2,973 research outputs found


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    O ensino a distância está longe de ser uma unanimidade e ainda pode haver certas barreiras à sua aceitação no mercado de trabalho. Inobstante, vem crescendo substancialmente a quantidade de pessoas que buscam estudar a distância no Brasil. Este artigo tem como objetivo verificar a percepção sobre a modalidade de ensino a distância, com base na visão gestores de recursos humanos que já passaram por uma experiência de estudo neste formato. A questão de pesquisa procura identificar se um candidato a vagas de emprego poderia ser preterido pelo fato de ter se formado em um curso a distância. Este estudo teórico-empírico caracteriza-se como descritivo, e foram entrevistados gestores de recursos humanos que já tiveram uma experiência de ensino a distância. Os resultados do trabalho evidenciaram que o Ensino a Distância vem se consolidando como uma boa alternativa enquanto processo de ensino-aprendizagem, uma vez que permite maior acessibilidade por romper barreiras de tempo e espaço, sem que isso ocasione perda de qualidade. Quase a totalidade dos entrevistados entendeu que a experiência acumulada e a qualidade da instituição em que foi feita a graduação são fatores mais importantes a serem considerados em um processo de seleção de candidatos a emprego do que propriamente o fato do curso ter sido realizado de forma presencial ou a distância

    Políticas da desilusão: Violência e idealismo em “Civil War” de Liam O’Flaherty e “Guests of the Nation” de Frank O’Connor

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    Vivendo os seus anos de formação no período imediatamente anterior à revolução irlandesa, Liam O’Flaherty e Frank O’Connor foram profundamente influenciados pela propaganda nacionalista. Inspirados por ideais republicanos, ambos os escritores assumiram um papel ativo, apesar de modesto, tanto na Guerra da Independência quanto na subsequente Guerra Civil. A literatura que produziram quando os conflitos cessaram, no entanto, apresenta uma perspectiva crítica e contrastante com os ideais que os tinham levado a apoiar a revolução. Analisando os contos “Civil War” (1924), de Liam O’Flaherty, e “Guests of the Nation” (1932), de Frank O’Connor, este artigo explora porquê e como ambos os autores recorreram a abordagens brutais e niilistas para retratar o período revolucionário irlandês em vez de aderirem a perspectivas mais românticas e idealistas.Having their formative years in the period right before the Irish revolution, Liam O’Flaherty and Frank O’Connor were deeply influenced by nationalistic propaganda. Inspired by Republican ideals, both writers-to-be took an active, though modest, role in the War of Independence and in the ensuing Civil War. The literature they produced when the conflicts had ceased, however, displays a very critical and contrasting perspective to the one that had driven them to support the revolution. Analysing the short stories “Civil War” (1924), by Liam O’Flaherty, and “Guests of the Nation” (1932), by Frank O’Connor, this essay explores why and how both authors resorted to stark, gruesome, and nihilistic approaches to the Irish revolutionary period instead of adhering to more romantic and idealistic perspectives

    3.000 livros raros da Biblioteca Brasiliana da USP estão disponíveis para download

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    Librarian and project coordinator selected, at the request of 'Nexo', 7 highlights that can be consulted and downloaded for free

    Governo Eletrônico, Informação e Competência em Informação

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    In several countries, the concern with the access to the information is being more and more present. In this sense, the use of the information and communication technologies for the governments in the offer of services and information to the society, it constitutes what was agreed to call of e-government (or electronic government). In Brazil, several e-government initiatives are observed in several development levels. This work has as base a brief revision regarding the Electronic Government’s concept (e-government) on everything in the offer of public services and information diffusion in the Web through or starting from public organs. However, although many of these initiatives of electronic government are in advanced stage, your potentiality cannot be reached without enlarging the reach of the information and digital literacy close to the society

