104 research outputs found

    <Reports on the Sixteenth annual Meeting of the Tsukuba English Linguisic Society> On Expletive It

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    In this study, I presented some pieces of evideneo that show the differences among the types of expletive it, namely, ambient it (Amb-it), extraposition it (Ext-it), and the it which gose with Raising verbs (RsV-it), and discussed their proporties and related issues. ..

    On Deriving the Extraposition Construction and Its Implications for Syntactic Theory

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    Whether the current direction the syntactic approach called generative grammar in general, or the minimalist program in particular, takes is right of not, some of the topics which were intensively discussed have no longer been taken up, or are simply left open. ..

    Measure Expressions in Comparison

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    1. Introduction Even a preliminary observation of the examples that are concerned with measurement of some sort would reveal some of the interesting properties that they have which have not been discussed in the literature. ..

    <Articles>The 1AEX and the Nature of External Arguments(<Syntax>)

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    1. Introduction The 1-Advancement Exclusiveness Law, which is originally proposed under the framework of Relational Grammar, can be informally stated as follows: (1) The set of advancements to I in a single clause contains at most one member. ..

    Clinical relevance and functional significance of cell-free microRNA-1260b expression profiles in infiltrative myxofibrosarcoma

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    Infiltrative tumor growth into adjacent soft tissues is a major cause of the frequent recurrence and tumor-related death of myxofibrosarcoma (MFS), but no useful biomarkers reflecting tumor burden and infiltrative growth are available. While emerging evidence suggests a diagnostic and functional role of extracellular/circulating microRNA (miRNA) in various malignant diseases, their significance in MFS patients remains unknown. Global miRNA profiling identified four upregulated miRNAs in MFS patient sera and culture media of MFS cells. Among these, serum miR-1260b level was significantly upregulated in patient serum discriminating from healthy individuals and closely correlated with clinical status and tumor dynamics in MFS-bearing mice. In addition, high miR-1260b expression in serum was correlated with radiological tail-like patterns, characteristic of the infiltrative MFS. The extracellular miR-1260b was embedded in tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) and promoted cellular invasion of MFS through the downregulation of PCDH9 in the adjacent normal fibroblasts. Collectively, circulating miR-1260b expression may represent a novel diagnostic target for tumor monitoring of this highly aggressive sarcoma. Moreover, EV-miR-1260b could act as a transfer messenger to adjacent cells and mediate the infiltrative growth of MFS, providing new insights into the mechanism of infiltrative nature via crosstalk between tumor cells and their microenvironment

    Clinical and Functional Significance of Intracellular and Extracellular microRNA-25-3p in Osteosarcoma

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    Although there is considerable evidence indicating that the dysregulation of microRNAs (miRNAs) in malignant tumors plays a role in tumor development, the overall function of miRNAs and their clinicopathological significance are not well understood. In this retrospective analysis of 45 biopsy specimens from osteosarcoma (OS) patients, we investigated the functional and clinical significance of miR-25-3p in OS, which we previously identified as a highly expressed miRNA in OS patients’ serum. We observed that miR-25-3p dysregulation in human OS tissues was negatively correlated with the clinical prognosis, whereas the expression level of its target gene, Dickkopf WNT Signaling Pathway Inhibitor 3 (DKK3), was positively correlated with the clinical prognosis. Endogenous miR-25-3p upregulation promoted tumor growth, invasion, and drug resistance, which was consistent with DKK3 silencing in OS cells. In addition, secretory miR-25-3p was embedded in tumor-derived exosomes, where it promoted capillary formation and the invasion of vascular endothelial cells. Overall, our results show that miR-25-3p has intracellular and extracellular oncogenic functions as well as clinicopathological relevance in OS, indicating its potential as a novel diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the clinical management of this disease

    The Ursinus Weekly, March 12, 1962

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    Nobel Prize-winner here tonight: Dr. Linus Pauling to address special forum on Science and international relations • Book No more war! Dr. Pauling\u27s credo • Local high school pupils invited to PSEA panel • UC students attend I.C.G. convention • Student-faculty talent show to finish Campus Chest charity drive Friday • College\u27s concert band to perform next Thursday • Lauderdale braces for Spring influx • Civil liberty\u27s Cox visits U.C. campus • Campus Chest activities continue this week • Ursinus invites public to use College Library • St. Pat\u27s twist theme of frosh dance Saturday • Pre-med club to see films depicting Caesarian birth • Editorial: Just this once • Penna. folk festival planned for Harrisburg • Ursinus in the past • Curtain Club offers two plays; One-act shows given last Thursday • Women\u27s hairbreadth victories mark basketball play; Sansenbach stars • High scoring continues; Intramural finish nears • Mermaids win two in week\u27s action • Sports publicist evaluates season • Intramural corner • Cindermen seem strong as five lettermen return • Chief McClure hustles vagrant to county jail • Collegeville tops Phoenix YMCA basketball league • Collegeville firemen take part in Phila. exhibit • Faculty hoopsters triumph in benefit against girls • Graduate grantshttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/weekly/1314/thumbnail.jp

    <Reports on the Twentieth Annual Meeting of the Tsukuba English Linguistic Society>On the Structure of Present Subjunctive Complements in Present-Day English

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    In this joint research, we examine the structure of the complement clause which takes the form of present subjunctive. For illustration, consider the following example: (1) I demand that she tell him the truth. ..

