220 research outputs found

    Giant suppression of the Drude conductivity due to quantum interference in disordered two-dimensional systems

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    Temperature and magnetic field dependences of the conductivity in heavily doped, strongly disordered two-dimensional quantum well structures GaAs/Inx_xGa1x_{1-x}As/GaAs are investigated within wide conductivity and temperature ranges. Role of the interference in the electron transport is studied in the regimes when the phase breaking length LϕL_\phi crosses over the localization length ξlexp(πkFl/2)\xi\sim l\exp{(\pi k_Fl/2)} with lowering temperature, where kFk_F and ll are the Fermi quasimomentum and mean free path, respectively. It has been shown that all the experimental data can be understood within framework of simple model of the conductivity over delocalized states. This model differs from the conventional model of the weak localization developed for kFl1k_Fl\gg 1 and LϕξL_\phi\ll\xi by one point: the value of the quantum interference contribution to the conductivity is restricted not only by the phase breaking length LϕL_\phi but by the localization length ξ\xi as well. We show that just the quantity (τϕ)1=τϕ1+τξ1(\tau_\phi^\ast)^{-1}=\tau_\phi^{-1}+\tau_\xi^{-1} rather than τϕ1\tau_\phi^{-1}, where τϕT1\tau_\phi\propto T^{-1} is the dephasing time and τξτexp(πkFl)\tau_\xi\sim\tau\exp(\pi k_F l), is responsible for the temperature and magnetic field dependences of the conductivity over the wide range of temperature and disorder strength down to the conductivity of order 102e2/h10^{-2} e^2/h.Comment: 11 pages, 15 figure

    Synthesis and evaluation of a desymmetrised synthetic lectin:An approach to carbohydrate receptors with improved versatility

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    A new design for carbohydrate receptors features unmatched apolar surfaces, and could lead to selectivities for a broader range of substrates.</p

    The N-atom in [N(PR3)(2)](+) cations (R = Ph, Me) can act as electron donor for (pseudo) anti-electrostatic interactions

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    Metals in Catalysis, Biomimetics & Inorganic Material

    Progress of the National Air Quality Cooperation Programme (NSL)

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    Om de luchtkwaliteit in Nederland te verbeteren is het Nationaal Samenwerkingsprogramma Luchtkwaliteit (NSL) opgezet. In dit programma werken de Rijksoverheid en decentrale overheden samen om te zorgen dat Nederland overal tijdig aan de grenswaarden voor fijnstof (2011) en stikstofdioxide (2015) zal voldoen. Om de voortgang te volgen is bij het NSL een monitoringsprogramma opgezet. Centraal onderdeel daarvan is een rekeninstrument waarvoor de overheden de brongegevens aanleveren. De daaruitvolgende rekenresultaten zijn vervolgens door het Bureau Monitoring (samenwerkingsverband RIVM en InfoMil) samengevoegd in voorliggende voortgangsrapportage. De prognoses voor 2011 en 2015 laten zien dat voor een groot deel van Nederland de resultaten onder de Europese grenswaarden voor PM10 (fijnstof) en NO2 liggen. Op een aantal plekken zijn er wel nieuwe of grotere overschrijdingen van de PM10- en NO2-grenswaarden zichtbaar. Bij de fijnstof (PM10) overschrijdingen gaat het hoofdzakelijk om locaties bij veehouderijen en een aantal industriele gebieden. Vooral nabij veehouderijen is op een aantal plekken nog sprake van grote overschrijdingen die lastig voor medio 2011 op te lossen zijn. De huidige prognose voor de concentraties stikstofdioxide in 2015 laat een minder gunstige ontwikkeling zien ten opzichte van wat is berekend in de vaststelling van het NSL. Dit komt voor een belangrijk deel door tegenvallende verkeersemissies wat heeft geleid tot een aantal nieuwe overschrijdingen. De nu in de prognoses berekende concentraties liggen op veel locaties net onder de grenswaarde. Met veel concentraties net onder de grenswaarde neemt het aantal overschrijdingen snel toe bij een tegenvaller in een van de gemaakte aannamen. In combinatie met een grote en deels onbekende onzekerheid in de rekenresultaten vormt dit een risico voor het behalen van de doelstelling van het NSL.The NSL has been put in place to improve air quality in the Netherlands and to ensure that the Netherlands meets the date of compliance with the EU limit values for particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide. Local, regional and national authorities work together within the framework of this programme to ensure that these goals are met. A monitoring programme, centred around a specially designed assessment tool, has been set up to monitor the progress. This tool uses data that the participating authorities are required to provide as part of the annual monitoring cycle. The results of the tool have been bundled by the Bureau Monitoring into this progress report. The prognosis for 2011 and 2015, based on the results obtained using the assessment tool, are that the concentrations of PM10 and NO2 fall below the EU limit values in most parts of the Netherlands. However, exceedances of the limit values do occur at specific locations. For PM10, these exceedances mostly occur close to a number of industrial sites and stock farms. Particularly high exceedances in the vicinity of these stock farms will make it difficult to meet the limit values by mid 2011 at these locations. The prognostications for NO2 show a less favourable decline in NO2 concentrations than was modelled at the establishment of the NSL. This is mostly due to the decline in traffic emissions falling short of expectations, resulting in new exceedances. At many locations, the calculated concentrations in the prognostications fall just under the limit value and, consequently, there will be a large increase in the number of exceedances when one or more of the premises become less favourable. This possibility, together with the large and partially unknown uncertainty in the calculation results, add up to a risk for not meeting the limit values by the date of compliance.VRO

