3,332 research outputs found

    Mayores y calidad de vida

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    Esta comunicación, partiendo y teniendo como base el nuevo Plan de acción para las personas mayores, 2003-2007, pretende tener presente, como dicho Plan al redactar sus objetivos y medidas, los principios de la Naciones Unidas a favor de los mayores, porque es en la dignidad, independencia, autorrealización, participación y cuidados asistenciales, donde reside la calidad de vida. A nadie le pasa desapercibido que en los albores del nuevo siglo la expectativa de vida ha aumentado, se trata de reforzar la difundida frase: "agregar vida a los años", ayudando a los mayores a que los vivan con mejor calidad. Para ello es importante conocer el proceso del envejecimiento, teorías de la vejez, los factores psicofísicos y problemas de la edad que, desde una perspectiva psicoevolutiva, influyen en su calidad de vida, ya que no deben conformarse con vivir una larga existencia, sino llegar a viejo en el mejor estado físico y mental. En el proceso de saber vivir la vejez mucho cuentan las actitudes y acciones de la sociedad en que el individuo envejece, de ahí la importancia de la intervención social desde el campo de la educación: desde la misma sociedad, a la del propio anciano, para lograr un mejor desarrollo e integración, tanto a nivel cognitivo como psicosocial, preparándole para la jubilación, para el acceso a las nuevas tecnologías y para el empleo creativo del ocio y del tiempo libre lo que le abrirá grandes posibilidades de integración y participación social, en definitiva, de calidad de vida .This communication based on the New Action Plan for the elderly (2003-2007), targets the United Nation’s principles in favour of the elderly because one can not forget that it is in dignity, independance, self-fulfilment, participation and social care that you find the quality of life. Noone can deny that in the beginning of the new century, life’s expectancy has raised, in which case , it strengths the expression “add years to life”, helping the elderly to live longer and with higher quality. It is necessary to know the aging process, its theories and the psycho-physical elements that influence the quality of life from a psycho-evolutive perspective. None of the elderly should accept having a long life if not, to reach that stage in the best physical and mental conditions. In the process of knowing how to grow old, society’s attitudes and actions are very important. From this point of view, social work and its intervention in the educational field are essential. An old person has to be prepared, both psychologically and socially for retirement, so that he or she , may integrate and participate in fields such as: new technologies, leisure, hobbies etc..

    Social representations about the social image of the child abuse perpetrator

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    Este estudio trata de analizar la representaciones sociales que tiene la población general y los profesionales que trabajan con la infancia sobre la imagen social de los perpetradores de abusos infantiles. Los objetivos son: Identificar y describir las ideas de los participantes sobre la imagen social del maltratador y establecer las diferencias de esas representaciones sociales entre los distintos grupos de la muestra. La muestra está constituida por 223 sujetos de ambos sexos: 68,2% son mujeres y 31,8% son hombres, mayores de 18 años, el 48% no tiene hijos y el 40,8% sí, y el 19,3% no trabaja y el 79,4% sí. Distribuidos en tres grupos: población general constituido por 89 sujetos, el grupo específico integrado por 76 profesionales con funciones relacionadas con la protección infantil y el tercer grupo compuesto por 58 personas que están en contacto con la población infantil por su profesión. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario en el que se presentaban l4 características atribuidas a los maltratadores (fueron maltratados en su infancia, consumen drogas y/o alcohol…), a la percepción sobre las características de los niños maltratados (son rebeldes o difíciles) o, a la situación familiar que les afecta (problemas familiares…). Los resultados muestran que la población general tiene unas representaciones sociales de los maltratadores caracterizadas por ser personas inmaduras, agresivas y violentas, además de considerarlos como enfermos mentales, que consumen drogas y alcohol y con antecedentes de malos tratos en la niñez, y que se desenvuelven en ambientes familiares conflictivos o problemáticos. En cuanto a la diferencia entre los grupos se observa que hay consenso de que los perpetradores fueron maltratados en su infancia, sin embargo si se encuentran diferencias entre la población general y el grupo específico respecto a la idea de que los padres que maltratan a sus hijos son malas personas.This study aims to analyze the social representations that the general population and the professionals who work with the childhood have about the social image of the child abuse perpetrators. The objectives are: To identify and describe the participants’ ideas about the social image of the perpetrator and to establish the differences of these social representations between diverse sample groups. The sample consists of 223 subjects of both sexes: 68.2 % are women and 31.8 % are men, all of them older than 18 years, the 40.8 % have children and the 48% have not, the 19.3 % do not work and 79.4 % do. Divided into three groups: general population consisting of 89 subjects, the specific group composed of 76 professionals with functions relating to child protection and the third group composed by 58 people who are in contact with the child population by their profession. The participants responded to a questionnaire consisting in 14 charac- teristics attributed to perpetrators (they were abused in their childhood, they consume drugs and/or alcohol...), to the perception about the characteristics of abused children (they are rebels or they are difficult) or to the family situation that they are affected by (family problems...). The results show that the general population has social representations of perpetrators which are characterized to be immature, aggressive and violent people, besides to be considered as mentally ills, who consume drugs and alcohol and with an abuse history in their childhood, and that are involved into conflictive and problematic familiar environment. The difference between the groups is concluded as a consequence of the fact that the perpetrators were abused in their childhood. However, there are differences between the general population and the specific group respect to the idea that parents who abuse of their children are bad people.peerReviewe

