204 research outputs found

    Benefícios após implementação de um protocolo de "Patient Blood Management"

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    Objectivo: Frequentemente os doentes avaliados no contexto de cirurgia electiva apresentam anemias que, caso nĂŁo sejam corrigidas, irĂŁo aumentar o risco de mortalidade e morbilidade pĂłs-cirĂșrgica, de infecçÔes, de necessidade de transfusĂ”es de componentes sanguĂ­neos (CS) e do aumento do tempo de hospitalização 1 . O Patient Blood Mangement (PBM) Ă© uma abordagem baseada na evidĂȘncia e multidisciplinar que visa optimizar os cuidados oferecidos ao doente cirĂșrgico, adotando- se medidas de otimização que permitam minimizar a necessidade de transfusĂŁo de CS, nomeadamente Concentrados EritrocitĂĄrios (CEs). Estas medidas tĂȘm lugar, em todo o perĂ­odo peri-operatĂłrio. O PBM engloba uma equipa multidisciplinar centrada no doente e um dos seus objetivos Ă© a otimização dos valores de Hb prĂ©- cirĂșrgicos, no doente proposto para cirurgia programada. Pretendemos partilhar os resultados obtidos, apĂłs implementação de um protocolo de PBM entre o Serviço de Sangue e Medicina Transfusional e o da Cirurgia B do HFF, em que, entre outros parĂąmetros, Ă© analisada a eventual necessidade de correção de anemias ferropĂ©nicas. Material e mĂ©todos: Foram englobados neste estudo todos os pedidos de PBM desde a sua implementação em 2015 atĂ© Janeiro de 2017. Foram colhidos dados dos valores de Hemoglobina (Hb) de cada doente que efectuou consulta de PBM antes e apĂłs tratamento, endovenoso (ev), com ferro (Carboximaltose fĂ©rrica - Ferinject Âź ) e registada a necessidade transfusional de CEs no perĂ­odo peri-operatĂłrio. Resultados: Foram avaliados em consulta de PBM 40 doentes (90% com neoplasia gĂĄstrica ou colo-retal), 20 (50%) dos quais foram submetidos a cirurgia abdominal por laparotomia ou laparoscopia, dos restantes 20 (50%): 2 (10%) recusaram tratamento com ferro ev, 3 (15%) nĂŁo necessitavam de tratamento cirĂșrgico, 3 (15%) recusaram cirurgia, 3 (15%) nĂŁo apresentavam as condiçÔes clĂ­nicas para administração de ferro ev e os restantes 9 (45%) ainda aguardavam cirurgia. Durante este perĂ­odo ocorreram 3 Ăłbitos, no grupo dos doentes que aguardavam cirurgia, resultantes da sua patologia de base. Dos 20 doentes operados, 52.3% eram do sexo feminino (♀) e 47.7% do sexo masculino (♂). A mĂ©dia da idade dos doentes estudados foi de 73 anos no ♀ e de 70 anos no ♂. O valor mĂ©dio de Hb, registado, prĂ©-tratamento com ferro ev foi de 10.1 g/dL e de 9.7 g/dL respetivamente para ♀ e ♂. ApĂłs um tratamento com ferro ev os valores de Hb subiram para 11.1 (♀) e 11.4 g/dL (♂). Do total de doentes submetidos a cirurgia, 2 foram transfundidos com concentrado eritrocitĂĄrio (2CEs cada um) no perĂ­odo peri-operatĂłrio. ConclusĂ”es: Desde a sua implementação, parcial, no HFF, o PBM permitiu a otimização de doentes com anemia prĂ©- operatĂłria nĂŁo tendo sido realizada transfusĂŁo de CE em 90% dos doentes sujeitos a cirurgia. O PBM Ă©, em nosso entender, uma ferramenta essencial para a optimização dos doentes prĂ©-cirĂșrgicos, permitindo uma racionalização dos recursos disponĂ­veis em CEs e concomitantemente evitar potenciais efeitos adversos, Ă  transfusĂŁo, nestes doentes jĂĄ debilitados pela patologia de base. 1 Shander A. et al, "Patient Blood Management", British Journal of Anaesthesia, 109 (1): 55-68, (2012).N/

    Bioinformatics on the Cloud Computing Platform Azure

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    We discuss the applicability of the Microsoft cloud computing platform, Azure, for bioinformatics. We focus on the usability of the resource rather than its performance. We provide an example of how R can be used on Azure to analyse a large amount of microarray expression data deposited at the public database ArrayExpress. We provide a walk through to demonstrate explicitly how Azure can be used to perform these analyses in Appendix S1 and we offer a comparison with a local computation. We note that the use of the Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering of Azure can represent a steep learning curve for bioinformatics developers who will usually have a Linux and scripting language background. On the other hand, the presence of an additional set of libraries makes it easier to deploy software in a parallel (scalable) fashion and explicitly manage such a production run with only a few hundred lines of code, most of which can be incorporated from a template. We propose that this environment is best suited for running stable bioinformatics software by users not involved with its development. © 2014 Shanahan et al

    Jejunal Diverticular Perforation due to Enterolith

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    Jejunal diverticulosis is a rare entity with variable clinical and anatomical presentations. Although there is no consensus on the management of asymptomatic jejunal diverticular disease, some complications are potentially life-threatening and require early surgical treatment. Small bowel perforation secondary to jejunal diverticulitis by enteroliths is rare. The aim of this study was to report a case of small intestinal perforation caused by a large jejunal enterolith. An 86-year-old woman was admitted with signs of diffuse peritonitis. After initial fluid recovery the patient underwent emergency laparotomy. The surgery showed that she had small bowel diverticular disease, mainly localized in the proximal jejunum. The peritonitis was due to intestinal perforation caused by an enterolith 12 cm in length, localized inside one of these diverticula. The intestinal segment containing the perforated diverticulum with the enterolith was removed and an end-to-end anastomosis was done to reconstruct the intestinal transit. The patient recovered well and was discharged from hospital on the 5th postoperative day. There were no signs of abdominal pain 1 year after the surgical procedure. Although jejunal diverticular disease with its complications, such as formation of enteroliths, is difficult to suspect in patients with peritonitis, it should be considered as a possible source of abdominal infection in the elderly patient when more common diagnoses have been excluded

    LevothyroxÂź new and old formulations: are they switchable for millions of patients?

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    International audienceIn France, more than 2.5 million patients are currently treated with levothyroxine, mainly as the marketed product Levothyrox Âź. In March 2017, at the request of French authorities, a new formulation of Levothyrox Âź was licensed, with the objective of avoiding stability deficiencies of the old formulation. Before launching this new formulation, an average bioequivalence trial, based on European Union recommended guidelines, was performed. The implicit rationale was the assumption that the two products, being bioequivalent, would also be switchable, allowing substitution of the new for the old formulation, thus avoiding the need for individual calibration of the dosage regimen of thyroxine, using the thyroid-stimulating hormone level as the endpoint, as required for a new patient on initiating treatment. Despite the fact that both formulations were shown to be bioequivalent, adverse drug reactions were reported in several thousands of patients after taking the new formulation. In this opinion paper, we report that more than 50% of healthy volunteers enrolled in a successful regulatory average bioequivalence trial were actually outside the a priori bioequivalence range. Therefore, we question the ability of an average bioequivalence trial to guarantee the switchability within patients of the new and old levothyroxine formulations. We further propose an analysis of this problem using the conceptual framework of individual bioequivalence. This involves investigating the bioavailability of the two formulations within a subject, by comparing not only the population means (as established by average bioequivalence) but also by assessing two variance terms, namely the within-subject variance and the variance estimating subject-by-formulation interaction. A higher within individual variability for the new formulation would lead to reconsideration of the appropriateness of the new formulation. Alternatively, a possible subject-by-formulation interaction would allow a judgement on the ability, or not, of doctors to manage patients effectively during transition from the old to the new formulation

    Bioenergetic Consequences of PINK1 Mutations in Parkinson Disease

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    BACKGROUND: Mutations of the gene for PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) are a cause of familial Parkinson's disease (PD). PINK1 protein has been localised to mitochondria and PINK1 gene knockout models exhibit abnormal mitochondrial function. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cells derived from PD patients with a range of PINK1 mutations demonstrate similar defects of mitochondrial function, whether the nature and severity of the abnormalities vary between mutations and correlate with clinical features. METHODOLOGY: We investigated mitochondrial bioenergetics in live fibroblasts from PINK1 mutation patients using single cell techniques. We found that fibroblasts from PINK1 mutation patients had significant defects of bioenergetics including reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, altered redox state, a respiratory deficiency that was determined by substrate availability, and enhanced sensitivity to calcium stimulation and associated mitochondrial permeability pore opening. There was an increase in the basal rate of free radical production in the mutant cells. The pattern and severity of abnormality varied between different mutations, and the less severe defects in these cells were associated with later age of onset of PD. CONCLUSIONS: The results provide insight into the molecular pathology of PINK1 mutations in PD and also confirm the critical role of substrate availability in determining the biochemical phenotype--thereby offering the potential for novel therapeutic strategies to circumvent these abnormalities

    Health problems of nursing workers in a public educational institution

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    Objective: To identify the issues occurred with nursing workers through a Health Monitoring System for Nursing Workers (SIMOSTE) and to describe the consequences of those problems. Method: This is a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study realized in a teaching hospital in the west region of the city of SĂŁo Paulo. Results: From the SIMOSTE, 1.847 occurrences were registered in a six month period. Within the main occurrences, medical licenses, work related accidents with and without removals; psychiatric consultations and psychotherapy were highlighted. Conclusion: The data points out to the need for the development of new health vigilance actions to notify accidents and illness related to work, besides the prevention of issues

    Toxocariasis in children attending a Public Health Service Pneumology Unit in ParanĂĄ State, Brazil

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    The enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the most widely used tool to detect anti-Toxocara IgG antibodies for both serodiagnostic and seroepidemiological surveys on human toxocariasis. In the last eight years a high prevalence of toxocariasis (32.2-56.0%) has been reported in children attending public health units from municipalities in the state of ParanĂĄ, Brazil. Therefore, the aim of this work was to compare the frequency found among the general child population with that of children attending a public pneumology service in MaringĂĄ, ParanĂĄ, Brazil and describe the laboratorial, clinical and epidemiological findings. The research was conducted at the ConsĂłrcio PĂșblico Intermunicipal de SaĂșde do SetentriĂŁo Paranaense (CISAMUSEP) from July 2009 to July 2010 among children aged between one and 15 years. From a total of 167 children studied, only 4.2% (7/167) tested positive for anti-Toxocara spp. IgG antibodies and presented mild eosinophilia (2/7), increased serum IgE levels (6/7) and a positive allergy test for mites (5/7). The presence of pets (dogs or cats) at home did not correlate with the seroprevalence. In conclusion, cases of toxocariasis involving the respiratory tract are rare in children attending a public health pneumology unit in the northwestern region of ParanĂĄ State, despite the high prevalence of this type of toxocariasis among the infantile population attending Basic Health Units in the same geographical area

    A new vicious cycle involving glutamate excitotoxicity, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dynamics

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    Glutamate excitotoxicity leads to fragmented mitochondria in neurodegenerative diseases, mediated by nitric oxide and S-nitrosylation of dynamin-related protein 1, a mitochondrial outer membrane fission protein. Optic atrophy gene 1 (OPA1) is an inner membrane protein important for mitochondrial fusion. Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA), caused by mutations in OPA1, is a neurodegenerative disease affecting mainly retinal ganglion cells (RGCs). Here, we showed that OPA1 deficiency in an ADOA model influences N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor expression, which is involved in glutamate excitotoxicity and oxidative stress. Opa1enu/+ mice show a slow progressive loss of RGCs, activation of astroglia and microglia, and pronounced mitochondrial fission in optic nerve heads as found by electron tomography. Expression of NMDA receptors (NR1, 2A, and 2B) in the retina of Opa1enu/+ mice was significantly increased as determined by western blot and immunohistochemistry. Superoxide dismutase 2 (SOD2) expression was significantly decreased, the apoptotic pathway was activated as Bax was increased, and phosphorylated Bad and BcL-xL were decreased. Our results conclusively demonstrate that not only glutamate excitotoxicity and/or oxidative stress alters mitochondrial fission/fusion, but that an imbalance in mitochondrial fission/fusion in turn leads to NMDA receptor upregulation and oxidative stress. Therefore, we propose a new vicious cycle involved in neurodegeneration that includes glutamate excitotoxicity, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dynamics

    Measurement of the inclusive and dijet cross-sections of b-jets in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    The inclusive and dijet production cross-sections have been measured for jets containing b-hadrons (b-jets) in proton-proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, using the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The measurements use data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 34 pb^-1. The b-jets are identified using either a lifetime-based method, where secondary decay vertices of b-hadrons in jets are reconstructed using information from the tracking detectors, or a muon-based method where the presence of a muon is used to identify semileptonic decays of b-hadrons inside jets. The inclusive b-jet cross-section is measured as a function of transverse momentum in the range 20 < pT < 400 GeV and rapidity in the range |y| < 2.1. The bbbar-dijet cross-section is measured as a function of the dijet invariant mass in the range 110 < m_jj < 760 GeV, the azimuthal angle difference between the two jets and the angular variable chi in two dijet mass regions. The results are compared with next-to-leading-order QCD predictions. Good agreement is observed between the measured cross-sections and the predictions obtained using POWHEG + Pythia. MC@NLO + Herwig shows good agreement with the measured bbbar-dijet cross-section. However, it does not reproduce the measured inclusive cross-section well, particularly for central b-jets with large transverse momenta.Comment: 10 pages plus author list (21 pages total), 8 figures, 1 table, final version published in European Physical Journal