    Liquid Biopsy Targeting Monocarboxylate Transporter 1 on the Surface Membrane of Tumor-Derived Extracellular Vesicles from Synovial Sarcoma

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    Simple Summary Synovial sarcoma (SS) is associated with a high risk of recurrence and poor prognosis, and no biomarker useful in monitoring tumor burden exists. We identified monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) expressed in extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from synovial sarcoma as a potential such marker. Circulating levels of MCT1(+)CD9(+) EVs were significantly correlated with tumor volume in a SS mouse model. Serum levels of MCT1(+)CD9(+) EVs reflected tumor burden and treatment response in SS patients. Patients with MCT1 expression on the plasma membrane have significantly worse overall survival than those with nuclear expression. Silencing of MCT1 reduced the malignant phenotype including cellular viability, migration, and invasion of SS cells. MCT1 may thus be a promising novel target for liquid biopsies and a novel therapeutic target. The lack of noninvasive biomarkers that can be used for tumor monitoring is a major problem for soft-tissue sarcomas. Here we describe a sensitive analytical technique for tumor monitoring by detecting circulating extracellular vesicles (EVs) of patients with synovial sarcoma (SS). The proteomic analysis of purified EVs from SYO-1, HS-SY-II, and YaFuSS identified 199 common proteins. DAVID GO analysis identified monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) as a surface marker of SS-derived EVs, which was also highly expressed in SS patient-derived EVs compared with healthy individuals. MCT1(+)CD9(+) EVs were also detected from SS-bearing mice and their expression levels were significantly correlated with tumor volume (p = 0.003). Furthermore, serum levels of MCT1(+)CD9(+) EVs reflected tumor burden in SS patients. Immunohistochemistry revealed that MCT1 was positive in 96.7% of SS specimens and its expression on the cytoplasm/plasma membrane was significantly associated with worse overall survival (p = 0.002). Silencing of MCT1 reduced the cellular viability, and migration and invasion capability of SS cells. This work describes a new liquid biopsy technique to sensitively monitor SS using circulating MCT1(+)CD9(+) EVs and indicates the therapeutic potential of MCT1 in SS


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    この論文は,本学学生の英語ライティング力向上に向けたプログラムについて述べたものである。それは,英語コミュニケーションに向けた広大プログラム(通称HiSPEC)と呼ばれ,文部科学省の認定を受けた「スーパー・グローバル大学」の一環である。そのプログラムは,入学時で各学部の最も英語力の高い学生を1 クラス約15 人という少人数クラスに充当し,各クラスの学生は後期セメスターに週1 回(90 分授業),計15 回に渡って外国人講師の指導を受けた。 ライティング授業の評価は,量的及び質的データを基に分析が行われた。そのデータ分析は,外国人講師のフィードバック,学生のアンケート評価及びTOEIC ライティングテスト結果の統計的分析を基に行われた。その結果,外国人講師も学生も少人数授業は楽しく,大半の学生はそのコースの全ての側面で満足をしていた。また,ライティング力の向上に関しては,そのコースの最初と最後のテスト結果を比較すると,統計的に有意差が見られた。In this article, we describe and evaluate the writing component of Hiroshima University’s Program for English Communication (HiSPEC) taught in 2016. The program was developed in response to Hiroshima University’s change in status when it was designated a Top Global University by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). The program involves the creation of small-group classes for first-year students with the best English-test results in faculty groupings, and testing through the TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests. The small classes contained up to 14 students, and were taught by British and American teachers of English. The course was held in the second semester of 2016, with students receiving 90 minutes of instruction per week over a period of approximately 15 weeks. Evaluation of the writing course involved both quantitative and qualitative data, and took the form of teacher feedback through summaries, student feedback via a questionnaire survey, and an analysis of two TOEIC® Writing test scores using a t-test. It was found that both teachers and students enjoyed the small-group classes, and that most of the students were satisfied with all aspects of the course. The results of the t-test showed a significant difference between the test scores at the beginning of the course and the test scores at its end