    La música como herramienta de apoyo a las necesidades educativas especiales: diseño de una propuesta de intervención

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    Numerosos estudios avalan la eficacia de la música como herramienta de apoyo a las necesidades educativas especiales. La esencia del presente trabajo reside en el diseño de una propuesta de intervención basada en técnicas y métodos propios de la musicoterapia, destinada a un grupo de alumnos y alumnas que presentan principalmente discapacidad intelectual, con el fin de contribuir en la mejora de su desarrollo integral. Para el diseño de dicha propuesta, se parte de la experiencia adquirida durante las prácticas en un centro de E.E. y se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de diversos autores pertenecientes a la musicoterapia y otras disciplinas afines, recogiendo así la información principal acerca de las características, objetivos y beneficios de esta disciplina aplicada al ámbito de la Educación EspecialMany studies support the utility of music as a support tool for special educational needs. The essence of this work lies in the design of an intervention proposal based on techniques and methods of music therapy, focus on a group of seven students who present mainly mental disability, in order to contribute to the improvement of their comprehensive development. The mentioned proposal design comes from the acquired experience during the internship in a Special Education school and from a bibliographic revision from different authors belonging to music therapy and other related disciplines, collecting thus the main information about characteristics, objectives and benefits of this discipline applied to Special Education fieldsUniversidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    Caregiver Burnout

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    The Health Projects Center (HPC) was established in 1980 as a non-profit organization serving Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito counties. HPC offers the Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) to help older adults maintain their independence at home. At HPC there are many caregivers that suffer from caregiver burnout. One of the main reasons for caregiver burnout is that caregivers and clients don\u27t want to accept help from others and don\u27t look for resources. Contributing factors for caregiver burnout include not practicing self-care, not aware of resources available and caregivers feel alone/overwhelmed with no support system. There are consequences that can affect a caregiver and the care receiver. These include strain on other relationships, health problems, and the care receiver might lose support and help from the caregiver. This project’s purpose was to prevent or help reduce caregiver burnout by providing resources that can help a care receiver. By seeking help, care receivers will get the help they need and caregivers will have one less thing to do. This project was developed for the MSSP clients to get information on the resources they are interested in and create less stress to caregivers. A needs assessment was conducted for the purpose to identify their needs for resources and programs. The results of the assessment were then utilized to develop a resource brochure that was disseminated to the caregivers for their immediate use. It was recommended for case managers to emphasize to clients when conducting the monthly phone call that they are there to help and advocate to find services or referrals to community resources

    Cuba y el 98: nuevas aportaciones historiográficas.

