5 research outputs found

    Role of influenza A virus NP acetylation on viral growth and replication

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    Lysine acetylation is a post-translational modification known to regulate protein functions. Here we identify several acetylation sites of the influenza A virus nucleoprotein (NP), including the lysine residues K77, K113 and K229. Viral growth of mutant virus encoding K229R, mimicking a non-acetylated NP lysine residue, is severely impaired compared to wildtype or the mutant viruses encoding K77R or K113R. This attenuation is not the result of decreased polymerase activity, altered protein expression or disordered vRNP co-segregation but rather caused by impaired particle release. Interestingly, release deficiency is also observed mimicking constant acetylation at this site (K229Q), whereas virus encoding NP-K113Q could not be generated. However, mimicking NP hyper-acetylation at K77 and K229 severely diminishes viral polymerase activity, while mimicking NP hypo-acetylation at these sites has no effect on viral replication. These results suggest that NP acetylation at K77, K113 and K229 impacts multiple steps in viral replication of influenza A viruses

    Synthetically derived bat influenza A-like viruses reveal a cell type- but not species-specific tropism.

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    Two novel influenza A-like viral genome sequences have recently been identified in Central and South American fruit bats and provisionally designated "HL17NL10" and "HL18NL11." All efforts to isolate infectious virus from bats or to generate these viruses by reverse genetics have failed to date. Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) encoding the hemagglutinin-like envelope glycoproteins HL17 or HL18 in place of the VSV glycoprotein were generated to identify cell lines that are susceptible to bat influenza A-like virus entry. More than 30 cell lines derived from various species were screened but only a few cell lines were found to be susceptible, including Madin-Darby canine kidney type II (MDCK II) cells. The identification of cell lines susceptible to VSV chimeras allowed us to recover recombinant HL17NL10 and HL18NL11 viruses from synthetic DNA. Both influenza A-like viruses established a productive infection in MDCK II cells; however, HL18NL11 replicated more efficiently than HL17NL10 in this cell line. Unlike conventional influenza A viruses, bat influenza A-like viruses started the infection preferentially at the basolateral membrane of polarized MDCK II cells; however, similar to conventional influenza A viruses, bat influenza A-like viruses were released primarily from the apical site. The ability of HL18NL11 or HL17NL10 viruses to infect canine and human cells might reflect a zoonotic potential of these recently identified bat viruses

    An infectious bat-derived chimeric influenza virus harbouring the entry machinery of an influenza A virus.

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    In 2012, the complete genomic sequence of a new and potentially harmful influenza A-like virus from bats (H17N10) was identified. However, infectious influenza virus was neither isolated from infected bats nor reconstituted, impeding further characterization of this virus. Here we show the generation of an infectious chimeric virus containing six out of the eight bat virus genes, with the remaining two genes encoding the haemagglutinin and neuraminidase proteins of a prototypic influenza A virus. This engineered virus replicates well in a broad range of mammalian cell cultures, human primary airway epithelial cells and mice, but poorly in avian cells and chicken embryos without further adaptation. Importantly, the bat chimeric virus is unable to reassort with other influenza A viruses. Although our data do not exclude the possibility of zoonotic transmission of bat influenza viruses into the human population, they indicate that multiple barriers exist that makes this an unlikely event

    A conserved influenza A virus nucleoprotein code controls specific viral genome packaging.

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    Packaging of the eight genomic RNA segments of influenza A viruses (IAV) into viral particles is coordinated by segment-specific packaging sequences. How the packaging signals regulate the specific incorporation of each RNA segment into virions and whether other viral or host factors are involved in this process is unknown. Here, we show that distinct amino acids of the viral nucleoprotein (NP) are required for packaging of specific RNA segments. This was determined by studying the NP of a bat influenza A-like virus, HL17NL10, in the context of a conventional IAV (SC35M). Replacement of conserved SC35M NP residues by those of HL17NL10 NP resulted in RNA packaging defective IAV. Surprisingly, substitution of these conserved SC35M amino acids with HL17NL10 NP residues led to IAV with altered packaging efficiencies for specific subsets of RNA segments. This suggests that NP harbours an amino acid code that dictates genome packaging into infectious virions