528 research outputs found

    Changing family models in Spain: the impact of the sociodemographic factors

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    Abstract During the last few decades, there has been an increasing international recognition of the studies related to the analysis of the family models change, the focus being the determinants of the female employment and the problems related to the work family balance (Lewis, 2001; Petit & Hook, 2005Saraceno, Crompton & Lyonette, 20062008; Pfau-Effinger, 2012). The majority of these studies have been focused on the analysis of the work-family balance problems as well as the effectiveness of the family and gender policies in order to encourage female employment (Korpi et al., 2013). In Spain, special attention has been given to the family policies implemented, the employability of women and on the role of the father in the family (Flaquer et al., 2015; Meil, 2015); however, there has been far less emphasis on the analysis of the family cultural models (González and Jurado, 2012; Crespi and Moreno, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to present some of the first results on the influence of the socio-demographic factors on the expectations and attitudes about the family models. This study offers an analytical reflection upon the foundation of the determinants of the family ambivalence in Spain from the cultural and the institutional dimension. This study shows the Spanish family models of preferences following the Pfau-Effinger (2004) classification of the famiy living arrangements. The reason for this study is twofold; on the one hand, there is confirmed the scarcity of studies that have focused their attention on this objective in Spain; on the other hand, the studies carried out in the international context have confirmed the analytical effectiveness of researching on the attitude and value changes to explain the meaning and trends of the family changes. There is also presented some preliminary results that have been obtained from the multinomial analysis related to the influence of the socio-demographic factors on the family model chosen by the individuals in Spain (father and mother working full time; mother part-time father full-time; mother not at work father full-time; mother and father part-time). 3 The database used has been the International Social Survey Programme: Family and Changing Gender Roles IV- ISSP 2012-. Spain is the only country of South Europe that has participated in the survey. For this reason it has been considered as a representative case study.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Dependence From The Perspective Of Primary Caregivers Of People With Disabilities

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    The paper is focused on informal caregivers of people with disabilities, particularly in mentally handicapped persons. Informal caregiver refers to those relatives, friends or any person who make this task without any formal economic remuneration. Only in few cases, caregivers are able to receive some economic aid by the administration. We develop a questionnaire to analyze personal, familiar, economic and social situation of primary caregivers. The empirical results are based on a sample of 128 caregivers of a spanish association created for people with disabilities

    Hiperferritinemia y hemocromatosis. Hemocromatosis hereditaria con genotipo mutado hfe c282y

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    El presente trabajo realiza una revisión sobre la literatura existente relacionada con hiperferritinemia y hemocromatosis. El motivo de dicha revisión reside en el frecuente hallazgo de valores elevados de ferritina de manera rutinaria en atención primaria, y la necesidad de clarificar y asentar conceptos relacionados con el tema. Pretende así facilitar el manejo de esta alteración en la práctica asistencial habitual, informar de una manera generalista tanto de su patogenia como de su enfoque diagnóstico y seguimiento, e ilustrar sobre las patologías de tipo hematológico hereditario

    Shadow and extended shadow cost sharing associated to informal long-term care: the case of Spain

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    Background: A large part of the long-term care is provided by non-professional caregivers, generally without any monetary payment but a value economic of time invested. The economic relevance of informal caregivers has been recognized in Spain; however, public provision may still be scarce. The objective of this paper is to estimate the economic burden associated with informal long-term care that should assume the families through a new concept of cost sharing that consider opportunity costs of time provided by informal caregivers. Methods: The study sample includes all dependent adults in Spain. Socioeconomic information and the number of hours of informal care was collected through the Spanish Disability and Dependency Survey. The terms of shadow and extended shadow cost sharing were defined as the difference between the maximum potential amount of money that families could receive for the provision of informal care and the amount that actually they received and the value of informal care time with respect to the amount received, respectively. Results: 53.87% of dependent persons received an economic benefit associated to informal care. The average weekly hours of care were 71.59 (92.62 without time restrictions). Shadow cost sharing amounted to, on average, two thirds, whereas the State financed the remaining third. In terms of extended shadow cost sharing, the State financed between 3% and 10% of informal care provided by caregivers. Conclusions: This study reveals the deficient support received for the provision of informal care in Spain. More than 90% of informal care time is not covered by the economic benefits that families receive from the State