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    Meeting Summary of the 6th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin 2019 in Cologne, Germany

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    In June 2019, more than a hundred plant researchers met in Cologne, Germany, for the 6th European Workshop on Plant Chromatin (EWPC). This conference brought together a highly dynamic community of researchers with the common aim to understand how chromatin organization controls gene expression, development, and plant responses to the environment. New evidence showing how epigenetic states are set, perpetuated, and inherited were presented, and novel data related to the three-dimensional organization of chromatin within the nucleus were discussed. At the level of the nucleosome, its composition by different histone variants and their specialized histone deposition complexes were addressed as well as the mechanisms involved in histone post-translational modifications and their role in gene expression. The keynote lecture on plant DNA methylation by Julie Law (SALK Institute) and the tribute session to Lars Hennig, honoring the memory of one of the founders of the EWPC who contributed to promote the plant chromatin and epigenetic field in Europe, added a very special note to this gathering. In this perspective article we summarize some of the most outstanding data and advances on plant chromatin research presented at this workshop

    Dynamical organization towards consensus in the Axelrod model on complex networks

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    We analyze the dynamics toward cultural consensus in the Axelrod model on scale-free networks. By looking at the microscopic dynamics of the model, we are able to show how culture traits spread across different cultural features. We compare the diffusion at the level of cultural features to the growth of cultural consensus at the global level, finding important differences between these two processes. In particular, we show that even when most of the cultural features have reached macroscopic consensus, there are still no signals of globalization. Finally, we analyze the topology of consensus clusters both for global culture and at the feature level of representation.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Final version published in Physical Review

    Imagen social del maltratador del abuso infantil. Representaciones sociales

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    This study aims to analyze the social representations that the general population and the professionals who work with the childhood have about the social image of the child abuse perpetrators. The objectives are: To identify and describe the participants’ ideas about the social image of the perpetrator and to establish the differences of these social representations between diverse sample groups. The sample consists of 223 subjects of both sexes: 68.2 % are women and 31.8 % are men, all of them older than 18 years, the 40.8 % have children and the 48% have not, the 19.3 % do not work and 79.4 % do. Divided into three groups: general population consisting of 89 subjects, the specific group composed of 76 professionals with functions relating to child protection and the third group composed by 58 people who are in contact with the child population by their profession. The participants responded to a questionnaire consisting in 14 characteristics attributed to perpetrators (they were abused in their childhood, they consume drugs and/or alcohol...), to the perception about the characteristics of abused children (they are rebels or they are difficult) or to the family situation that they are affected by (family problems...). The results show that the general population has social representations of perpetrators which are characterized to be immature, aggressive and violent people, besides to be considered as mentally ills, who consume drugs and alcohol and with an abuse history in their childhood, and that are involved into conflictive and problematic familiar environment. The difference between the groups is concluded as a consequence of the fact that the perpetrators were abused in their childhood. However, there are differences between the general population and the specific group respect to the idea that parents who abuse of their children are bad people.Este estudio trata de analizar la representaciones sociales que tiene la población general y los profesionales que trabajan con la infancia sobre la imagen social de los perpetradores de abusos infantiles. Los objetivos son: Identificar y describir las ideas de los participantes sobre la imagen social del maltratador y establecer las diferencias de esas representaciones sociales entre los distintos grupos de la muestra. La muestra está constituida  por 223 sujetos de ambos sexos: 68,2% son mujeres y 31,8% son hombres, mayores de 18 años, el 48% no tiene hijos y el 40,8% sí, y el 19,3% no trabaja y el 79,4% sí. Distribuidos en tres grupos: población general constituido por 89 sujetos, el grupo específico integrado por 76 profesionales con funciones relacionadas con la protección infantil y el tercer grupo compuesto por 58 personas que están en contacto con la población infantil por su profesión. Los participantes respondieron a un cuestionario en el que se presentaban l4 características atribuidas a los maltratadores (fueron maltratados en su infancia, consumen drogas y/o alcohol…), a la percepción sobre las características de los niños maltratados (son rebeldes o difíciles) o, a la situación familiar que les afecta (problemas familiares…). Los resultados muestran que la población general tiene unas representaciones sociales de los maltratadores caracterizadas por ser personas inmaduras, agresivas y violentas, además de considerarlos como enfermos mentales, que consumen drogas y alcohol y con antecedentes de malos tratos en la niñez, y que se desenvuelven en ambientes familiares conflictivos o problemáticos. En cuanto a la diferencia entre los grupos se observa que hay consenso de que los perpetradores fueron maltratados en su infancia, sin embargo si se encuentran diferencias entre la población general y el grupo específico respecto a la idea de que los padres que maltratan a sus hijos son malas personas

