81 research outputs found
Patients’ expectations and satisfaction towards an Internet-based treatment for flying phobia: preliminary data
The treatment of choice for specific phobias is in vivo exposure. Despite the proven efficacy of this technique, it is linked to a number of limitations in its acceptation. Information and Communication Technologies (i.e., computerassisted exposure programs and Internet) could help to overcome these issues. However, to our knowledge, no other studies investigate the acceptability of an Internet-based treatment for Flying Phobia. The aim of this work is to offer data about the patients’ expectations and satisfaction towards NO-FEAR Airlines in a pilot study. The sample was composed by four participants residents in Spain (N=3) and Colombia (N=1). Participants completed the Treatment ExpectationSatisfaction Questionnaire, reporting high expectations (M=8.7; SD=.85) and satisfaction (M=9.4; SD=.44) about the treatment. In conclusion, NO-FEAR Airlines was a well accepted Internet-based Treatment for FP
El papel protector de las variables psicológicas positivas y su relación con el cambio clínico tras la intervención en los trastornos adaptativos
III Jornades d’Investigació per a l’Alumnat de la Facultat de Ciències de la SalutIntroducción: El trastorno adaptativo (TA) es uno de los problemas psicológicos másprevalentes, pero se desconocen los factores que puedan influir en su gravedad orespuesta al tratamiento. Diferentes estudios indican que el bienestar y otras variablespositivas pueden influir en la morbilidad y cambio clínico (CC). Objetivos: Analizar lacapacidad de algunas variables psicológicas positivas (VP+) para predecir la intensidadde la sintomatología clínica en pacientes con TA, y explorar en qué medida predicenel CC tras la intervención. Método: La muestra incluyó 44 pacientes. Los cuestionariosde autoestima, refuerzos ambientales (EROS) y bienestar psicológico (BP-29)se utilizaron como medidas de VP+ antes del tratamiento psicológico. El CC en síntomasde depresión, estrés y pérdida, y afecto positivo y negativo se evaluó en el posttratamientoy seguimientos (3, 6 y 12 meses). Resultados: Un entorno reforzantepredecía la intensidad de la sintomatología clínica, siendo ésta menos grave en pacientesque lo valoraban como más reforzante. Poseer en menor medida VP+ relacionadascon autoestima, refuerzo del entorno y ciertas dimensiones de bienestar psicológico(crecimiento personal y autoaceptación), predecía mayor CC después de laintervención. Conclusiones: Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis de que las VP+, tantopersonales como del entorno, funcionan como factores protectores ante la adversidaden pacientes con TA. Sin embargo, el poseer en menor medida dichas cualidades pareceno impedir a los pacientes beneficiarse del tratamiento. Esto podría indicar quedurante la intervención los pacientes adquieren conocimientos y herramientas necesariaspara el cambio, independientemente de sus recursos iniciales.Introduction: Adjustment Disorders (AD) are one of the most prevalent psychologicalproblems, but the factors that might influence in their severity or response to treatmentare unknown. Different studies indicate that well-being and other positive variables mayinfluence morbidity and clinical change (CC). Objectives: To analyze the capacity ofsome positive psychological variables (PV+) to predict the intensity of the clinical symptomsin patients with AD, and to examine whether they predict the CC after intervention.Method: The sample consisted of 44 patients. The questionnaires of self-esteem, environmentalreinforcements (EROS) and well-being (BP-29) were used as measures ofPV+ before receiving psychological treatment. The CC in symptoms of depression,stress and loss, and positive and negative affect were assessed at post-treatment andfollow-ups (3, 6 and 12 months). Results: A reinforcing environment predicted the intensityof the clinical symptoms, being this less severe in patients who perceived it morereinforcing. Having in a lesser extent PV+ related to self-esteem, environmental reinforcementand certain dimensions of well-being (personal growth and self-acceptance)predicted greater CC after intervention. Conclusions: Results support the hypothesisthat PV+, both personal and environmental, act as protective factors against adversityin patients with AD. However, having in a lesser extent these qualities seems not toprevent patients to get benefit from treatment. This could indicate that during the treatmentpatients acquire the knowledge and tools needed for the change, regardless theirinitial resources
Explorando la evaluación de los Trastornos Adaptativos: diferencias entre una muestra general y clínica
Adjustment Disorders (AjD) are one of the most prevalent
psychological problems in primary and hospital care. It is necessary
to have evidence-based instruments to help professionals diagnose
and better understand this problem, which has been little studied. This
study presents an adaptation of the Inventory of Complicated Grief for
the assessment of AjD symptoms, referred to as the Inventory of Stress
and Loss (ISL), and explores the differences in the response to stressful
situations between general and clinical Spanish populations. Methods:
The general sample included 208 participants, and the clinical sample 91
patients with AjD. Results: Results showed that the ISL has high internal
consistency. Confi rmatory factor analysis showed one single factor, as in
the original questionnaire. With respect to concurrent validity, the ISL
correlated positively with the STAI-T. Finally, signifi cant differences
were found in the total score on the questionnaire between the clinical
and general samples, and between men and women in the general sample.