    A novel hand reconstruction approach and its application to vulnerability assessment

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Information Sciences. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Information Sciences, 238 (2014) DOI: 10.1016/j.ins.2013.06.015The present work proposes a novel probabilistic method to reconstruct a hand shape image from its template. We analyse the degree of similarity between the reconstructed images and the original samples in order to determine whether the synthetic hands are able to deceive hand recognition systems. This analysis is made through the estimation of the success chances of an attack carried out with the synthetic samples against an independent system. The experimental results show that there is a high chance of breaking a hand recognition system using this approach. Furthermore, since it is a probabilistic method, several synthetic images can be generated from each original sample, which increases the success chances of the attack.This work has been partially supported by projects Contexts (S2009/TIC-1485) from CAM, Bio-Challenge (TEC2009-11186), BIOSINT (TEC2012-38630-C04-02) and Bio-Shield (TEC2012-34881) from Spanish MINECO, TABULA RASA (FP7-ICT-257289) and BEAT (FP7-SEC-284989) from EU, and Cátedra UAM-Telefónica. Marta Gomez-Barrero is supported by a FPU Fellowship from Spanish MECD

    Histone H3E73Q and H4E53A mutations cause recombinogenic DNA damage

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    The stability and function of eukaryotic genomes is closely linked to histones and to chromatin structure. The state of the chromatin not only affects the probability of DNA to undergo damage but also DNA repair. DNA damage can result in genetic alterations and subsequent development of cancer and other genetic diseases. Here, we identified two mutations in conserved residues of histone H3 and histone H4 (H3E73Q and H4E53A) that increase recombinogenic DNA damage. Our results suggest that the accumulation of DNA damage in these histone mutants is largely independent on transcription and might arise as a consequence of problems occurring during DNA replication. This study uncovers the relevance of H3E73 and H4E53 residues in the protection of genome integrity.European Research Council ERC2014 AdG669898 TARLOOPMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2016-75058-

    Angiotensin II type 2 receptor as a novel activator of brown adipose tissue in obesity

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    The angiotensin II type 2 receptor (AT2R) exerts vasorelaxant, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. In obesity, its activation counterbalances the adverse cardiovascular effects of angiotensin II mediated by the AT1R. Preliminary results indicate that it also promotes brown adipocyte differentiation in vitro. Our hypothesis is that AT2R activation could increase BAT mass and activity in obesity. Five-week-old male C57BL/6J mice were fed a standard or a high-fat (HF) diet for 6 weeks. Half of the animals were treated with compound 21 (C21), a selective AT2R agonist, (1 mg/kg/day) in the drinking water. Electron transport chain (ETC), oxidative phosphorylation, and UCP1 proteins were measured in the interscapular BAT (iBAT) and thoracic perivascular adipose tissue (tPVAT) as well as inflammatory and oxidative parameters. Differentiation and oxygen consumption rate (OCR) in the presence of C21 was tested in brown preadipocytes. In vitro, C21-differentiated brown adipocytes showed an AT2R-dependent increase of differentiation markers (Ucp1, Cidea, Pparg) and increased basal and H+ leak-linked OCR. In vivo, HF-C21 mice showed increased iBAT mass compared to HF animals. Both their iBAT and tPVAT showed higher protein levels of the ETC protein complexes and UCP1, together with a reduction of inflammatory and oxidative markers. The activation of the AT2R increases BAT mass, mitochondrial activity, and reduces markers of tissue inflammation and oxidative stress in obesity. Therefore, insulin reduction and better vascular responses are achieved. Thus, the activation of the protective arm of the renin–angiotensin system arises as a promising tool in the treatment of obesity15 página

    The contribution of histone crotonylation to tissue health and disease: focus on kidney health