    Social representations of the typologies of maltreatment childish

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    El estudio realizado plantea como hipótesis que ”en la población general existirán diferencias en la valoración de gravedad en los tipos de maltrato, considerando como muy graves el maltrato el físico y el abuso sexual, el emocional, el Munchaüsen, y el prenatal, y como menos graves, explotación laboral, mendicidad y castigo físico”. El objetivo es el de describir las representaciones sociales de la población general acerca de la gravedad de los comportamientos del maltrato infantil. La muestra está constituida por 223 sujetos de ambos sexos, mayores de 18 años residentes en Linares y Jaén y distribuidos en tres grupos: 89 sujetos pertenecen al grupo general, 58 al de los profesionales periféricos y 76 a los de la protección infantil. Los sujetos completaron un Cuestionario sobre las Representaciones Sociales del Maltrato Infantil (CRESMI), donde se evalúo, entre otros aspectos, la gravedad asignada a las distintas tipologías de abuso. Los 30 ítems que lo forman, describen comportamientos que se pueden tener con los niños. Se agruparon en distintas dimensiones relacionadas con las tipologías de maltrato. Para conocer esa valoración por parte de la población general, se tuvo en cuenta las puntuaciones medias en cada uno de los ítems de las dimensiones de malos tratos en que se agruparon los distintos comportamientos de maltrato y a la dimensión de comportamientos no maltratantes y castigo. Los resultados indican que los grupos de sujetos establecen un continuo de gravedad de los distintos comportamientos parentales de maltrato, siendo el maltrato físico y el abuso sexual valorados cómo más severos. Considerando que unas formas de malos tratos son más abusivas que otras. La muestra de la población general reconoce como malos tratos una amplia gama de comportamientos que abarca más allá de las cuatro tipologías comúnmente incluidas en los estudios sobre representaciones sociales sobre el maltrato infantil.The study suggests that “in the general population there will be differences in the assessment of severity in the types of abuse, considering as very serious the abuse of the physical and sexual abuse, emotional, Munchaüsen, and prenatal, and as less serious, labor exploitation, begging and physical punishment“. The objective is to describe the social representations of the general population about the severity of child abuse behaviors. The sample consists of 223 subjects of both sexes, over 18 years of age residing in Linares and Jaén and divided into three groups: 89 subjects belong to the general group, 58 to peripheral professionals and 76 to those of child protection. The subjects completed a Questionnaire on the Social Representations of Child Mistreatment (CRESMI), which assessed, among other aspects, the severity assigned to the different types of abuse. The 30 items that form it, describe behaviors that can be had with children. They were grouped into different dimensions related to the types of abuse. To know this assessment by the general population, we took into account the average scores in each of the items of the dimensions of abuse in which the different behaviors of abuse were grouped and the dimension of non-abusive behaviors and punishment. The results indicate that the groups of subjects establish a continuum of severity of the different parental behaviors of abuse, being the physical abuse and sexual abuse valued as more severe. Considering that some forms of mistreatment are more abusive than others. The sample of the general population recognizes as maltreatment a wide range of behaviors that encompasses beyond the four typologies commonly included in studies on social representations of child maltreatment.peerReviewe