Conclusions: Results suggest that the ISL is a simple, useful assessment
tool that exhibits good psychometric properties and makes it possible to
differentiate normal reactions to a stressful situation from pathological
reactions.Antecedentes: los Trastornos
Adaptativos (TA) son uno de los problemas psicológicos más prevalentes
en atención primaria y hospitalaria. Necesitamos disponer de instrumentos
basados en la evidencia que ayuden a los profesionales a diagnosticar y a
atender mejor este problema tan poco estudiado. Este estudio presenta
la adaptación del Inventario de Duelo Complicado para la evaluación de
los síntomas del TA, denominado Inventario de Estrés y Pérdida (IEP),
y explora las diferencias en la respuesta a situaciones estresantes entre
la población general y clínica española. Métodos: la muestra general
incluyó 208 participantes, y la muestra clínica 91 participantes con TA.
Resultados: los resultados mostraron que el IEP tiene una alta consistencia
interna. El análisis factorial confi rmatorio mostró un único factor, como
el cuestionario original. En cuanto a la validez convergente, el IEP
correlacionó positivamente con el STAI-R. Finalmente, se encontraron
diferencias signifi cativas en la puntuación total del cuestionario entre la
muestra general y clínica, y entre hombres y mujeres de la muestra general.
Conclusiones: los resultados sugieren que el IEP es una herramienta de
evaluación simple y útil que muestra buenos resultados psicométricos y
hace posible diferenciar las reacciones normales ante un acontecimiento
estresante de las patológicas
Percepciones del profesorado sobre evaluación y género en la Educación Física de secundaria en un centro escolar de Huesca
El presente estudio se propuso explorar e identificar las percepciones del profesorado de un centro escolar de Huesca sobre la evaluación de la asignatura de Educación Física (EF) en la etapa Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) atendiendo al género. Lo anterior se concretó a través de una metodología cualitativa de corte descriptivo, utilizando como instrumento la entrevista en profundidad. Se entrevistaron a cuatro docentes del instituto, tres hombres y una mujer. El análisis de datos se realizó a través de la codificación abierta con el soporte del software NVIVO 12. Tras el análisis se pudo identificar que los docentes de este centro, en líneas generales, no evalúan en función de las características de cada género, sino que buscan un proceso de evaluación lo más equitativo posible. Sin embargo, en algunas ocasiones, dependiendo del contenido, creen necesaria una diferenciación a la hora de establecer unos mínimos para cada sexo. De igual modo, se observó como la retroalimentación docente guarda relación aldesempeño de su alumnado sin tener en cuenta su género. Por lo tanto, los hallazgos encontrados ponen de manifiesto cómo la igualdad de género ha llegado a las aulas, encontrando cada vez una menor presencia de conductas estereotipadas hacia el género por parte del profesorado. Por ende, quedaría como perspectiva de futuro investigar las percepciones del estudiantado de EF en esta misma temática, dando voz a al alumnadopara poder contrastar si sus percepciones coinciden o difieren de las percepciones del profesorado.<br /
Objective: The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of yoga practice in patients with Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy (DPN) and to compare its acceptance among patients with chronic diseases other than DPN practicing non-yoga physical activities.
Methods: A pre-formed structured questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted with a total of 98 out of 240 patients screened recruited during face to face structured interview, with a diagnosis of DPN. Data on the socio-demographics, age, duration of disease, glycemic controls (hemoglobin A1C [HBA1C] levels), and pain scores, numbness, and physical activity and other comorbid illnesses were collected.
