925 research outputs found


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    京都大学0048新制・論文博士工学博士論工博第79号新制||工||69(附属図書館)1166(主査)教授 高村 仁一, 教授 足立 正雄, 教授 村上 陽太郎学位規則第5条第2項該当Kyoto UniversityDA

    Algorithms for finding attribute value group for binary segmentation of categorical databases

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:13680387・基盤研究(C)(2)・H13~H15/研究代表者:徳山, 豪/パラメトリック最適化を用いた幾何学データ処理の研究

    Mining Optimized Association Rules for Numeric Attributes

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    AbstractGiven a huge database, we address the problem of finding association rules for numeric attributes, such as(Balance∈I)⇒(CardLoan=yes),which implies that bank customers whose balances fall in a rangeIare likely to use card loan with a probability greater thanp. The above rule is interesting only if the rangeIhas some special feature with respect to the interrelation betweenBalanceandCardLoan. It is required that the number of customers whose balances are contained inI(called thesupportofI) is sufficient and also that the probabilitypof the conditionCardLoan=yesbeing met (called theconfidence ratio) be much higher than the average probability of the condition over all the data. Our goal is to realize a system that finds such appropriate ranges automatically. We mainly focus on computing twooptimized ranges: one that maximizes the support on the condition that the confidence ratio is at least a given threshold value, and another that maximizes the confidence ratio on the condition that the support is at least a given threshold number. Using techniques from computational geometry, we present novel algorithms that compute the optimized ranges in linear time if the data are sorted. Since sorting data with respect to each numeric attribute is expensive in the case of huge databases that occupy much more space than the main memory, we instead apply randomized bucketing as the preprocessing method and thus obtain an efficient rule-finding system. Tests show that our implementation is fast not only in theory but also in practice. The efficiency of our algorithm enables us to compute optimized rules for all combinations of hundreds of numeric and Boolean attributes in a reasonable time

    Measurement of root system with growth of oriental pickling melon.

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    It is important to clarify how the soil moisture changes by irrigation and how moisture is consumed by absorption of root, to plan irrigation appropriately in upland field. And, it is thought that clarifying the growth of the root can be important information in the water management, because the amount and the pattern of root water uptake change depending on the growth stage. However, there are not too much a lot of researches that measure the root, in addition, the example intended for crops of 'Gourd family (scientific name:Cucurbitaceae)' is not found. Therefore, for oriental pickling melon, it measured how for the root system to grow up as crop grew every three weeks. The results of this study may be summarized as: 1) Root amount increased with the growth of crops, and the majority of the root existed to 20cm in depth. A lot of rootlets with the role of water uptake existed outside of from 10 to 20cm. 2) Root length has grown up in horizontal and vertical direction at a dash at the stage of growing initial. 3) It was able to be confirmed to the growth of the ground part and the root that the length and amount either also had implications. Moreover, root amount and plant caver ratio drew similar curve

    Estimation of broad-leaved canopy growth in the urban forested area using multi-temporal airborne LiDAR datasets

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    Inter-annual canopy growth is one of the key indicators for assessing forest conditions, but the measurements require laborious field surveys. Up-to-date LiDAR remote sensing provides sufficient three-dimensional morphological information of the ground to monitor canopy heights on a broad scale. Thus, we attempted to use multi-temporal airborne LiDAR datasets in the estimation of vertical canopy growth, across various types of broad-leaved trees in a large urban park. The growth of broad-leaved canopies in the EXPO '70 urban forest in Osaka, Japan was assessed with 19 plots at the stand level and 39 selected trees at the individual-tree level. Airborne LiDAR campaigns repeatedly observed the park in the summers of 2004, 2008, and 2010. We acquired canopy height models (CHMs) for each year from the height values of the uppermost laser returns at every 0.5 m grid. The annual canopy growth was calculated by the differences in CHMs and validated with the annual changes in field-measured basal areas and tree heights. LiDAR estimations revealed that the average annual canopy growth from 2004 to 2010 was 0.26 ± 0.11 m m−2 yr−1 at the plot level and 0.26 ± 0.10 m m−2 yr−1 at the individual-tree level. This result showed that growing trends were consistent at different scales through 2004 to 2010 despite uncertainty in estimating short-term growth for small crown areas at the individual-tree level. This LiDAR-estimated canopy growth shows a moderate relation to field-measured increase of basal areas and average heights. The estimation uncertainties seem to result from the complex canopy structure and irregular crown shape of broad-leaved trees. Challenges still remain on how to incorporate the growth of understory trees, growth in the lateral direction, and gap dynamics inside the canopy, particularly in applying multi-temporal LiDAR datasets to the large-scale growth assessment

    How Consumer's Demographics and Characteristics Influence Lunchtime Eating Behavior? (Case of Undergraduate Students in Bandung City)

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    Abstract.  The current paper examined the level of food or store priorities of undergraduate students in Bandung City to promote better understanding of young generation in Bandung City. Based on two authors' theoretical foundation and Health Promotion Model, student's demographics, characteristics, food choice determinants, and store choice determinants are used as dimension that may consist of eating behavior. The questionnaire's survey of lunchtime eating behavior to the two universities, i.e., Institute Technology Bandung (ITB) and Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR) in Bandung City. The Selection of respondents took simple random sampling. Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and ANOVA were used to examine the effect of consumer demographics and consumer characteristics for food and store choice determinants. A total of 251 undergraduate students participated; 54.6% were Males (n=137) and 45.4% were Females (n=114). Most of respondents were Moslem (48.4%) or Christian (40.6%). “Calorieâ€, “Degree of Congestionâ€, and Atmosphere (interior and exterior) were less important when they choose food or store. Moslem respondents tend to care food nutrient compared to the other religions. The result of this study is the priority of choosing food and store by respondents and showed national difference by using previous related research. Keywords: Eating Behavior, Food Choice Determinants, Store Choice Determinants, Bandung City, Undergraduate Students.Abstrak. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menganalisis perilaku konsumsi makanan khususnya generasi muda di Kota Bandung secara komprehensif. Melalui penelitian ini dihitung prioritas pilihan makanan dan tempat berbelanja makanan bagi mahasiswa. Demografi mahasiswa, karakteristik, determinan pilihan makanan, dan pilihan tempat berbelanja makanan menjadi dimensi yang akan menjelaskan tingkah laku untuk mengkonsumsi makanan pada para mahasiswa ini. Perilaku konsumsi makanan pada saat makan siang dilakukan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner  melalui survei ke dua kampus di Bandung, yaitu Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) dan Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (UNPAR). Sedangkan untuk Statistika yang digunakan adalah Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test, dan ANOVA untuk menganalisis efek demografis konsumen dan karakteristik makanan yang dibeli, serta tempat berbelanja makanan yang dipilih. Survey dilakukan kepada 251 responden dengan proporsi 54.6% (n=137) laki-laki dan 45.4% (n=114) perempuan. Mayoritas responden adalah muslim (48.4%) dan Kristen (40.6%). Jumlah kalori, tingkat keramaian, dan suasana (interior dan eksterior) tidak terlalu diperhitungkan dalam memilih tempat berbelanja makanan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah prioritas memilih makanan dan tempat belanja oleh responden serta perbedaan secara nasionalis dengan menggunakan penelitian terdahulu yang berkaitan.Kata kunci: Perilaku konsumsi makanan, Determinan pilihan makanan, Determinan tempat berbelanja makanan, Indonesia, Mahasisw