103 research outputs found

    Centrilobular emphysema combined with pulmonary fibrosis results in improved survival: a response

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    Better survival in combined pulmonary fibrosis and emphysema than in lone pulmonary fibrosis: bias or reality? A response to Centrilobular emphysema combined with pulmonary fibrosis results in improved survival by Todd et al., Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair 2011, 4:6

    MR Imaging of Pregnancy Luteoma: a Case Report and Correlation with the Clinical Features

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    We report here on a 26-year-old pregnant female who developed hirsutism and virilization during her third trimester along with a significantly elevated serum testosterone level. Abdominal US and MR imaging studies were performed, and they showed unique imaging features that may suggest the diagnosis of pregnancy luteoma in the clinical context. After the delivery, the serum testosterone level continued to decrease, and it returned to normal three weeks postpartum. The follow-up imaging findings were closely correlated with the clinical presentation

    Autoantibodies in cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis

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    The pathogenesis of cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis (CFA) involves injury, an immune/inflammatory response and fibrosis. The cause of the injury is unknown, but the identification of serum autoantibodies makes an autoimmune aetiology attractive. The core study on which this commentary is based used novel cloning and serum screening technologies in order to identify new public and private autoantibodies in sera from 12 patients with CFA. Largely negative conclusions were drawn from that study. However, we suggest that the prevalence of autoantibodies may have been underestimated, that the study was timely and that this approach is worth pursuing further

    Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency in a French General Hospital: fortuitous detection rather than efficient screening

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    Introduction: We studied the characteristics of the screening procedure for alpha-1 antitrypsin at Nevers Hospital (France), together with the performance of serum protein gel electrophoresis for the fortuitous detection of patients with deficiency. Material and methods: We carried out a retrospective study of requests for alpha-1 antitrypsin determination referred to the laboratory during 3 years. We compared these requests with the numbers of patients seen at the hospital and requiring screening according to international recommendations. In parallel, we reviewed all the serum protein gel electrophoresis results obtained during the same period. Results: The laboratory received 102 direct requests for alpha-1 antitrypsin determination, whereas more than 1397 patients presented an indication for screening. No case of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency was detected among the 102 patients screened. In parallel, 5551 serum protein gel electrophoresis analyses were carried out at the laboratory. A decrease in the size of the alpha-1 globulin fraction was detected in 68 patients. Seventeen of these patients underwent alpha-1 antitrypsin determinations and 14 were found to have alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. Conclusion: Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency was more frequently detected fortuitously, by electrophoresis, than through efficient screening. The exploration of alpha-1 globulin deficiencies by serum protein gel electrophoresis thus appears to be still a particularly efficient approach to the detection of alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency and should be carried out systematically. Furthermore, the testing of all patients with an indication for screening according to international recommendations should be encouraged

    Morphofunctional characteristics of the adrenal cortex in tesetctomised rats acclimated on different ambient temperature

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    The activity of the adrenal gland is connected with the activity of other endocrine glands, such as the gonads. The experiments were conducted on testectomized adult, male rats, Wistar strain, acclimated on two ambient temperatures: room and moderately high temperature. Bilateral testectomy was performed on the rats of both temperatures and analyses were made 15-20 days after surgery. It was shown that the adrenal weight of testectomized heat acclimated rats was significantly increased. The widening of zona reticularis, shortening of zona fasciculata, as well as presence of supracortical nodules in the adrenal cortex of testectomized rats, regardless of the ambient temperature, was evidenced. Lipid content in the adrenocortical cells was lowered in both groups, but that was more prominent in testectomized rats from room temperature. The morphometric measurements of the nuclear area and volume were significantly elevated only in zona reticularis cells of testectomised animals from room temperature. Those parameters were significantly decreased in testectomized heat acclimated rats in comparison with the same values in the testectomized animals from room temperature. These results suggest that testectomy provokes changes towards increased activity of the adrenal cortex in both ambient temperatures, but those changes are less intense in heat acclimated animals

    Efeito inibidor da deferoxamina sobre a sobrevivĂȘncia do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis em monĂłcitos humanos: reversĂŁo por holotransferrina e nĂŁo por apotransferrina

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    The mechanisms used by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis to survive into phagocytic cells are not clear. Cellular iron metabolism is of critical importance to the growth of several intracellular pathogens whose capacity to multiply in mononuclear phagocytes is dependent on the availability of intracellular iron. Thus, the objective of this paper was to investigate the role of intracellular iron in regulating the capacity of P. brasiliensis yeast cells to survive within human monocytes. Treatment of monocytes with deferoxamine, an iron chelator, suppressed the survival of yeasts in a concentration-dependent manner. The effect of deferoxamine was reversed by iron-saturated transferrin (holotransferrin) but not by nonsaturated transferrin (apotransferrin). These results strongly suggest that P. brasiliensis survival in human monocytes is iron dependent.Os mecanismos utilizados pelo Paracoccidioides brasiliensis para sobreviver em cĂ©lulas fagocitĂĄrias ainda nĂŁo estĂŁo elucidados. O metabolismo celular fĂ©rrico Ă© muito importante para o crescimento de inĂșmeros patĂłgenos intracelulares cuja capacidade de se multiplicarem em fagĂłcitos mononucleares Ă© dependente da disponibilidade intracelular do Ă­on ferro. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o papel do ferro intracelular sobre a capacidade do P. brasiliensis sobreviver em monĂłcitos humanos. O tratamento de monĂłcitos com deferoxamina, uma droga quelante, diminuiu a sobrevivĂȘncia de leveduras do fungo de forma dose-dependente. O efeito inibidor da deferoxamina sobre a sobrevivĂȘncia do P. brasiliensis foi revertido por transferrina saturada com ferro (holotransferrina) mas nĂŁo por transferrina insaturada (apotransferrina). Estes resultados sugerem que a sobrevivĂȘncia do P. brasiliensis em monĂłcitos humanos Ă© dependente do Ă­on ferro

    Transferrin receptor expression and the regulation of placental iron uptake

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    Placental transferrin receptors, located at the apical side of syncytiotrophoblast, mediate placental iron uptake. Regulation of transferrin receptors on the fetal-maternal exchange area could be a major determinant in the regulation of trans-placental iron transport. Transferrin receptor expression in cultured human term cytotrophoblasts is on a much lower level than in choriocarcinoma cells, with a higher proportion of receptors located on the cell surface. Differentiation of cells, either due to longer culture periods or to 8-bromo-cAMP treatment does not lead to an increase of transferrin receptor expression. In vitro, the level of expression is largely regulated by the cellular density in the culture dishes. Low cellular occupancy of the dish leads to a high level of transferrin receptors. Treatment with iron-sources results in a down regulation of transferrin receptors. Thus, though the level of transferrin receptors in cultured normal trophoblast is at a constant level, unaffected by differentiation, high levels of maternal transferrin-iron availability can lead to a decrease in placental iron uptake. This feed-back mechanism makes placental iron uptake independent of maternal iron stores