Results: A total of 248 pre-diagnosed diabetic patients were screened; 98 study subjects (M: F=66:32) were enrolled with a mean age found to be 55.28 years. As diagnosed clinically and electrophysiologically, the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy was found to be 39.51%. The mean pain score was 3.27. Risk factors for peripheral neuropathy included male sex, advanced age, higher body mass index (%), higher HbA1C (n=67.34%), having a sedentary lifestyle (38.77%), overweight (43, 44.89%), and obesity (21, 21.42%) and <40% belong to the diabetes of duration group of more than 10 years. A total of 16, male: 9 and female: 5 (22.85%) out of 70 subjects were using yoga as physical activity in peripheral neuropathy group and of the control group (non-peripheral neuropathy group), only 8 (25%) out of 25 were doing yoga. The overall proportions were compared using Chi-square, results were non-significant with p=−0.49; Chi-square statistic −0.47.
Conclusion: This implies that those with DPN are as likely to accept yoga as a physical activity compared to patients with other chronic illnesses practicing non-yoga physical activities
Internet-delivered Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for Adults with Prolonged Grief Disorder (PGD): A Study Protocol for a Randomized Feasibility Trial
Introduction Grief is an emotional reaction to the loss of a loved one with a natural recovery. Approximately 10% of people who lose a loved one develop prolonged grief disorder (PGD). Internet-based and computer-based interventions (ie, internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy, iCBT) are a cost-effective alternative that makes it possible to reach more people with PGD. The main aim of this study is to assess the feasibility of a new iCBT-called GROw-for PGD. As a secondary objective, the potential effectiveness of GROw will be explored. Methods and analysis This study is a two-arm feasibility randomised trial. A total of 48 adults with PGD who meet the eligibility criteria will be randomised to the experimental group (iCBT: GROw) or the active control group (face-to-face CBT treatment). The treatment is organised sequentially in eight modules in the iCBT format and 8-10 sessions in the face-to-face format, and both formats have the same therapeutic components. There will be five assessment points with qualitative and quantitative evaluations: screening, baseline, after the intervention, 3-month follow-up and 12-month follow-up. Consistent with the objectives, the measures are related to the feasibility outcomes for the main aim of the study (participant adherence, expectations and satisfaction with the treatment, preferences, alliance and utility) and psychological and mental health outcomes for secondary analyses (symptoms of grief, symptoms of depression, symptoms of anxiety, affectivity, quality of life, work and social adaptation, post-traumatic growth, purpose in life, mindfulness and compassion). Ethics and dissemination The Ethics Committee of the Universitat Jaume I (Castellon, Spain) granted approval for the study (CD/002/2019). Dissemination will include publications and presentations at national and international conferences
Acceptability of an internet-delivered intervention for adjustment disorder and its role as predictor of efficacy
Background: Internet-delivered interventions offer a feasible way to facilitate access to mental healthcare and considerable evidence supports their effectiveness for the treatment of different mental disorders. However, potential users' attitudes toward these interventions are crucial for their successful implementation. A better understanding of factors related to treatment acceptance and adherence is required to exploit the full potential of internet interventions. Hence, the aim of the present work was to analyze the acceptability of a therapist-guided internet-delivered CBT intervention for adjustment disorder and its impact on treatment outcomes. Methods: The acceptability was estimated from the acceptance to participate in the randomized controlled trial addressed to explore the effectiveness of the internet intervention in question. Other indicators of acceptability were treatment adherence, expectations, satisfaction, and opinion reported by 34 participants from the trial. Results: Willingness to try an internet intervention was observed and 76.5% of participants completed all seven treatment modules. Less positive initial expectations did not reduce treatment effectiveness, yet they might have led to treatment abandonment. Overall, participants were satisfied with the internet intervention and perceived it as a useful, comfortable and attractive way of receiving psychological assistance. Treatment modules aimed at promoting identification with the treatment goals, relapse prevention, and change in the meaning of the stressor were found to be related to posttraumatic growth and increase in positive affect and quality of life. Participants also expressed that the intervention required considerable motivation. In this regard, therapeutic support was perceived as an important adherence facilitator. Conclusion: The findings from this work support the suitability of internet interventions for the treatment of adjustment disorder. However, further research is required in order to develop guidelines for the design of more attractive and engaging internet interventions
An Internet-based treatment for Flying Phobia using 360° images: study protocol for a feasibility pilot study
Background: Flying Phobia (FP) is a prevalent disorder that can cause serious interference in a person’s life. ICBT
interventions have already shown their efficacy in several studies, but studies in the field of specific phobias are
still scarce. Moreover, few studies have investigated the feasibility of using different types of images in exposure
scenarios in ICBTs and no studies have been carried out on the role of sense of presence and reality judgement.
