1,093 research outputs found

    Validation study of the Functional Assessment Scale for Acute Hamstring injuries in Spanish professional soccer players

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    Objective: To cross-culturally adapt and validate the Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury for professional Spanish-speaking soccer players. Design: Clinical measurement study. Cross-cultural adaptation was conducted following international recommendations. Indicators of validity, reliability and responsiveness are provided. Subjects: The Spanish version of the Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury scale was administered to 165 participants: 45 professional soccer players with acute hamstring muscle injury diagnosis, 40 healthy subjects, 40 individuals at-risk for a hamstring muscle injury and 40 patients with injuries of the lower limb other than hamstring muscle injury. Main measures: The Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury. Reference measures: Spanish version of the Quality of Life Short-Form 36 questionnaire (SF-36) and the Lower Limb Functional Index (LLFI). Results: Cronbach’s alpha (internal consistency) for the Spanish version of the Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury scale was >0.8. The intraclass correlation coefficient using the two-way random model (ICC2,1) (test–retest) was 0.993 (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.991–0.995; P < 0.05). In the exploratory factor analysis, a one-factor solution explained 85% of the variance. Subjects with hamstring muscle injury scored significantly lower than the other groups in the Spanish version of the Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury scale (P < 0.001). The Spanish version of the Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury scale score within the hamstring muscle injury group showed moderate and significant correlations with SF-36 physical components (Spearman’s rs > 0.6; P < 0.001), and LLFI score at baseline (rs = 0.42; P < 0.01). The standard error of measurement (SEM) and minimum detectable change threshold (MDC95%) were 2.6 and 7.2 points, respectively. The responsiveness indicators have an effect size of 3.62, and the standardized response mean is 3.24. Conclusion: The Spanish version of the Functional Assessment Scale for acute hamstring injury scale showed satisfactory psychometric properties. It can be considered a reliable and valid instrument to assess the functional impact of acute hamstring muscle injury in professional Spanish-speaking football players

    Un estudio sobre la aplicación de "buenas prácticas" en la atención temprana a niños y niñas con TEA en Andalucía

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    INTRODUCCIÓN El contenido de la presente comunicación se inserta en un estudio mucho más extenso, denominado "Prestación de las Terapias basadas en Evidencias del Espectro Autista en Andalucía en la etapa de 3 a 6 años" y que se ha llevado a cabo por iniciativa conjunta de las unidades administrativas de la Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía responsables de la coordinación de la Atención Temprana (AT) y de personal investigador y docente del Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva de la Universidad de Sevilla. El interés común ha sido conocer qué intervenciones psicoeducativas ponen las administraciones públicas a disposición de los niños y niñas con trastornos del espectro autista (TEA) y de sus familias en Andalucía. Dicho conocimiento es de particular relevancia dado que existe una gran diversidad de este tipo de intervenciones y hay un creciente cuerpo de evidencias que permiten empezar a discriminar qué intervenciones pueden ser más adecuadas para favorecer el mejor desarrollo de estos niños y niñas. Aunque aún existen pocos estudios que avalen el impacto de la atención temprana sobre el desarrollo de los niños y niñas con TEA (Howlin, Magiati, y Charman, 2009), se mantiene entre la comunidad investigadora la recomendación de una detección lo más temprana posible y la intervención precoz. En el caso del autismo, sin embargo, aunque se considera un trastorno probablemente congénito de naturaleza neurobiológica, la falta de marcadores tempranos biológicos o conductuales hacen difícil llevar a cabo el objetivo de un diagnóstico precoz en los primeros meses de vida (Hernández et al., 2005). Se ha logrado disminuir la edad de detección a los 15 meses aproximadamente a través del uso de marcadores tempranos o de instrumentos de detección temprana de utilización sencilla en controles pediátricos rutinarios (Baron-Cohen, 1992). Asimismo, los esfuerzos de las diferentes administraciones de nuestro país están con toda probabilidad reduciendo la edad a la cual los niños y niñas con TEA obtienen un diagnóstico definitivo (Grupo de Estudios de Trastornos del Espectro Autista. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, 2004; Rodríguez, Moreno, y Aguilera, 2007). Aún así, es necesario considerar que la atención temprana es algo menos "temprana" que en el caso de otros trastornos del desarrollo o discapacidades. A esta limitación se añade la constatación generalizada de que se cuenta en este campo con pocos estudios con diseños adecuados que permitan establecer los procedimientos e intervenciones más recomendables y con efectos más claros (véase para una revisión reciente, por ejemplo, Güemes, Martín, Canal, y Posada, 2009). Dicha escasez de evidencias complica la evaluación de las terapias empleadas actualmente y el análisis de las prácticas profesionales más difundidas, contribuyendo por otra parte a una gran variedad de enfoques, aproximaciones y usos en la intervención temprana en autismo.Consejería de Salud, Junta de Andalucí

    Effects of acute caffeine ingestion on futsal performance in sub-elite players.

