130 research outputs found

    Guanosine diphosphatase is required for protein and sphingolipid glycosylation in the Golgi lumen of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Current models for nucleotide sugar use in the Golgi apparatus predict a critical role for the lumenal nucleoside diphosphatase. After transfer of sugars to endogenous macromolecular acceptors, the enzyme converts nucleoside diphosphates to nucleoside monophosphates which in turn exit the Golgi lumen in a coupled antiporter reaction, allowing entry of additional nucleotide sugar from the cytosol. To test this model, we cloned the gene for the S. cerevisiae guanosine diphosphatase and constructed a null mutation. This mutation should reduce the concentrations of GDP-mannose and GMP and increase the concentration of GDP in the Golgi lumen. The alterations should in turn decrease mannosylation of proteins and lipids in this compartment. In fact, we found a partial block in O- and N-glycosylation of proteins such as chitinase and carboxypeptidase Y and underglycosylation of invertase. In addition, mannosylinositolphosphorylceramide levels were drastically reduced

    Direct Determination of Multiple Ligand Interactions with the Extracellular Domain of the Calcium Sensing Receptor

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    Numerous in vivo functional studies have indicated that the dimeric extracellular domain (ECD) of the CaSR plays a crucial role in regulating Ca2+ homeostasis by sensing Ca2+ and L-Phe. However, direct interaction of Ca2+ and Phe with the receptor’s ECD and the resultant impact on its structure and associated conformational changes have been hampered by the large size of the ECD, its high degree of glycosylation, and the lack of biophysical methods to monitor weak interactions in solution. In the present study, we purified the glycosylated extracellular domain of CaSR (ECD) (residues 20~612), containing either complex or high mannose N-glycan structures depending on the host cell line employed for recombinant expression. Both glycosylated forms of the CaSR ECD were purified as dimers and exhibit similar secondary structures with ~50% -helix, ~20% -sheet content and a well buried Trp environment. Using various spectroscopic methods, we have shown that both protein variants bind Ca2+ with a Kd of 3.0~5.0 mM. The local conformational changes of the proteins induced by their interactions with Ca2+ were visualized by NMR with specific 15N Phe-labeled forms of the ECD. Saturation transfer difference (STD) NMR approaches demonstrated for the first time a direct interaction between the CaSR ECD and L-Phe. We further demonstrated that L-Phe increases the binding affinity of the CaSR ECD for Ca2+. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms by which Ca2+ and amino acids regulate the CaSR and may pave the way for exploration of the structural properties of CaSR and other members of family C of the GPCR superfamily

    A Biomimetic Synthetic Strategy Can Provide Keratan Sulfate I and II Oligosaccharides with Diverse Fucosylation and Sulfation Patterns

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    Keratan sulfate (KS) is a proteoglycan that is widely expressed in the extracellular matrix of various tissue types, where it performs multiple biological functions. KS is the least understood proteoglycan, which in part is due to a lack of panels of well-defined KS oligosaccharides that are needed for structure-binding studies, as analytical standards, to examine substrate specificities of keratinases, and for drug development. Here, we report a biomimetic approach that makes it possible to install, in a regioselective manner, sulfates and fucosides on oligo- N-acetyllactosamine (LacNAc) chains to provide any structural element of KS by using specific enzyme modules. It is based on the observation that α1,3-fucosides, α2,6-sialosides and C-6 sulfation of galactose (Gal6S) are mutually exclusive and cannot occur on the same LacNAc moiety. As a result, the pattern of sulfation on galactosides can be controlled by installing α1,3-fucosides or α2,6-sialosides to temporarily block certain LacNAc moieties from sulfation by keratan sulfate galactose 6-sulfotransferase (CHST1). The patterns of α1,3-fucosylation and α2,6-sialylation can be controlled by exploiting the mutual exclusivity of these modifications, which in turn controls the sites of sulfation by CHST1. Late-stage treatment with a fucosidase or sialidase to remove blocking fucosides or sialosides provides selectively sulfated KS oligosaccharides. These treatments also unmasked specific galactosides for further modification by CHST1. To showcase the potential of the enzymatic strategy, we have prepared a range of poly-LacNAc derivatives having different patterns of fucosylation and sulfation and several N-glycans decorated by specific arrangements of sulfates

    Recombinant Sialyltransferase Infusion Mitigates Infection-Driven Acute Lung Inflammation

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    Inappropriate inflammation exacerbates a vast array of chronic and acute conditions with severe health risks. In certain situations, such as acute sepsis, traditional therapies may be inadequate in preventing severe organ damage or death. We have previously shown cell surface glycan modification by the circulating sialyltransferase ST6Gal-1 regulates de novo inflammatory cell production via a novel extrinsic glycosylation pathway. Here, we show that therapeutic administration of recombinant, bioactive ST6Gal-1 (rST6G) mitigates acute inflammation in a murine model mimicking acute exacerbations experienced by patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In addition to suppressing proximal neutrophil recruitment at onset of infection-mediated inflammation, rST6G also muted local cytokine production. Histologically, exposure with NTHI, a bacterium associated with COPD exacerbations, in rST6G-treated animals revealed consistent and pronounced reduction of pulmonary inflammation, characterized by smaller inflammatory cuffs around bronchovascular bundles, and fewer inflammatory cells within alveolar walls, alveolar spaces, and on pleural surfaces. Taken together, the data advance the idea that manipulating circulatory ST6Gal-1 levels has potential in managing inflammatory conditions by leveraging the combined approaches of controlling new inflammatory cell production and dampening the inflammation mediator cascade

