687 research outputs found

    Ecologically Designed Sanitary Sewer Based on Constructed WetlandsTechnology – Case Study in Managua (Nicaragua)

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    In developed countries the sanitation and treatment of urban wastewater is well sustained and technically solved by means of conventional pipe networksandsubsequentcentralizedtreatments.However,developingcountries lack these infrastructures and are in need of sustainable, decentralized and economically viable solutions for the disposal of their urban wastewaters. In addition to this, there are situations where the demands of conservation of naturalspacesdonotallowintensiveconstructiveproceduresandwhichforce the implementation of sanitary engineering with less environmental impact. We present the Ecological Wastewater Sewer (EWS), an ecological urban sewerage system that simultaneously transports wastewater and improves its quality.Thisinnovativetechnologyisanalternativetoconventionalsanitation piping that has minimal environmental impact. It is based on a successful previous work for the improvement of artificial wetlands in a pilot scheme andatfull-scaleonatestsite.TheEWSisachannel-shapeddevicethatrelies on the application of two key developments: a carefully designed cornered stones layout, and the creation of a natural aeration system. This way, it acts as a separating sewage system that guarantees the presence of a chamber of circulating air within the transportation unit, favouring permanent aerobic conditions in the upper levels of the mass of wastewater. Furthermore, its capacity to set tle suspended solids allows the EWS to be used as a sedimentor in water purification processes. A real-life application of this system proved successful in the sanitation of a district of Managua (Nicaragua). Working with a 100-metre-long street of 20 one-story houses, the system is reported to still be in full operating order after six years. The conclusions and results drawn from its monitoring are meticulously explained in our paper, as well astherecommendations&guidelinesforthedesignofmoreEWSunits,with aim to the popularization of this affordable, efficient and green approach to wastewater sanitation.Andalusian International School of Water Engineering, City hall of SevilleCooperation Office at the University of Sevill

    El papel de la biblioteca en la formación de competencias informacionales e informáticas

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    Se destaca la importancia de la biblioteca en la implantación y desarrollo de la Alfabetización Informacional como medio imprescindible de formación en competencias informacionales y digitales en la actual sociedad de información. Dicho papel es impulsado por diferentes instituciones internacionales y nacionales. Se hace especial mención de las bibliotecas universitarias en el nuevo Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior y, sobre todo, en el ámbito español donde REBIUN ha adoptado el término de “Competencias Informacionales e Informáticas” (CI2) y ha influido en el paso de una formación tradicional de usuarios a una formación basada en competencias que deben adquirir los alumnos, contribuyendo a mejorar la calidad de la educación. Todo ello apoyado en una planificación y en la transformación de las bibliotecas en Centros de Recursos de Información y Aprendizaje. En este proceso de cambio, la web social 2.0 y 3.0 es elemento esencial de interacción y motivación interna para conseguir que el alumno se convierta en sujeto activo de su propio aprendizaje. La implementación por parte de numerosas bibliotecas de las diferentes herramientas sociales como Facebook y Twitter ha logrado una visibilidad mayor y un elemento dinamizador.The importance of the library in the implementation and development of information literacy as an essential means of training in Information and Digital Competency in the current information society is emphasized. This paper is driven by various international and national institutions. Special mention of university libraries in the new European Higher Education and is made especially in the area where REBIUN Spanish adopted the term "Informational and Computer Literacy" (CI2) and has influenced the passage of a training traditional users to a competency-based training that students should acquire, helping to improve the quality of education. All supported in planning and in the transformation of libraries in Resource Centers Information and Learning. In this process of change, social web 2.0 and 3.0 is an essential element of interaction and internal motivation to get students to become active subjects of their own learning. The implementation by numerous libraries of different social tools such as Facebook and Twitter has achieved greater visibility and a dynamic element

    Ácido tungstofosfórico inmovilizado en partículas de sílice con estructura porosa bimodal como catalizadores en la síntesis de derivados de benzodiazepinas mediante procedimientos de bajo impacto ambiental

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    Los objetivos generales de este trabajo se focalizan en la síntesis y caracterización de catalizadores a base de heteropoliácidos con estructura tipo Keggin inmovilizados en sílice micro-mesoporosa (estructura bimodal de poros) de elevada superficie específica, preparada mediante el método sol-gel, para la obtención de 1,5-benzodiazepinas mediante procedimientos ecocompatibles. Los catalizadores sólidos ácidos fueron preparados mediante dos vías: impregnación del soporte con la fase activa e inclusión de la misma durante el proceso de síntesis de la sílice. Se estudiaron las propiedades fisicoquímicas, texturales, morfológicas y ácidas de ambas familias de materiales. Finalmente, los materiales sintetizados fueron evaluados como catalizadores ácidos en la síntesis de compuestos orgánicos heterocíclicos correspondientes a la familia de las 1,5-benzodiazepinas, los cuales presentan reconocida y potencial actividad biológica. En particular se llevaron a cabo metodologías sintéticas que involucren el menor impacto ambiental posible, de manera de cumplir con la mayor cantidad de los postulados de la Química Verde. En este sentido, se propuso optimizar los procesos de síntesis en ausencia de solvente y el empleo de catalizadores sólidos ácidos de fácil recuperación, basados en heteropoliácidos soportados, en reemplazo de los catalizadores convencionales como ácido sulfúrico y ácido p-toluensulfónico.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Síntesis, caracterización y evaluación catalítica de materiales basados en polioxotungstovanadatos inmovilizados en polímeros superabsorbentes para la oxidación selectiva de sulfuros a sulfóxidos y sulfonas

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    Este trabajo propone la síntesis de heteropolioxotungstovanadatos con estructura tipo Keggin incorporados en polímeros superabsorbentes, los que serán sintetizados utilizando como formador de macroporos una plantilla esférica de sílice y caracterizados para su posterior utilización en la oxidación selectiva de difenil sulfuro a difenil sulfóxido y/o difenil sulfona. Las transformaciones de sulfuros se llevarán a cabo desarrollando una metodología que involucre el menor impacto ambiental posible. Para ello se propone el reemplazo de los oxidantes convencionales, como los ácidos nítrico o crómico, por oxidantes limpios como peróxido de hidrógeno y peróxido de t-butilo. Además el empleo de materiales híbridos basados en heteropolioxotungstovanadatos inmovilizados en polímeros como catalizador de la reacción presenta varias ventajas entre ellas su fácil recuperación y posibilidad de reuso.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    The role of loans and the ICAS BE in the Eurosystem’s collateral framework in 2023

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    Rationale The share of non-marketable assets (mainly bank loans) pledged as collateral in the Eurosystem’s monetary policy credit operations has increased in recent years. The Banco de España’s corporate credit assessment system (ICAS BE) has contributed significantly to this development and may lead to these assets playing a greater role in the future. Takeaways •In the wake of the COVID-19 crisis there has been a considerable increase in the share of non-marketable assets in the collateral pledged by Spanish counterparties in Eurosystem financing operations. A significant proportion of these non-marketable assets are loans to firms rated using the Banco de España’s in-house rating system, called ICAS BE. •There is ample scope to increase the volume of pledged loans with an ICAS BE rating, especially in the case of loans to SMEs. •Spanish firms’ ICAS BE credit ratings have remained relatively stable in the past year, except in the sectors most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which have seen a notable improvement

    Modelling the number of olive groves in Spanish municipalities

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    The univariate generalized Waring distribution (UGWD) is presented as a new model to describe the goodness of fit, applicable in the context of agriculture. In this paper, it was used to model the number of olive groves recorded in Spain in the 8,091 municipalities recorded in the 2009 Agricultural Census, according to which the production of oil olives accounted for 94% of total output, while that of table olives represented 6% (with an average of 44.84 and 4.06 holdings per Spanish municipality, respectively). UGWD is suitable for fitting this type of discrete data, with strong left-sided asymmetry. This novel use of UGWD can provide the foundation for future research in agriculture, with the advantage over other discrete distributions that enables the analyst to split the variance. After defining the distribution, we analysed various methods for fitting the parameters associated with it, namely estimation by maximum likelihood, estimation by the method of moments and a variant of the latter, estimation by the method of frequencies and moments. For oil olives, the chi-square goodness of fit test gives p-values of 0.9992, 0.9967 and 0.9977, respectively. However, a poor fit was obtained for the table olive distribution. Finally, the variance was split, following Irwin, into three components related to random factors, external factors and internal differences. For the distribution of the number of olive grove holdings, this splitting showed that random and external factors only account about 0.22% and 0.05%. Therefore, internal differences within municipalities play an important role in determining total variability.This research is financed by Vice-Rector’s Office for Political Science and Research-University of Granada, through the project “Social-Labour Statistics and Demography” (30.BB.11.1101) at the Faculty of Labour Sciences

    Supervised classification and mathematical optimization

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    Data Mining techniques often ask for the resolution of optimization problems. Supervised Classification, and, in particular, Support Vector Machines, can be seen as a paradigmatic instance. In this paper, some links between Mathematical Optimization methods and Supervised Classification are emphasized. It is shown that many different areas of Mathematical Optimization play a central role in off-the-shelf Supervised Classification methods. Moreover, Mathematical Optimization turns out to be extremely useful to address important issues in Classification, such as identifying relevant variables, improving the interpretability of classifiers or dealing with vagueness/noise in the data.Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónJunta de Andalucí

    Semi-obnoxious location models: a global optimization approach

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    In the last decades there has been an increasing interest in environmental topics. This interest has been reflected in modeling the location of obnoxious facilities, as shown by the important number of papers published in this field. However, a very common drawback of the existing literature is that, as soon as environmental aspects are taken into account, economical considerations (e.g. transportation costs) are ignored, leading to models with dubious practical interest. In this paper we take into account both the environmental impact and the transportation costs caused by the location of an obnoxious facility, and propose as solution method of the well-known BSSS, with a new bounding scheme which exploits the structure of the problem.Dirección General de Investigación Científica y Técnic

    Modelling the number of olive groves in Spanish municipalities

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    The univariate generalized Waring distribution (UGWD) is presented as a new model to describe the goodness of fit, applicable in the context of agriculture. In this paper, it was used to model the number of olive groves recorded in Spain in the 8,091 municipalities recorded in the 2009 Agricultural Census, according to which the production of oil olives accounted for 94% of total output, while that of table olives represented 6% (with an average of 44.84 and 4.06 holdings per Spanish municipality, respectively). UGWD is suitable for fitting this type of discrete data, with strong left-sided asymmetry. This novel use of UGWD can provide the foundation for future research in agriculture, with the advantage over other discrete distributions that enables the analyst to split the variance. After defining the distribution, we analysed various methods for fitting the parameters associated with it, namely estimation by maximum likelihood, estimation by the method of moments and a variant of the latter, estimation by the method of frequencies and moments. For oil olives, the chi-square goodness of fit test gives p-values of 0.9992, 0.9967 and 0.9977, respectively. However, a poor fit was obtained for the table olive distribution. Finally, the variance was split, following Irwin, into three components related to random factors, external factors and internal differences. For the distribution of the number of olive grove holdings, this splitting showed that random and external factors only account about 0.22% and 0.05%. Therefore, internal differences within municipalities play an important role in determining total variability