157 research outputs found

    Possibilitats de la web 2.0 per a la producció de continguts de forma cooperativa i interactiva en les assignatures d'història de la comunicació

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    El professorat que imparteix Història de la Comunicació i altres assignatures afins, ha anat desenvolupant diferents materials didàctics que ara estem revisant i actualitzant per a poder-los utilitzar en el marc de la wiki que hem preparat, Passeig per les xarxes de comunicació des de... (https://wikis.uab.cat/passeigperlesxarxes). Aquest treball s'està concretat en dues guies didàctiques, per a la utilització de la publicitat i els programes de televisió de ficció com a fonts documentals i materials didàctics, que permeten identificar i valorar, des de diferents disciplines, les dades que proporcionen els mitjans de comunicació per conèixer els canvis socials i també les relacions entre història col·lectiva i històries personals, i entre memòria col·lectiva i memòria personal. Estem així, experimentant amb les possibilitats de la Web 2.0 per a produir materials que contribueixin a la formació dels professionals dels mitjans de comunicació, fent-los competents en la elaboració de continguts de forma cooperativa i interactiva, en el marc de l'EEES. Aquest treball els ha de facilitar desenvolupar habilitats d'identificació i de resolució de problemes, capacitat de pensament crític i sentit de responsabilitat social, professional i ètica. Els estudiants faran servir les ITC per l'aprenentatge semipresencial. D'aquesta manera, fomentarem la seva autonomia en la investigació, planificació i desenvolupament de continguts per als mitjans de comunicació. També volem posar aquests materials a disposició de tothom interessat en un diàleg interdisciplinar, imprescindible per a orientar els nous plans d'estudi cap al nou paradigma de producció i gestió del coneixement.The new possibilities of organize and produce all types of documents in digital format, to distribute them by network and their interactive possibilities provoke a radical change in the paradigm that have oriented the content production: from vertical and unidirectional to horizontal, plural, cooperative and interactive. The formation of mass media professionals should explain how to produce this news items. This project summarizes the didactics materials that have been developed by the professors who are teaching History of Communication in order to edit news materials in the framework of the Wiki Passeig per les xarxes de comunicació des de… (https://wikis.uab.cat/passeigperlesxarxes). We present two Didactics Guides in this new Wiki framework that allow us to identify and value mass edia as a documental source for understand social changes and the relations between collective history, personal history and collective and personal memory

    Mid-trimester prediction of spontaneous preterm birth with automated cervical quantitative ultrasound texture analysis and cervical length: a prospective study

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate a novel automated test based on ultrasound cervical texture analysis to predict spontaneous Preterm Birth (sPTB) alone and in combination with Cervical Length (CL). General population singleton pregnancies between 18+ 0 and 24 + 6 weeks' gestation were assessed prospectively at two centers. Cervical ultrasound images were evaluated and the occurrence of sPTB before weeks 37 + 0 and 34 + 0 were recorded. CL was measured on-site. The automated texture analysis test was applied ofine to all images. Their performance to predict the occurrence of sPTB before 37 + 0 and 34 + 0 weeks was evaluated separately and in combination on 633 recruited patients. AUC for sPTB prediction before weeks 37 and 34 respectively were as follows: 55.5% and 65.3% for CL, 63.4% and 66.3% for texture analysis, 67.5% and 76.7% when combined. The new test improved detection rates of CL at similar low FPR. Combining the two increased detection rate compared to CL alone from 13.0 to 30.4% for sPTB< 37 and from 14.3 to 42.9% sPTB< 34. Texture analysis of cervical ultrasound improved sPTB detection rate compared to cervical length for similar FPR, and the two combined together increased signifcantly prediction performance. This results should be confrmed in larger cohorts

    Clinical and Emotional Factors Related to Erectile Dysfunction in HIV-Infected Men

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    Altres ajuts: The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research was supported by a grant from Lluita contra la Sida Foundation.The prevalence and associated factors of erectile dysfunction (ED) in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)-infected men remain controversial. The authors evaluated ED, clinical, and emotional variables in a group of 501 HIV-infected men in a cross-sectional 4-month observational study. ED was assessed using the International Index of Erectile Function-5 and emotional status using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) questionnaire. Median age (interquartile range) was 42 (35, 48) years. Time since HIV diagnosis was 6.3 (2.6, 17.1) years, 92% were taking antiretroviral treatment and 81.8% had an HIV-RNA viral load <50 copies. The prevalence of ED was 58.5%. ED was mild in 30.1%, mild to moderate in 19.5%, moderate in 6.1%, and severe in 2.5%. ED medications were used by 19% of men. In the univariate analysis, the variables associated with all degrees of ED were older age, longer time since HIV diagnosis, higher scores in HAD, not taking efavirenz, taking etravirine, taking ritonavir, HIV/Hepatitis C Virus coinfection, and taking a protease inhibitor-containing regimen. For mild to moderate, moderate, and severe ED, the same variables were significant, as were lower nadir CD4 cell count, lower social support, taking atazanavir, concomitant conditions, and concomitant treatments. The variables that remained significant in the multivariate analyses, considering all degrees of ED or excluding mild ED were the following: older age and higher scores in HAD total. In summary, ED affected more than half of this cohort of well controlled HIV-infected men. Age and emotional status seemed to play a fundamental role in its presence

    Classification Models for Neurocognitive Impairment in HIV Infection Based on Demographic and Clinical Variables

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    Objective: We used demographic and clinical data to design practical classification models for prediction of neurocognitive impairment (NCI) in people with HIV infection. Methods: The study population comprised 331 HIV-infected patients with available demographic, clinical, and neurocognitive data collected using a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests. Classification and regression trees (CART) were developed to obtain detailed and reliable models to predict NCI. Following a practical clinical approach, NCI was considered the main variable for study outcomes, and analyses were performed separately in treatment-naı¨ve and treatment-experienced patients. Results: The study sample comprised 52 treatment-naı¨ve and 279 experienced patients. In the first group, the variables identified as better predictors of NCI were CD4 cell count and age (correct classification [CC]: 79.6%, 3 final nodes). In treatment-experienced patients, the variables most closely related to NCI were years of education, nadir CD4 cell count, central nervous system penetration-effectiveness score, age, employment status, and confounding comorbidities (CC: 82.1%, 7 final nodes). In patients with an undetectable viral load and no comorbidities, we obtained a fairly accurate model in which the main variables were nadir CD4 cell count, current CD4 cell count, time on current treatment, and past highest viral load (CC: 88%, 6 final nodes). Conclusion: Practical classification models to predict NCI in HIV infection can be obtained using demographic and clinical variables. An approach based on CART analyses may facilitate screening for HIV-associated neurocognitive disorders and complement clinical information about risk and protective factors for NCI in HIV-infected patients

    Cómo elaborar, tutorizar y evaluar un trabajo de fin de máster

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    Podeu consultar la versió en català a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/48356Los estudios de nivel superior en el marco de la Unión Europea se componen del Grado y del Postgrado (Másters y doctorados). Los Másters son titulaciones producto de una formación avanzada, multidisciplinar o especializada, dirigida a la consecución de logros académicos en profundidad, de especialidades profesionales o de iniciación a la investigación. Los estudios de Master exigen la evaluación continua del proceso de aprendizaje que se concreta finalmente en el denominado Trabajo de Fin de Máster, verdadera piedra angular de la formación del estudiante. Ese trabajo final está pensado para evidenciar las competencias adquiridas a lo largo de todo el programa formativo y para demostrar el logro de los objetivos globales del aprendizaje. Es la prueba definitiva de la madurez y de la profesionalidad de una carrera hecha a conciencia..

    Com elaborar, tutoritzar i avaluar um treball de fi de màster

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    Podeu consultar la versió en castellà a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/48357Els estudis de nivell superior en el marc de la Unió Europea es componen del Grau i del Postgrau (Màsters i Doctorats). Els Màsters són titulacions producte d’una formació avançada, multidisciplinària o especialitzada, dirigida a la consecució d’assoliments acadèmics en profunditat, d’especialitats professionals o d’iniciació a la recerca. Els estudis de Màster exigeixen l’avaluació continuada del procés d’aprenentatge que es concreta finalment en el denominat Treball de Fi de Màster (TFM), vertadera pedra angular de la formació de l’estudiant. Aquest treball final està pensat per evidenciar les competències adquirides al llarg de tot el programa formatiu i demostrar l’assoliment dels objectius globals de l’aprenentatge. És la prova definitiva de la maduresa i de la professionalitat d’una carrera feta a consciència..

    Shedding light on dark chemical matter: the discovery of a SARS-CoV-2 Mpro main protease inhibitor through Intensive virtual screening and in vitro evaluation

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    The development of specific antiviral therapies targeting SARS-CoV-2 remains fundamental because of the continued high incidence of COVID-19 and limited accessibility to antivirals in some countries. In this context, dark chemical matter (DCM), a set of drug-like compounds with outstanding selectivity profiles that have never shown bioactivity despite being extensively assayed, appears to be an excellent starting point for drug development. Accordingly, in this study, we performed a high-throughput screening to identify inhibitors of the SARS-CoV-2 main protease (Mpro) using DCM compounds as ligands. Multiple receptors and two different docking scoring functions were employed to identify the best molecular docking poses. The selected structures were subjected to extensive conventional and Gaussian accelerated molecular dynamics. From the results, four compounds with the best molecular behavior and binding energy were selected for experimental testing, one of which presented inhibitory activity with a Ki value of 48 ± 5 µM. Through virtual screening, we identified a significant starting point for drug development, shedding new light on DCM compounds.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Effects of integrase inhibitor-based antiretroviral therapy on brain outcomes according to time since acquisition of HIV-1 infection

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    Integrase strand transfer inhibitors (INSTI) are a main component of the current antiretroviral regimens recommended for treatment of HIV infection. However, little is known about the impact of INSTI on neurocognition and neuroimaging. We developed a prospective observational trial to evaluate the effects of INSTI-based antiretroviral therapy on comprehensive brain outcomes (cognitive, functional, and imaging) according to the time since HIV-1 acquisition. We recruited men living with HIV who initiated antiretroviral therapy with INSTI 6 months since estimated date of HIV-1 acquisition (n = 15). We also recruited a group of matched seronegative individuals (n = 15). Assessments were performed at baseline (before initiation of therapy in HIV arms) and at weeks 4 and 48. Baseline cognitive functioning was comparable between the arms. At week 48, we did not find cognitive differences between starting therapy with INSTI earlier than 3 months or later than 6 months after acquisition of HIV-1 infection. Functional status was poorer in individuals diagnosed earlier. This effect recovered 48 weeks after initiation of therapy. Regarding brain imaging, we found that men living with HIV initiating antiretroviral therapy later experienced a greater decrease in medial orbitofrontal cortex over time, with expected negative repercussions for decision-making tasks