37 research outputs found

    Produção e qualidade da soja em função do calagem e aplicação de gesso

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    Effects of lime and gypsum applications on the quality of soybeans grown under no-till (NT) are not well defined yet. A field trial established in 1998 on a dystrophic clayey Rhodic Hapludox, at Ponta Grossa, State of Paraná, Brazil, evaluated grain yield and soybean quality based on oil, protein and nutrient content, after lime and gypsum applications under NT, in a randomized complete block design (n = 3), split-plot experiment. In the main plots, the treatments with dolomitic lime were: control (no lime), split application of lime on the surface (three yearly applications of 1.5 Mg ha¹), surface lime (4.5 Mg ha¹), and incorporated lime (4.5 Mg ha¹). Subplots received four different rates of gypsum: 0, 3, 6, and 9 Mg ha-1. The soybean crop was evaluated in the agricultural years of 20022003 and 20032004. After 58 months, the correction of acidity through surface liming, with full or split rates, was more pronounced in the top layer (00.05 m) and there was greater reaction at the depths of 0.050.10 and 0.100.20 m when lime was incorporated. Surface or incorporated liming had no effect on grain yield, soybean oil and protein content. Gypsum improved chemical subsoil conditions, raising pH (0.01 mol L-1 CaCl2) as well as Ca2+ and S-SO4(2-) contents; it also caused exchangeable Mg2+ leaching in the soil profile. The application of gypsum did not affect grain yield, yet it improved soybean quality through an increase in protein and S contents, in 20032004, and in grain P, K and Ca, in the two cropping years. The use of gypsum in NT soybeans can be especially important for fields of seeds production.Os efeitos da aplicação de calcário e gesso na qualidade da soja cultivada em plantio direto não são muito conhecidos. O experimento foi instalado em 1998 em um Latossolo Vermelho distrófico textura argilosa, em Ponta Grossa (PR), com o objetivo de avaliar a produção de soja e a concentração de óleo, proteína e nutrientes nos grãos, após a aplicação de calcário e gesso em plantio direto. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos completos ao acaso em parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições. Nas parcelas, os tratamentos com calcário dolomítico foram: testemunha (sem calcário), calcário parcelado na superfície (três aplicações anuais de 1,5 Mg ha-1), calcário na superfície (4,5 Mg ha-1) e calcário incorporado (4,5 Mg ha-1). As subparcelas receberam quatro doses de gesso: 0, 3, 6 e 9 Mg ha-1. A cultura da soja foi avaliada nos anos agrícolas de 20022003 e 20032004. Após 58 meses, a correção da acidez pela calagem na superfície, com ou sem parcelamento, foi mais acentuada na camada superficial do solo (00,05 m) e houve maior reação nas profundidades de 0,050,10 e 0,100,20 m quando o calcário foi incorporado. A calagem superficial ou incorporada não influenciou a produção de grãos e as concentrações de óleo e proteína de soja. O gesso melhorou as condições químicas do subsolo, aumentando o pH (CaCl2 0,01 mol L-1) e os teores de Ca2+ e S-SO4(2-), e causou lixiviação de Mg2+ trocável no solo. A aplicação de gesso não alterou a produção de grãos, mas melhorou a qualidade da soja, ocasionando aumento nas concentrações de proteína e de S, em 20032004, e de P, K e Ca nos grãos, nos dois anos de cultivo. O uso de gesso em cultivo de soja no plantio direto pode ser de grande importância para campos de produção de sementes

    Methylmercury in fish species used in preparing sashimi : a case study in Brazil.

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    The objective of this work was to determine the organic and total mercury contents in twelve fish species used in preparing sashimi in Japanese restaurants and estimate the exposure to organic mercury due to the consumption of this food. The mercury species were quantified by atomic absorption with thermal decomposition and amalgamation. Total mercury was analyzed directly, whereas organic mercury was quantified after extraction with toluene in an acid medium using a microwave assisted system. Needlefish and tuna showed the highest levels of mercury species and salmon and mullet the lowest levels. The mean ratios between MeHg?/total Hg were 93% and 87% for sandperch and octopus, respectively, indicating that the most toxic form (organic Hg) predominates in these species. Exposure to methylmercury was estimated based on the PTWI and the results showed that the ingestion of 2 portions of needlefish and tuna exceeded the values established by 100%

    Níveis de contaminantes inorgânicos em cachaças da região do Quadrilátero Ferrífero armazenadas em copos in natura de esteatito (pedra-sabão)

