19 research outputs found

    Detection of the Cherenkov light diffused by Sea Water with the ULTRA Experiment

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    The study of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays represents one of the most challenging topic in the Cosmic Rays and in the Astroparticle Physics fields. The interaction of primary particles with atmospheric nuclei produces a huge Extensive Air Shower together with isotropic emission of UV fluorescence light and highly directional Cherenkov photons, that are reflected/diffused isotropically by the impact on the Earth's surface or on high optical depth clouds. For space-based observations, detecting the reflected Cherenkov signal in a delayed coincidence with the fluorescence light improves the accuracy of the shower reconstruction in space and in particular the measurement of the shower maximum, giving a strong signature for discriminating hadrons and neutrinos, and helping to estimate the primary chemical composition. Since the Earth's surface is mostly covered by water, the ULTRA (UV Light Transmission and Reflection in the Atmosphere)experiment has been designed to provide the diffusing properties of sea water, overcoming the lack of information in this specific field. A small EAS array, made up of 5 particle detectors, and an UV optical device, have been coupled to detect in coincidence both electromagnetic and UV components. The detector was in operation from May to December, 2005, in a small private harbor in Capo Granitola (Italy); the results of these measurements in terms of diffusion coefficient and threshold energy are presented here.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, PDF format, Proceedings of 30th ICRC, International Cosmic Ray Conference 2007, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico, 3-11 July 200

    The EUSO simulation and analysis framework

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    ESAF is the simulation and analysis software framework developed for the EUSO experiment. ESAF's scope is the whole process of data simulations and data-analysis, from the primary particle interaction in atmosphere to the reconstruction of the event. Based on the ROOT package and designed using Object Oriented technology, ESAF is organized in two main programs: the full montecarlo simulation and the reconstruction framework. The former includes all the relevant physical contributions, shower development in atmosphere, light transport to the detector pupil and detector response, while the latter comprises basic data cleaning, track direction, shower profile and energy reconstruction algorithms. Here we describe the software architecture and its main features

    Requirements and simulation study of the performance of EUSO as external payload on board the International Space Station

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    The "Extreme Universe Space Observatory - EUSO" has been conceived as the first Space mission devoted to the investigation of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Ray, using the Earth's atmosphere as a giant detector. The scientific objectives of the experiment are to observe the UHECR spectrum above the GZK energy, with an improvement of one order of magnitude in the statistics of collected events with respect to the existing experiments, in such a way to study the source distribution in a full sky survey, as well as to open the channel (set a confidence limit) on the neutrino astronomy in this energy range. Supposed to be accommodated as external payload on board the International Space Station, EUSO phase A study has been positively completed in July 2004. Nowadays, due to funding problems of the Space Agencies involved in the project, EUSO is currently on hold. Nevertheless, as result of an end-to-end simulation approach, we summarize here the expected scientific performance coming out from the phase A, as well as the expected improvements in the technical performance of the EUSO Instrument to be achieved during Phase B, in order to fulfil the scientific objectives posed as goal of the experiment

    Results from the ULTRA experiment in the framework of the EUSO project

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    The detection of Cerenkov light from EAS in a delayed coincidence with fluorescence light gives a strong signature to discriminate protons and neutrinos in cosmic rays. For this purpose, the ULTRA experiment has been designed with 2 detectors: a small EAS array (ETscope) and an UV optical device including wide field (Belenos) and narrow field (UVscope) Cerenkov light detectors. The array measures the shower size and the arrival direction of the incoming EAS, while the UV devices, pointing both to zenith and nadir, are used to determine the amount of direct and diffused coincident Cerenkov light. This information, provided for different diffusing surfaces, will be used to verify the possibility of detecting from Space the Cerenkov light produced by UHECRs with the EUSO experiment, on board the ISS

    Severe Multiple Sclerosis Relapse After COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report

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    We describe a case of acute relapse in a woman with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) shortly after the mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. The patient received a diagnosis of MS in November 2016 at the MS Centre of the A. Cardarelli Hospital (South of Italy). Since that moment, her clinical conditions and pharmacological therapies have been managed at this MS centre where, according to national recommendations, in April 2021, the patient received the BNT162b2 vaccine. Almost 48 h after receiving the vaccine, the patient developed paraesthesia and weakness in her left arm and limbs. The neurological examination revealed walking difficulties while the MRI showed three new voluminous enhancing lesions. After having received methylprednisolone iv for 5 days, the patient's neurological symptoms fully recovered. Along with the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination programmes among vulnerable population, further studies are needed in order to improve our knowledge on the benefit/risk ratio of COVID-19 vaccines

    THC/CBD oromucosal spray in patients with multiple sclerosis overactive bladder: a pilot prospective study

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    Lower urinary tract dysfunctions (LUTDs) are commonly reported in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and are mainly related to neurogenic overactive bladder (OAB). The aim of this observational study was to assess the effect of a tetrahydrocannabinol-cannabidiol (THC/CBD) oromucosal spray on resistant OAB by means of clinical and instrumental tools. Twenty-one MS patients were screened, and 15 cases have been evaluated. They underwent a specific clinical assessment (overactive bladder symptom score, OABSS) and a urodynamic assessment evaluating the maximal cystometric capacity (CCmax), bladder compliance (Qmax), maximum detrusor pressure (Pdet max), detrusor pressure at the first desire (Pdet first), bladder volume at the first desire (BVFD), leakage volume (LV), and post-void residual volume (PVR), before and after 4 weeks of THC/CBD administration. A complete neurological evaluation, including the assessment of their spasticity using the Modified Ashworth Scale (MAS) and the spasticity 0-10 numerical rating scale (NRS), was performed at the same times. Mobility was evaluated through the 25-ft walking-time test (T25-WT). The THC/CBD treatment successfully reduced the OAB symptoms (p = 0.001). Regarding the urodynamic findings after the end of treatment, PVR was significantly reduced (p = 0.016). Regarding the urodynamic findings after the end of treatment, PVR was significantly reduced (p = 0.016), while BVFD and CCmax were increased although the difference was not statistically significant. THC/CBD oromucosal spray has shown to be effective in improving overactive bladder symptoms in MS patients demonstrating a favorable impact on detrusor overactivity

    Influenza vaccine hesitancy in patients with multiple sclerosis: A monocentric observational study

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    Background. The so-called ‘vaccine hesitancy’ still represents a common phenomenon that undermines the effectiveness of vaccination campaigns. In 2020, the Italian Medicines Agency recommended to bring forward the flu vaccination campaign, whose importance was also emphasized for patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). We aimed to assess vaccination behavior in patients with MS to prepare for the upcoming SARS-CoV-2 vaccination challenge. Methods. This is an observational study carried out in one MS clinical Centre that enrolled all MS patients who were eligible for any of the flu vaccines recommended by the Italian medicines Agency. Results. 194 patients were enrolled. Patients’ mean age was 43.9 years and 66% were female. Comorbidities, mainly represented by non-autoimmune diseases, were identified in 52% of patients. Almost all patients were receiving a DMT during the study period, mainly dimethyl fumarate, natalizumab, teriflunomide, and interferon. Out of 194 patients, 58.2% accepted to be vaccinated. No statistically significant differences were found, except for the use of natalizumab, which was higher among vaccinated patients. Conclusion. The results of our study emphasize the importance of education and communication campaigns addressed both to healthcare providers and patients with MS, especially considering that MS patients are currently receiving COVID-19 vaccinations

    Three Doses of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Retrospective Study Evaluating the Safety and the Immune Response in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis

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    Since the beginning of the mass immunization of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), many data on the efficacy and safety of COVID-19 vaccines have been produced. Considering that MS is an autoimmune disease and that some disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) could decrease the antibody response against COVID-19 vaccines, we carried out this retrospective study with the aim to evaluate the safety of these vaccines in terms of AEFI occurrence and the antibody response after MS patients had received the third dose. Two hundred and ten patients (64.8% female; mean age: 46 years) received the third dose of the mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine and were included in the study. Third doses were administered from October 2021 to January 2022. The majority of patients (n = 193) were diagnosed with RRMS and EDSS values were ≤3.0 in 72.4% of them. DMTs most commonly used by included patients were interferon Beta 1-a, dimethyl fumarate, natalizumab and fingolimod. Overall, 160 patients (68.8% female) experienced 294 AEFIs, of which about 90% were classified as short-term, while 9.2% were classified as long-term. The most commonly reported following the booster dose were pain at the injection site, flu-like symptoms, headache, fever and fatigue. Regarding the immune response, consistently with literature data, we found that patients receiving ocrelizumab and fingolimod had lower IgG titer than patients receiving other DMTs