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    Purpose To date, no previous investigation has studied the effect of acute caffeine ingestion on futsal performance during futsal-specific testing and during a simulated match. Therefore, the aim of this investigation was to establish the effects of acute caffeine intake on futsal-specific tests and match-play running performance in male futsal players. Methods Sixteen high-performance futsal players participated in a randomized, crossover, placebo-controlled and double-blind experiment. Each player completed two identical trials after ingesting either caffeine (3 mg/kg) or a placebo (cellulose). The trials consisted of a battery of futsal-specific tests (countermovement jump, 20-m sprint test, and a futsal kicking velocity and accuracy test) followed by a simulated futsal match (2 halves of 7.5 min). During the match, players’ running performance was assessed with local positioning system devices. Results In comparison to the placebo, caffeine ingestion increased jump height by 2.8% (p = 0.048; ES = 0.29) and reduced the time to complete the 20-m sprint test by -2.2% (p = 0.044; ES = − 0.54). Additionally, acute caffeine intake improved the distance covered at above 14.4 km/h by 19.6% (p = 0.021; ES = 0.58), the number of body impacts by 8.1% (p = 0.040; ES = 0.27) and the number of accelerations/decelerations by 4.2% (p = 0.044; ES = 0.57) during the simulated futsal match. However, no differences were reported in ball velocity or shooting accuracy in the futsal kicking test. There were no differences in the prevalence of side effects reported in the hours after the ingestion of the treatments. Conclusion Three mg/kg of caffeine enhanced several physical variables associated with futsal such as jump and sprint performance, and improved high-speed running and accelerations/decelerations during a simulated futsal match. Caffeine supplementation with a moderate dose can be considered as an effective ergogenic aid for futsal performance with low prevalence of side effects.pre-print920 K

    Does Acute Beetroot Juice Supplementation Improve Neuromuscular Performance and Match Activity in Young Basketball Players? A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study.

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    Whereas beetroot juice (BJ) supplementation is shown to increase physical performance in endurance activities, its benefits in team sports has been barely studied. In this randomized placebo-controlled study, we investigated the e ects of BJ acute supplementation in improving neuromuscular performance and physical match activity in basketball. Ten young male competitive basketball players aged 15–16 years received 140 mL of BJ or placebo (PLA) on two separated days in a balanced cross-over design. Testing sessions comprised a neuromuscular test battery consisting of a countermovement jump (CMJ), isometric handgrip strength, 10-m/20-m sprint and agility T-test, followed by a 40-minute simulated basketball match. Physical match activity (distances, speeds, accelerations, and decelerations) was monitored using an inertial tracking system (Wimu ProTM) Results revealed no significant e ects of BJ on CMJ (p = 0.304, ES = 0.13), isometric handgrip strength (p = 0.777, ES = 0.06), 10-m (p = 0.820, ES = 0.10), and 20-m sprint (p = 0.540, ES = 0.13), agility T-test (p = 0.979, ES 0.01) and any physical match demands (p > 0.151, ES = 0.13–0.48). Acute moderate doses of BJ (12.8 mmol of NO3 �����) was not e ective in improving neuromuscular performance (jump height, isometric handgrip strength, sprint, and agility) or physical match requirements in young trained basketball players the day of the competition.post-print2977 K

    Acute effects of dynamic versus foam rolling warm-up strategies on physical performance in elite tennis players.

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    To date, there is a lack of information about the optimal conditions of the warm-up to lead to a better performance in elite tennis players. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of two different warm-up protocols (dynamic vs. self-myofascial release with foam rolling) on neuromuscular variables associated with physical determinants of tennis performance. Using a crossover randomised experimental design, eleven professional men tennis players (20.6 ± 3.5 years) performed either a dynamic warm-up (DWU) or a selfmyofascial release with foam rolling (SMFR) protocol. DWU consisted of 8 min of dynamic exercises at increasing intensity and SMFR consisted of 8 min of rolling on each lower extremity unilaterally. Just before (baseline) and after completing warm-up protocols, players performed a countermovement jump (CMJ), the 5-0-5 agility test, a 10-m sprint test and the Straight Leg Raise and Thomas tests to assess range of motion. Compared to baseline, the DWU was more effective to reduce the time in the 5-0-5 test than SMFR (-2.23 vs. 0.44%, respectively, p = 0.042, ηp2 = 0.19). However, both warm-up protocols similarly affected CMJ (2.32 vs. 0.61%, p = 0.373, ηp2 = 0.04) and 10-m sprint time changes (-1.26 vs. 1.03%, p = 0.124, ηp2 = 0.11). Changes in range of motion tests were also similar with both protocols (p = 0.448–1.000, ηp2 = 0.00–0.02). Overall, both DWU and SMFR were effective to prepare well-trained tennis players for highly demanding neuromuscular actions. However, DWU offered a better preparation for performing change of direction and sprint actions, and hence, in high-performance tennis players, the warm-up should include dynamic exercises.post-print402 K

    Nizza-Millefonti: El habitar de un barrio definido por la Fiat.