    The role of homophilic binding in anti-tumor antibody R24 recognition of molecular surfaces. Demonstration of an intermolecular beta-sheet interaction between vh domains.

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    The murine antibody R24 and mouse-human Fv-IgG1(kappa) chimeric antibody chR24 are specific for the cell-surface tumor antigen disialoganglioside GD3. X-ray diffraction and surface plasmon resonance experiments have been employed to study the mechanism of "homophilic binding," in which molecules of R24 recognize and bind to other molecules of R24 though their heavy chain variable domains. R24 exhibits strong binding to liposomes containing disialoganglioside GD3; however, the kinetics are unusual in that saturation of binding is not observed. The binding of chR24 to GD3-bearing liposomes is significantly weaker, suggesting that cooperative interactions involving antibody constant regions contribute to R24 binding of membrane-bound GD3. The crystal structures of the Fabs from R24 and chR24 reveal the mechanism for homophilic binding and confirm that the homophilic and antigen-binding idiotopes are distinct. The homophilic binding idiotope is formed largely by an anti-parallel beta-sheet dimerization between the H2 complementarity determining region (CDR) loops of two Fabs, while the antigen-binding idiotope is a pocket formed by the three CDR loops on the heavy chain. The formation of homophilic dimers requires the presence of a canonical conformation for the H2 CDR in conjunction with participation of side chains. The relative positions of the homophilic and antigen-binding sites allows for a lattice of GD3-specific antibodies to be constructed, which is stabilized by the presence of the cell membrane. This model provides for the selective recognition by R24 of cells that overexpress GD3 on the cell surface

    Stable isotope tagging of epitopes: a highly selective strategy for the identification of major histocompatibility complex class I-associated peptides induced upon viral infection.

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    Identification of peptides presented in major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules after viral infection is of strategic importance for vaccine development. Until recently, mass spectrometric identification of virus-induced peptides was based on comparative analysis of peptide pools isolated from uninfected and virus-infected cells. Here we report on a powerful strategy aiming at the rapid, unambiguous identification of naturally processed MHC class I-associated peptides, which are induced by viral infection. The methodology, stable isotope tagging of epitopes (SITE), is based on metabolic labeling of endogenously synthesized proteins during infection. This is accomplished by culturing virus-infected cells with stable isotope-labeled amino acids that are expected to be anchor residues (i.e. residues of the peptide that have amino acid side chains that bind into pockets lining the peptide-binding groove of the MHC class I molecule) for the human leukocyte antigen allele of interest. Subsequently these cells are mixed with an equal number of non-infected cells, which are cultured in normal medium. Finally peptides are acid-eluted from immunoprecipitated MHC molecules and subjected to two-dimensional nanoscale LC-MS analysis. Virus-induced peptides are identified through computer-assisted detection of characteristic, binomially distributed ratios of labeled and unlabeled molecules. Using this approach we identified novel measles virus and respiratory syncytial virus epitopes as well as infection-induced self-peptides in several cell types, showing that SITE is a unique and versatile method for unequivocal identification of disease-related MHC class I epitopes