6,328 research outputs found

    A Website Designed to Equip Occupational Therapists with Information and Strategies for Holistically Addressing Sexual Activity with the Geriatric Population

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    As individuals age, they are likely to experience occupational deprivation. Occupational deprivation occurs in many forms. Many older adults experience occupational deprivation relating to the activity of daily living, sexual activity. Older adults experience many age-related changes, which impacts their ability to engage in sexual activity. Health care professionals have a responsibility to ensure older adults are able to engage in safe sexual practices. Yet, healthcare professionals, including occupational therapists, are not addressing this need with their clients in a routine manner. A literature review was conducted in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of all the barriers older adults experience when engaging in sexual activity. Research identified several barriers including age related changes; the ability to provide consent; sexually transmitted diseases; ageism; healthcare professionals\u27 attitudes, knowledge, and perceptions; lack of sexual partner; depression and anxiety; and other health related concerns in correlation to old age, such as arthritis, cancer, or dementia (Bauer, Haesler, & Fetherstonhaugh, 2016; Bauer et al., 2016; Benjamin Rose Institute on Aging, 2017; Freak-Poli et al., 2017; Ginsberg, 2006; Syme & Steele, 2016; & Tsatali & Tsolaki, 2014). In order to address these concerns an educational website was developed for occupational therapists on the importance of addressing safe sexual practices with their older clients. The goal of this product is to provide support, education, and resources for occupational therapists, ultimately enabling them to holistically address their patients\u27 needs and desires in relation to sexual activity

    Realidad jurídica de las asociaciones de consumidores de cannabis

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    En este trabajo se llevará a cabo un análisis de la situación jurídica actual de las asociaciones de cánnabis en nuestro país, para ello partiremos de la base en la que se sustenta la creación de estas agrupaciones, esta es, el derecho de asociación y la planta comúnmente conocida como marihuana. A continuación haremos un breve repaso por la historia jurídica de ambos conceptos en el estado español para seguir con su regulación actual en dicho estado sin olvidar la doctrina del Tribunal Supremo sobre esta materia. Todo ello nos conducirá a examinar la posible existencia de este tipo de asociaciones en el resto de estados junto con su regulación sobre esta planta, por ello realizaremos un estudio sucinto sobre los orígenes de las políticas internacionales sobre las drogas y su tratamiento, para lo cual veremos las regulaciones acerca de esta sustancia de una selección de países de la comunidad internacional, así como la normativa comunitaria existente sobre esta planta y la regulación de la misma es distintos estados miembros.In this work, an analysis of the current legal situation of cannabis associations in our country will be carried out, for this we will start from the basis on which the creation of these groups is based, that is, the right of association and the plant commonly known as marijuana. Below we will make a brief review of the legal history of both concepts in the Spanish state to continue with its current regulation in that state without forgetting the doctrine of the Supreme Court on this matter. All this will lead us to examine the possible existence of this type of association in the rest of the states together with its regulation on this plant, for this reason we will carry out a succinct study on the origins of international policies on drugs and their treatment, for which we will see the regulations on this substance from a selection of countries of the international community, as well as the existing community regulations on this plant and the regulation of it in different member states

    Presaging critical residues in protein interfaces-web server (PCRPi-W):a web server to chart hot spots in protein interfaces

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    BACKGROUND: It is well established that only a portion of residues that mediate protein-protein interactions (PPIs), the so-called hot spot, contributes the most to the total binding energy, and thus its identification is an important and relevant question that has clear applications in drug discovery and protein design. The experimental identification of hot spots is however a lengthy and costly process, and thus there is an interest in computational tools that can complement and guide experimental efforts. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here, we present Presaging Critical Residues in Protein interfaces-Web server (http://www.bioinsilico.org/PCRPi), a web server that implements a recently described and highly accurate computational tool designed to predict critical residues in protein interfaces: PCRPi. PRCPi depends on the integration of structural, energetic, and evolutionary-based measures by using Bayesian Networks (BNs). CONCLUSIONS: PCRPi-W has been designed to provide an easy and convenient access to the broad scientific community. Predictions are readily available for download or presented in a web page that includes among other information links to relevant files, sequence information, and a Jmol applet to visualize and analyze the predictions in the context of the protein structure

    Microbial diversity dynamics in a methanogenic-sulfidogenic UASB reactor

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    In this study, the long-term performance and microbial dynamics of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor targeting sulfate reduction in a SOx emissions treatment system were assessed using crude glycerol as organic carbon source and electron donor under constant S and C loading rates. The reactor was inoculated with granular sludge obtained from a pulp and paper industry and fed at a constant inlet sulfate concentration of 250 mg S-SO42−L−1 and a constant C/S ratio of 1.5 ± 0.3 g Cg−1 S for over 500 days. Apart from the regular analysis of chemical species, Illumina analyses of the 16S rRNA gene were used to study the dynamics of the bacterial community along with the whole operation. The reactor was sampled along the operation to monitor its diversity and the changes in targeted species to gain insight into the performance of the sulfidogenic UASB. Moreover, studies on the stratification of the sludge bed were performed by sampling at different reactor heights. Shifts in the UASB performance correlated well with the main shifts in microbial communities of interest. A progressive loss of the methanogenic capacity towards a fully sulfidogenic UASB was explained by a progressive wash-out of methanogenic Archaea, which were outcompeted by sulfate-reducing bacteria. Desulfovibrio was found as the main sulfate-reducing genus in the reactor along time. A progressive reduction in the sulfidogenic capacity of the UASB was found in the long run due to the accumulation of a slime-like substance in the UASB

