135 research outputs found

    Combining mammaglobin and carcinoembryonic mRNA markers for early detection of micrometastases from breast cancers - a molecular study of 59 patients

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    Introduction: As many as 30% of node-negative breast cancer patients relapse within five years, suggesting that current histological detection methods are inadequate for identifying metastatic disease. Detecting small number of cancer cells in the breast tissue or lymph node by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assays using a combination of tissue and cancer specific markers might be very useful in the early detection or monitoring of the treatment. Mammaglobin is a member of the uteroglobin gene family and appears to be expressed only in breast tissue. Carcinoembryonic antigen has been the preferred molecular marker for detection of micro metastases in lymph nodes in almost all carcinomas. Materials and Methods: Samples were collected from randomly chosen breast cancer patients undergoing modified mastectomy or breast conserving surgery between September 2003 and July 2004. RT-PCR was applied to study the expression of MMG and CEA markers. Breast cancer micrometastases in axillary lymph nodes were also assessed. Results: The MMG marker was positive in 9/10 normal breast tissues, 3/ 3 breast fibroadenomas and 37/39 of breast carcinoma tissues, giving an overall sensitivity of 94%. The sensitivity was 80% for metastatic lymph node samples. On the other hand CEA showed 95% sensitivity for malignant breast tumors and 100% sensitivity for metastatic lymph nodes. Conclusions: RT-PCR using a combination of MMG and CEA markers is a powerful tool to complement current routine histopathology techniques for detection of breast cancer metastasis in axillary nodes

    Prevalence of human papillomavirus genotypes in women with normal and abnormal cervical cytology in Iran

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    Introduction: HPV infection has a prime etiologic role in development and progression of cervical cancer, one of the most frequent forms of cancer among women in developing countries. This study was designed to determine the most prevalent HPV genotypes in women with normal and abnormal cervical cytology in Iran. Materials and Methods: Samples from134 patients, including 127 who attended gynecology clinics and 7 with solid cervical tumors were used. All 127 patients underwent routine Pap tests for cytological evaluation and at the same visit a sample of cervical epithelial cells was obtained by scraping the cervix osteum. In each case HPV infection was primarily evaluated by PCR using GP 5/6 primers and then subtyping was performed in proved infected samples with specific primers for HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 11 and 6. After cytological evaluation, 50 patients with abnormal Pap tests were categorized as the abnormal group and the remaining 77 patients as the normal group. Results: In the normal group, HPV infection was established in 10 cases (13% infection rate), while 30 HPV positive cases were discovered in the abnormal group (60% infected). The most prevalent genotypes among the infected samples were HPV 16 (76%), HPV18 (12.7%) and HPV11/6 (8.5%). Moreover, all 7 tumor samples were positive for HPV general primers of which, 5 samples were infected with HPV 16, two were co-infected with HPV16,18 and HPV16,31 genotypes and one was infected with HPV 18. Conclusions: Infection with HPV 16 was found to be significantly higher in abnormal group in comparison with normal group (42% vs. 11.6%, P value <0.005), likewise HPV18 genotypes were proved to be more prevalent in abnormal group (8% vs. 0%, P value <0.05). No significant relation between other HPV genotypes and pathologic cervical changes was obtained. According to our study high rates of infection with HPV genotypes in sexually active Iranian women makes molecular investigation for HPV16 and 18 very essential in clinical approaches to patients with proven dysplasia in their screening tests and also for those patients with borderline (i.e. ASCUS) or incongruous pathology reports. Larger studies are required to determine the most appropriate vaccine with highest protection in Iranian women

    A novelty in laparoscopic total colectomy with natural orifice specimen extraction using a plastic cover Uma novidade na colectomia total laparoscópica com extração de espécime em orifício natural usando uma cobertura plastic

