospheres. The CIMSā€™s low-resource constraints make it a viable candidate for implementation in missions requiring multi-point observations using satellite constellations, as a primary payload on a CubeSat platform, or as a science payload on a resource constrained spacecraft destined for planetary environments. We outline the design, simulated instrument response, and initial laboratory results of the CIMS prototype. Additionally, we then use the results from initial calibration tests and our refined electro-optic model to simulate the instrument response in the terrestrial ionosphere and in the vicinity of various planetary bodies in the local solar system

    The Experiment for Space Radiation Analysis: Probing the Earth\u27s Radiation Belts Using a CubeSat Platform

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    The Experiment for Space Radiation Analysis (ESRA) is the latest of a series of Demonstration and Validation missions built by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, with the focus on testing a new generation of plasma and energetic particle sensors. The primary motivation for the ESRA payloads is to minimize size, weight, power, and cost while still providing necessary mission data. These new instruments will be demonstrated by ESRA through testing and on-orbit operations to increase their technology readiness level such that they can support the evolution of technology and mission objectives. This project will leverage a commercial off-the-shelf CubeSat avionics bus and commercial satellite ground networks to reduce the cost and timeline associated with traditional DemVal missions. The system will launch as a ride share with the DoD Space Test Program to be inserted in Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and allow observations of the Earthā€™s radiation belts. The ESRA CubeSat consists of two science payloads and several subsystems: the Wide-field-of-view Plasma Spectrometer, the Energetic Charged Particle telescope, high voltage power supply, payload processor, flight software architecture, and distributed processor module. The ESRA CubeSat will provide measurements of the plasma and energetic charged particle populations in the GTO environment for ions ranging from ~100 eV to ~1000 MeV and electrons with energy ranging from 100 keV to 20 MeV. ESRA will utilize a commercial 12U bus and demonstrate a low-cost, rapidly deployable spaceflight platform with sufficient SWAP to enable efficient measurements of the energetic particle populations in the dynamic radiation belts

    Prototype Testing Results of Charged Particle Detectors and Critical Subsystems for the ESRA Mission to GTO

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    The Experiment for Space Radiation Analysis (ESRA) is the latest of a series of Demonstration and Validation (DemVal) missions built by the Los Alamos National Laboratory, with the focus on testing a new generation of plasma and energetic paritcle sensors along with critical subsystems. The primary motivation for the ESRA payloads is to minimize size, weight, power, and cost while still providing necessary mission data. These new instruments will be demonstrated by ESRA through ground-based testing and on-orbit operations to increase their technology readiness level such that they can support the evolution of technology and mission objectives. This project will leverage a commercial off-the-shelf CubeSat avionics bus and commercial satellite ground networks to reduce the cost and timeline associated with traditional DemVal missions. The system will launch as a ride share with the DoD Space Test Program to be inserted in Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and allow observations of the Earth\u27s radiation belts. The ESRA CubeSat consists of two science payloads and several subsystems: the Wide field-of-view Plasma Spectrometer, the Energetic Charged Particle telescope, high voltage power supply, payload processor, flight software architecture, and distributed processor module. The ESRA CubeSat will provide measurements of the plasma and energetic charged particle populations in the GTO environment for ions ranging from ~100 eV to ~1000 MeV and electrons with energy ranging from 100 keV to 20 MeV. ESRA will utilize a commercial 12U bus and demonstrate a low-cost, rapidly deployable spaceflight platform with sufficient SWAP to enable efficient measurements of the charged particle populations in the dynamic radiation belts