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are the most severe consequences of kidney injury. They are interconnected syndromes as CKD predisposes to AKI and AKI may accelerate CKD progression. Despite their growing impact on the global burden of disease, there is no satisfactory treatment for AKI and current therapeutic approaches to CKD remain suboptimal. Recent research has focused on the therapeutic target potential of epigenetic regulation of gene expression, including non-coding RNAs and the covalent modifications of histones and DNA. Indeed, several drugs targeting histone modifications are in clinical use or undergoing clinical trials. Acyllysine histone modifications (e.g. methylation, acetylation, and crotonylation) have modulated experimental kidney injury. Most recently, increased histone lysine crotonylation (Kcr) was observed during experimental AKI and could be reproduced in cultured tubular cells exposed to inflammatory stress triggered by the cytokine TWEAK. The degree of kidney histone crotonylation was modulated by crotonate availability and crotonate supplementation protected from nephrotoxic AKI. We now review the functional relevance of histone crotonylation in kidney disease and other pathophysiological contexts, as well as the implications for the development of novel therapeutic approaches. These studies provide insights into the overall role of histone crotonylation in health and diseaseSources of support: FIS/FEDER funds (PI15/00298, CP14/00133, PI16/02057, PI16/01900, PI18/01386, PI19/00588, PI19/00815, DTS18/00032, ERA-PerMed-JTC2018 (KIDNEY ATTACK AC18/00064 and PERSTIGAN AC18/00071), ISCIII-RETIC REDinREN RD016/0009), Sociedad Española de Nefrología, FRIAT, Comunidad de Madrid en Biomedicina B2017/BMD- 3686 CIFRA2-CM. Salary support: ISCIII Miguel Servet and to AS and MS-N, ISCIII Sara Borrell to JM-M and Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3686 CIFRA2-CM) to MF-B and DM-S

    KBOC: Keystroke Biometrics OnGoing Competition

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThis paper presents the first Keystroke Biometrics Ongoing evaluation platform and a Competition (KBOC) organized to promote reproducible research and establish a baseline in person authentication using keystroke biometrics. The ongoing evaluation tool has been developed using the BEAT platform and includes keystroke sequences (fixedtext) from 300 users acquired in 4 different sessions. In addition, the results of a parallel offline competition based on the same data and evaluation protocol are presented. The results reported have achieved EERs as low as 5.32%, which represent a challenging baseline for keystroke recognition technologies to be evaluated on the new publicly available KBOC benchmarkA.M. and M. G.-B. are supported by a JdC contract (JCI-2012- 12357) and a FPU Fellowship from Spanish MINECO and MCD, respectively. J.M. and J.C. are supported by CAPES and CNPq (grant 304853/2015-1). This work was partially funded by the projects: CogniMetrics (TEC2015-70627-R) from MINECO FEDER and BEAT (FP7-SEC-284989) from E

    Noninvasive detection of microsatellite instability in patients with endometrial cancer

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    Endometrial cancer; Liquid biopsy; Uterine aspirateCàncer d'endometri; Biòpsia líquida; Aspirat uteríCáncer de endometrio; Biopsia líquida; Aspirado uterinoThe analysis of mismatch repair proteins in solid tissue is the standard of care (SoC) for the microsatellite instability (MSI) characterization in endometrial cancer (EC). Uterine aspirates (UAs) or circulating-DNA (cfDNA) samples capture the intratumor heterogeneity and provide a more comprehensive and dynamic molecular diagnosis. Thus, MSI analysis by droplet-digital PCR (ddPCR) in UAs and cfDNA can provide a reliable tool to characterize and follow-up the disease. The UAs, paraffin-embedded tumor tissue (FFPE) and longitudinal plasma samples from a cohort of 90 EC patients were analyzed using ddPCR panel and compared to the SoC. A high concordance (96.67%) was obtained between the analysis of MSI markers in UAs and the SoC. Three discordant cases were validated as unstable by ddPCR on FFPE samples. Besides, a good overall concordance (70.27%) was obtained when comparing the performance of the ddPCR assay on UAs and cfDNA in high-risk tumors. Importantly, our results also evidenced the value of MSI analysis to monitor the disease evolution. MSI evaluation in minimally invasive samples shows great accuracy and sensitivity and provides a valuable tool for the molecular characterization and follow-up of endometrial tumors, opening new opportunities for personalized management of EC.Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer, Grant/Award Numbers: CB16/12/00295, CB16/12/00328; Fundación Científica Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Grant/Award Numbers: FC_AECC PROYE19036MOR, 2018-AECC, INVES20051COLA; Fundación Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Santiago de Compostela; Instituto de Salud Carlos III and FEDER, Grant/Award Numbers: CM19/00087, CP20/00119, PI20/00969, PI20/01566, PI21/00990; Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation, Grant/Award Number: PID2019-104644RB-I0