682 research outputs found

    On the Regularization of Extremal Three-point Functions Involving Giant Gravitons

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    In the AdS_5/CFT_4 set-up, extremal three-point functions involving two giant 1/2 BPS gravitons and one point-like 1/2 BPS graviton, when calculated using semi-classical string theory methods, match the corresponding three-point functions obtained in the tree-level gauge theory. The string theory computation relies on a certain regularization procedure whose justification is based on the match between gauge and string theory. We revisit the regularization procedure and reformulate it in a way which allows a generalization to the ABJM set-up where three-point functions of 1/2 BPS operators are not protected and where a match between tree-level gauge theory and semi-classical string theory is hence not expected.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. v2 updated reference

    AdS/dCFT one-point functions of the SU(3) sector

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    We propose a closed formula for the tree-level one-point functions of non-protected operators belonging to an SU(3) sub-sector of the defect CFT dual to the D3-D5 probe brane system with background gauge field flux, k, valid for k=2. The formula passes a number of non-trivial analytical and numerical tests. Our proposal is based on expressing the one-point functions as an overlap between a Bethe eigenstate of the SU(3) spin chain and a certain matrix product state, deriving various factorization properties of the Gaudin norm and performing explicit computations for shorter spin chains. As its SU(2) counterpart, the one-point function formula for the SU(3) sub-sector is of determinant type. We discuss the the differences with the SU(2) case and the challenges in extending the present formula beyond k=2.Comment: 6 page

    Correlators of Hopf Wilson loops in the AdS/CFT correspondence

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    We study at quantum level correlators of supersymmetric Wilson loops with contours lying on Hopf fibers of S3S^3. In N=4\mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory the strong coupling analysis can be performed using the AdS/CFT correspondence and a connected classical string surface, linking two different fibers, is presented. More precisely, the string solution describes oppositely oriented fibers with the same scalar coupling and depends on an angular parameter, interpolating between a non-BPS configuration and a BPS one. The system can be thought as an alternative deformation of the ordinary antiparallel lines giving the static quark-antiquark potential, that is indeed correctly reproduced, at weak and strong coupling, as the fibers approach one another.Comment: 38 pages, 5 figure

    Sexual Dimorphism in Rissoides Pallidus (Giesbrecht) (Crustacea, Stomatopoda)

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    EnThirteen morphometric characters of Rissoides pallidus (Giesbrecht), a small stomatopod crustacean, were measured from 34 males and 32 females. The specimens were collected by means of bottom trawlers on the upper continental slope of the North Tyrrhenian Sea (mid-western Mediterranean Sea). Comparisons of the slopes between sexes indicated no significant difference in all studied dependent parameters (Y) with carapace length (X), except antennular length and scaphocerite width which were significantly longer and larger in females than in males, respectively. The hierarchical cluster analysis was also performed to identify similarity or dissimilarity among the morphometric characters measured. The biometric relationships considered in this work may prove useful during studies of feeding habits, and to reconstruct the size and biomass of the individuals of this small mantis shrimp from the remains of its exoskeleton.ItTredici caratteri morfometrici sono stati misurati in 34 maschi e 32 femmine di Rissoides pallidus (Giesbrecht), un piccolo crostaceo stomatopode. Gli esemplari sono stati raccolti per mezzo di motopescherecci che operano sulla scarpata continentale superiore del Mar Tirreno settentrionale (Mediterraneo occidentale). La comparazione del parametro b delle regressioni nei due sessi non ha mostrato alcuna differenza significativa tra tutti i parametri indagati, ad esclusione della lunghezza delle antennule e della larghezza dello scafocerite che rispettivamente sono risultati significativamente più lunghe e più larghe nelle femmine che nei maschi. È stata eseguita anche un’analisi di agglomerazione al fine di identificare similarità o dissimilarità tra i caratteri morfometrici utilizzati. Le relazioni biometriche considerate in questo lavoro possono risultare utili negli studi di alimentazione poiché dai resti degli individui di questo piccolo stomatopode è possibile risalire alla loro taglia e relativa biomassa

    Correlators of Wilson loops on Hopf fibrations in the AdS_5/CFT_4 correspondence

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    We study at quantum level the correlators of supersymmetric Wilson loops lying on Hopf fibers of S^3. In N=4 SYM, the strong coupling analysis can be performed using AdS/CFT correspondence. A connected surface, linking two different fibers is presented. The string solution describes fibers with opposite orientations and thus supersymmetry is broken. We describe the appearance of a first order phase transition as a function of angular separation of the fibers, of the difference of scalar couplings and of the ratio of the radii of the fibers, between a connected phase, where a unique surface stretches between the two fibers, and a disconnected phase, where each fiber is attached to a distinct surface. Deeper investigations are carried on in particular limits, where supersymmetry is restored or a quark-antiquark static potential interpretation is given.Studiamo a livello quantistico i correlatori di loop di Wilson supersimmetrici descritti da fibre di Hopf su una S^3. In N=4 SYM, l'analisi ad accoppiamento forte è condotta utilizzando la corrispondenza AdS/CFT. Presentiamo una soluzione connessa, che collega due differenti fibre. La soluzione di stringa descrive fibre con orientazioni opposte, perciò la supersimmetria è rotta. Descriviamo la comparsa di una transizione di fase tra la fase connessa, dove un'unica superficie si estende tra le due fibre, e una fase sconnessa, dove ogni fibra è descritta da una distinta superficie, al variare della separazione angolare delle fibre, della differenza tra gli accoppiamenti con gli scalari e del rapporto tra i raggi delle fibre. Ulteriori analisi permettono di evidenziare particolari limiti, in cui la supersimmetria è ripristinata o una interpretazione in termini di potenziale statico tra una coppia quark-antiquark è possibile

