432 research outputs found

    Channeling in direct dark matter detection I: channeling fraction in NaI (Tl) crystals

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    The channeling of the ion recoiling after a collision with a WIMP changes the ionization signal in direct detection experiments, producing a larger signal than otherwise expected. We give estimates of the fraction of channeled recoiling ions in NaI (Tl) crystals using analytic models produced since the 1960's and 70's to describe channeling and blocking effects. We find that the channeling fraction of recoiling lattice nuclei is smaller than that of ions that are injected into the crystal and that it is strongly temperature dependent.Comment: 37 pages, 35 figures, Accepted for publication in JCAP on 27 October 2010, Minor revisions: added an appendix, updated references, updated Fig. 9, corrected a few typo

    Photon-Photon Scattering, Pion Polarizability and Chiral Symmetry

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    Recent attempts to detect the pion polarizability via analysis of γγππ\gamma\gamma\rightarrow\pi\pi measurements are examined. The connection between calculations based on dispersion relations and on chiral perturbation theory is established by matching the low energy chiral amplitude with that given by a full dispersive treatment. Using the values for the polarizability required by chiral symmetry, predicted and experimental cross sections are shown to be in agreement.Comment: 21 pages(+10 figures available on request), LATEX, UMHEP-38

    Crustal structure beneath western and eastern Iceland from surface waves and receiver functions

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    We determine the crustal structures beneath 14 broad-band seismic stations, deployed in western, eastern, central and southern Iceland, using surface wave dispersion curves and receiver functions. We implement a method to invert receiver functions using constraints obtained from genetic algorithm inversion of surface waves. Our final models satisfy both data sets. The thickness of the upper crust, as defined by the velocity horizon Vs= 3.7 km s−1, is fairly uniform at ∼6.5–9 km beneath the Tertiary intraplate areas of western and eastern Iceland, and unusually thick at 11 km beneath station HOT22 in the far south of Iceland. The depth to the base of the lower crust, as defined by the velocity horizon Vs= 4.1 km s−1 is ∼20–26 km in western Iceland and ∼27–33 km in eastern Iceland. These results agree with those of explosion profiles that detect a thinner crust beneath western Iceland than beneath eastern Iceland. An earlier report of a substantial low-velocity zone beneath the Middle Volcanic Zone in the lower crust is confirmed by a similar observation beneath an additional station there. As was found in previous receiver function studies, the most reliable feature of the results is the clear division into an upper sequence that is a few kilometres thick where velocity gradients are high, and a lower, thicker sequence where velocity gradients are low. The transition to typical mantle velocities is variable, and may range from being very gradational to being relatively sharp and clear. A clear Moho, by any definition, is rarely seen, and there is thus uncertainty in estimates of the thickness of the crust in many areas. Although a great deal of seismic data are now available constraining the structures of the crust and upper mantle beneath Iceland, their geological nature is not well understood

    Computational advances in gravitational microlensing: a comparison of CPU, GPU, and parallel, large data codes

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    To assess how future progress in gravitational microlensing computation at high optical depth will rely on both hardware and software solutions, we compare a direct inverse ray-shooting code implemented on a graphics processing unit (GPU) with both a widely-used hierarchical tree code on a single-core CPU, and a recent implementation of a parallel tree code suitable for a CPU-based cluster supercomputer. We examine the accuracy of the tree codes through comparison with a direct code over a much wider range of parameter space than has been feasible before. We demonstrate that all three codes present comparable accuracy, and choice of approach depends on considerations relating to the scale and nature of the microlensing problem under investigation. On current hardware, there is little difference in the processing speed of the single-core CPU tree code and the GPU direct code, however the recent plateau in single-core CPU speeds means the existing tree code is no longer able to take advantage of Moore's law-like increases in processing speed. Instead, we anticipate a rapid increase in GPU capabilities in the next few years, which is advantageous to the direct code. We suggest that progress in other areas of astrophysical computation may benefit from a transition to GPUs through the use of "brute force" algorithms, rather than attempting to port the current best solution directly to a GPU language -- for certain classes of problems, the simple implementation on GPUs may already be no worse than an optimised single-core CPU version.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in New Astronom

    The celebrity entrepreneur on television: profile, politics and power

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    This article examines the rise of the ‘celebrity entrepreneur’ on television through the emergence of the ‘business entertainment format’ and considers the ways in which regular television exposure can be converted into political influence. Within television studies there has been a preoccupation in recent years with how lifestyle and reality formats work to transform ‘ordinary’ people into celebrities. As a result, the contribution of vocationally skilled business professionals to factual entertainment programming has gone almost unnoticed. This article draws on interviews with key media industry professionals and begins by looking at the construction of entrepreneurs as different types of television personalities and how discourses of work, skill and knowledge function in business shows. It then outlines how entrepreneurs can utilize their newly acquired televisual skills to cultivate a wider media profile and secure various forms of political access and influence. Integral to this is the centrality of public relations and media management agencies in shaping media discourses and developing the individual as a ‘brand identity’ that can be used to endorse a range of products or ideas. This has led to policy makers and politicians attempting to mobilize the media profile of celebrity entrepreneurs to reach out and connect with the public on business and enterprise-related issues

    Detection of a supervoid aligned with the cold spot of the cosmic microwave background

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    We use the WISE-2MASS infrared galaxy catalogue matched with Pan-STARRS1 (PS1) galaxies to search for a supervoid in the direction of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) cold spot (CS). Our imaging catalogue has median redshift z ≃ 0.14, and we obtain photometric redshifts from PS1 optical colours to create a tomographic map of the galaxy distribution. The radial profile centred on the CS shows a large low-density region, extending over tens of degrees. Motivated by previous CMB results, we test for underdensities within two angular radii, 5°, and 15°. The counts in photometric redshift bins show significantly low densities at high detection significance, ≳5σ and ≳6σ, respectively, for the two fiducial radii. The line-of-sight position of the deepest region of the void is z ≃ 0.15–0.25. Our data, combined with an earlier measurement by Granett, Szapudi & Neyrinck, are consistent with a large Rvoid = (220 ± 50) h−1 Mpc supervoid with δm ≃ −0.14 ± 0.04 centred at z = 0.22 ± 0.03. Such a supervoid, constituting at least a ≃3.3σ fluctuation in a Gaussian distribution of the Λ cold dark matter model, is a plausible cause for the CS

    K_S\rightarrow \gamma\gamma , K_L\rightarrow\pi^0\gamma\gamma$ and Unitarity

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    Agreement between the experimental value Γ(KSγγ)\Gamma (K_S\rightarrow \gamma\gamma) and the number predicted via a one-loop chiral perturbation theory calculation has been cited as a success for the latter. On the other hand the one-loop prediction for the closely related process KLπ0γγK_L\rightarrow \pi^0\gamma\gamma has been found to be a factor three below the experimental value. Using the inputs of unitarity and dispersion relations, we demonstrate the importance of higher order loop effects to both of these processes.Comment: 20 pages (4 figures available on request), UMHEP-39

    A coupled channel analysis of the centrally produced K+K- and pi+pi- final states in pp interactions at 450 GeV/c

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    A coupled channel analysis of the centrally produced K+K- and pi+pi- final states has been performed in pp collisions at an incident beam momentum of 450 GeV/c. The pole positions and branching ratios to pipi and KK of the f0(980), f0(1370), f0(1500) and f0(1710) have been determined. A systematic study of the production properties of all the resonances observed in the pi+pi- and K+K- channels has been performed.Comment: 16 pages, Latex, 5 Figure