The aim of the present study is to explore the feasibility of an ICBT for FP (NO-FEAR Airlines) using two types of
images with different levels of immersion (still and navigable images). A secondary aim is to explore the potential effectiveness of the two experimental conditions using two types of images compared to a waiting list
control group. Finally, the role of navigable images compared to the still images in the level of anxiety, sense of
presence, and reality judgement will also be explored. This paper presents the study protocol.
Methods: This study is a three-armed feasibility pilot study with the following conditions: NO-FEAR Airlines with
navigable images, NO-FEAR Airlines with still images, and a waiting list group. A minimum of 60 participants
will be recruited. The intervention will have a maximum duration of 6 weeks. Measurements will be taken at four
different moments: baseline, post-intervention, and two follow-ups (3- and 12-month). Participants’ opinions,
preference, satisfaction and acceptance regarding the images used in the exposure scenarios will be assessed. FP
symptomatology outcomes will also be considered for secondary analyses. The anxiety, sense of presence, and
reality judgement in the exposure scenarios will also be analysed.
Discussion: This study will conduct a pilot study on the feasibility of an ICBT for FP and it is the first one to
explore the evaluation of patients of the two type of images (still and navigable) and the role of presence and
reality judgement in exposure scenarios delivered through the Internet. Research in this field can have an impact
on the way these scenarios are designed and developed, as well as helping to explore whether they have any
effect on adherence
Internet- and mobile-based interventions for the treatment of specific phobia: A systematic review and preliminary meta-analysis
Internet- and mobile-based interventions (IMIs) are being developed for a wide range of psychological disorders
and they showed their effectiveness in multiple studies. Specific phobia (SP) is one of the most common anxiety
disorders, and research about IMIs for their treatment has also been conducted in recent years. The aim of this
paper was to conduct a systematic review and preliminary meta-analysis exploring IMIs for the treatment of SP. A
comprehensive search conducted in five different databases identified 9 studies (4 pre-post studies, 5 randomized
controlled trials) with 7 Internet-based interventions and 2 mobile-based interventions. Results showed that
exposure was the main component of all interventions, and that animal phobia was the most common subtype.
Samples included children, adolescents, and adults. A preliminary meta-analysis of the included studies showed
that participants receiving IMIs experienced a significant reduction of SP symptoms from pre- to post-treatment
(g = 1.15). This systematic review found that there is already some evidence in the literature supporting the
potential benefits of IMIs for SP. However, the number of studies included is small and more research should be
carried out in the field
A guided Internet-delivered intervention for adjustment disorders: A randomized controlled trial
Evidence of self‐help interventions for adjustment disorder (AjD) is limited. This study aims at testing in a randomized controlled trial (RCT) the effectiveness of a disorder‐specific, Internet‐delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy (ICBT) intervention for AjD. Participants were randomly allocated to either an ICBT with brief weekly telephone support (n = 34) or a waiting list group (n = 34). Beck's inventories for depression and anxiety were used as primary outcomes. The secondary outcomes were AjD symptoms, post‐traumatic growth, positive and negative affect, and quality of life. In all, 76.5% of the participants completed the intervention. Compared with the control group, participants in the intervention condition showed significantly greater improvement in all outcomes (Cohen's d ranged from 0.54 to 1.21) except in anxiety symptoms measured by Beck Anxiety Inventory (d = 0.27). Only ICBT group showed a significant improvement in post‐traumatic growth, positive and negative affect, and quality of life. The number of cases that achieved clinically meaningful change in all outcome measures was also higher in the ICBT group. All therapeutic gains were maintained at 3‐, 6‐ and 12‐month follow‐ups. The current study provides evidence on the effectiveness of ICBT interventions to reduce the impact of AjD. Results suggest that brief self‐help intervention with minimal therapist support is more effective than the mere passage of time in reducing the distress symptoms associated to the disorder and also can confer additional benefits
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