8,040 research outputs found

    Nuevos datos sobre la floración, fructificación y germinación de fanerógamas marinas en Andalucía

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    Nuevos datos sobre la floración, fructificación y germinación de fanerógamas marinas en Andalucía. Se aportan todos los datos conocidos sobre las floraciones y fructificaciones de las distintas fanerógamas marinas presentes en las provincias de Almería y Granada. Se presentan datos sobre las floraciones de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile detectadas en la provincia de Almería en los últimos años, y un caso de floración en la provincia de Granada, así como las fructificaciones y frutos maduros de esta especie en tres años consecutivos (2001/02, 2002/03 y 2003/04), lo que nunca antes se había observado en las costas andaluzas. Se estudia la evolución del tamaño de los frutos a lo largo del desarrollo en P. oceanica, así como la presencia de los frutos en las playas, el número de frutos por infrutescencia, cuántos aparecen con dehiscencia, y el porcentaje de frutos parcialmente o totalmente depredados. Se detecta en Almería (y por primera vez en Andalucía) la germinación natural de semillas de P. oceanica y se estudia el desarrollo de las plántulas en acuario, se obtienen medidas precisas de los frutos y sus semillas, y se comparan con los de otros puntos del Mediterráneo. Se aportan también datos sobre las floraciones y fructificaciones de Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascher. en Almería; sobre la fructificación de Zostera marina L. en Almería, Granada y también en Málaga; sobre la floración de Zostera noltii Horn. en Almería; y sobre la floración y fructificación de Ruppia maritima L. var. maritima en lagunas litorales y salinas de Almería

    Nuevos datos sobre la distribución de las fanerógamas marinas en las provincias de Almería y Granada (SE España)

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    Nuevos datos sobre la distribución de las fanerógamas marinas en las provincias de Almería y Granada (SE España). Se estudia la distribución de las distintas especies de fanerógamas marinas en el litoral de las provincias de Almería y Granada. Se detallan las áreas cubiertas por praderas de Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile en la provincia de Almería y las localidades donde todavía se encuentran manchas de esta especie en la provincia de Granada. Se aportan datos sobre la distribución en la zona de Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria)Ascherson, así como nuevos y numerosos datos sobre la presencia en el área de estudio de Zostera marina L. y Zostera noltii Hornemann. Se relaciona la distribución de las distintas especies de fanerógamas con el frente Almería-Orán, como límite biogeográfico difícil de franquear en la distribución de la mayoría de ellas, y se revisa el estado de conservación de las praderas dentro de los espacios naturales protegidos que existen en la zona

    Evaluación nutricional de escolares Hausa de Batata (Sur de Níger)

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    The present paper studies the nutritional status assessment of Niger rural schoolchildren using body composition anthropometric estimators. Likewise, validity of exclusive use of traditional indicators –weight, height and Body Mass Index (BMI)- is evaluated. The sample is composed of 137 Hausa schoolchildren, between 6 and 15 years old from Sae Saboua comunity, Batata. Twelve anthropometric direct measurements were taken. BMI was calculated, mid-arm and total body composition were estimated. NHANES I y II for black population was selected as reference criteria (Frisancho 1990). Results show that BMI tends to underestimate protein malnutrition and overrate caloric one in a way that body composition analysis is necessary for a correct nutritional status assessment.En el presente trabajo se evalúa la condición nutricional de una población escolar del medio rural del Sur de Niger a través de estimadores antropométricos de composición corporal. Al mismo tiempo, se analiza la validez del uso exclusivo de los indicadores habitualmente utilizados de peso, talla, Indice Córmico (IC) e Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC). La muestra se compone de 137 niños y niñas de etnia Hausa, entre 6 y 15 años de edad de la comunidad de Sae Saboua, Batata. Mediante la técnica antropométrica, se tomaron 12 medidas directas a partir de las cuales se calculó el IMC y se estimó la composición corporal mesobraquial y total. Como referencia se consideró el estándar NHANES I y II para población negra (Frisancho 1990). Se deduce de los resultados que el IMC y el peso/talla tienden a subestimar la desnutrición proteica y sobrestimar la desnutrición calórica, de manera que para un correcto diagnóstico del estado nutricional es imprescindible el análisis de la composición corporal

