826 research outputs found

    The use of videos to inform about human trafficking: communicational criteria to contribute to its prevention and denunciation

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    El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que identificó vídeos online que abordan la trata de personas, sus modalidades y características, con el fin de utilizarlos en procesos de socialización que permitan aumentar el conocimiento del fenómeno y promover su prevención en víctimas potenciales. Como resultado, se clasifican y describen los audiovisuales. Se encontró que la trata asociada a la explotación sexual es la más abordada, por lo que es necesario aumentar la investigación y producción de piezas que den a conocer las otras modalidades. Finalmente, se brindan criterios para abordar la trata de personas en procesos comunicativos, especialmente, con el objetivo de romper estereotipos arraigados sobre esta problemática y evitar errores informativos que pueden llevar a la revictimización.This article presents the results of a research that identified online videos that address the human trafficking issue, its forms and its characteristics with the purpose of using them in informative processes that allow increasing the knowledge on the phenomenon and promoting its prevention among potential victims. As a result, the audiovisual materials are classified and described. It was found that human trafficking related to the sexual exploitation is the most addressed form, which is why it is necessary to broaden the research on and production of materials that inform about the other forms. Finally, criteria are provided to address the human trafficking issue in communicational processes, especially with the purpose of breaking rooted stereotypes about this issue and avoiding informative errors that could lead to revictimization.O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que identificou vídeos on-line que discutem o tráfico de pessoas, suas modalidades e características com o fim usá-los nos processos de socialização que permitam aumentar o conhecimento do fenômeno e promover sua prevenção em potenciais vítimas. Como resultado, se classificam e descrevem os audiovisuais. Se encontrou que o tráfico associado a exploração sexual é o mais discutido, por isso é necessário aumentar a pesquisa e produção de peças para revelar partes de outros modos. Finalmente, se fornecem critérios para discutir o tráfico de pessoas em processos de comunicação, especialmente, a fim de quebrar estereótipos enraizados sobre este problema e evitar erros de informação que podem levar à revitimização

    Investigaciones radiofónicas: de la radio a la radio indígena. Una revisión en Colombia y Latinoamérica

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    El artículo expone los resultados de una revisión documental sobre el tema de laradio indígena en Colombia. Para ello, en primer lugar, presenta las publicacionessobre radio en el país desde 1974 en adelante. En un segundo momento, observalas indagaciones realizadas en la relación medios de comunicación-indígenas. Alser el tema de la radio indígena una temática poco explorada en Colombia, muestrauna recopilación de pesquisas en esta materia en América Latina. Finalmente, da aconocer las investigaciones colombianas en esta línea y analiza las tensiones legalesde su eclosión. Concluye argumentando la necesidad de ampliar las iniciativas sobreradio indígena y propone observar cómo la cosmovisión de estos pueblos re-significael lenguaje y los formatos radiofónicos modernos

    Identifying Real Estate Opportunities using Machine Learning

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    The real estate market is exposed to many fluctuations in prices because of existing correlations with many variables, some of which cannot be controlled or might even be unknown. Housing prices can increase rapidly (or in some cases, also drop very fast), yet the numerous listings available online where houses are sold or rented are not likely to be updated that often. In some cases, individuals interested in selling a house (or apartment) might include it in some online listing, and forget about updating the price. In other cases, some individuals might be interested in deliberately setting a price below the market price in order to sell the home faster, for various reasons. In this paper, we aim at developing a machine learning application that identifies opportunities in the real estate market in real time, i.e., houses that are listed with a price substantially below the market price. This program can be useful for investors interested in the housing market. We have focused in a use case considering real estate assets located in the Salamanca district in Madrid (Spain) and listed in the most relevant Spanish online site for home sales and rentals. The application is formally implemented as a regression problem that tries to estimate the market price of a house given features retrieved from public online listings. For building this application, we have performed a feature engineering stage in order to discover relevant features that allows for attaining a high predictive performance. Several machine learning algorithms have been tested, including regression trees, k-nearest neighbors, support vector machines and neural networks, identifying advantages and handicaps of each of them.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures, 5 table

    Mi casa, mi cuerpo

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    “Mi casa, mi cuerpo. La resignificación de la casa en familias en situación de migración forzosa: el barrio Bella Vista, Parte Alta”, es un proyecto de carácter interdisciplinar, inscrito a la maestría en Estudios Culturales de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Su concepción, el proceso de materialización y enunciados de sentido, cruzan intereses de las prácticas artísticas contemporáneas con algunas prácticas disciplinares de investigación social, en referencia a discusiones propias de los estudios culturales: la construcción de subjetividades y formas de representación social