    Exploiting Substrate Specificities of 6-O-Sulfotransferases to Enzymatically Synthesize Keratan Sulfate Oligosaccharides

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    Keratan sulfate (KS) is a glycosaminoglycan that is widely expressed in the extracellular matrix of various tissue types, where it is involved in many biological processes. Herein, we describe a chemo-enzymatic approach to preparing well-defined KS oligosaccharides by exploiting the known and newly discovered substrate specificities of relevant sulfotransferases. The premise of the approach is that recombinant GlcNAc-6-O-sulfotransferases (CHST2) only sulfate terminal GlcNAc moieties to give GlcNAc6S that can be galactosylated by B4GalT4. Furthermore, CHST1 can modify the internal galactosides of a poly-LacNAc chain; however, it was found that a GlcNAc6S residue greatly increases the reactivity of CHST1 of a neighboring and internal galactoside. The presence of a 2,3-linked sialoside further modulates the site of modification by CHST1, and a galactoside flanked by 2,3-Neu5Ac and GlcNAc6S is preferentially sulfated over the other Gal residues. The substrate specificities of CHST1 and 2 were exploited to prepare a panel of KS oligosaccharides, including selectively sulfated N-glycans. The compounds and several other reference derivatives were used to construct a microarray that was probed for binding by several plant lectins, Siglec proteins, and hemagglutinins of influenza viruses. It was found that not only the sulfation pattern but also the presentation of epitopes as part of an O- or N-glycan determines binding properties

    Biochemical characterization of functional domains of the chaperone Cosmc

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    <div><p>Cosmc is an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone necessary for normal protein O-GalNAc glycosylation through regulation of T-synthase, its single client. Loss-of-function of Cosmc results in expression of the Tn antigen, which is associated with multiple human diseases including cancer. Despite intense interest in dysregulated expression of the Tn antigen, little is known about the structure and function of Cosmc, including domain organization, secondary structure, oligomerization, and co-factors. Limited proteolysis experiments show that Cosmc contains a structured N-terminal domain (CosmcΔ256), and biochemical characterization of CosmcΔ256 reveals wild type chaperone activity. Interestingly, CosmcE152K, which shows loss of function <i>in vivo</i>, exhibits wild type-like activity <i>in vitro</i>. Cosmc and CosmcE152K heterogeneously oligomerize and form monomeric, dimeric, trimeric, and tetrameric species, while CosmcΔ256 is predominantly monomeric as characterized by chemical crosslinking and blue native page electrophoresis. Additionally, Cosmc selectively binds divalent cations in thermal shift assays and metal binding is abrogated by the CosmcΔ256 truncation, and perturbed by the E152K mutation. Therefore, the N-terminal domain of Cosmc mediates T-synthase binding and chaperone function, whereas the C-terminal domain is necessary for oligomerization and metal binding. Our results provide new structure-function insight to Cosmc, indicate that Cosmc behaves as a modular protein and suggests points of modulation or regulation of <i>in vivo</i> chaperone function.</p></div

    Modulation of the NOTCH1 Pathway by LUNATIC FRINGE Is Dominant over That of MANIC or RADICAL FRINGE

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    Fringes are glycosyltransferases that transfer a GlcNAc to O-fucose residues on Epidermal Growth Factor-like (EGF) repeats. Three Fringes exist in mammals: LUNATIC FRINGE (LFNG), MANIC FRINGE (MFNG), and RADICAL FRINGE (RFNG). Fringe modification of O-fucose on EGF repeats in the NOTCH1 (N1) extracellular domain modulates the activation of N1 signaling. Not all O-fucose residues of N1 are modified by all Fringes; some are modified by one or two Fringes and others not modified at all. The distinct effects on N1 activity depend on which Fringe is expressed in a cell. However, little data is available on the effect that more than one Fringe has on the modification of O-fucose residues and the resulting downstream consequence on Notch activation. Using mass spectral glycoproteomic site mapping and cell-based N1 signaling assays, we compared the effect of co-expression of N1 with one or more Fringes on modification of O-fucose and activation of N1 in three cell lines. Individual expression of each Fringe with N1 in the three cell lines revealed differences in modulation of the Notch pathway dependent on the presence of endogenous Fringes. Despite these cell-based differences, co-expression of several Fringes with N1 demonstrated a dominant effect of LFNG over MFNG or RFNG. MFNG and RFNG appeared to be co-dominant but strongly dependent on the ligands used to activate N1 and on the endogenous expression of Fringes. These results show a hierarchy of Fringe activity and indicate that the effect of MFNG and/or RFNG could be small in the presence of LFNG
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