    Relativistic quantum mechanics of a Dirac oscillator

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    The Dirac oscillator is an exactly soluble model recently introduced in the context of many particle models in relativistic quantum mechanics. The model has been also considered as an interaction term for modelling quark confinement in quantum chromodynamics. These considerations should be enough for demonstrating that the Dirac oscillator can be an excellent example in relativistic quantum mechanics. In this paper we offer a solution to the problem and discuss some of its properties. We also discuss a physical picture for the Dirac oscillator's non-standard interaction, showing how it arises on describing the behaviour of a neutral particle carrying an anomalous magnetic moment and moving inside an uniformly charged sphere.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Looking at the past and heading to the Future : Meeting summary of the 6th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2019 in Cologne, Germany

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIn June 2019, more than a hundred plant researchers met in Cologne, Germany, for the 6th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin (EWPC). This conference brought together a highly dynamic community of researchers with the common aim to understand how chromatin organization controls gene expression, development, and plant responses to the environment. New evidence showing how epigenetic states are set, perpetuated, and inherited were presented, and novel data related to the three-dimensional organization of chromatin within the nucleus were discussed. At the level of the nucleosome, its composition by different histone variants and their specialized histone deposition complexes were addressed as well as the mechanisms involved in histone post-translational modifications and their role in gene expression. The keynote lecture on plant DNA methylation by Julie Law (SALK Institute) and the tribute session to Lars Hennig, honoring the memory of one of the founders of the EWPC who contributed to promote the plant chromatin and epigenetic field in Europe, added a very special note to this gathering. In this perspective article we summarize some of the most outstanding data and advances on plant chromatin research presented at this workshop

    Incompatibility of the Digital Economy Act 2010 subscriber appeal process provisions with Article 6 of the ECHR

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    This is the accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in International Review of Law, Computers and Technology on 10 January 2014. The version of record [Romero-Moreno, F. (2014) Incompatibility of the Digital Economy Act 2010 subscriber appeal process provisions with Article 6 of the ECHR', International Review of Law, Computers & Technology, 28(1): 81-97, first published on line January 10, 2014] is available online via doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13600869.2013.869912Through case-law research, this paper critically assesses the compatibility of the Digital Economy Act 2010 (DEA) subscriber appeal process provisions (Section 13 of the DEA) with Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR). Drawing on the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) case-law, Ofcom's Initial Obligations Code (the Code), and the DEA judicial review decision, namely, BT PLC and Talk Talk PLC v Secretary of State for Business Innovation and Skills and others, this paper focuses on the three Strasbourg Court principles of equality of arms, admissibility of evidence, and presumption of innocence, in an effort to determine whether Section 13 of the DEA infringes them, and whether this constitutes a breach of a subscriber's right to a fair trial under Article 6 of the ECHR. The paper examines these three ECtHR principles. It contrasts such principles with the Code's provisions, and considers the compatibility of Section 13 of the DEA with Article 6 of the ECHR. It concludes that the DEA subscriber appeal process provisions do indeed infringe these principles, thus constituting a violation of subscribers' right to a fair trial. It also recommends that the UK government start taking seriously human rights in general, and Article 6 of the ECHR in particular.Peer reviewe

    Pressure-Induced Phase-Transition Sequence In Cof 2 : An Experimental And First-Principles Study On The Crystal, Vibrational, And Electronic Properties