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    Introduction: Minimally invasive colectomy has been performed for some years for many patients worldwide without much complications compared to the open approach. In this study we explained our experience regarding a modification in laparoscopic total colectomy and removing the specimen with Natural Orifice Specimen Extraction (NOSE) through rectum using a plastic cover for the first time. Methods and material: This was an experimental study on a new technique of total colectomy with a small modification. Total colectomy was performed based on 7 port laparoscopic approach. Rectum was sparred. Colon was then taken out through the anal canal using a plastic cover. Results: Thirteen patients underwent laparoscopic total colectomy by removal of the specimen through rectum. Mean age of patients was 42.23 ± 8.15 years. Mean duration of operation was 130 ± 32.4 min. All patients had an uneventful postoperative hospitalization. Discussion: Laparoscopic total colectomy has been proven to have superior benefits than the open approach. In NOSE technique, colon is removed from the anal canal without any complication or consuming much time. This technique might have less pain and removes the complications associated with an incision on the skin to remove the specimen. Also, due to low price of a usual plastic cover, it can be used instead of other techniques to remove the specimen through the rectum. © 2020 Sociedade Brasileira de Coloproctologi

    Characterization of the serum levels of Meteorin-like in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and its association with inflammatory cytokines

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    Background: Meteorin-like (Metrnl) is an adipokine with insulin sensitizing and anti-inflammatory properties that has been discovered recently. The relation among Metrnl, Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), and obesity has been unexplored yet. Methods: The present study was conducted on 54 healthy control, 42 Ulcerative Colitis (UC), and 43 Crohn�s disease (CD) patients who were diagnosed by pathological examination. In all participants, serum levels of adiponectin, Metrnl, interleukin (IL)-6, and Tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α) were measured using ELISA kits. Results: Metrnl concentration was considerably lower in both UC (85.25 ± 36.55 pg/mL) and CD (76.93 ± 27.92 pg/mL) patients in comparison to control (107.52 ± 35.33 pg/mL). In addition, it was seen that both patient groups have a decreased level of adiponectin compared to the controls. Besides that, the level of IL-6 and TNF-α were significantly greater in the patient groups. Moreover, the result showed that the level of Metrnl is inversely correlated with body mass index (BMI) in the controls and the patients. Metrnl levels are also inversely associated with IL-6, and TNF-α in both of the patient groups. Conclusions: The current study is the first one reporting the decreased levels of Metrnl in serum among patients with IBD, which is inversely related with BMI, TNF-α, and IL-6. These results suggested a possible relation of Metrnl with the pathogenesis of IBD, particularly through inflammatory process, although further studies are warranted to dissect the possible mechanism. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Development and storage stability of fish strudel

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    Awareness of health and nutrition of fish has led the food industry to development of fishery-based ready-to-eat products. In this study seven filling materials based on 60-70 - 80% fish mince from 7 local fish species ‘i.e.’ Talang Queen fish (Scomberoides commersonnianus), oriental sole (Brachirus orientalis), Barred sickle fish (Drepane longimana), Big eye Croaker (Pennahia anea), Japanese threadfin bream (Nemipterus japonicas), javelin grunter (pomadasys kaakan) and Indian mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) were formulated and applied for developing fish strudels. A 9-point hedonic scale ranging from 1 (extremely dislike) to 9 (extremely like) was used for screening the acceptance of the prototypes. A 3-component D-optimal Mixture Design was also applied to optimize the fish strudel formulation. Preliminary experiments were done to identify the high-impact ingredients, which had a high effect on the sensory quality when their levels (%) were changed. The results indicated that fish strudel containing 60% Talang Queen fish (Scomberoides commersonnianus) mince in the filling materials had significantly higher liking in odor, flavor, and overall acceptability than the other prototypes. So it was selected for quality changes study. Product's characteristics and stability were studied during 6-month storage at -18 °C. The fish strudel packed in a polyethylene sealed bag was stable during the storage period. The peroxide and TVBN values remained low. The results in this paper provide important information for companies planning to develop convenience food from low value fish. Furthermore, development of strudel filled with fish mince/ flesh could be an effective way to enhance nutritional and functional value of such products. The products could be used as a nutritious snack especially for kids which could be a means of increasing fish consumption