    Tandem Mobility Mass Spectrometry Study of Electrosprayed Tetraheptyl Ammonium Bromide Clusters

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    Multiply charged electrospray ions from concentrated solutions of Heptyl4N+Br− (designated A+B− hereafter) in formamide are analyzed mass spectrometrically (MS) following mobility selection in ambient air in a differential mobility analyzer (DMA). Most of the sharp mobility peaks seen are identified as (AB)nA+ clusters, with 0 ≤ n ≤ 5. One anomalously abundant and mobile ion is identified as NH4+(AB)4. Six ions in the (AB)n(A+)2 series are also identified, completing and correcting earlier mobility data for singly and doubly charged ions up to masses of almost 9000 Da. The more mobile of two broad humps seen in the mobility spectrum includes m/z values approximately from 2500 up to 12,000 Da. It is formed primarily by multiply charged (AB)n(A+)z clusters with multiple ammonium bromide adducts. Because of overlapping of many peaks of different m/z and charge state z, only a few individual species can be identified by MS alone in this highly congested region. However, the spectral simplification brought about by mobility selection upstream of the MS reveals a series of broad modulations in m/z space, with all ions resolved in the second, third, …sixth modulation being in charge states z = 2, 3, …6, respectively. Extrapolation of this trend beyond the sixth wave fixes the ion charge state (in some cases up to z = 15) and mass (beyond m = 175,000 u). This wavy structure had been previously observed and explained in terms of ion evaporation kinetics from volatile drops, though without mass identification. All observations indicate that the clusters are formed as charged residues, but their charge state is fixed by the Iribarne-Thomson ion evaporation mechanism. Consequently, the measured curve of cluster diameter versus z yields the two parameters governing ion evaporation kinetics. Clusters with z > 1 and electrical mobility Z > 0.495 cm2/V/s are metastable and evaporate a singly charged cluster, probably (AB)2A+, between the DMA and the MS. Plotting the electrical mobilities Z of the clusters in the form (z/Z)1/2 versus m1/3 (both proportional to cluster diameter) collapse the data for all cluster sizes and charge states into one single straight line for Z below 0.495 cm2/V/s. This linear relation reveals a uniform apparent cluster density of 0.935 g/cm3 and an effective hard-sphere diameter of the air molecules of 0.44 nm. An anomalous mobility increase is observed at diameters below 3 nm

    Polylingualism in Monolingual Yekaterinburg, a 2018 World Football Cup City

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    The paper was aimed at finding the alternative substitute communicative practices and factors influencing communicative situations between Spanish-speaking visitors and their Russian hosts in monolingual Yekaterinburg during the 2018 World Football Cup. The socio-linguistic data revealed that visitors and hosts used multimodal modes of communication such as ‘polylanguaging’ in metrolingual situations. The atmosphere and guests’ and hosts’ attitudes during the tournament contributed to communication as well as imprint an everlasting image of the city and Russia on all visitors. Keywords: polylanguaging, metrolingualism, multimodality, world football cup, Spanish languag

    Exploring the performance limits of a sulfidogenic UASB during the long-term use of crude glycerol as electron donor

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    SOx contained in flue gases and S-rich liquid effluents can be valorized to recover elemental sulfur in a two-stage bioscrubbing process. The reduction of sulfate to sulfide is the most crucial stage to be optimized. In this study, the long-term performance of an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor using crude glycerol as electron donor was assessed. The UASB was operated for 400 days with different sulfate and organic loading rates (SLR and OLR, respectively) and a COD/S-SO42− ratio ranging from 3.8 g O2 g−1 S to 5.4 g O2 g−1 S. After inoculation with methanogenic, granular biomass, the competition between sulfate-reducing and methanogenic microorganisms determined to what extent dissolved sulfide and methane were produced. After the complete washout of methanogens, which was revealed by next-generation sequencing analysis, the highest S-EC was reached in the system. The highest average sulfate elimination capacity (S-EC = 4.3 kg S m−3d−1) was obtained at a COD/S-SO42− ratio of 5.4 g O2 g−1 S and an OLR of 24.4 kg O2 m−3d−1 with a sulfate removal efficiency of 94%. The conversion of influent COD to methane decreased from 12% to 2.5% as the SLR increased while a large fraction of acetate (35% of the initial COD) was accumulated. Our data indicate that crude glycerol can promote sulfidogenesis. However, the disappearance of methanogens in the long-term due to the out competition by sulfate reducing bacteria, lead to such large accumulation of acetate