    Modelling of rocking and sliding effects in the seismic analysis of a free-standing column

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    A study on the seismic response of a free-standing marble column, including rocking and sliding effects, is presented in this paper. The rocking-sliding model implemented for the development of the analyses corresponds to the basic theoretical and numerical simulation of the dynamic phenomenon. The assessment procedure adopted for the application of the model to the non-linear dynamic incremental time-history investigation is checked by comparison with simplified rigid body-based analytical predictions of the rocking-onset response acceleration and the overturning critical velocity. The results show a high seismic vulnerability of the column, as identified by severe damage at the basic design earthquake level, and an overturning-related near-collapse response at the maximum considered earthquake level

    Eco-sustainable systems based on poly(lactic acid), diatomite and coffee grounds extract for food packaging

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    In the food packaging sector many efforts have been (and are) devoted to the development of new materials in order to reply to an urgent market demand for green and eco-sustainable products. Particularly a lot of attention is currently devoted both to the use of compostable and biobased polymers as innovative and promising alternative to the currently used petrochemical derived polymers, and to the re-use of waste materials coming from agriculture and food industry. In this work, multifunctional eco-sustainable systems, based on poly(lactic acid) (PLA) as biopolymeric matrix, diatomaceous earth as reinforcing filler and spent coffee grounds extract as oxygen scavenger, were produced for the first time, in order to provide a simultaneous improvement of mechanical and gas barrier properties. The influence of the diatomite and the spent coffee grounds extract on the microstructural, mechanical and oxygen barrier properties of the produced films was deeply investigated by means of X-Ray diffraction (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR, ATR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), uniaxial tensile tests, O2 permeabilimetry measurements. An improvement of both mechanical and oxygen barrier properties was recorded for systems characterised by the co-presence of diatomite and coffee grounds extract, suggesting a possible synergic effect of the two additives

    Adverse reaction to benzathine benzylpenicillin due to soy allergy: A case report

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    INTRODUCTION: Soybean allergy is one of the most common food allergies especially among children. The Food Allergen Labeling and Consumer Protection Act (FALCPA) in the US requires the labeling of soy lecithin because it is derived from soybeans and may contain a number of IgE-binding proteins, possibly representing a source of hidden allergens. Here we describe a pediatric case of soy allergy misunderstood as drug allergy. CASE PRESENTATION: An 11-year-old Caucasian girl was referred to our Allergy Unit because of the delayed appearance of an itching papular rash at the site of an injection of benzathine benzylpenicillin delivered by prefilled syringe. A skin test with benzathine benzylpenicillin and detection of serum-specific IgE to penicilloyl V, penicilloyl G, ampicillin and amoxicillin were negative. From her past medical history we know that, at the age of three years, she presented with edema of the lips and difficulty in breathing after eating a soy ice-cream. For that reason, she underwent a skin prick test with soybean that was negative and a serum-specific IgE to soybean test that was weakly positive (0.21KU/L). She underwent an oral provocation test with soy milk that yielded a positive result. CONCLUSIONS: We describe a case of a patient with a delayed reaction to soy as a hidden allergen in a benzathine benzylpenicillin prefilled syringe. This case shows that lecithin contaminated by soy proteins and used as an excipient in drugs can cause reactions in patients with soy allergy. For that reason, the source of lecithin should always be specified among the constituents of drugs to avoid a source of hidden allergens and difficulties in the allergy work-up

    The density of badger setts in a natural river corridor (NE Italy)

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    The European badger Meles meles (Linnaeus, 1758) is a common semifossorial mustelid species widely distributed throughout Europe. It also shows a high degree of plasticity, adapting its spatial and temporal behaviour to live in highly disturbed environments. Badgers live in social groups occupying underground systems called setts, which could be classified as “main” (i.e., the complex systems with a great number of entrances), and as “outliers”, “annexes” and “subsidiary” (i.e., the other burrows with a low number of entrances). An extensive scientific literature occurs on the ecology and biology of this species, and some information is available also for setts density in Europe and in Italy, too. However, since badgers may inhabit a wide variety of habitats, the setts density varies significantly both locally and on a large scale. We aimed to provide setts density in a river basin in the North-East of Italy. From January to March 2022, a sett survey was conducted in the eastern plain of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region (NE Italy), along the floodplains of the lowest reaches of Isonzo/Soca river basin, from Pavia di Udine (Torre river) to the Isonzo river mouth, a natural corridor surrounded by a highly human-modified matrix. Transects to collect setts information were made in the entire area of 27.82 km2 by two or three operators. For each sett, we recorded the geo-referenced location, the type (main, subsidiary and outliers), the habitat, and the number of entrances. To estimate the density, we only considered active main setts, dividing their number by the area. A total of 22 main setts were identified within the floodplains, corresponding to a density of 0.79 setts/km2. The mean number of entrances was 13.67 (min: 5, max: 28) and they were mainly recorded in forested patches (riverine forests and transitional woodlands-shrublands). We founded other 14 subsidiaries and 13 outliers setts. The density estimated in our study area is remarkably high compared to those estimated in similar environmental conditions (e.g., Po plain area, NW Italy), but considerably lower than those reported for natural habitats (e.g., Alpine area). Even if we did not specifically analyse habitat selection of the badger for the location of setts, our results confirm the importance of the forested area and specifically riverine forests for the badgers in agricultural matrices. Furthermore, it is known that several mammals use the complex burrow system of the European badger as shelter or as a reproductive site. In a highly fragmented and disturbed area, the high density of badger setts could favour the expansion and the survival of other species, some of which are of conservation interest (e.g., European wildcat Felis silvestris and golden jackal Canis aureus) and some other invasive species (e.g., the raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides)