5 research outputs found

    Evaluación del índice biespectral y la entropía como monitores de profundidad anestésica en beagles

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    Los objetivos fueron analizar el índice biespectral y la entropía como monitores de profundidad anestésica en beagles anestesiados con sevoflurano e infusiones de a2-agonistas. 5 beaglesf ueron anestesiados en 5 ocasiones a diferentes edades. Como cachorros fueron anestesiados con sevoflurano y sevoflurano más una infusión de medetomidina, monitorizándose en los dos casos las variables cardiorespirratorias y el índice biespectral. Como adultos en dos ocasiones fueron anestesiados con sevoflurano. En una monitorizando el índice biespectral y las variables cardiorrespiratorias, y en la otra ocasión monitorizando la entropía de respuesta, la entropía de estado y las variables cardiorespiratorias. La última anestesia en los adultos fue con sevoflurano y una infusión de romifidina. En los cinco estudios los animales fueron anestesiados a cinco concentraciones alveolares mínimas (CAM) de sevoflurano, 0,75, 1, 1,25, 1,5 y 1,75, en orden aleatorio. A cada una de las 5 CAM los animales fueron sometidos a un estímulo doloroso que consistió en el clampaje de la cota. Los valores fueron registrados los 20 minutos anteriores al estímulo y los 6 minutos posteriores al mismo. El índice biespectral guardó una importante correlación con la concentración de sevoflurano, siendo un monitor más fiable para monitorizar la profundidad anestésica que la antropía espectral. La infusión de medetomidina ejerció efectos minímos sobre las variables cardiorrespiratorias, la sedación y la analgesia en los cachorros. La infusión de romifidina aportó estabilidad cardiovascular, analgesia y sedación excelente en los perros adultos. Los valores BIS fueron significativamente inferiores en los cachorros que en los adultos. La entropía de respuesta no permitió monitorizar la analgesia en el perro

    Parasympathetic Tone Changes in Anesthetized Horses after Surgical Stimulation, and Morphine, Ketamine, and Dobutamine Administration

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    Autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity can modify cardiovascular parameters in response to nociceptive stimuli or drugs in anesthetized animals. The aim of this study was to determine if a surgical nociceptive stimulus and morphine, ketamine, and dobutamine administration would modify ANS activity observed as a change in the mean parasympathetic tone activity (PTAm) in anesthetized horses. In 20 anesthetized horses, heart rate (HR), mean arterial pressure (MAP), and PTAm were monitored before and 1, 3, and 5 min after surgical incision, and before and 10 min after the administration of morphine (0.2 mg/kg IV). If nystagmus or spontaneous ventilation was observed, ketamine (0.5 mg/kg IV) was given, and the three variables were registered before and 3 and 5 min afterward. If MAP reached ≤ 62 mmHg, a dobutamine infusion was administered, and the three variables were recorded before and 5 min after starting/increasing the infusion (0.25 μg/kg/min IV every 5 min). The three variables were registered before and 1, 3, and 5 min after a PTAm decrease of ≥ 20%, HR increase of ≥ 10%, or MAP increase of ≥ 20%. The PTAm decreased 3 min after the administration of ketamine and 1 min after a PTA event. The surgical incision, dobutamine, and morphine did not modify PTAm. The absence of changes in ANS activity after the nociceptive stimulus and lack of correlation between PTAm and HR or MAP suggest that PTAm is a poor indicator of sympathetic activation under the study conditions. Ketamine seems to affect ANS activity by decreasing PTAm

    Buenas prácticas de transferencia del conocimiento en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    La iniciativa consiste en proporcionar la materia prima. El proyecto, que se ha realizado con cerdos y ha tenido una duración de tres años, demuestra que la administración de Cardiotrofina-1 en el transplante hepático incrementa la supervivencia del animal, mejora su función cardiaca, respiratoria y renal, y también consigue reducir el daño hepatocelecuar y el estrés oxidativo y nitrosativo en el injerto

    Histological and biochemical evaluation of plasma rich in growth factors treatment for grade II muscle injuries in sheep.

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    The purpose of this study was to perform a histological and biochemical evaluation of the influence of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGF) on muscle regeneration process after a surgically induced grade II muscle laceration. A randomized, single blind, controlled experimental research was conducted including twenty-one adult healthy sheep, randomly divided in three groups (n = 7). A grade II surgical section was performed in the biceps femoris muscle of both hindlimbs. After two days (basal time), intralesional infiltration of autologous PRGF or Saline solution was randomly administered in both hindlimbs. Treatment was repeated once a week. Animal groups were euthanized at 1 (T1), 2 (T2) or 4 (T4) weeks. Histological assessment showed that PRGF intralesional injection induced a significant decrease of inflammatory cells density, significant higher centrally nucleated fibers percentage and significantly smaller fibrotic areas compared to Saline-treated muscles at T1, T2 and T4. Also, lower vascular density, with lower capillaries cross-sectional area, in PRGF group compared to Saline was observed. Biochemical analysis revealed a significant higher expression level of MYOD1, MYF5 and MYOG genes in PRGF groups at T1 compared to Saline treated muscles. At ultrastructural level, PRGF groups presented scarce edema and loss of connective tissue structure, as well as higher mitochondrial density adequately associated to the sarcomere unit in contrast to the Saline group. In conclusion, histological, biochemical, and ultrastructural results showed that PRGF treatment improved muscle regeneration process leading to more mature histological aspect in newly formed muscle tissue after a surgically induced grade II muscle injury

    Sedation Quality and Cardiorespiratory, Echocardiographic, Radiographic and Electrocardiographic Effects of Intramuscular Alfaxalone and Butorphanol in Spanish Greyhound Dogs

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    The quality of sedation and changes in cardiorespiratory variables after the intramuscular administration of alfaxalone and butorphanol in Spanish greyhound dogs were evaluated. Twenty-one adult dogs were included. The dogs received alfaxalone (2 mg/kg) and butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg) intramuscularly. Sedation scoring, cardiorespiratory parameters (including blood gas analysis), echocardiography, thoracic radiography and electrocardiography were performed before sedation and 30 min after drug administration. Moderate sedation was observed, and side effects, such as tremors, nystagmus and auditory hyperesthesia, were noticed. Statistically significant changes in heart rate, invasive blood pressure, pH, arterial saturation of O2 and partial pressure of O2 and CO2 were found. Echocardiographic variables, including end-diastolic volume, left ventricular diameter in diastole, aortic and pulmonic flow, diastolic transmitral flow and left atrial/aortic ratio, and electrocardiography parameters, including PQ interval and QT interval, showed statistically significant changes. In conclusion, the intramuscular administration of alfaxalone and butorphanol to healthy dogs produced moderate sedation with mild cardiorespiratory, echocardiographic and electrocardiographic changes, without alterations in cardiac size on radiographic images