    Cryptocurrency price forecasting : an empirical application

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    Mestrado em Econometria Aplicada e PrevisãoA presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito dos modelos Autorregressivo Integrado de Médias Móveis (ARIMA) e de Alisamento Exponencial, tendo como principal objetivo realizar uma comparação de métodos de previsão. Em particular, as previsões serão feitas usando essas diferentes classes de métodos e serão realizados exercícios de validação cruzada para encontrar o modelo de previsão mais adequado. O objeto de estudo serão ativos financeiros; especificamente, cinco criptomoedas (criptoativos) - Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, XRP e Bitcoin Cash - escolhidas com base na sua importância e representatividade. Os dados de preços utilizados são semanais. Foram apresentados os testes a ser efetuados ao logaritmo dos preços e dos retornos de cada criptomoeda, de modo a provar que se cumprem alguns factos estilizados das séries financeiras. Após a demostração dos resultados dos testes e da caracterização de cada ativo, é feita uma demonstração do código de R utilizado durante o trabalho. Os modelos que demonstraram ser mais adequados para prever os preços das criptomoedas em análise foram ARIMA de diferentes ordens, para cada ativo.This dissertation is developed within the scope of the Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) and Exponential Smoothing models, with the main objective of comparing forecasting methods. In particular, forecasts will be made using these different classes of methods and cross-validation exercises will be performed to find the most suitable forecast model. Financial assets will be object of study; specifically, five (crypto) cryptocurrencies - Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, XRP and Bitcoin Cash - chosen based on their importance and representativity. The price data used are weekly. The tests to be carried out on the cryptocurrency's logarithm of prices and returns were presented, in order to prove that some stylized facts of the financial series are fulfilled. After showing the test results and the characterization of each asset, a demonstration of the R code used during the work is done. The models that proved to be more adequate to predict the prices of the cryptocurrencies under analysis were ARIMA models of different orders, for each asset.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    TOI IV: Congresso Internacional em Tecnologia e Organização da Informação – I Simpósio Organização do Conhecimento e Humanidades Digitais: contribuições para Ciência da Informação - BBM Digital

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    The presentation on the challenges for the development of the New BBM Digital: Platform, Interface and Processes; beyond the next steps and future projects

    Factores que influyen en la decisión de producir exportables en el sector agrícola chileno

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    This study analyzes there lative importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation).Este estudio analiza la importancia relativa de los factores que influyen en la decisión de producir para el mercado externo en el sector agrícola chileno. Utilizando datos obtenidos de entrevistas personales aplicadas a 368 agricultores, la decisión de producir para el mercado externo fue estimada con un modelo logístico multinomial. Tres alternativas de producción/mercado fueron analizadas: producción para el mercado externo, producción para el mercado interno pero con expectativas de llegar a exportar y producción enfocada solo al mercado interno. Efectos marginales, razones de posibilidades y probabilidades predichas fueron utilizadas para identificar la relevancia de cada variable. Los resultados muestran que un productor hombre, con un alto nivel educacional, que arrienda la tierra, y cuyo predio tiene riego y está localizado en una zona con una alta concentración de productores de exportables, tendrá altas probabilidades de producir para el mercado externo. Sin embargo, el factor que tiene el mayor impacto en la decisión de producir exportables es la concentración geográfica de los productores de exportables, es decir, hay un fuerte efecto de la difusión de la actividad exportadora. Por cierto, cuando esta concentración cambia de 0 a su valor máximo (0,26), las posibilidades de producir exportables en vez de producir tradicionales aumenta en un factor de 70 (contra un factor de 10 para el caso del riego).Fil: Echeverría, Rodrigo. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Economía AgrariaFil: Moreira, Víctor. Universidad Austral de Chile. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. Instituto de Economía Agrari

    Factores que influyen en la decisión de producir exportables en el sector agrícola chileno

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    T h i s s t u d y a n a l y z e s t h e r e l a t i v e importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation).T h i s s t u d y a n a l y z e s t h e r e l a t i v e importance of the factors that influence the decision to produce for foreign markets in the Chilean agricultural sector. Using data obtained from personal interviews with 368 farmers, the market/production decision was estimated using a multinomial logit model. Three market/production alternatives were analyzed: production aimed for the external market, production for the internal market but with expectations of being exported, and production targeted only for the internal market. Marginal effects, odds ratios and predicted probabilities were used to identify the relevance of each variable. The results showed that a producer that is male, with a higher educational level, that does not own the land, but rents it, whose farm has irrigation and is located in an area that has a high concentration of exporting producers, will have a high probability of producing exportables. However, the factor that has the highest impact on producing for the external market is the geographic concentration of exporting producers, that is, an export spillover effect. Indeed, when the concentration change from 0 to its maximum (0.26), the odds of producing exportables rather than producing traditional products increases by a factor of 70 (against a factor of 10 in the case of irrigation)

    Occupational exposure to e-waste: human biomonitoring and biomarkers of early biological effects