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    The levels of inorganic contaminants (As, Cd, Cu, Ni and Pb) were measured in 18 Brazilian spirit beverages, before and after 4 contact cycles of 24h each with in natura soapstone (steatite) cups. Results were compared to Brazilian regulation levels. Spirits contained As, Cd, Ni and Pb within permitted levels. For Cu, 5.6% of the brands were above the limit. The contact with soapstone cups decreased Cu levels in the spirits, while the other elements remained unchanged. The use of in natura soapstone cups was considered safe because this kind of vessel did not transfer inorganic contaminants to the spirits

    Formulação de drageados de frutas com solução de reuso da desidratação osmótica de abacaxi

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the reuse of sucrose syrup in pineapple (Ananas comosus) osmotic dehydration and the application of the spent solution in fruit dragée formulation. Osmotic dehydration trials were performed in five cycles (65° Brix/45°C/3 hours), directly reusing the osmotic solution, with only one intermediate reconditioning step. Variations in osmotic solution properties and in dehydration parameters were observed, as well as a low microbial load in the system. The spent solution was rich in vitamin C (30 mg 100 g-1). Pineapple dragée covered with red fruits and acai powders were obtained with the reconditioned spent solution used as an adhesion solution. The dragée presented high levels of vitamin C (176 mg 100 g-1), polyphenols (154 mg GAE 100-1 g), carotenoids (220 µg 100 g-1), and potassium (330 mg 100 g-1). The product showed good sensory acceptance and purchase intention. Reusing sucrose syrup is technically feasible during pineapple osmotic dehydration, as is the application of the spent solution as an ingredient in fruit dragée production.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o reuso do xarope de sacarose na desidratação osmótica de abacaxi (Ananas comosus) e o uso da solução final na formulação de drageados de frutas. Os ensaios de desidratação osmótica foram conduzidos em cinco ciclos (65 °Brix/45°C/3 horas), com reuso direto da solução osmótica, com apenas uma etapa intermediária de recondicionamento. Foram observadas variações nas propriedades da solução osmótica e nos parâmetros da desidratação, bem como baixa carga microbiana do sistema. A solução final apresentou-se rica em vitamina C (30 mg 100 g-1). Foram obtidos drageados de abacaxi cobertos com frutas vermelhas e açaí em pó com a solução final recondicionada como solução de aderência. O drageado apresentou níveis elevados de vitamina C (176 mg 100 g-1), polifenóis (154 mg GAE 100 g-1), carotenoides (220 µg 100 g-1) e potássio (330 mg100 g-1). O produto teve boa aceitação e intenção de compra. O reuso do xarope de sacarose é tecnicamente viável na desidratação osmótica de abacaxi, bem como a aplicação da solução final como ingrediente na produção de drageados de frutas

    Applications of chemometrics methods in food analysis

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    Orientador: Marcia Miguel Castro FerreiraTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de QuimicaDoutoradoQuimica AnaliticaDoutor em Ciência

    Selenium in plant-based beverages: How can in vitro bioaccessibility contribute to an accurate daily intake?

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    Background: Lactose intolerance, cow milk protein allergy, and environmental and ethical concerns drive the global market for plant-based beverages (PPBs). Despite this, data on the occurrence of selenium (Se) in these beverages are scarce. Objective: The objectives of this study were to assess total selenium and determine the bioaccessible fractions in plant-based beverages (PBBs) from cereals, oilseeds, and pumpkin seeds, using an in vitro static method to simulate human digestion; and estimate the contribution these beverages have to the reference daily intake (RDI) for children and adults. Methodology: The study involved beverages made under laboratory conditions. Samples and extracts were submitted to acid digestion (ultrasonic and block digester); total and bioaccessible Se levels were determined by ICP-MS. In vitro bioaccessibility was assessed using the INFOGEST protocol. Results: The results revealed a wide variation in Se content in the studied plant-based beverages from 10.3 µg kg−1 (sunflower seeds) to 3509 µg kg−1 (Brazil nuts). The bioaccessibility of Se was found only in PBBs made from oilseeds with macadamia, cashew and Brazil nut, with a variation in values from 86 to 96 %. The Se content and its bioaccessible fraction of Brazil nut PBB may contribute to 1276 % and 1218 % of the RDI for children and adults, respectively. Conclusions: The Se content varied among samples of cereals, oilseeds and pumpkin seeds, reflecting the diversity in the studied PBBs. Only PBBs containing oilseeds (macadamia, cashews, and Brazil nuts) exhibited measurable amounts of bioaccessible Se, indicating an association with the raw material. However, the consumption of the PBB containing Brazil nuts may pose a risk of adverse effects, due to its high contribution to the RDI in both children and adults