48 research outputs found

    Dipolar thermocapillary motor and swimmer

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    We present a theoretical description and an experimental realization of a thermocapillary dipole induced in a Hele-Shaw cell under a steady temperature gradient. We demonstrate experimentally how several dipoles can be superposed in order to create various 2D flow patterns, and how a confined dipole can act as a thermocapillary motor for driving fluids in microfluidic circuits. In addition, we show how the principles behind the thermocapillary dipole can be applied in order to drive thermocapillary swimmers on fluid-liquid interfaces

    Flow of Power-Law Liquids in a Hele-Shaw Cell Driven by Non-Uniform Electroosmotic Slip in the Case of Strong Depletion

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    We analyze flow of non-Newtonian fluids in a Hele-Shaw cell, subjected to spatially non-uniform electroosmotic slip. Motivated by their potential use for increasing the characteristic pressure fields, we specifically focus on power-law fluids with wall depletion properties. We derive a p-Poisson equation governing the pressure field, as well as a set of linearized equations representing its asymptotic approximation for weakly non-Newtonian behavior. To investigate the effect of non-Newtonian properties on the resulting fluidic pressure and velocity, we consider several configurations in one- and two-dimensions, and calculate both exact and approximate solutions. We show that the asymptotic approximation is in good agreement with exact solutions even for fluids with significant non-Newtonian behavior, allowing its use in the analysis and design of microfluidic systems involving electro-kinetic transport of such fluids.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Elastic deformations driven by non-uniform lubrication flows

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    The ability to create dynamic deformations of micron-sized structures is relevant to a wide variety of applications such as adaptable optics, soft robotics, and reconfigurable microfluidic devices. In this work we examine non-uniform lubrication flow as a mechanism to create complex deformation fields in an elastic plate. We consider a Kirchoff-Love elasticity model for the plate and Hele-Shaw flow in a narrow gap between the plate and a parallel rigid surface. Based on linearization of the Reynolds equation, we obtain a governing equation which relates elastic deformations to gradients in non-homogenous physical properties of the fluid (e.g. body forces, viscosity, and slip velocity). We then focus on a specific case of non-uniform Helmholtz-Smoluchowski electroosmotic slip velocity, and provide a method for determining the zeta-potential distribution necessary to generate arbitrary static and quasi-static deformations of the elastic plate. Extending the problem to time-dependent solutions, we analyze transient effects on asymptotically static solutions, and finally provide a closed form solution for a Green's function for time periodic actuations.Comment: 25 JFM pages, 10 figure

    Real-Time Monitoring of Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) Kinetics

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    We present a novel method for real-time monitoring and kinetic analysis of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We implement the method using a vertical microfluidic probe containing a microstructure designed for rapid switching between a probe solution and a non-fluorescent imaging buffer. The FISH signal is monitored in real time during the imaging buffer wash, during which signal associated with unbound probes is removed. We provide a theoretical description of the method as well as a demonstration of its applicability using a model system of centromeric probes (Cen17). We demonstrate the applicability of the method for the characterization of FISH kinetics under conditions of varying probe concentration, destabilizing agent (formamide) content, volume exclusion agent (dextran sulfate) content, and ionic strength. We show that our method can be used to investigate the effect of each of these variables and provide insight into processes affecting in situ hybridization, facilitating the design of new assays.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Fluidic Shaping of Optical Components

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    Current methods for fabricating lenses rely on mechanical processing of the lens or mold, such as grinding, machining, and polishing. The complexity of these fabrication processes and the required specialized equipment prohibit rapid prototyping of optical components. This work presents a simple method, based on free-energy minimization of liquid volumes, which allows to quickly shape curable liquids into a wide range of spherical and aspherical optical components, without the need for any mechanical processing. After the desired shape is obtained, the liquid can be cured to produce a solid object with nanometric surface quality. We provide a theoretical model that accurately predicts the shape of the optical components, and demonstrate rapid fabrication of all types of spherical lenses (convex, concave, meniscus), cylindrical lenses, bifocal lenses, toroidal lenses, doublet lenses and aspheric lenses. The method is inexpensive and can be implemented using a variety of curable liquids with different optical and mechanical properties. In addition, the method is scale-invariant and can be used to produce even very large optical components, without a significant increase in fabrication time. We believe that the ability to easily and rapidly create high-quality optics, without the need for complex and expensive infrastructure, will provide researchers with new affordable tools for fabricating and testing optical designs

    Electroosmotic flow in Hele-Shaw configurations with non-uniform surface charge

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    We present an analytical study, validated by numerical simulations, of electroosmotic flow in a Hele-Shaw cell with non-uniform surface charge patterning. Applying the lubrication approximation and assuming thin electric double layer, we obtain a pair of uncoupled Poisson equations which relate the pressure and the stream function, respectively, to gradients in the zeta potential distribution parallel and perpendicular to the applied electric field. We solve the governing equations for the fundamental case of a disk with uniform zeta potential and show that the flow-field in the outer region takes the form of a pure dipole. We illustrate the ability to generate complex flow-fields around smooth convex regions by superposition of such disks with uniform zeta potential and a uniform pressure driven flow. This method may be useful for future on-chip devices, allowing flow control without the need for mechanical components.Comment: Accepted to Physics of Fluid

    Elastohydrodynamics of a pre-stretched finite elastic sheet lubricated by a thin viscous film with application to microfluidic soft actuators

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    The interaction of a thin viscous film with an elastic sheet results in coupling of pressure and deformation, which can be utilized as an actuation mechanism for surface deformations in a wide range of applications, including microfluidics, optics, and soft robotics. Implementation of such configurations inherently takes place over finite domains and often requires some pre-stretching of the sheet. Under the assumptions of strong pre-stretching and small deformations of the lubricated elastic sheet, we use the linearized Reynolds and Foppl-von Karman equations to derive closed-form analytical solutions describing the deformation in a finite domain due to external forces, accounting for both bending and tension effects. We provide a closed-form solution for the case of a square-shaped actuation region and present the effect of pre-stretching on the dynamics of the deformation. We further present the dependence of the deformation magnitude and timescale on the spatial wavenumber, as well as the transition between stretching- and bending-dominant regimes. We also demonstrate the effect of spatial discretization of the forcing (representing practical actuation elements) on the achievable resolution of the deformation. Extending the problem to an axisymmetric domain, we investigate the effects arising from nonlinearity of the Reynolds and Foppl-von Karman equations and present the deformation behavior as it becomes comparable to the initial film thickness and dependent on the induced tension. These results set the theoretical foundation for implementation of microfluidic soft actuators based on elastohydrodynanmics.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Viscous-elastic dynamics of power-law fluids within an elastic cylinder

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    In a wide range of applications, microfluidic channels are implemented in soft substrates. In such configurations, where fluidic inertia and compressibility are negligible, the propagation of fluids in channels is governed by a balance between fluid viscosity and elasticity of the surrounding solid. The viscous-elastic interactions between elastic substrates and non-Newtonian fluids are particularly of interest due to the dependence of viscosity on the state of the system. In this work, we study the fluid-structure interaction dynamics between an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid and a slender linearly elastic cylinder under the creeping flow regime. Considering power-law fluids and applying the thin shell approximation for the elastic cylinder, we obtain a non-homogeneous p-Laplacian equation governing the viscous-elastic dynamics. We present exact solutions for the pressure and deformation fields for various initial and boundary conditions for both shear-thinning and shear-thickening fluids. We show that in contrast to Stokes' problem where a compactly supported front is obtained for shear-thickening fluids, here the role of viscosity is inversed and such fronts are obtained for shear-thinning fluids. Furthermore, we demonstrate that for the case of a step in inlet pressure, the propagation rate of the front has a tnn+1t^{\frac{n}{n+1}} dependence on time (tt), suggesting the ability to indirectly measure the power-law index (nn) of shear-thinning liquids through measurements of elastic deformation.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figure

    Fluidic Shaping of Freeform Optical Components

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    Freeform optical components offer significant compactization of multi-lens systems, as well as advanced manipulation of light that is not possible with traditional systems. However, their fabrication relies on machining processes that are complex, time-consuming, and incompatible with rapid prototyping. This work presents the ability to shape liquid volumes and solidify them into desired freeform components, enabling rapid freeform prototyping with high surface quality. The method is based on controlling the minimum energy state of the interface between a curable optical liquid and an immersion liquid, by dictating a geometrical boundary constraint. The boundary shape is modeled as a cylinder whose arbitrary height is expressed as a Fourier series, allowing for an analytical solution of the resulting freeform surface as a sum of Fourier-Bessel functions. Each of these functions represents a different basic mode, whose superposition creates complex topographies. This solution allows deterministic design of freeform surfaces by controlling three key parameters - the volume of the optical liquid, the density of the immersion liquid, and the shape of the bounding frame. The paper describes a complete workflow for rapid prototyping of such components, and demonstrates the fabrication of a 35 mm diameter freeform component with sub-nanometer surface roughness within minutes.Comment: 4 figures, 14 pages (not including references

    Extraction of electrokinetically separated analytes with on-demand encapsulation

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    Microchip electrokinetic methods are capable of increasing the sensitivity of molecular assays by enriching and purifying target analytes. However, their use is currently limited to assays that can be performed under a high external electric field, as spatial separation and focusing is lost when the electric field is removed. We present a novel method that uses two-phase encapsulation to overcome this limitation. The method uses passive filling and pinning of an oil phase in hydrophobic channels to encapsulate electrokinetically separated and focused analytes with a brief pressure pulse. The resulting encapsulated sample droplet maintains its concentration over long periods of time without requiring an electric field and can be manipulated for further analysis, either on- or off- chip. We demonstrate the method by encapsulating DNA oligonucleotides in a 240 pL aqueous segment after isotachophoresis (ITP) focusing, and show that the concentration remains at 60% of the initial value for tens of minutes, a 22-fold increase over free diffusion after 20 minutes. Furthermore, we demonstrate manipulation of a single droplet by selectively encapsulating amplicon after ITP purification from a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) mix, and performing parallel off-chip detection reactions using the droplet. We provide geometrical design guidelines for devices implementing the encapsulation method, and show how the method can be scaled to multiple analyte zones