    Correction to: The emerging role of probiotics as a mitigation strategy against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID�19) (Archives of Virology, (2021), 166, 7, (1819-1840), 10.1007/s00705-021-05036-8)

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    Authors would like to correct the error in their publication. The original article has been corrected. 1. Reference 17 is incorrect. The correct one should be �The probiotic Bifidobacterium in the management of Coronavirus: A theoretical basis� https://doi.org/10.1177/2058738420961304. 2. The unnecessary symbol �??� found in text is deleted. © 2021, Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature

    Bone mineral density in Iranian adolescents and young adults with β-thalassemia major

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    The authors investigated the prevalence of low bone mass in patients from Tehran, Iran, with β-thalassemia major (n = 203), aged 10-20 years, and the potential risk factors for osteoporosis in this patient population. Prevalence of osteoporosis was 50.7 in lumbar spine, 10.8 in femur, and 7.9 in both regions with no significant difference between the two genders. The following factors were associated with low BMD: height for age and weight for age below 3rd percentile, delayed puberty or hypogonadism, age when Desferal (for iron chelation) was started, duration of Desferal therapy, and serum zinc. Low serum copper and 25(OH)D were not associated with low BMD. Copyright © Informa Healthcare USA, Inc

    Mapping geographical inequalities in childhood diarrhoeal morbidity and mortality in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–17 : analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

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    Background Across low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), one in ten deaths in children younger than 5 years is attributable to diarrhoea. The substantial between-country variation in both diarrhoea incidence and mortality is attributable to interventions that protect children, prevent infection, and treat disease. Identifying subnational regions with the highest burden and mapping associated risk factors can aid in reducing preventable childhood diarrhoea. Methods We used Bayesian model-based geostatistics and a geolocated dataset comprising 15 072 746 children younger than 5 years from 466 surveys in 94 LMICs, in combination with findings of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2017, to estimate posterior distributions of diarrhoea prevalence, incidence, and mortality from 2000 to 2017. From these data, we estimated the burden of diarrhoea at varying subnational levels (termed units) by spatially aggregating draws, and we investigated the drivers of subnational patterns by creating aggregated risk factor estimates. Findings The greatest declines in diarrhoeal mortality were seen in south and southeast Asia and South America, where 54·0% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 38·1–65·8), 17·4% (7·7–28·4), and 59·5% (34·2–86·9) of units, respectively, recorded decreases in deaths from diarrhoea greater than 10%. Although children in much of Africa remain at high risk of death due to diarrhoea, regions with the most deaths were outside Africa, with the highest mortality units located in Pakistan. Indonesia showed the greatest within-country geographical inequality; some regions had mortality rates nearly four times the average country rate. Reductions in mortality were correlated to improvements in water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) or reductions in child growth failure (CGF). Similarly, most high-risk areas had poor WASH, high CGF, or low oral rehydration therapy coverage. Interpretation By co-analysing geospatial trends in diarrhoeal burden and its key risk factors, we could assess candidate drivers of subnational death reduction. Further, by doing a counterfactual analysis of the remaining disease burden using key risk factors, we identified potential intervention strategies for vulnerable populations. In view of the demands for limited resources in LMICs, accurately quantifying the burden of diarrhoea and its drivers is important for precision public health

    On the mechanisms governing gas penetration into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection

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    A new 1D radial fluid code, IMAGINE, is used to simulate the penetration of gas into a tokamak plasma during a massive gas injection (MGI). The main result is that the gas is in general strongly braked as it reaches the plasma, due to mechanisms related to charge exchange and (to a smaller extent) recombination. As a result, only a fraction of the gas penetrates into the plasma. Also, a shock wave is created in the gas which propagates away from the plasma, braking and compressing the incoming gas. Simulation results are quantitatively consistent, at least in terms of orders of magnitude, with experimental data for a D 2 MGI into a JET Ohmic plasma. Simulations of MGI into the background plasma surrounding a runaway electron beam show that if the background electron density is too high, the gas may not penetrate, suggesting a possible explanation for the recent results of Reux et al in JET (2015 Nucl. Fusion 55 093013)