227 research outputs found

    An Approach to Emulate and Validate the Effects of Single Event Upsets using the PREDICT FUTRE Hardware Integrated Framework

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    Due to the advances in electronics design automation industry, worldwide, the integrated approach to model and emulate the single event effects due to cosmic radiation, in particular single event upsets or single event transients is gaining momentum. As of now, no integrated methodology to inject the fault in parallel to functional test vectors or to estimate the effects of radiation for a selected function in system on chip at design phase exists. In this paper, a framework, PRogrammable single Event effects Demonstrator for dIgital Chip Technologies (PREDICT) failure assessment for radiation effects is developed using a hardware platform and aided by genetic algorithms addressing all the above challenges. A case study is carried out to evaluate the frameworks capability to emulate the effects of radiation using the co-processor as design under test (DUT) function. Using the ML605 and Virtex-6 evaluation board for single and three particle simulations with the layered atmospheric conditions, the proposed framework consumes approximately 100 min and 300 min, respectively; it consumes 600 min for 3 particle random atmospheric conditions, using the 64 GB RAM, 64-bit operating system with 3.1 GHz processor based workstation. The framework output transforms the 4 MeVcm2/mg linear energy transfer to a single event transient pulse width of 2 μs with 105 amplification factor for visualisation, which matches well with the existing experimental results data. Using the framework, the effects of radiation for the co-processing module are estimated during the design phase and the success rate of the DUT is found to be 48 per cent

    An atlas of ECMWF analyses (1980-1987). Part 1: First moment quantities

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    This document is an atlas of the European Center for Medium Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) initialized analyses for 1980 to 1987. Various first moment quantities are presented for monthly, seasonal, and annual averages on a global cylindrical projection, as well as, cross section maps of zonal averages. Global maps of winds, temperature, stream function, and velocity potential are presented at 850 and 200 mb. In addition, global maps of the 300 mb height field (total and eddy), the 500 mb vertical velocity, the 850 mb moisture field, and sea level pressure are presented. The average seasonal cycle and anomalies during the 8 year period are presented for selected quantities


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    ABSTRACTMedicinal plants play a role in the traditional form of providing relief to several diseases. Couroupita guianensis is also a type of medicinal plantwhich has antibacterial, antimycobacterial, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antitumor, antiulcer, antinociceptive, anthelmintic, antifertility, and antifungalactivities. The chemical constituent of C. guianensis such as indirubin serves as an antibacterial and antifungal agent because it particularly curesfungal diseases. It is active for the treatment of chronic myelocytic leukemia. The extract of isatin from the flower of C. guianensis is also a chemicalcomponent that has been used as prophylactic agent, prevents free radial-induced cancer, acts as a chemotherapeutic agent to kill cancer cells, and ithas antioxidant (act as major defense) and anticancer activities against human promylocytic leukemia 60 cells. The extract of chloroform of fruit ofC. guianensis shows good antimicrobial activity but low antimycobacterial activity. The plant extract of C. guianensis is equipotent to standard drugssuch as paracetamol in its analgesic activity and indomethacin in its anti-inflammatory activity.Keywords: Couroupita quianensis, Antibacterial activity, Anti tumor activity, Antioxidant activity, Anti biofil


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    This article reports the experimental work on the behavior of cold formed steel lipped angle columns performed with pinned end conditions under axial compression. In this work three different types of equal and unequal plain and lipped angle sections were chosen with a total of 12 specimens. The column lengths were taken as 1200 mm. The material properties of these sections were found by conducting Tensile Coupon test. The section geometries were selected in order to take account of all types of buckling modes. The column strengths determined from the experiment was examined with the design strength attained from Direct Strength Method in North American Specification and with the Numerical results (ABAQUS) for Cold formed steel structures. Finally, an appropriate design proposal was suggested for DSM to forecast the ultimate strength of cold formed steel columns

    Simulation of low clouds in the Southeast Pacific by the NCEP GFS: sensitivity to vertical mixing

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    The NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) model has an important systematic error shared by many other models: stratocumuli are missed over the subtropical eastern oceans. It is shown that this error can be alleviated in the GFS by introducing a consideration of the low-level inversion and making two modifications in the model's representation of vertical mixing. The modifications consist of (a) the elimination of background vertical diffusion above the inversion and (b) the incorporation of a stability parameter based on the cloud-top entrainment instability (CTEI) criterion, which limits the strength of shallow convective mixing across the inversion. A control simulation and three experiments are performed in order to examine both the individual and combined effects of modifications on the generation of the stratocumulus clouds. Individually, both modifications result in enhanced cloudiness in the Southeast Pacific (SEP) region, although the cloudiness is still low compared to the ISCCP climatology. If the modifications are applied together, however, the total cloudiness produced in the southeast Pacific has realistic values. This nonlinearity arises as the effects of both modifications reinforce each other in reducing the leakage of moisture across the inversion. Increased moisture trapped below the inversion than in the control run without modifications leads to an increase in cloud amount and cloud-top radiative cooling. Then a positive feedback due to enhanced turbulent mixing in the planetary boundary layer by cloud-top radiative cooling leads to and maintains the stratocumulus cover. Although the amount of total cloudiness obtained with both modifications has realistic values, the relative contributions of low, middle, and high layers tend to differ from the observations. These results demonstrate that it is possible to simulate realistic marine boundary clouds in large-scale models by implementing direct and physically based improvements in the model parameterizations

    Efficient Classification of Satellite Image with Hybrid Approach Using CNN-CA

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    Today, satellite imagery is being utilized to help repair and restore societal issues caused by habitats for a variety of scientific studies. Water resource search, environmental protection simulations, meteorological analysis, and soil class analysis may all benefit from the satellite images. The categorization algorithms were used generally and the most appropriate strategies are also be used for analyzing the Satellite image. There are several normal classification mechanisms, such as optimum likelihood, parallel piping or minimum distance classification that have presented in some other existing technologies. But the traditional classification algorithm has some disadvantages. Convolutional neural network (CNN) classification based on CA was implemented in this article. Using the gray level Satellite image as the target and CNN image classification by the CA’s selfiteration mechanism and eventually explores the efficacy and viability of the proposed method in long-term satellite remote sensing image water body classification. Our findings indicate that the proposed method not only has rapid convergence speed, reliability but can also efficiently classify satellite remote sensing images with long-term sequence and reasonable applicability. The proposed technique acquires an accuracy of 91% which is maximum than conventional methods
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