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    A lo largo de la historia urbana de la ciudad, siempre ha manifestado una geometría reticular durante las distintas épocas de transición política, desde la Augusta Taurinorium del siglo I a.C. fundada por Caesar Augusto en el Imperio Romano, hasta la unificación nacional de Italia en 1861, y su consiguiente traslado a Roma. El crecimiento urbano de Turín ha respondido siempre a factores físicos provocados por la naturaleza, es decir, por el río Po en el este y los Alpes por la zona oeste, pero pese a estos condicionantes siempre ha obedecido la trama urbana del ‘quadrilatero romano’. Después de unas sucesivas transformaciones del núcleo central de la ciudad, con el fin de adecentar la perspectiva visual dado el carácter de capital que la Casa de los Duques de Saboya habían otorgado a la ciudad, se reformaron los edificios y las avenidas principales, dotándoles de una naturaleza barroca, aunque la ciudad no tuvo grandes cambios urbanos hasta mediados del siglo XVIII. Sin embargo, con el traslado de la capital, Turín se vio obligada a buscar una actividad alternativa que sustituyese el carácter real que había tenido durante años y que ahora se había perdido. Por lo tanto, comenzó una nueva época en la que el comercio y las grandes industrias fueron las principales vías de sustento económico. La disposición de barrios periféricos donde se localizaban las grandes industrias y los precios de vida eran mucho menores que en el centro, dio pie a una migración masiva desde las distintas ciudades italianas - principalmente del sur - y de las clases menos pudientes que habitaban el centro de la ciudad. Estos barrios estaban definidos principalmente por la gran industria que en ellos se asentaba, como es el caso en Nizza-Millefonti del edificio Lingotto y la Fiat, que ha servido de ejemplo para analizar cómo era la vida en estos barrios, tanto a nivel urbano como a nivel social.<br /

    Reintegration of disabled workers to labor market. A stochastic analysis based on the continuous sample of working lives

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    The public social security system provides a wide range of benefits. The different contingencies for which it provides coverage provide security for those exposed. However, in order to determine the objectivity of the amount of benefits, it is necessary to analyse the risk factors involved. Total Permanent Disability (TPD) provides protection for people who are unable to carry out their usual profession due to reduced functionality. The compatibility of this benefit with a job other than the usual one prior to the occurrence of the contingency raises doubts about the objectivity and fairness of the benefit, which is due to the complexity and variety of situations in which the subject may find himself. This paper questions the current differentiation in the amount of the benefit and demonstrates the consequences of using a simple system to measure a complex risk, showing that the variables of sex, age or years of incapacity are factors that have a significant influence on it, and should therefore be used to guarantee an equitable and fair system of protection.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Finestres al cel

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    We present an astronomy educational project intended for 16-year-old high school students that has been successfully deployed for 7 years under the Youth and Science Program of the Catalunya La Pedrera Foundation. The Youth and Science Program aims to encourage talented students to pursue careers in science and technology and a future as researchers. It consists of a two-week crash course covering all major topics in astronomy: stellar evolution, black holes, galaxy formation and evolution, cosmology, simulations, and gravitational waves, among many others. The classes focus on the relevant concepts in each of the aforementioned fields but without a detailed description of the math formalism or the most advanced concepts in modern physics, this to develop the students’ intuition and interest in the wonders of the Universe without overwhelming them. Theoretical sessions are complemented with a set of practical sessions that help students to consolidate the concepts. All theory and practical sessions in this project are being compiled in an outreach book addressed not only to the students of this project but also to the entire amateur astronomy community

    “La araña que el idioma daña”. Formas de lo risible en la lírica de Calle 13

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    En este artículo, a partir de figuras retóricas, se describen las distintas formas de lo risible en las canciones de la banda de música urbana Calle 13. Para ello, se revisó los cuatro álbumes de la banda, los sencillos y los trabajos en colaboración, y se seleccionaron algunas canciones en las que predomina lo risible. El análisis permitió agrupar las canciones en tres líneas temáticas: la sátira social, la tiraera y la imagen corporal del hombre y la mujer, desde allí se interpretaron las formas de lo risible y las figuras retóricas. Entre las formas de lo risible predominan la sátira, la ironía, lo cómico y lo humorístico, y las figuras que las sustentan son, principalmente, el símil, la metáfora, la aliteración, la metonimia y la rima