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    Os resíduos de equipamento elétrico e eletrónico (REEE) tornaram-se uma grande preocupação dada sua rápida expansão global, que não mostra indícios de desaceleração. Como a composição dos resíduos eletrónicos é intrinsecamente prejudicial, contendo uma variedade de substâncias perigosas, como metais pesados e retardadores de chama, é certo que representa uma ameaça significativa à saúde humana e ambiental. A exposição ocupacional aos REEE é conhecida por ser uma das formas mais diretas de exposição e, portanto, a biomonitorização eficaz de trabalhadores em atividades de reciclagem de componentes eletrónicos é fundamental. O ensaio do micronúcleo com bloqueio de citocinese (CBMN) em linfócitos do sangue periférico humano (PBL) é uma ferramenta valiosa para avaliar os efeitos da exposição humana a agentes genotóxicos. Os micronúcleos (MN) demonstraram ser excelentes biomarcadores para medir o nível de dano genético, uma vez que refletem quebra ou perda cromossómica causada pela exposição a agentes genotóxicos, após a divisão das células. Sob a iniciativa HBM4EU, os objetivos deste projeto foram os seguintes: descrever o estado da arte da exposição ocupacional a REEE e avaliar os efeitos genotóxicos em trabalhadores expostos a esses resíduos, através da análise da frequência de MN em PBL. A revisão da literatura sublinhou a escassez de estudos de biomonitorização sobre a exposição a REEE que relacionassem a exposição com os possíveis efeitos adversos na saúde, identificando a necessidade de novas abordagens harmonizadas para avaliar os e seus efeitos na saúde dos trabalhadores. Os resultados do estudo piloto em ambiente ocupacional não mostraram diferenças significativas entre os grupos exposto e controlo na frequência de MN, o que contraria a hipótese de que os trabalhadores envolvidos nesta atividade de gestão de REEE pudessem revelar efeitos genotóxicos em PBL. Foram avançadas várias possibilidades para explicar este resultado, incluindo o pequeno tamanho da amostra, diferenças interindividuais e uso de equipamentos de proteção em algumas das atividades realizadas. Para concluir, será necessário estender este estudo ocupacional, incluindo um maior número de participantes expostos e outros biomarcadores de efeito, para melhorar a avaliação dos potenciais efeitos biológicos precoces decorrentes da exposição a REEE. Para além disso, será crucial incluir biomarcadores para avaliar a exposição desses trabalhadores a diversos produtos químicos, por forma a, caso haja necessidade, se instituírem medidas mitigadoras para proteger sua saúde.E-waste has become a major concern given its rapid global expansion, which shows no indications of slowing down. Since the composition of e-waste is intrinsically harmful, containing a variety of hazardous substances such as heavy metals and flame retardants, it is likely that it poses a significant threat to human and environmental health. Occupational exposure to e-waste is known for being one of the most direct forms of exposure. Thus, effective biomonitoring of workers whose jobs include the recycling of electronic components is critical. The cytokinesis-block micronucleus assay (CBMN) in human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) is a reliable tool to assess the effects of human exposure to genotoxins by measuring the extent of chromosomal damage in cells, both chromosome breakage or chromosome loss in dividing cells. Under the HBM4EU initiative, the goal of this project was two-fold: to describe the state of the art of occupational exposure to E-Waste and to perform a pilot study to assess the early biological effects from e-waste exposure in workers from E-waste management industries by using the micronucleus assay. The literature review underlined the scarcity of HBM studies around e-waste that related exposure with the possible adverse health effects and called for new, harmonized approaches to the issue of e-waste and its effects in occupational settings. The results of the effect biomarkers assessment in exposed workers showed no significant differences between exposed and control groups in the MN frequency, although our assumptions were that e-waste workers would show higher levels of genotoxic damage. Nonetheless, several factors, such as low sample size, interindividual differences and use of protective equipment in e-waste workers might have contributed to these results. To conclude, there is a need to extend this pilot occupational study by including a higher number of exposed participants and other effect biomarkers, to better assess potential early biological effects from exposure. In addition, from the literature review and considering the design of such human biomonitoring studies, it will be crucial to include biomarkers to assess the exposure of these workers to several chemicals, in order to know whether mitigation measures are needed to protect their health

    Player Balancing for FIrst-Person Shooter Games

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    When player skill levels differ widely in a competitive First-Person Shooter (FPS) game, enjoyment suffers: weaker players become frustrated and stronger players become less engaged. Player balancing techniques attempt to assist the weaker player and make games more competitive, but these techniques have limitations for deployment when skill levels vary substantially. In this thesis, we developed new player balancing schemes to deal with a range of FPS skill difference, and tested these techniques in a series of five studies using a commercial-quality FPS game developed with the UDK engine. Our results showed that our balancing techniques (Combo and Delay) are extremely effective at balancing, even for players with large skill differences. These techniques also led to higher enjoyment of the game by players of all skill levels. Our studies are the first to show that player balancing can work well in realistic FPS games, providing developers with a way to increase the audience for this popular genre. In addition, our results demonstrate the idea that successful balancing is as much about the way the technique is applied as it is about the specific manipulation