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    We report a complete structural study of CoF2 under pressure. Its crystal structure and vibrational and electronic properties have been studied both theoretically and experimentally using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) methods, x-ray diffraction, x-ray absorption at Co K-edge experiments, Raman spectroscopy, and optical absorption in the 0–80 GPa range. We have determined the structural phase-transition sequence in CoF2 and corresponding transition pressures. The results are similar to other transition-metal difluorides such as FeF2 but different to ZnF2 and MgF2, despite that the Co2+ size (ionic radius) is similar to Zn2+ and Mg2+. We found that the complete phase-transition sequence is tetragonal rutile (P42/mnm) → CaCl2 type (orthorhombic Pnnm) → distorted PdF2 (orthorhombic Pbca)+PdF2 (cubic Pa3¯) in coexistence → fluorite (cubic Fm3¯m) → cotunnite (orthorhombic Pnma). It was observed that the structural phase transition to the fluorite at 15 GPa involves a drastic change of coordination from sixfold octahedral to eightfold cubic with important modifications in the vibrational and electronic properties. We show that the stabilization of this high-pressure cubic phase is possible under nonhydrostatic conditions since ideal hydrostaticity would stabilize the distorted-fluorite structure (tetragonal I4/mmm) instead. Although the first rutile → CaCl2-type second-order phase transition is subtle by Raman spectroscopy, it was possible to define it through the broadening of the Eg Raman mode which is split in the CaCl2-type phase. First-principles DFT calculations are in fair agreement with the experimental Raman mode frequencies, thus providing an accurate description for all vibrational modes and elastic properties of CoF2 as a function of pressure

    Estudio baropodométrico en pacientes tratados mediante artroplastia total de rodilla

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    La patología artrósica de la rodilla condiciona una disminución de la carga del miembro afecto y un patrón de apoyo con predominio generalmente del arco externo. El propósito de este estudio es determinar si existe una modificación significativa de este patrón tras la implantación de una artroplastia total de rodilla (ATR) primaria, recogiendo las presiones plantares de ambos pies mediante baropodometría electrónica previamente y 4 meses tras la cirugía, tanto en estática como en dinámica. Así, se analizan las presiones plantares de 30 pacientes, 21 mujeres y 9 hombres, intervenidos de ATR primaria en el Hospital Universitario Doctor Peset entre los años 2013 y 2015. También se ha determinado si existe una corrección del eje anatómico tras la cirugía. Utilizando test no paramétricos (test de Wilcoxon para datos apareados, U de Mann-Whitney), observamos una modificación significativa de dicho ángulo desde valores medianos de 1.2º de varo a 4.9º de valgo en el postoperatorio, una disminución mediana de la presión plantar en ambos pies y una redistribución de la carga axial, aumentando en el miembro intervenido. Concluimos que, 4 meses tras la cirugía, se produce una tendencia a la “normalización” de la pisada en pacientes en los que se ha implantado una ATR, condicionado tanto por la mejora del dolor y la funcionalidad como por la realineación del eje.Knee osteoarthritis determines a decrease of the load of the affected limb and a pattern usually dominance of external support plantar arc. The purpose of this study is to determine whether a significant change in this pattern is? after implantation of a primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA), measuring plantar pressures in both feet by electronic baropodometry previously and 4 months after surgery, in static and dynamic. Plantar pressures of 30 patients are analyzed, who underwent primary TKA at the University Hospital Doctor Peset between 2013 and 2015. In addition, it has also been determined if there is a correction on the anatomical axis after surgery. Using nonparametric test (Wilcoxon test for paired data, U Mann Whitney), we observed a significant change in the angle from median values of 1.2º varus to 4.9º valgus postoperatively, a median decrease of plantar pressure in both feet and a redistribution of axial load, increasing in the operated limb. We conclude that, 4 months after surgery, there is a tendency to “normalization” of the tread in patients undergoing TKA. This is conditioned by improving pain and function as axis realignment occurs

    From circular paths to elliptic orbits: A geometric approach to Kepler's motion

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    The hodograph, i.e. the path traced by a body in velocity space, was introduced by Hamilton in 1846 as an alternative for studying certain dynamical problems. The hodograph of the Kepler problem was then investigated and shown to be a circle, it was next used to investigate some other properties of the motion. We here propose a new method for tracing the hodograph and the corresponding configuration space orbit in Kepler's problem starting from the initial conditions given and trying to use no more than the methods of synthetic geometry in a sort of Newtonian approach. All of our geometric constructions require straight edge and compass only.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure