9,620 research outputs found

    The Inter-relationship of Coaching Profiles and Levels of Mental Toughness: Preliminary Results of A Pilot Study.

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    Mental toughness (MT) is a personal, state-like capacity that facilitates the initiation and continuation of goal-directed activities in several domains, including sports. Sport coaches are key agents in positions of authority. Coaching philosophy has been identified as one of the key parts in the development of environments that promote MT. The Coach Orientation Questionnaire (COQ) groups coaches in six profiles (Traditional, Technological, Innovative, Collaborative, Communicator, and Confrontational) mostly based on their professional training, personality, and experience. Coaches’ levels of MT and coaching COQ profiles have not been investigated together. PURPOSE: To explore the relationship between the COQ coaching profiles with MT. METHODS: The study followed a cross-sectional design. Data from 37 male and eight female coaches (n = 45), with an age of 35.1 ± 11.7 years, were collected. The COQ and the Mental Toughness Index (MTI) were administered. MTI consists of eight items. Each item represents one MT key dimension (i.e., generalized self-efficacy, buoyancy, success mindset, optimistic style, context knowledge, emotion regulation, attention regulation, overcoming adversity). All analyses were conducted in SPSS. RESULTS: Based on the COQ scores, coaches fell into the following categories: Confrontational (19%), Traditional (19%), Communicator (18%), Innovative (17%), Technological (16%), and Collaborator (11%). The correlation analysis showed significant relationships between MT scores and the Technological (They like to use technology to study the sport. Assistants need to be competent to assist in that. Players must be predisposed to collaborate.) (r =.377; p = .011), Collaborator (They prefer delegation of tasks, while maintaining a climate of trust with players and the assistants) (r = .420; p = .005), and Confrontational (They criticize the training process, which creates a tense atmosphere) coach profiles (r =.474; p = .002). CONCLUSION: Our findings offer preliminary evidence for the relationship between coaches’ COQ profiles and levels of MT and support the continuation of data collection. Larger-scale studies should explore this relationship further (e.g., different settings). Future studies should also investigate the etiology behind those inter-relationships (e.g., COQ profiles with each MT key dimension score) and their effect on environment development. Limitations may include cross-sectional design and convenience sample

    ATVS-UAM NIST LRE 2009 System Description

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    Official contribution of the National Institute of Standards and Technology; not subject to copyright in the United States.ATVS-UAM submits a fast, light and efficient single system. The use of a task-adapted nonspeech-recognition-based VAD (apart from NIST conversation labels) and gender-dependent total variability compensation technology allows our submitted system to obtain excellent development results with SRE08 data with exceptional computational efficiency. In order to test the VAD influence in the evaluation results, a contrastive equivalent system has been submitted exclusively changing ATVS VAD labels with BUT publicly contributed ones. In all contributed systems, two gender-independent calibrations have been trained with respectively telephone-only and mic (either mic-tel, tel-mic or mic-mic) data. The submitted systems have been designed for English speech in an application-independent way, all results being interpretable in the form of calibrated likelihood ratios to be properly evaluated with Cllr. Sample development results with English SRE08 data are 0.53% (male) and 1.11% (female) EER in tel-tel data (optimistic as all English speakers in SRE08 are included in total variability matrices), going up to 3.5% (tel-tel) to 5.1% EER (tel-mic) in pessimistic cross-validation experiments (25% of test speakers totally excluded from development data in each xval set). The submitted system is extremely light in computational resources, running 77 times faster than real time. Moreover, once VAD and feature extraction are performed (the heaviest components of our system), training and testing are performed respectively at 5300 and 2950 times faster than real time

    Multilevel and session variability compensated language recognition: ATVS-UAM systems at NIST LRE 2009

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. J. Gonzalez-Dominguez, I. Lopez-Moreno, J. Franco-Pedroso, D. Ramos, D. T. Toledano, and J. Gonzalez-Rodriguez, "Multilevel and Session Variability Compensated Language Recognition: ATVS-UAM Systems at NIST LRE 2009" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 4, no. 6, pp. 1084 – 1093, December 2010This work presents the systems submitted by the ATVS Biometric Recognition Group to the 2009 Language Recognition Evaluation (LRE’09), organized by NIST. New challenges included in this LRE edition can be summarized by three main differences with respect to past evaluations. Firstly, the number of languages to be recognized expanded to 23 languages from 14 in 2007, and 7 in 2005. Secondly, the data variability has been increased by including telephone speech excerpts extracted from Voice of America (VOA) radio broadcasts through Internet in addition to Conversational Telephone Speech (CTS). The third difference was the volume of data, involving in this evaluation up to 2 terabytes of speech data for development, which is an order of magnitude greater than past evaluations. LRE’09 thus required participants to develop robust systems able not only to successfully face the session variability problem but also to do it with reasonable computational resources. ATVS participation consisted of state-of-the-art acoustic and high-level systems focussing on these issues. Furthermore, the problem of finding a proper combination and calibration of the information obtained at different levels of the speech signal was widely explored in this submission. In this work, two original contributions were developed. The first contribution was applying a session variability compensation scheme based on Factor Analysis (FA) within the statistics domain into a SVM-supervector (SVM-SV) approach. The second contribution was the employment of a novel backend based on anchor models in order to fuse individual systems prior to one-vs-all calibration via logistic regression. Results both in development and evaluation corpora show the robustness and excellent performance of the submitted systems, exemplified by our system ranked 2nd in the 30 second open-set condition, with remarkably scarce computational resources.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education under project TEC2006-13170-C02-01. Javier Gonzalez-Dominguez also thanks Spanish Ministry of Education for supporting his doctoral research under project TEC2006-13141-C03-03. Special thanks are given to Dr. David Van Leeuwen from TNO Human Factors (Utrech, The Netherlands) for his strong collaboration, valuable discussions and ideas. Also, authors thank to Dr. Patrick Lucey for his final support on (non-target) Australian English review of the manuscript

    On the use of high-level information in speaker and language recognition

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    Actas de las IV Jornadas de Tecnología del Habla (JTH 2006)Automatic Speaker Recognition systems have been largely dominated by acoustic-spectral based systems, relying in proper modelling of the short-term vocal tract of speakers. However, there is scientific and intuitive evidence that speaker specific information is embedded in the speech signal in multiple short- and long-term characteristics. In this work, a multilevel speaker recognition system combining acoustic, phonotactic and prosodic subsystems is presented and assessed using NIST 2005 Speaker Recognition Evaluation data. For language recognition systems, the NIST 2005 Language Recognition Evaluation was selected to measure performance of a high-level language recognition systems

    On Limitations of the Ultrasonic Characterization of Pieces Manufactured with Highly Attenuating Materials

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    Some technical aspects of two Spanish cooperation projects, funded by DPI and Innpacto Programs of the R&D National Plan, are discussed. The objective is to analyze the common belief about than the ultrasonic testing in MHz range is not a tool utilizable to detect internal flaws in highly attenuating pieces made of coarse-grained steel. In fact high-strength steels, used in some safe industrial infrastructures of energy & transport sectors, are difficult to be inspected using the conventional “state of the art” in ultrasonic technology, due to their internal microstructures are very attenuating and coarse-grained. It is studied if this inspection difficulty could be overcome by finding intense interrogating pulses and advanced signal processing of the acquired echoes. A possible solution would depend on drastically improving signal-to-noise-ratios, by applying new advances on: ultrasonic transduction, HV electronics for intense pulsed driving of the testing probes, and an “ad-hoc” digital processing or focusing of the received noisy signals, in function of each material to be inspected. To attain this challenging aim on robust steel pieces would open the possibility of obtaining improvements in inspecting critical industrial components made of highly attenuating & dispersive materials, as new composites in aeronautic and motorway bridges, or new metallic alloys in nuclear area, where additional testing limitations often appear.The Spanish I+D National Plan (MINECO), by funding the Projects: Fundamental Research / DPI2011 – 22438, and INNPACTO Program / IMAAD - IPT-020000-2010-0004

    Comunicar ciencia en México. Discursos y espacios sociales

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    La generación y divulgación de la ciencia y la tecnología es una tarea que implica contribuir al desarrollo de una cultura que vaya más allá del registro y difusión de los hechos y nombres científicos, al suponer la comprensión crítica de la labor propia como proceso socialmente contextualizado, enraizado en factores históricos, políticos, económicos y éticos. Los trabajos aquí presentados proponen asumir que la comunicación pública del conocimiento expresa también las controversias socio–científicas y la relación social de ciencia y tecnología en las condiciones imperantes de transición vertiginosa en la producción cultural, científica y tecnológica.ITESO, A.C.Consejo de Ciencia y Tecnología del Estado de Jalisc

    Edaphic Factors and Initial Conditions Influence Successional Trajectories of Early Regenerating Tropical Dry Forests

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    Edaphic factors and initial conditions can regulate the speed of forest succession. Edaphic factors, which include soil chemistry and topography, determine soil resource availability and can filter species as forests mature. Initial plant cover early in succession can determine the rates at which secondary forests change in structure, richness, biomass and composition over time. While some of the effects of edaphic factors and initial conditions on forest succession have been studied, how they simultaneously modify young regenerating tropical forest has rarely been examined. We surveyed 22 young forests plots in Panama for 7 years (11, 6 and 3‐year‐old stands when censuses began). We study how tree and liana species composition change early in succession, as well as how edaphic factors (soil nutrients and topography) and initial conditions (initial basal area and forest canopy cover) influence changes in tree and liana abundance, species richness, biomass and composition throughout succession. We found that edaphic factors and initial conditions explained up to 45% of the variation in the successional trajectories for trees and lianas. Soil nutrients had a significant positive effect on the changes in tree biomass accretion, while topography significantly contributed to community similarity of large lianas over time. Initial basal area had a significant negative effect on the changes in sapling abundance and tree richness over time and a positive marginal effect on tree biomass accretion. Forest canopy cover only had a positive marginal effect on changes in sapling abundance. Tree abundance, biomass and richness increased over time, while sapling abundance, biomass and richness remained stable or decreased, probably due to community thinning. However, changes over time of small and large lianas diverged, probably due to differential resource availability that affected lianas but not trees. Synthesis. Soil fertility, topography and initial basal area influence early forest regeneration. Higher soil fertility can allow trees to fix carbon faster, and lianas might show habitat association to ridges and slopes. Basal area can determine how fast saplings and trees change in abundance, richness and biomass over time by possibly affecting space availability for recruitment and light availability for growth

    Plasma Neurofilament Light Chain in Primary Progressive Aphasia and Related Disorders: Clinical Significance and Metabolic Correlates

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    Background: Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is a heterogeneous syndrome that is difficult to diagnose at early stages. Plasma neurofilament light chain (NFL) has been proposed as a potential biomarker for PPA. Objective: To examine the diagnostic properties of plasma NFL in PPA and to evaluate its association with clinical stages of the disease and brain metabolism. Methods: Our study included 80 participants (13 with non-fluent, 12 with semantic, and 16 with logopenic variant PPA; 13 with amnestic Alzheimer's disease [AD]; 13 with behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia; and 13 healthy controls). Plasma NFL concentration was measured using a high-sensitivity enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. PET imaging was performed in a subgroup of patients. Results: NFL discriminated patients from controls with an area under the curve of 0.914 (95% CI, 0.843-0.984; p < 0.001) (cut-off: 76.46 pg/mL; 94% sensitivity, 76.9% specificity). There were no significant differences between clinical syndromes (PPA subtypes), the main clinical forms of dementia (frontotemporal dementia and AD), or the expected pathological groups (frontotemporal lobar degeneration-tau [FTLD-tau], FTLD-TDP43, and AD). NFL levels showed weak to moderate correlations with age and functional scale score. We found no significant correlation with the extent of hypometabolism observed on FDG-PET images. Conclusion: Plasma NFL is a non-specific marker of neurodegeneration, and may be helpful in the diagnosis of PPA. However, NFL does not permit differential diagnosis between PPA subtypes and is not correlated with the extent of neurodegeneration.72(3):773-782. doi: 10.3233/JAD-19083

    Ultrasonic evidence of an uncorrelated cluster formation temperature in manganites with first-order magnetic transition at T_C

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    Ultrasonic attenuation and phase velocity measurements have been carried out in the ferromagnetic perovskites La_{2/3}Ca_{1/3}MnO_3 and La_{2/3}Sr_{1/3}MnO_3. Data show that the transition at the Curie temperature, T_C, changes from first- to second-order as Sr replaces Ca in the perovskite. The compound with first-order transition shows also another transition at a temperature T* > T_C. We interpret the temperature window T_C < T < T* as a region of coexistence of a phase separated regime of metallic and insulating regions, in the line of recent theoretical proposals.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Epi-and Mesopelagic Fishes, Acoustic Data, and SST Images Collected Off Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, During Cruise La Bocaina 04-97

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    During cruise La Bocaina 0497 a series of 14 tows with a commercial pelagic trawl at depths between 20 and 700 m and an acoustic survey with a SIMRAD EK-500 echosounder were carried out in neritic and adjacent oceanic waters off Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, and Gran Canaria, Canary islands. In addition, SST images were obtained to get some informations on the prevailing hydrological conditions in the study area. Of the 14 trawl tows ten were successful and resulted in capture of a total of 2166 fishes belonging to 81 species, 53 genera and 28 families. Ten species proved to be new records for the area of the Canary Islands. The acoustic survey covered a total of 2404 nm2 and allowed to obtain estimates of the abundance and biomass of fishes. Both the fishing results and the acoustic study revealed considerable spatial variability in biomass of chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus, an epipelagic species of particular fisheries interest, showing clear variations in the numerical dominance of certain age- or size classes among different collecting localities. Furthermore, some juveniles in the first year of life occurred in the oceanic epipelagic during night together with vertically migrating mesopelagic fishes. Preliminary analyses of the stomach and intestinal content suggest that these juveniles fed close to the bottom during the day before and hence may undertake diurnal horizontal migrations between the shelf and adjacent oceanic waters. It is concluded that the great spatial flexibility of this species requires further monitoring surveys at regular intervals as a basis for establishing a sustainable fisheries management. The acoustic data together with the trawling results demonstrate the existence of a dense deep scattering layer at depths between 400 and 700 m which is composed of mesopelagic fishes and invertebrates. Clear indications of diurnal vertical migrations were found in several species with formation of a shallow scattering layer in less than 150 m depth during night. Together with typical mesopelagic species such as stomiids and myctophids also juveniles of three benthopelagic species, which typically undergo a pelagic stage during early life, were collected. Several individuals of mesopelagic species were collected above the shelf what may reflect the ecological boundary situation at ocean rims typical for oceanic islands and seamounts. Some mesopelagic species collected in this study may be closely associated with distinct hydrological conditions such as the myctophid Ceratoscopelus maderensis which was discovered in the SE of Fuerteventura in an area of possible local upwelling. This finding points to the existence of micro-zoogeographic zones within the Canary islands which derserve further investigation using a small-scaled comparative approach