1,495 research outputs found

    Algebraic computation of some intersection D-modules

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    Let XX be a complex analytic manifold, DXD\subset X a locally quasi-homogeneous free divisor, EE an integrable logarithmic connection with respect to DD and LL the local system of the horizontal sections of EE on XDX-D. In this paper we give an algebraic description in terms of EE of the regular holonomic D-module whose de Rham complex is the intersection complex associated with LL. As an application, we perform some effective computations in the case of quasi-homogeneous plane curves.Comment: 18 page

    Cytogenetic study of Argentinian Creole Patagonic biotype cattle

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    Twenty five animals belonging to the Argentinian Creole breed cattle Patagonic biotype, biotype originated only by the natural selection by the reasons of geographical isolation, were cytogenetically studied. The analized animals were not carrier of chromosomic alterations involved on the fertility, as the 1/29 robertsonian translocation. That would explain the high fertility observed in these animals in relation with other American Creole breeds in which was observed the presence of this translocation and others.Se han analizado citogenéticamente 25 animales bovinos pertenecientes a la raza Criolla Argentina biotipo Patagónico, raza sobre la que no se ha actuado de forma selectiva sino que sólo ha actuado la selección natural por razones de aislamiento. Se ha observado en nuestro trabajo que no son portadores de alteraciones cromosómicas que puedan incidir sobre la fertilidad de los mismos, como la translocación robertsoniana 1/29, lo que explicaría la alta fertilidad que poseen en comparación con otras razas Criollas americanas en las que sí se han encontrado animales portadores de esta translocación y de otras alteraciones cromosómicas

    Lower-Limb Wearable Exoskeleton

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    Transmission properties of a single metallic slit: From the subwavelength regime to the geometrical-optics limit

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    In this work we explore the transmission properties of a single slit in a metallic screen. We analyze the dependence of these properties on both slit width and angle of incident radiation. We study in detail the crossover between the subwavelength regime and the geometrical-optics limit. In the subwavelength regime, resonant transmission linked to the excitation of waveguide resonances is analyzed. Linewidth of these resonances and their associated electric field intensities are controlled by just the width of the slit. More complex transmission spectra appear when the wavelength of light is comparable to the slit width. Rapid oscillations associated to the emergence of different propagating modes inside the slit are the main features appearing in this regime.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Centennial-scale vegetation and North Atlantic Oscillation changes during the Late Holocene in the southern Iberia

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    High-reso CE to lution pollen analysis, charcoal, non-pollen palynomorphs and magnetic susceptibility have been analyzed in the sediment record of a peat bog in Sierra Nevada in southern Iberia. The study of these proxies provided the reconstruction of vegetation, climate, fire and human activity of the last ∼4500 cal yr BP. A progressive trend towards aridification during the late Holocene is observed in this record. This trend is interrupted by millennial- and centennial-scale variability of relatively more humid and arid periods. Arid conditions are recorded between ∼4000 and 3100 cal yr BP, being characterized by a decline in arboreal pollen and with a spike in magnetic susceptibility. This is followed by a relatively humid period from ∼3100 to 1600 cal yr BP, coinciding partially with the Iberian-Roman Humid Period, and is indicated by the increase of Pinus and the decrease in xerophytic taxa. The last 1500 cal yr BP are characterized by several centennial-scale climatic oscillations. Generally arid conditions from ∼450 to 1300 CE, depicted by a decrease in Pinus and an increase in Artemisia, comprise the Dark Ages and the Medieval Climate Anomaly. Since ∼ 1300 to 1850 CE pronounced oscillations occur between relatively humid and arid conditions. Four periods depicted by relatively higher Pinus coinciding with the beginning and end of the Little Ice Age are interrupted by three arid events characterized by an increase in Artemisia. These alternating arid and humid shifts could be explained by centennial-scale changes in the North Atlantic Oscillation and solar activity

    Papilopatía diabética: a propósito de dos casos

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    Unidad Docente de Inmunología, Oftalmología y ORLFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    A case study: the rehabilitation of residential buildings in Parque Alcosa district, analysis of common diseases and intervention proposal

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    La barriada del Parque Alcosa se localiza en el noroeste del núcleo urbano de Sevilla, y está formada por un conjunto de 10.640 viviendas de promoción pública construida durante los años 69-72 por el constructor valenciano Alfredo Corral. Existen tres modelos de edificación diferentes que responden a fases de construcción, siendo objeto de estudio en este artículo la correspondiente a la primera fase, comprendidas por las calles Ciudad de Játiva, Gandía, Sueca, Onteniente, Carcagente, Burjasot, Godella, Alfafar, Buñol, Paterna y Oliva. El presente trabajo expone el análisis de las patologías constructivas comunes existentes en la fase 1 del Parque Alcosa, relacionadas con el carácter potencialmente expansivo de los terrenos donde se ubica. Así mismo se desarrollan las soluciones constructivas de la intervención proyectada, llevado a cabo mediante el programa de Rehabilitación Singular de Edificios de la Empresa Pública del Suelo de Andalucía.The Parque Alcosa district is located in northwestern area of Seville. It consists of 10,640 public housing development,that was promoted throughout the years 69-72 by the builder Alfredo Corral. There are three different building types which correspond to the different building stages. This article focuses on the the first one, which includes the streets, Ciudad de Jativa, Gandía, Sueca, Onteniente, Carcagente, Burjasot, Godella, Alfafar, Buñol, Paterna y Oliva. The present paper provides a constructive analisys of common building pathologies in phase 1 of Parque Alcosa, related to the potentially expansive features of the land where it is located. This paper also describes the structural sollutions for the projected intervention designed by the architect who subscribes, and was supported by the Public Land Company of Andalusia, under the Singular Building Rehabilitation program

    The influence of pre-fermentative maceration and ageing factors on ester profile and marker determination of Pedro Ximenez sparkling wines

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    The influence of pre-fermentative maceration and ageing factors on the ester profiles of Pedro Ximenez sparkling wines was evaluated. The pre-fermentative maceration consisted of the skin-maceration of musts at 10 degrees C for 6 h. The sparkling wines were produced following the Champenoise method. Samples were monitored at 3, 6 and 9 months of ageing on lees. Sparkling wines with pre fermentative maceration displayed higher contents of ethyl esters of branched acids and cinnamates. Meanwhile, those without maceration showed higher levels of ethyl esters of fatty acids and higher alcohol acetates. The study of statistical interactions elucidated different hydrolytic kinetics and developments in higher alcohol acetates and ethyl esters of branched acids during ageing. The application of a dual criterion based on univariate (ANOVA) and multivariate analyses (OPLS-DA) allowed us to identify new potential volatile markers related to pre-fermentative maceration and ageing time, reported for the first time in sparkling wines