53,593 research outputs found

    Circuit controls transients in SCR inverters

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    Elimination of starting difficulties in SCR inverters is accomplished by the addition of two taps of the output winding of the inverter. On starting or under transient loads, the two additional taps deliver power through diodes without requiring quenching of SCR currents in excess of normal starting load

    Power conditioning - inversion, conversion, and regulation

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    Switching element requirements for spacecraft electric power conversion, inversion, and regulatio

    X-ray absorption branching ratio in actinides: LDA+DMFT approach

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    To investigate the x-ray absorption (XAS) branching ratio from the core 4d to valence 5f states, we set up a theoretical framework by using a combination of density functional theory in the local density approximation and Dynamical Mean Field Theory (LDA+DMFT), and apply it to several actinides. The results of the LDA+DMFT reduces to the band limit for itinerant systems and to the atomic limit for localized f electrons, meaning a spectrum of 5f itinerancy can be investigated. Our results provides a consistent and unified view of the XAS branching ratio for all elemental actinides, and is in good overall agreement with experiments.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Development of a 1.6-kW, 2000-volt, high- frequency dc-dc converter for ion thrustors using a modular design and an inductive energy pumping technique for conversion, regulation and protection Summary report

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    High-frequency dc-dc converter for ion thrustors using modular design and inductive energy pumping technique for conversion, regulation, and protectio

    Resolving the Structure of Cold Dark Matter Halos

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    We examine the effects of mass resolution and force softening on the density profiles of cold dark matter halos that form within cosmological N-body simulations. As we increase the mass and force resolution, we resolve progenitor halos that collapse at higher redshifts and have very high densities. At our highest resolution we have nearly 3 million particles within the virial radius, several orders of magnitude more than previously used and we can resolve more than one thousand surviving dark matter halos within this single virialised system. The halo profiles become steeper in the central regions and we may not have achieved convergence to a unique slope within the inner 10% of the virialised region. Results from two very high resolution halo simulations yield steep inner density profiles, ρ(r)r1.4\rho(r)\sim r^{-1.4}. The abundance and properties of arcs formed within this potential will be different from calculations based on lower resolution simulations. The kinematics of disks within such a steep potential may prove problematic for the CDM model when compared with the observed properties of halos on galactic scales.Comment: Final version, to be published in the ApJLetter

    Limits on Lorentz Violation from the Highest Energy Cosmic Rays

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    We place several new limits on Lorentz violating effects, which can modify particles' dispersion relations, by considering the highest energy cosmic rays observed. Since these are hadrons, this involves considering the partonic content of such cosmic rays. We get a number of bounds on differences in maximum propagation speeds, which are typically bounded at the 10^{-21} level, and on momentum dependent dispersion corrections of the form v = 1 +- p^2/Lambda^2, which typically bound Lambda > 10^{21} GeV, well above the Planck scale. For (CPT violating) dispersion correction of the form v = 1 + p/Lambda, the bounds are up to 15 orders of magnitude beyond the Planck scale.Comment: 24 pages, no figures. Added references, very slight changes. Version published in Physical Review

    Interface free-energy exponent in the one-dimensional Ising spin glass with long-range interactions in both the droplet and broken replica symmetry regions

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    The one-dimensional Ising spin-glass model with power-law long-range interactions is a useful proxy model for studying spin glasses in higher space dimensions and for finding the dimension at which the spin-glass state changes from having broken replica symmetry to that of droplet behavior. To this end we have calculated the exponent that describes the difference in free energy between periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions. Numerical work is done to support some of the assumptions made in the calculations and to determine the behavior of the interface free-energy exponent of the power law of the interactions. Our numerical results for the interface free-energy exponent are badly affected by finite-size problems.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Turbofan forced mixer lobe flow modeling. Part 3: Application to augment engines

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    Military engines frequently need large quantities of thrust for short periods of time. The addition of an augmentor can provide such thrust increases but with a penalty of increased duct length and engine weight. The addition of a forced mixer to the augmentor improves performance and reduces the penalty, as well as providing a method for siting the required flame holders. In this report two augmentor concepts are investigated: a swirl-mixer augmentor and a mixer-flameholder augmentor. Several designs for each concept are included and an experimental assessment of one of the swirl-mixer augmentors is presented