    Supporting navigation accessibility requirements in Web engineering methods

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    Web accessibility not only guarantees universal user access to the Web, but also provides interesting benefits for Web development. In order to achieve the goal of Web accessibility, an interesting approach is the incorporation of accessibility requirements into current Web engineering methods. This article presents the Accessibility for Web Applications (AWA) approach with the aim of integrating accessibility into Web engineering methods. The paper also discusses the application of the AWA approach to the Object-Oriented Web Solutions (OOWS) engineering method to produce accessible Web applications with a focus on navigational requirements. In order to demonstrate the practical applicability and usefulness of the approach, a proof of concept is described, the results of which indicating the satisfaction of navigation accessibility requirements. With the application of the AWA approach in the model-driven development (MDD) method, previously-defined OOWS models have been extended with the accessibility criteria, providing resources for the required changes in the process.This study has been developed with the support of the MAVIR Research Network (S2009/TIC-1542 [www.mavir.net/]), MULTIMEDICA PROJECT(tin201020644-c03-01) and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the project, PROS-Req TIN2010-19130-C02-02. Co-financing was received from the ERDF.Publicad

    Study and analysis of the production of "En Mi Mente" and its promotion

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Comunicación Audiovisua

    Patrimonio arquitectónico de abastecimiento de agua en Madrid, símbolo de modernidad para una nación.

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    [ES] La conservación del patrimonio arquitectónico, se asocia generalmente con la recuperación de edificaciones monumentales destinadas a lo largo de la historia para un uso meramente residencial o institucional. Esta desdibujada realidad, descompensa de manera notoria los infinitos esfuerzos que llevan a cabo profesionales de muy diferentes ámbitos para lograr recuperar y poner en valor la grandísima concentración de edificaciones históricas que presenta un país como España. Entre esta gran recopilación, nos encontramos medio oculto el patrimonio arquitectónico más ignorado de todos los existentes en nuestras ciudades hoy en día: la arquitectura civil e industrial. Las ciudades europeas son reconocidas gracias a sus castillos e iglesias medievales, pero sin la arquitectura civil e industrial ninguna habría llegado a ser lo que son ahora. Edificaciones que proveyeron a nuestros antepasados de las instalaciones necesarias para sobrevivir y poder asentar los cimientos de una sociedad desarrollada. En concreto, la arquitectura industrial que nos atañe en este trabajo es la hidráulica, la que hizo posible que nuestras ciudades tuvieran agua potable en un momento donde empezaba a escasear y donde las enfermedades diezmaban a la población. Este tipo de patrimonio arquitectónico es prueba de nuestro pasado, de nuestra cultura y en definitiva de nuestra identidad. Es por esto que se le debe dar el protagonismo que merece y se debe dar a conocer a todos esos vecinos de los barrios que viven sin ser conscientes de que este tipo de edificaciones (normalmente abandonadas) son parte de su historia. En esa historia, entra en juego el estudio que se intenta llevar a cabo con este trabajo. La historia y redescubrimiento del primer depósito de agua de Madrid.[EN] The conservation of the architectural heritage is generally associated with the recovery of monumental buildings destined throughout history for a merely residential or institutional use. This blurred reality notoriously unbalances the infinite efforts made by professionals from very different fields to recover and value the huge concentration of historical buildings that a country like Spain presents. Among this great compilation, we find half hidden the most ignored architectural heritage of all those existing in our cities today: civil and industrial architecture. European cities are renowned for their medieval castles and churches, but without civil and industrial architecture none would have become what they are today. Buildings that provided our ancestors with the necessary facilities to survive and lay the foundations of a developed society. Specifically, the industrial architecture that concerns us in this work is hydraulic, which made it possible for our cities to have drinking water at a time when it was becoming scarce and where diseases were decimating the population. This type of architectural heritage is proof of our past, our culture and ultimately our identity. This is why it should be given the prominence it deserves and should be made known to all those neighborhood residents who live without being aware that this type of building (usually abandoned) is part of its history. In this story, the study that is intended to be carried out with this work comes into play. The history and rediscovery of the first water tank in Madrid.Sáiz Moreno, Ó. (2021). Patrimonio arquitectónico de abastecimiento de agua en Madrid, símbolo de modernidad para una nación. Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/16736